Who Should Challenge Randy Orton for The World Heavyweight Title


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Well Im liking Randy Ortons title and I know that he isnt losing the World Title anytime soon. So my question is who should be the next in line to face orton. The three top guys that would like to see face Orton are Mark Henry Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes. Also on Smackdown there are only 2 real main event superstars which are Christian and Orton. Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan arent main eventer yet and Big Show has his thing with Kane. So there are no real Faces.

For me this is how i want to see it. At Capital Carnage and maybe Summerslam i would like to see Orton vs Henry and then after that Wade Barret and then Cody Rhodes.

What do u guys think?
Well Im liking Randy Ortons title and I know that he isnt losing the World Title anytime soon. So my question is who should be the next in line to face orton.

Christian will probably turn heel and face him for awhile.

The three top guys that would like to see face Orton are Mark Henry Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes.

Since these are the next top three big superstars next to Orton and Christian, I guess your picks make sense. :rolleyes:

Big Show has his thing with Kane.

Big Show is on Raw now.

For me this is how i want to see it. At Capital Carnage and maybe Summerslam


i would like to see Orton vs Henry and then after that Wade Barret and then Cody Rhodes.

I don't want to see Mark Henry anywhere near the World Title to be honest. He has given a lot to the company, but there is a reason why he has been in the company for so long and never carried a real World title.

What do u guys think?

I feel like this thread was prematurely made. Maybe if we saw Christian lose at Over The Limit without a heel turn, then this thread would be necessary. This is the first PPV that Christian and Randy Orton are going to fight at. There was such a big uproar over the title change, i seriously doubt that WWE will let this go without milking everything it's worth.
Sheamus is the only challenger that I would remotely get excited for. Mark Henry is boring, and I don't view Christian and Cody Rhodes as main event type guys.
Right now i just want to see:
- Christian vs Randy Orton

But after that and if Randy Orton is going to be world champion, I want to see a feud between him and Wade Barret or Sheamus!

I am not an Henry fan or whatever, but I wouldn't mind if he wins the world tittle... A transitional champion, maybe to get Chrsitian to regain it or Randy Orton...

I really like Cody Rhodes, but I think he should wait a little bit longer...
I hope Cody Rhodes feuds with Christian, just to show that he is a main-event guy...
And I wouldn't mind to see Cody Rhodes vs Randy Orton for the World Tittle....
This thread has been done already, twice.

The clear cut answer is Cody Rhodes. Cody is ready for a main event feud. He's got a great gimmick, he's got a shitload of history with Orton, and no other heel is as over as he is on Smackdown. They might try and throw Mark Henry at Orton first; they seem to be pushing him and I have no idea why, but as things stand, it is inevitable that the Grotesque Cody Rhodes will soon challenge Randy Orton. He's ready. He won't win, but it's a safe bet, that until Money in the Bank, Cody Rhodes is Public Enemy #1.

This post is a great service to you, and I've posted it at great personal expense.
No Way is Mark Henry getting anywhere near the main event! There are only 3 gd challengers on SD!

1.Cody Rhodes:Him and Orton have a history together so it would be easy to get the fued started,these to i feel can put a great match on show and cody is realy enjoying his new gimmick! Vince is high on him and i think they r pushing him to main event during the summer!

2.Christian:This is a obvious one for me.After Over The Limit I wont be surprised to see a Christian heel turn,Christian has always worked better as a heel but i see no point in a heel turn with only him and orton as the top faces on SD (excluding sin cara,you should know why).These to can put a good match on and they have already showed that.

3.Sheamus:Another obvious one for me.The Randy & Sheamus fued wasn't the best in the summer last year but they didn,t get that much time due to the Cena & Nexus fued.Orton can work well with anybody I think and sheamus is alright in the ring.On SD I think they could have a better fued due to SD being more of wrestling that talking thats why i rather watch SD that RAW,Anyway Sheamus will be in main event very soon.

WWE did change The Fatal 4 Way PPV to Capital Punishment So does the Fatal 4 Way Theme still stand at Capital Punishment? If So I Would Love to see Randy Orton Vs Christian Vs Cody Rhodes/Mark Henry (Even Though I Have no faith in Henry) Vs Sheamus! Take it easy on me because i dont know much of this stuff im onl 11 :)
I'd like to see Sheamus feud with Orton for the title as they are the two best guys Smackdown has. Christian deserves more chances too. Wade Barrett could always restart their Raw feud from last year and win this time. I just hope we don't get stuck with a Mark Henry feud. Henry is the World's Strongest Jobber and would never be believable as a world title contender. We will have a better idea of what to expect after MITB when a midcarder (most likely Rhodes) will end up stepping up and get a push.
Well it's Sheamus at least through next week and perhaps for the foreseeable future. This is the safe route as Sheamus is the top heel on Smackdown not currently involved with anything else. I do, however, see a little run with the title for Orton and it won't be the Celtic Warrior taking it from him.

At the very earliest, I'd say he loses it at Summerslam to Wade Barrett. If that's not the case and he's to hold it for 6 months or so, I would love to see Randy feud with Cody Rhodes. Clearly the history is already written; the difference now is that Cody is over as one of the very best characters in the entire company. He's also gotten substantially better in the ring as he's shown in his matches with Mysterio, Bryan, and others in the last few months. I don't think Cody is ready to wear the title just yet, but rewarding him for his hard work as of late and for having one of the best matches at the biggest event of the year seems appropriate. I think a month or two feud with Orton will only increase his stock and I have a feeling it would be one of the more interesting routes they can take at this point.
Well, I personally think Randy has plenty of options through the Summer months. He defeated Christian at Over the Limit. This Friday he faces Sheamus and I'd be shocked if Randy Orton doesn't retain. I don't know if a feud with Sheamus is in the cards given they've already feuded extensively just about one year ago. Even though he's a much better option then Henry, I don't see a legit feud coming out of this.

If anything, I can see Orton retaining and then possibly a 4-Way at Capital Punishment, which would be fine because since the draft there's been only 4 guys in the title picture, so this would be fine. Moving on from there, I wouldn't be surprised if Mark Henry gets a shot at Money in the Bank because, well, the PPV is about the Money in the Bank ladder matches and the title matches are only secondary, so if Henry's going to get a shot, it'll be there.

Come Summerslam, I'd love to see Orton and a heel Christian, at which point they can go another couple rounds, possibly through Summerslam and the September PPV (whatever it'll be called).

Also, wouldn't be completely shocked if Khali faced Orton at Summerslam.

Cody Rhodes would be a great option, but maybe further down the line. I think he could be a Summerslam option as well.

Finally, probably an outside shot since Smackdown! is so short on faces, but wouldn't mind seeing Kane go heel against Orton. They've had a couple random matches here and there throughout their careers, but it's surprising that we've never actually seen them in a feud. For two star veterans who haven't feuded, it's pretty surprising in this day and age, especially since we see so many feuds done over and over.
My thoughts are that maybe with Orton as champ WWE could use him to make guys step up to main event level. Let Orton give guys like Bryan and Rhodes the rub. even if they lose they can put on great matches and that would elevate them.
I Disagree That No One Else On SD! Is As Main Event Worthy As Christian I Think Sheamus Because He Was Getting Pushed On Raw And Winning The Title But Has Now Dropped Down . I Think Him Or Wade Barrett Because Wade Was Looking Like A Exciting Brawler On Raw And I Think He Could On SD! Once That Feud Is Over Maybe Look At Daniel Bryan , Cody Rhodes , Alex Riley And Tyson Kidd Young Superstars That I Think Have Alot Of Potenial But Need To Have A Main Event Run To Get Themselves More Recongized In The Buissness
If you ask me, I'd really like to see Orton continue his feud with a Heel Christian. There not that many solid main eventers right now on Smackdown.

Sheamus is also a good choice, but I feel he lost alot of steam lately. I feel like him moving to Smackdown was the best choice for him.

Mark Henry has a good chance to be a main event heel now with his recent heel turn and move to smackdown. But I still don't think he's quite ready for a main event spot yet.

Sin Cara I would love to see in the main title picture, but unfortuantly, he will probably be a high mid-carder for a long time. plus, he is not even close to being ready to main event.

Khali- Please No. Not until he regains ALOT of heel momentum which might never happen.

Rhodes- This is an interesting one. I for one have taken a newfound liking to Rhodes do to his improvement in the ring, and his amazing gimmick. I feel, that if he can have one big feud, with someone big, he may be ready for the main event picture.

Kane- I think Kane and Orton could put on a great match. Doubt Kane will ever win the strap again, but hopfully he might.

Wade Barrett- Had a great feud and a good set of matches with Orton in the past, but Wade would have to drop the Corre to be taken seriously as a Main Eventer.
After this thing with Orton and Sheamus is over I'd like to see him face Cody Rhodes for the title. They have history with their membership with Legacy. Both are great workers and I think it would go a long way in getting Cody Rhodes over as a future star, especially if Orton put him over.
The Draft has put brought too many already done matches on Raw to SD. All the Raw guys have already faced each other and SD is unfortunately looking stale at the moment beyond Christian.

Barrett has only faced Orton once in a main event situation on Raw and looks the freshest opponent. As always Kane's face turn has negated any of his push from last year and the others mentioned are stale. Vince was right to be upset with the outcome of this year's draft.
Christian is the obvious choice. I don't know how much longer him and Orton can put on Face vs. Face matches, but it is Christian right now. Sheamus was just put in to show that he is in the Main Even card. Hopefully Sheamus goes on to feud with someone like Cody Rhodes but looks like he'll be busy with Daniel Bryan. Sheamus could even feud with Ted Dibiase, just turn him face.

Wade Barrett would've been my second choice but since he has the Corre, I don't think it'll happen.
Until WrestleMania I wouldn't be surprised if Randy Orton kept the belt. Not that I think he will but it's not out of the question for him to do so. Let's start with Capitol Punishment and MITB- Orton vs heel Christian. Orton will win both matches but what should happen then is Cody Rhodes, wins the MITB, and then cashes it in. Yes, it happened last year but it'll be more shocking this time around because no-one will expect it to happen a second time around as the MITB winner cashes in his contract 10minutes after winning it. A Rhodes-Orton feud leading up to and past Summerslam would convince me that WWE know what they are doing, for once. Rhodes has the dark side that can match Orton's sly Viper character gimmick so it'll defo work out. Plus, giving Rhodes a run with the title at 25 would help them create a star.
Two personal favourites:
Christian - He's so good! He deserves a chance as champion, and I don't wanna let him get pushed back again.
Drew McIntyre - WWE gave up on him, but I think they made a mistake. I think he was great!
Drew McIntyre - WWE gave up on him, but I think they made a mistake. I think he was great!

You not watch Monday Night RAW since the draft?

Christian is the answer to the question. Their feud has been one of the better ones WWE have exhibitoned in quite a while. Their wrestling matches have been good, their segments have been good, you can feel the tension between the two when they're in the ring, they have a good angle going on where Christian's mind is tormented by the fact that he can't beat Orton and it's became a very popular feud with the fans. People are tuning in to watch Orton and Christian go at it week-after-week.

If he were to retain his World Heavyweight Championship, I'd like to see Randy Orton vs. Sheamus again. Maybe on Smackdown it can blossom more than it did on RAW, as the main feud. On RAW it had to combat with the Nexus vs. Cena angle, on Smackdown I can't see much touching it if they were to do it again.
Smackdown really needs more Main Event talent. Really.

Considering what choices there are I'd have to say (after the Christian fued) Wade Barrett - even if he still has the IC Title. I'm not saying he should beat Orton, because he shouldn't nor is he even close to being ready to actually go over Orton, but he should at least challenge him and hopefully get a good "rub" by feuding with him. To me, there's nothing like a good ol' champion vs. champion feud, or a lower ranked champion challenging a higher ranked champion. And it CAN be done AND without sacrificing title defenses for both champions. Lex Luger (United States Heavyweight Champion) challenged Ric Flair (World Heavyweight Champion) on NUMEROUS occasions in the NWA (JCP), and Luger STILL defended his own title against other challengers while he was chasing Flair. So, yes, it can be done. Hopefully by time Orton would have finally successfully turned back the challenge of Barrett Smackdown would have some new people ready to step up to the plate.
i wanna see Orton vs Cody it would work in perfect because of there history anyone remember Priceless. I think this feud is gonna happen because for the last 4 months they have been building up Cody and its working great too me.
i wanna see Orton vs Cody it would work in perfect because of there history anyone remember Priceless. I think this feud is gonna happen because for the last 4 months they have been building up Cody and its working great too me.


Orton vs Cody seems to sudden to me.But I can see it happening after Orton/Christian.Imagine if the Rhodes/DB feud ends at the same PPV as Orton/Christian.After the Orton/CHristian match where Orton retains/regains if Christian won at the previous PPV,Rhodes comes out and hits the Cross Rhodes on Orton and does something with the title.
IDK why so many people on here are considering Mark Henry at all.
The very idea makes me shudder.

What Smackdown needs right now is Orton and Christian to carry Smackdown. Much in the way that Triple H and Jeff Hardy did a couple years back. To me it didnt get too boring they made it work, and i think Christian/Orton can be more entertaining.
I think this question should be changed to who will Christian face after recapturing the WHC from Randy Orton. Christian was FUCKING MONEY on Raw.

I've never really fallen for Christian and his "Peeps" when he's a face, it just seems to forced, too fake. He's a great heel, he's the great heel Smackdown is missing since they've shafted Sheamus from that spot, and Cody Rhodes isn't quite ready to take on the lead. But Christians work on Monday not only with his promo against Orton, but then his brutal beat down of Mysterio was great. By the end of that segment the crowd hated him. Even better was he managed to get more heat than most of the Raw heels.

If the WWE is smart and pulls their collective head out of Orton's boring ass, Christian should be able to walk out of Capitol Punishment as WHC Champion. Him and Orton could feud until Summer Slam allowing them time to build up a couple of other faces on Smackdown as well as a few good heels.

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