Who Should Challenge Kane?

Who should challenge Kane?

  • Edge

  • Big Show

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Other (Please Specify in thread)

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The only person that I think should feud with Kane is Edge. Ever since Edge made his Smackdown return he has been over as hell with the crowd and I'm enjoyng the direction he's currently heading in. It won't be Mysterio because he has Del Rio to deal with, and Show doesn't seem to fit into that scenario any way I look at it. Edge seems to be the only fit.

I really hope this happens too, because due to the 'Taker injury, Kane has no direction and no purpose and is getting bland as the champ. Edge and Kane could put on a hell of a feud, and it would be great to see Edge carry the WHC again.
Personally I would love to see Batista return and get into a programme with Kane. Was this ever done?

Edge, Rey, Big Show have all been done. Out of the 3 then Big Show would be my choice. Maybe bring someone over from Raw to fued with him.

Sheamus would be interesting.
Well, obviously its Edge now.

The bookers need to let Kane win clean against someone like Edge to really put him across as the "monster who buried the Undertaker". Having him drop the title quickly would ruin the excellent job that they did over his feud with Taker.

I would give Edge a couple of PPVs and then maybe give someone else a PPV or two and keep Kane winning. Then WWE have the option of bringing Taker back to feud for the title (which the feud doesn't need imo) or putting someone across as a huge face by beating the monster. Maybe Big Show deserves another run at the top, looking dominant for once.....
Edge was the best choice here.

Edge as a face I don't believe has been in the World Title picture, except for MW this year. I say have Kane beat Edge clean at Survivor Series, than have him drop it to Edge in a Ladder Match at TLC, this way he could still look dominant.

There's nobody for Kane to face on Smackdown with all their injuries, and for the love of God do not give me Kane v. Big Show.

Putting the belt on Edge will open him up for feuds with Del Rio or Swagger or even Mysterio when he returns. I'd say Christian as well but I don't want to get my own hopes up. I'd honestly love to see Edge v. Swagger for the title at WM this year. With the youth movement the WWE is into right now it would be great for Swagger, and I definitely think he could hang with the big boys on the main stage.

Having Kane beat Edge at Survivor Series to make him look more dominant after burying the Undertaker will increase this feud greatly.Edge can also cut great promos and at TLC have Kane lose the title in a TLC match.You could even put the feud from 2007 in here somewhere.

But if God loves me he will NOT give me Kane vs Big Show.I saw a match from Backlash 2006 and it was horrible.Sure it was about voices being in kanes head at that time(before they moved to randy ortons head)and Big Show hit him with a chair to finish the match.Correct me if im wrong but only Kanes improved and just and Big show is still..well Big Show.These two could put on what i think would be the worst matches of the year.
Hands down edge..i cannot sit myself thru another big show v kane match just cant and rey is busy with Del Rio who he BETTER put over so that leaves edge who is really hot right now with the crowd and is having great matches all of a sudden. This is wat should happen and what id like see happen=edge beats kane at ss or tlc then we get a Alberto Del Rio v Edge Fued for the world title

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