Who Should Challenge Kane?

Who should challenge Kane?

  • Edge

  • Big Show

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Other (Please Specify in thread)

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Tommy Rage

Dark Match Winner
Not sure if this topic has been discussed in other threads, but I thought it was worthy of it's own thread complete with poll.

Considering Kane surprisingly defeated Undertaker at the 3rd straight PPV courtesy of Nexus, and it has since been revealed that Undertaker will be out of action for a considerable period of time with an injury, the obvious question is: Who will be the new #1 Contender for Kane's World Heavyweight Championship?

There are not a huge amount of face options on Smackdown right now, but which one would you most like to see challenge Kane for the gold at Survivor Series?
I think Edge would be the best choice at this particular time. We've seen Mysterio feud with Kane before and even though the feud often produced good matches, I've no desire to see them feud again. A feud with The Big Show has also happened before and it was pretty awful.

Since coming to SmackDown!, Edge really does seem to be a lot more energetic and productive, maybe much more so than he's been this entire year. While I definitely wouldn't mind him being in a feud with Dolph Ziggler, which would only elevate both Ziggler & the IC title, I think Edge & Kane could have a good feud. I don't really think they've been invovled in anything significant before. Both Edge & Kane can carry their weight on the mic and I think they could deliver some really good matches. If Kane does feud with Edge, I'd like to see Kane retain personally. Edge has been a World Champion 9 timess and, quite frankly, I've little desire to see him have a 10th run even though I'm sure it'll probably happen at some point.

While there's a lot of young talent on SmackDown! right now, I don't think very many of them are ready to feud for the World Heavyweight Championship.
I dont think they should waste Edge vs. Kane just yet. As mentioned, Smackdown doesnt have many main event faces left to face Kane, just Edge & Big Show off the top of my head. Edge is obviously gonna be the guy to take the title off Kane but it should be saved for last like maybe at Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber and it would make Kane's deserving title reign look more strong if he were to hold it till Jan or Feb and have defeated Rey Mysterio 2 times, Taker 3 times and the guy I believe who he should retain his title against next, Big Show. Actually I think Edge should lose the first encounter between him & Kane for the title before Kane loses it to him at Elimination Chamber just so his reign would look more stronger by retaining it against all of SD's top babyfaces Mysterio, Taker, Show & Edge. So have Big Show get his shot first plus Edge just recently came to SD whereas Show has been on SD for some time, he lead Team SD into Bragging Rights, in anyone's right mind, Big Show's push should continue with a World Title shot against Kane at Survivor Series especially since he's just released Knucklehead which is getting him more publicity, so he's a hotter topic for SD than Edge is right now.
Edge is the obvious choice here. He just won the Bragging Rights match for Smackdown by pinning the Miz, and he's been on a roll since being traded to Smckdown and turning face. He's hot at the moment and over with the fans more than he was when he returned at the beginning of the year. The only previous Edge vs Kane encounter I can remember is when Lita left Kane for Edge in 2005. That wasn't really a big deal and was just a prelude to the Edge/Hardy feud.

Rey also has a claim, I suppose, as he also survived the Bragging Rights match, as does Big Show as he captained the winning team. However, I have no desire at all to see Kane vs Big Show or Kane vs Rey again, so I'm hoping Edge gets the spot.
Personally Edge or Big show should be the next to challenge but not win. After about a month's worth of fueding i see someone else coming up. that mans name is Kofi Kingston. TLC is the next PPV. They lead up into a ladder match. Kane loses the title. After TLC, is the Royal Rumble. If Taker is back have him interfere in the match. If not, have Kane get DQ leading up to EC. ov course Kofi wont retain here but he can have a good rematch. This does 2 or 3 things. The first is it creates a new ME face for SD!. Next it gets the belt off Kane. Lastly it reignites the Kane Taker fued for WM(not that i want that but wwe wants it if they cant get anyone else). So yea my vote is for Kofi.
really another Edge vs Kane feud? we've seen the feud back in 2005. Edge won. they feuded AGAIN in 2007, where the feud didnt finish because Edge got hurt. I think it could go to either Big Show or Edge at this point. Rey should do something else. Big Show just led Team Smackdown to victory, although Edge shouldve captain because of his gripe with the GM, (really WWE, your booking?)
Big Show has momentum, and they Kane could make Kane look better by taking down another monster. I say for the sake of storyline, give him Big Show. Edge could always face Swagger or Alberto, then have a slow build to the title, sort of like how Orton won title after months of building popularity. I say Big Show for Kane right now just to make Kane look better for the time being. Also for the youngsters, Edge and Kane had a serious feud back in 2005. Yes it involved Lita, a wedding, and there were plenty of PPV matches between them, they even had a brief mini feud in 2004. And yea MattHardyMark, Taker might be out past Mania, so their feud might not pick up until like Extreme Rules or something lol
All of the feuds are stale/unappealing, but I guess Edge makes the most sense seeing as he is over and we've seen Rey/Kane more recently than Edge/Kane, plus Edge scored the deciding pinfall for team Smackdown so T-Lo could award him a title shot.

Personally I think a 4 way would be better than any of the singles options. T-Lo could award Edge a title shot only for Rey to point out that he was also still standing at the end and they couldn't have won without him. T-Lo could agree to include Rey only for Show to point out that he captained the team, the result being a 4 way.

I guess they are trying to avoid 4 ways on PPV though considering there is a gimmick PPV for it.
Does Kaval have his PPV title shot? Because if so, then he's a possible contender, as much as an actual match between these two widely differing wrestlers would seem pretty shit, in my opinion. Kaval's speed and leg-based attacks wouldn't really jell well with Kane's power-moves, I'd say.
i would like to see kane squash kaval lol

but i think edge is the most likely choice but i could see edge fued with swagger first so maybe show since there was rumor of show getting a title shot
Edge without a doubt. Kane and Rey have already feuded this year, Show and Kane have awful matches and no one else is on the level of world title contender-ship.

But don't look at it as being Edge by default, he definitely deserves it. Since coming to SD he has been getting huge reactions and he has proven he can still go in the ring putting on some very good T.V matches with Swagger, Ziggler and Punk. The WWE is also showing faith in this face turn as they allowed him to be the sole survivor at Bragging Rights.
As great as ANOTHER world title run with Edge would be, I'd rather not see it at this moment in time. There are plenty of people for Edge to fued with in his war on stupidity. Jack Swagger especially. I'm going to come out of left field and say that this is the prefect time to elevate Kaval. Yes. The little guy that won NXT and hasn't done anything since. I don't expect him to win the belt or anything, but since he's got a title opportunity, and there are so few credible faces on Smackdown, he should be put in a one or two month program with Kane. Kaval is an excellent wreslter and Kane knows how to fued with little guys. I'd love to see this happen, because with so few faces and Undertaker out- it's the only chance Kaval's going to get for a push for a long while.
As great as ANOTHER world title run with Edge would be, I'd rather not see it at this moment in time. There are plenty of people for Edge to fued with in his war on stupidity. Jack Swagger especially. I'm going to come out of left field and say that this is the prefect time to elevate Kaval. Yes. The little guy that won NXT and hasn't done anything since. I don't expect him to win the belt or anything, but since he's got a title opportunity, and there are so few credible faces on Smackdown, he should be put in a one or two month program with Kane. Kaval is an excellent wreslter and Kane knows how to fued with little guys. I'd love to see this happen, because with so few faces and Undertaker out- it's the only chance Kaval's going to get for a push for a long while.

I think that would qualify for the "too much too soon" thread Showstopper made recently. I am a huge fan of Kaval, both his indy work and what he has shown so far in WWE, but I think pushing him to a title feud now would be too early. He would look out of his depth and fans wouldn't accept him as a main eventer, which could really hurt him long term. I would much prefer them to slowly have him start winning matches (with his first win being a big deal of course) and eventually get his hands on the IC title, possibly ending a lengthy Dolph Ziggler reign in what could be another spectacular match for Dolph. A title challenge, even a losing effort, would be too much at this stage and could case fans to give up on him.
Without a doubt, Edge.

He was traded to Smackdown for a reason, and i don't think it was to have a long term feud with "all things stupid." Smackdown was and is a heel heavy show, and the Edge face turn and subsequent trade automatically pushes him from his stagnant position on Raw into main event status on Smackdown, where he fills a huge void.

Kane and Rey Mysterio don't work well together. Also, we've seen this feud recently, with Kane taking the WHC from Rey, and the two of them accusing the other of who attacked The Undertaker. Kane then defeated Rey in his return match at Summerslam, which quite frankly sucked. Plus, Rey still has unfinished business with Del Rio that I think will carry over for some time.

The idea of two plodding, aging veterans like Big Show and Kane bores me just thinking about it. Big Show should NOT be main eventing PPV's or challenging for titles in any way shape or form. The less he's in the ring, the better, and certainly not with Kane, who isn't exactly spry himself.

That brings us down to Edge. Edge and Kane do have a history as well, but it would still feel like the freshest matchup, as their last real fued was 5 years ago. I think the fact that Edge was pushed strong in the battle royal on Raw, then won the match for his team at Bragging rights was very telling, as I think they're positioning him as their top face. I also feel this will lead to him being the one who will challenge Kane at Survivor Series, and if that's the case, I feel its the right decision.
I voted for other as I would like to see the Miz cash his MitB and steal the title from Kane at Survivor series, starting a feud and moving Miz to smackdown. It's a great opportunity for the Miz and Kane as it gets the title off of Kane whilst still being dominant and the Miz gets his WHC. None of the options currently on Smackdown appeal as a great feud, merely fillers. Also it could turn the Miz face potentially, giving that push since Kane is also a Heel at the moment, and hard to turn when he just buried Taker and there seems like there will be repurcussions coming up involving Nexus.
I voted for other because I would like to see Edge and Big Show challenge for the title in a triple threat. I think it would be pretty cool to have the top three on the brand fighting for the title, also most SD title matches are one on ones so it would also be a change. But I can't see it happening, I think Edge will challenge for it alown because he's been on fire lately.
I think this demonstrates the sheer lack of depth on the Smackdown roster. Nobody seems to have the credentials to make the step ip to the Main Event anytime yet, apart from maybe Kofi who they need to give a decent feud and the fans are pretty high on him.

I don't actually think it needs to be a babyface who challenges for the title though. Kane played heel throughout this (incredibly dull) Taker feud, but before that he was pretty big babyface. All they need to do is throw him in the ring with a top heel and he's back babyface again. I don't think the fans will have much trouble cheering for him.

The heel contenders aren't much better though, they don't seem to have much faith in Swagger after his title run but I think he is the most obvious choice to carry the belt again if they do go in that direction. Ziggler needs to get more heat off his IC run. and I honestly can't think of anyone else.

It's gonna be Edge, they wouldn't have traded him with Punk otherwise. Lets see if it's any good.
I like to see the Big Show challenge Kane next for the WWE Championship. Kane get another chance to prve why he is a good WWE Champion.
Edge is the best possible candidate for a title shot/run. I think he would be capable of putting on a solid program with Kane. I would much prefer this to happen then Rey and Kane feud, again. I really would not like to see that again. Edge is definitely the one to feud with Kane!
I have to go with the Big Show on this one, its been quite a while since he had the world title and as much momentum as he has as of late, hes the logical choice, plus he seems to be becoming the face of smackdown lately. his pops are huge, and his mic skills have gotten 100% better
As far as building up for one of the big 4 ppvs, I'd go with Edge for the World title. Edge has the hot hand as of late and Kane vs Rey has been done and nobody wants to see Big Show vs Kane at one of the big ppvs. There wouldn't be much to the match. Kane will retain vs Edge, but Edge is the best option as far as going into Survivor Series.
I dont get it sometimes, i see some people saying oh god their doing this feud again and then you got a group that complains when they make a new feud and then the argument is their pushing start to soon or stars that are not deserving of a push. I am fine with the Edge vs Kane feud and the only other option that could work is Big Show and doesn't even seem like a title contender anymore the way they make him look like a comedy routine at a 1st grade talent show. But really as a side question i am interested as to what feud people want to see if the redo is no good and everyone else is given undeserved pushes. What can WWE do that would be considered good?
I voted for other as I would like to see the Miz cash his MitB and steal the title from Kane at Survivor series, starting a feud and moving Miz to smackdown. It's a great opportunity for the Miz and Kane as it gets the title off of Kane whilst still being dominant and the Miz gets his WHC. None of the options currently on Smackdown appeal as a great feud, merely fillers. Also it could turn the Miz face potentially, giving that push since Kane is also a Heel at the moment, and hard to turn when he just buried Taker and there seems like there will be repurcussions coming up involving Nexus.

Problem with that: Miz can only cash it in on Raw.

I'd like to see Kane vs Edge. They have unfinished business from 2007, which I thought at the time seemed like a pretty good feud. I'm not too high on a 10th reign for Edge, but it will happen in the future.

Rey Mysterio and Kane...I do NOT want to see again.

Kane vs Big Show might be fine, but again that's not something I am looking forward to.
NOBOBY! It doesnt make sense to have him ever lose the title after making Undertaker his bitch. That would be like winning the Superbowl then playing a bad team a week later and losing. How could Kane ruin his brother's entire career then go on to lose to someone like Edge? Doesnt make sense. So Kane should just retire now and take the belt with him.
It shouldn't be Mysterio. They already fueded very recently and I don't want to see that again.

It came down to Edge and Big Show for me. I think I would rather see Big Show fued with Kane at the moment. I would like to see Edge fued with Swagger/Del Rio a little longer. Kane is a monster. He needs a monster to defeat him. Plus, Big Show has been doing a really good job as a face and I think he should get the title. They can put on some good matches IMO.
Right now, Edge is the best face on Smackdown!, and so IMO it's got to be him. And I'd really like to see Edge beat Kane for the belt so that we can get a fresh face in there. Kane is boring as far as I'm concerned and I like the idea of Alberto Del Rio getting a shot at the title before years end. So, I'd like to see Kane drop it to Edge and then see Edge enter into a feud with Del Rio. If WWE had the guts, they could have Del Rio win it and lose it at WrestleMania to Mysterio, but I'm not sure I'd really like to see that so much.

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