Who should be World Heavyweight champion?

HAHAHA...Jaywwe!! ur a funny guy!!

This thread gets repeated every day!! you should seriously chek the threads properly...

Anyways, I might as well reply...Christian...he is long overdue a world title in WWE...

It's already bad enough that WWE don;t recognise his NWA World champions reigns..but it kills them to give him a wwe world title run...
jaywwe stop spamming.

Back to the topic. I'm also content with Swagger being champion. It's building his character and it's a thrill trying to figure out who is gonna knock him off his pedestal.

My runner up choices:

Kane- he has said in the past that he's not against having the title, but he doesn't really care either way. I do believe he should get one last run though.

Big Show- this guy hasn't gotten many championships lately. ECW, World Tag Team, and a US title reign since 2004.

Kofi Kingston- This guy would be fun to watch, but would just be a transitional champ.

and last but not least...

Chavo Guerrero- He's been in the business for a long time, and has basically been a jobber. He has talent I think if given the right storyline it would go over really well.
I thinkkkkk Kane because he's long overdue and if he's gonna be receiving a future push why not do it by recking the All-American-American? It would be even greater if he had a heel change, along with the WHC. He could reign supreme across the whole Smackdown roster.
HAHAHA...Jaywwe!! ur a funny guy!!

This thread gets repeated every day!! you should seriously chek the threads properly...

My bad, i just looked at the first page and didnt see anything. Anyway i just realised i didnt answer my own question, I think Christian should be WHC just because he's never won it and it's looooong overdue. This would also give the WWE another top star that can fluctuate between ME and midcard.
I think Jack Swagger is doing a great job carrying the World Heavyweight Championship right now, and I would much rather watch him have a longer reign, to build him into a future main event star.

Jack is also the only one who truly makes any sense to hold the championship right now.

There's probably only two that could come close to making sense of holding the championships, CM Punk and Big Show, Big Show solely due to him being the only main event guy on the roster right now, and CM Punk because he has had some decent reigns with the belt before, and could definitely run with it again if given the chance.

But right now, Jack is the only reasonable choice.
I can't believe I am saying this but the WWE have definitely got this thing right. Jack Swagger may not deserve to be the World Heavyweight Champion but he has certainly ran with the opportunity and seems to be a very credible champion now.

I think the main thing that has gotten Swagger over as such, is the people he has defeated to retain the Championship. I mean, he has beaten Edge and Jericho in a triple threat match and beyond. To me, he looks like he is going to hold on to the Championship for a long time and that is something that the WWE can really be proud of right now. In giving him the World Heavyweight Championship, they have made him very credible. It may have come as a shock to a lot of people when they watched Jack Swagger take down that case at WrestleMania 26 but the WWE really caught us with our pants down, in regards to Swagger. No one would have suspected he would have won the Money In The Bank Ladder match and no one would have suspected a title reign from him this soon.

However, he really has taken the opportunity and made it work for himself. A lot of people worried about his mic work and if his speech impediment would get in the way of him being considered a main even competitor but I feel as though he is putting all those concerns to bed with this title run. Just because they give you the title, it doesn't mean that you are necessarily on that level yet and that is the case with Swagger. He has been given the title and now he needs to see what he can do with it. The WWE really took me by surprise with this but he is doing a good job of convincing me that he should be the one with the Championship right now.
I think that Swagger should be the champion.

If you want me to answer :"Who should be the next WHC?"

Then I would have to say: Undertaker

This is because a short reign by the Undertaker near Wrestlemania 27 would give the title some credibility by giving it to a WWE veteran. Swagger can lose it at Survivor Series (in Nov), lose the rematch at WWE: TLC and then go on to winning the WHC back at WWE: Elimination Chamber to defend it at Wrestlemania against either Taker or some face that isn't the Royal Rumble winner (I think that it'll be The Miz).

If Swagger could hold on to the WHC until November's Survivor Series, and then win it back at Elimination Chamber, he will be over as a legit, long time main-eventer; as anyone who wins a Elimination Chamber match (you know it will have veterans) will be taken seriously.

He can then lose at Wrestlemania to put over a new face (a la JBL/Cena) and then get the title back 2-3 PPVs later.

Please do comment
I am kind of surprised that so many of you guys think Swagger is doing a great job. I think Drew MacCyntre (SP?) would be a good heel champion or if you wanted to go with a face I would have to go with Rey Mysterio and I'm not really a fan of his.

Drew has the ability to piss people off really quickly and, at least to me, has the look of someone to be taken seriously.

Little Rey may be a step slower at this point but there's just something about watching the small, underdog guy win the world title that just kind of appeals to me.
I'm almost reluctant to post here because I feel Lee or some other mod is gonna show up here at any given moment. I hope to see this thread continue to drive discussion. But to answer the question, I'm fine with Swagger as the champ. WWE has been doing a tremendous job with his title reign IMO and he's drawing heat like crazy. His promos have been nothing short of gold and I feel that as time goes on, he may draw even more heat from the crowd than CM Punk (who I believe is arguably Smackdown's biggest heel, if not the WWE's biggest heel). I also want to see Christian eventually reignite the feud he had with Swagger last year and eventually take the belt from him.
Swagger is not a good World Heavyweight Champion. He's a good wrestler, but not a good World Heavyweight Champion. Yes, he successfully defends his Championship whenever his title is on the line, BUT, in exchange for that he loses matches cleanly on a regular basis. While that makes him look vulnerable and beatable (unlike John Cena), it certainly doesn't make him look strong as the Champion. He should be able to defeat guys in non-title matches just as he does in title matches. The booking makes no sense. Who should be World Heavyweight Champion? Christian. He's worked hard while being a Champion of an insignificant brand. He still showed pride and passion. He's worked his way up numerous times only to fall short of ever coming in reach with the big one. He has the charisma and he has the fluidity in the ring. He deserves the WHC.
Swagger is doing a good job but there has been some bad booking sometimes with his run. He shouldn't be losing cleanly on Raw and Smackdown, he should be kicking ass or at least winning in a heel manner. His promo's are good though and his match's aren't bad. He's making me notice anyways and with a longer run will continue to excel.

In regards to the actual question I think there is one man on Smackdown right now that should hold the title over Swagger and that is CM Punk. There is no one hotter on Smackdown right now, he is so over as a heel and needs the title. He has really cemented himself in the main event and should be moving onto the title now that he's finished with Mysterio. He should be running Smackdown with Gallows and Serena and Mercury (if that's who the masked dude is), he should be in World Title match's and he should be carrying the title.

No one is more over as a heel on Smackdown right now, not Swagger, not McIntyre, no one.
Who would I like to see as WHC? At the moment, if it has to be a heel, I'm completely fine with Swagger. He's doing a good job, getting over as a heel much better than he was at the beginning of his reign and working well overall. If not Swagger, I wouldn't mind seeing Punk. He's always good at the moment, I haven't been bored watching him in a while, definitely one of my favourites at the moment. We'll see, I'd like to see him with the strap soon enough.

Who is good for business is a different question however. I think those two would be a good choice to, they wouldn't/don't affect business in any adverse way, and having a face champion on RAW means it's probably best it is a face on SmackDown. If a heel takes it on RAW though, I guess Show is the only face who has been pushed against Swagger. I don't want to see Rey with the belt anytime soon, but I wouldn't mind seeing Big Show holding it before he retires.
I think Big Show should be the champion because we've seen Swagger in action and the poor guy gets shot down by everyone. He's NOT WHC material and cannot cut good promos. The only difference from the Swagger before and Swagger after is the his jock persona is a bit more modified. Big Show needs to be champion because he's entertaining in the ring and can cut good promos. Also he's the monster so if the next main-eventer is booked to be WHC and he can take out Show we got instant credibility.
For now, I'm alright with Swagger. I for one liked his promo on SD where he brought out all his trophies just to brag about his achievements. I think he's a good enough heel for the time between WrestleMania. I'm not saying he's a transitional champ because this reign will greatly help Swagger for the rest of his career much like how Sheamus hasn't been too for from the mainevent since Elemination Chamber.

Rey Mysterio wouldn't be too bad of a WHW Champ for the current time of year it is either. A second run with the title would do wonders for him, especially if he wins some matches while holding it too. I wouldn't be upset at all if he won the 4-way match at the Fatal 4-Way PPV as long as he isn't buried again. I also believe he deserves it being arguably the top face of SD since Undertaker is out. He wouldn't have to hold for long just a few good matches during the next few PPVs and that would solidify his reign imo.
In regards to the actual question I think there is one man on Smackdown right now that should hold the title over Swagger and that is CM Punk.

Absolutely 100% agree with this. Swagger is doing a fine, fine job of holding that title, and is having a good little first run with it. But no one is the WWE is hotter than Punk right now. (with the exception of maybe DBD, for obvious other reasons.) Punk's character is on fire, he is garnering so much deserved and honest heat. People still love to see this guy on screen, they love to boo him, love to see him get beat up or manipulated, but they all love that because he intrigues every one of them.

I used to hear all this Once CM punk goes heel, you'll never want him to be a face again And i doubted it. But i couldn't have been more wrong. The dude plays this heel role so well, its so believable that it makes me think he is like that in real life, although we know otherwise. Punk would transcend to another level with a strong world title run right now.

After all this MITB business went down I wondered if I would ever be able to take him seriously in a constant main event slot. And i also wondered if this SES gimmick was ever going to get of the ground, because to me it stumbled on the launch pad for quite some time. Those questions have been shattered to pieces, and it has given me the upmust confidence in CM Punk.

Dude is gonna be on a level all his own in a few years.
Swagger is doing a good job, he has a good list of face challengers and CM Punk to deal with. Otherwise i'd say Christian. He is a fighting champion, as proven with ECW, he can carry a brand and is somebody with a lot of talent who could become a huge star if WWE let him.
Personally I would love to see CM Punk as the World Heavyweight Champion again and expand on his SES, what I mean by that is gaining all the titles on Smackdown once his Society has come full circle with what it wants to do.
Adding new members etc.

Realistically I think Kane or Big Show should be champ, they haven't had a proper title run in years (yes I am including the ECW title in this).
Plus we need our monsters back within the WWE, I used to like it when the gargantuan animals used to rule the WWE, now its gone to all the shorter men.
I know Khali and Taker have held the title but I mean proper decent worthy title holders ( I mean this for Khali, Taker was a height wise example)

Have fun ripping this comment to shreds guys ;)
I don't mind Jack Swagger one bit right now.

I say push Christian to the moon and set up a Swagger/Christian II feud. I always enjoyed their stuff in the late ECW. I just don't understand why in the world they paired one of their best wrestlers with the Big Show in his first big feud. He's not able to execute half of his moves due to obvious reasons.

I'm usually a huge marc for Hayes booking, but that was kind of a silly decision.

Swagger is no where near stale as champ.. and you know the saying "if its not broke"
CM Punk-Major heat, awesome gimmick/mic skills, great wrestler, hasn't had a solid title run.

Christian-This guy deserves the title more than anyone else on the roster.
Its gotta be Cm punk. He is so good as a heel champion. He gets people so pissed about his straight edge. His promos are clean too. Him and Kane would be a good fued..
Kofi should win MITB PPV imo, win record since april:

WWE Superstars Taping #2 --Jun 8th 2010 Kofi Kingston def. Luke Gallows
WWE Smackdown! Taping--Jun 1st 2010 Rey Mysterio def. Caylen Croft, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, Christian, Curt Hawkins, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Finlay, JTG, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Luke Gallows, Trent Beretta, Vance Archer, Montel Vontavious Porter battle royale (no pins or subs)
WWE Smackdown! Taping--Jun 1st 2010 Kofi Kingston (c) def. Drew McIntyre WWE Intercontinental Title
WWE Smackdown! Taping--May 25th 2010 Kofi Kingston, The Big Show def. Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger
WWE Over the Limit '10--May 23rd 2010 Kofi Kingston def. (pin) Drew McIntyre (c) WWE Intercontinental Title
WWE Smackdown! Taping-- May 18th 2010 Kofi Kingston def. Jack Swagger
WWE Smackdown! Taping --May 11th 2010 Kofi Kingston def. Christian WWE Intercontinental Title
WWE Monday Night Raw --May 10th 2010 Kofi Kingston draw (NC) William Regal
WWE Smackdown! Taping --May 4th 2010 Kofi Kingston def. Dolph Ziggler
WWE Smackdown! Taping --Apr 27th 2010 Kofi Kingston def. Chris Jericho
WWE Extreme Rules '10 -- Apr 25th 2010 Kofi Kingston def. Dolph Ziggler
WWE Monday Night Raw Taping -- Apr 12th 2010 Kofi Kingston def. (DQ) Sheamus
CM Punk. The guys capable of putting on great matches and his promos are better than anyone in pro wrestling right now. Plus, it would be a great way to build the SES even more. It could be like the Horsemen back in the day. All the members have one goal, and that's to keep the title on Punk. He could continue this feud with Rey, or move on to someone like Christian, Kane, Taker again, or even Show. I think he's the best choice at the moment. It's always better when faces are chasing a heel champ who has a group behind him that only cares about doing whatever it takes to keep the belt around their leaders waist. Plus, as I said before he can talk better than anyone else on Smackdown. He really gets the crowd going with his preachy promos. They're awesome.

If not Punk, I'd say let Swagger keep it. He's gotten better in regards to his mic work and can go in the ring. I just think Punks a much better performer and gets more of a response from the crowd.
Punk as SES need something to grow on right now it's getting stale i mean i'll be raging if Rey wins they cut the Punk fued short as he wanted a holiday but now he's back on main event. Big Show bores the hell out of me. If not Punk let Swagger retain it, he's done well.
i think that swagger is doing fine as champion at the moment to be honest, he draws some nice heat from the crowd and as time goes on he will just attract more.
For the next champion i would like(this is not who i think will be just some people i would like to see there):
Face: Christian, this guy deserves the title so much he doesnt seem to ever have a bad match the fans love him he can get them going so easily( a few claps here and there) and as a heel he can do it aswell.
Heel: CM Punk, this guy can run with the title he has fantastic heat on him at the moment and will gain more as time goes along. He also as a stable behind him to help him build more heat by cheating to win/attacking backstage. His in ring work is fantastic aswell.
Now a wild card that i know alot of people will disagree with but Dolph Ziggler. This thing with vickie will hopefully push him up to being able to challenge for the title it helped edge and i hope it helps dolph aswell. He is good in the ring, has the aggression and the ring work. Outside the ring he composes himself well as a heel(attacking people from behind with the sleeper, the way he walks i feel works well as a heel not sure why just feel it does.) He might not be ready just yet but i would hope that he is on his way he is a great talent.

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