Who should be Vince's pick if he's given the chance?


With the safety off!!
An interesting question was asked on the main page and I thought I would get some of your thoughts on it. The question was - Who would be a bigger draw for the WWE, Ronda Rousey or Colin McGregor? Now it would be for one night only Summerslam or Wrestlemania 33.

While I think both would be great to see, I'm kind of split down the middle myself. Rousey has already appeared and has said she would like to come back for another go. The thing is she's still under contract to UFC and would have to get their permission, also her opponent will most likely be Stephanie McMahon. You know a continuation of what happened at Mania 31. I'm wondering if that's the best use of Rousey if you only have her for one night. She is one of the toughest women so I can't see her laying down for anyone on the roster, so Stephanie it is.

McGregor on the other hand isn't under contract anymore since he retired. Looking at his stats he's not a huge guy, but tough none the less. Not only that there is more talent pool for them to pick his opponent from. He's a pretty good trash talker, so going up against anyone wouldn't be a problem. Rousey not so great on the mic. I wouldn't put McGregor up against Taker or anyone like that. I see him in more of a Sheamus or Rollins type feud. Depends on how badly they want to get the shit kicked out of them though.

So if Vince got the chance to pick either one of them, who do you think he should go with? I'm on the fence right now.
To ME, Ronda Rousey strikes me as the bigger mainstream star, though I'm sure a lot of people would disagree with my opinion. She's also a huge wrestling fan and would probably be much more open to doing anything whereas McGregor might worry about the money, the way he's booked, who he's working with, etc. Also, it is much easier to book say Steph/Rousey than it would be to book McGregor/HHH or any other male star, I don't really know how to explain it, there's just a lot more leeway with the girls in my opinion.

Entertainment wise, yeah McGregor would be very fun. It would be incredible to see him cut a promo against somebody like John Cena or Roman Reigns, just a sight to see. However, I think WWE has their sights set on Ronda and might be trying to get a Rousey/Charlotte match set up for Mania. All speculation on my part but I can completely see Charlotte hold the Women's title up to Mania leading to a match with Rousey. She can win with dirty tactics galore, but she should win if this ever happened. Or it could very well be Rousey/Steph which may put me to sleep.

If they were going to put McGgregor up against anyone in a match, it would have to be Brock. He's the only guy who could legitimately beat Conor and the buzz would be astronomical.

Who I'd rather see: McGregor. Who's most likely: Rousey.
I'd have to go with Rousey because of the novelty surrounding her. She's a great fighter, she's proven that time again. She's an Olympic bronze medalist in judo, she was UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion for over 3 years, she still has a great record of 12-1 and the Holly Holm defeat may ultimately wind up being compared with when James "Buster" Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson in 1990; only time well tell whether she'll just fade into obscurity like Douglas did after having his big moment. The fact that Holm lost to Meisha Tate, whom Rousey has beaten twice, could make it come off as a fluke.

When I say novelty, I also mean the fact that she's pretty damn hot and has that whole tough, hot chick thing going on. Rousey put women's mixed martial arts on the map, she's been a huge draw for UFC and she'll continue to be a huge draw for some time. Aside from that, the cherry on top is that Rousey is a genuine pro wrestling fan, she loves it and has for most of her life. She'd get a big paycheck to participate in WrestleMania, no question, but, as a fan, I'd personally prefer seeing someone that loves wrestling and WWE collect a big payday rather than a 100% hired mercenary like Connor McGregor would be. For McGregor, it'd be all about the money while Rousey would also be doing it for the experience as part of a life long dream of hers.
Rousey v Asuka maybe? Probably the only WWE woman who could realistically go with Rousey. Can you imagine Rousey v Summer Rae? It'd be like a rottweiler with a poodle in it's mouth.
This is going to sound misogynistic but I don't care if Vince has a chance to pick any fighter its a total waste to get Rousey. The women's division doesn't need ringers coming in and beating a top girl nor do we need to see a squash match with Stephanie (or for her to be involved with Stephanie in ANY way as Steph is NOT an athlete and thus not credible competition).

Pick a dude. I don't care which one because I don't care about UFC fighters but get someone with some damn personality and put them in there with a Del Rio or Rusev credible fight guy.
I would prefer Ronda Rousey over McGregor any day.

I find Ronda more valuable to pro wrestling than McGregor.

The fact that she loves wrestling makes me to agree in her favour.

If Rousey is gonna compete, i can see her opponent being Stephanie McMahon.

Also I think that we could get Stephanie Vs. Charlotte in future.
Honestly, Ronda Rousey. Conor McGregor, on the surface, would be the better pick, but it then comes down to what you DO with the talent; bearing in mind that you aren't creating your most awesome fantasy fistfight between MMA and WWE, but you're trying to create a piece of entertainment that doesn't have people streaming for the concession stands.

Mayweather vs. Big Show was...... a thing. It wasn't a terrible thing, but it wasn't a great thing. What does the WWE actually do with Conor McGregor, that actually gets value for what they pay?

On the other side of the coin, Ronda Rousey brings her own value. As a legitimate female prizefighting champion, she brings a novelty factor that the WWE hasn't really had before. Football players and MMA fighters come in all the damn time; Ronda's possession of both marketable fighting skills and a vagina allows her to be something different all on her own- which means the WWE could put her up against just about anyone and avoid fucking things up.

I have to think hard about how I'd get value out of McGregor; getting value out of Rousey would be virtually impossible to screw up.
holly Holm is the one that beat Ronda Lousey so I d go with Holly Holm Ronda is washed up and out of the spotlight for so long now
You have only heard of Holly Holm because of her association with Ronda Rousey; were you a fan of Holly Holm, you would have seen when Holly Holm was beaten soundly by Miesha Tate all the way back in March; Miesha Tate is fighting Amanda Nunes for the championship next month. Holly Holm isn't really considered a title contender right now, and the general consensus is that she'll need two wins before being considered for a title shot- largely because she has almost zero marketing power. (Them's the breaks in MMA- the title fights go to the people who can sell the card.)

Also, your names for people should be embarrassing, if you had the capacity to be embarrassed by yourself.
Who else remembers when Frank Trigg trained as a wrestler, faced AJ Styles in an absolutely abominable MMA rules match - which AJ lost due to hitting Trigg in the crotch - and then promptly disappeared off the face of the Earth? TNA's glory days.

I've been out of the loop with UFC for about half a decade, though perhaps that puts me in a good position to know which names would actually be recognised outside of the MMA community. In which case, you've got three options: Conor McGregor, Ronda Rousey, and Jon Jones. The former two would make the smoothest crossover, and don't have well-publicised drug issues hanging over them, and we already know that Rousey's game, and with a story with either Charlotte or Stephanie McMahon just begging to be used.

I'd probably complain, loudly, if Rousey came into WWE and took a spot that I think should belong to their own female exceptional talent, like Bayley or The Boss, but it doesn't change her being the most natural choice.
For me, it's Rousey. Like others have said, she's an avid wrestling fan and would be most willing to do something in my opinion.

I don't think she should be in the ring with the Women's Champion though. I think they should have Charlotte drop the title before Wrestlemania to Sasha Banks and have 2 major Women's matches on the Wrestlemania card. One, Charlotte vs Ronda Rousey as one and Sasha Banks vs Bayley as the other.
McGregor's come out of retiremnet for 1 match << Ronda's return to the ring
Rousey is more popular than McGregor
Rousey already have a feud ongoing

But Stephanie is not the right opponent for her. You know, Steph can make anyone else fight for her, even someone from NXT, so the Women's pool is deep enough. Rousey can't lose obviously.
I'll make Charlotte drop the title on PPV before, Rousey challenge Stephanie or anyone else on the DIvas roster, Charlotte accepting the challenge. Charlotte losing to Rousey at Summerslam, Charlotte winning the title back at RAW right after. The other option for me is Asuka - current NXT champ, this can be a non title match, and Asuka (being only NXT champ) will not lose much creadibility, i also believe she is more prepared for full contact strikes than Charlotte, but Rousey vs Charlotte will get more media attention...you know, maybe even make it even a title match between Rousey and Charlotte, Rousey wins the title, vacating it and setting up a tournament the next night on RAW, for everyone, but Charlotte.
you know, maybe even make it even a title match between Rousey and Charlotte, Rousey wins the title, vacating it and setting up a tournament the next night on RAW, for everyone, but Charlotte.

Yes, let's have Ronda Rousey appear and in his first match defeat the Women's Champion, BECOME the Women's Champion, toss it aside, and than leave. That won't do any damage at all. Oh wait, that would completely dismantle every single thing the WWE has done to make the Women matter at all. I'm sorry, I wasn't going to say anything but can't even believe that anybody would think this is a good idea at all.

Why exactly should Rousey beat Charlotte? I get the whole legitimacy thing, but ffs, this is pro wrestling. I don't give a shit if it's not realistic, if somebody from the outside comes in and faces a top talent, that person should always lose. Imagine what a win over Ronda Rousey would do for somebody like Charlotte? Like I said, she can win with using dirty tactics the whole match, but no question she should win if this ever happened.

I just... I can't.
Lesnar won UFC title in his second fight ever, this didn't kill UFC Heavyweight division, besides in wrestling something can be done to save Charlotte's face...but personally i will more like to see Rousey/Asuka anyway...anyone but Stephanie, because we all know this match will be bad
Honestly, Ronda Rousey. Conor McGregor, on the surface, would be the better pick, but it then comes down to what you DO with the talent; bearing in mind that you aren't creating your most awesome fantasy fistfight between MMA and WWE, but you're trying to create a piece of entertainment that doesn't have people streaming for the concession stands.

THIS is probably the single most important thing to remember about the entire angle, whatever it turns out to be and whomever turns out to be involved in it. This is going to be something designed primarily for a spectacle, something to generate a big buzz and to come off primarily as entertainment similar to what we saw at WrestleMania XXXI during the segment with Triple H, Stephanie, The Rock and Ronda Rousey. If it did turn out to be Rousey, I don't see WWE going the route of setting up some sort of "dream match" in which Rousey takes on someone for the Women's Championship or anything. Aside from Asuka, there's probably no woman on the roster who has a chance of actually lasting in a fight with her. The women aren't real fighters and haven't been trained as real fighters whereas Rousey hasn't been trained to be a pro wrestler. Vince would be idiotic to risk any of the women on the roster, main or otherwise, to engage in an actual shoot fight and I don't see Rousey putting in months upon months of work training to be a pro wrestler just for one night no matter how big the paycheck's would be.

A promo segment with Rousey would have the drawback, at least I'd see it as a drawback, of WWE doing something it frequently does regarding celebrities/athletes: they make the talent they're opposing look like idiots. There are so many incidents in which WWE talent have jobbed out to celebrities that it's almost sickening, it kind of is sickening to me when I think about it. However, Rousey involved in such a segment would generate buzz and money, especially if her appearance included an appearance on the Raw before or after WrestleMania.
You've got to go with Conor McGregor because it's going to be the bigger match.

The only "big" angle they could do with Rousey is with Stephanie McMahon, which could be interesting depending on how it's built up. It could be annoying after two weeks, it could be huge and probably be the biggest women's angle of all time.

But a Wrestling vs. MMA match-up with Conor McGregor going against Cena or Reigns, especially with the MMA vs. Boxing conversation and hype already started with Mayweather and McGregor...

It's a guaranteed big money match up. Plus will make for some great TV, McGregor is a great talker. Book it, Vince.
I think, given the correct build up -Ronda Rousey vs Charlotte would make a great headliner act for WM33. Conner McGregor is too unpopular with people and would be the heel and would need to lose to a WWE wrestler to send the fans home happy.
An interesting question was asked on the main page and I thought I would get some of your thoughts on it. The question was - Who would be a bigger draw for the WWE, Ronda Rousey or Colin McGregor? Now it would be for one night only Summerslam or Wrestlemania 33.

While I think both would be great to see, I'm kind of split down the middle myself. Rousey has already appeared and has said she would like to come back for another go. The thing is she's still under contract to UFC and would have to get their permission, also her opponent will most likely be Stephanie McMahon. You know a continuation of what happened at Mania 31. I'm wondering if that's the best use of Rousey if you only have her for one night. She is one of the toughest women so I can't see her laying down for anyone on the roster, so Stephanie it is.

McGregor on the other hand isn't under contract anymore since he retired. Looking at his stats he's not a huge guy, but tough none the less. Not only that there is more talent pool for them to pick his opponent from. He's a pretty good trash talker, so going up against anyone wouldn't be a problem. Rousey not so great on the mic. I wouldn't put McGregor up against Taker or anyone like that. I see him in more of a Sheamus or Rollins type feud. Depends on how badly they want to get the shit kicked out of them though.

So if Vince got the chance to pick either one of them, who do you think he should go with? I'm on the fence right now.

I'd go McGregor. He's UFC's 2nd biggest draw all-time (behind Brock). I believe Cena vs. McGregor would be WWE's best possible match up as far as drawing power.
For crying out loud, why are people pitting Ronda Rousey vs Stephanie McMahon? Rousey is a trained mma elite fighting machine that would make a realistic looking fight with most of the women on the WWE roster, Asuka being the obvious choice.

......but fucking Stephanie McMahon? Come on! I'd seriously turn the channel and watch a Two Broke Girls rerun before watching that mess of a match up. Imagine if they would consider Stephanie getting in some offense and Rousey had to lay down for awhile, that would be about as stupid as a 500 pound Big Show losing a wrestling match against a 150 pound Floyd Mayweather. Save Stephanie for promo work, keep her out of the ring.

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