Who Should Be The Man?

Who should be The Franchise of WWE?

  • Seth Rollins

  • Roman Reigns

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Dean Ambrose

  • Other

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Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
If anything since Cena can't be "The Man" forever for this company it begs the question of who should be groomed to take over Cena's spot? Who should be the next "Face of WWE" who should be WWE's top guy? Who should be "The Man?

Definitely Dean Ambrose, to be the man WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you have got to beat the man WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I think WWE and us fans need to get away from having 1 person as "the man" They should be looking to make multiple people step up and have a stacked top of the card. Wrestling is much more enjoyable having multiple people who could legit be the champion at any time. Every name on you're list is an option, WWE should be grooming all these guys to be "the man"
In my honest opinion, I really think they should stop focusing the WWE around one single wrestler. They will get John Cena level stale so fast by having him constantly shoved down our throats and I want to be able to enjoy the next future face (or faces) of the WWE. If they were smart, they should have multiple faces of the WWE (like they did with Stone Cold and The Rock). That way you don't have to see the same person all the time and get bored with them being champion 24/7. You have multiple faces to choose from with different personalities. However, if I was forced to choose just one wrestler to be the next 'man' in the WWE, I'd have to choose either Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler. Because they are both so charismatic and they both can actually wrestle!
WWE should make multiple top heels and multiple babyfaces.

1. Seth Rollins - He has already solidified himself as the top heel. He uses heel tactics. He is great in ring as well on mic (minus that evil laugh). He must become the future top heel.
2. Bray Wyatt :- He is the most strong looking wrestler behind Brock Lesnar on the current roster and will become the monster after Lesnar leaves. He has 'powers'.
3. Sheamus :- He looks awesome as a heel. He can work the top heel as he has that physique and in ring ability. But,he needs a talker for him. Maybe Paul Heyman aligns with him.

1. Daniel Bryan - His popularity alone will make him the top face and he deserves to be the top face. He is the only one on current roster who can replace Cena in terms of popularity.
2. Dolph Ziggler - He is getting his career biggest push right now. He will reach the main event in coming 1 or 2 years. He is populas between the fans also.
3. Dean Ambrose - Great in ring worker,great on mic and due to connection with crowd he will also become the top main eventer.

Personally, I don't want to see Reigns in main event. I want him to be in upper midcard and flirting with the main event. He lacks in ring ability to work long matches.
I think WWE and us fans need to get away from having 1 person as "the man" They should be looking to make multiple people step up and have a stacked top of the card. Wrestling is much more enjoyable having multiple people who could legit be the champion at any time. Every name on you're list is an option, WWE should be grooming all these guys to be "the man"

I agree there should be options, a big four of Reigns/Ambrose/Rollins/Cena, just to give fans a choice on who they want to get behind. There's so much WWE programming on TV, I think if anything they need to take advantage of their depth. Their roster is definitely more talented than ever.

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