Who on raw will get a world title first?

Who will win a world title first from Raw

  • Ted Di Biase

  • Kofi Kingston

  • The Miz

  • other

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straightedge martyr

The Chosen One
Out of those who seem most likely at the moment.


Who do you see winning the Raw world title first. all of these guys are getting a push now but who will get the win first. i am torn between all 3 personally but think dibiase will win the race.

Kofi's push is slowing rigt now, last week he lost against dibiase who was just beaten up by sheamus. not to mention that not to long ago Kofi was meant to be beating orton, ted's "boss" for lack of a better term.

Miz is also recieving a push but i see him keeping his US and Tag Titles for a while now and it is for that reason i believe dibiase will win a world title first.

BTW if there are any other raw superstars that you think might win first let me know
Well I think Ted dibiase, if randy orton wins this sunday , then I think it will be Ted vs Orton for the title at mania and Ted may just win, since his father is being inducted into the hall of fame and all, it makes sense.

Even if what I said above didnt happen, I think Ted is the next Randy Orton of raw but this time pushed as a face then a heel.
I want it to be The Miz or Swagger. I love them both, even though Swagger is kind of on the back burner right now. They both show me something that says main event and I would love to see both reach that point.

What will most likely happen though is Dibiase winning it first. I prefer Rhodes over Ted but everyone including the WWE seems to be higher on Dibiase. I think he's going to be a better face then he was a heel. His whole look doesn't scream heel to me, not unless he really plays up to the million dollar mans son gimmick. He'll probably win it in an upset, against Orton probably, but not in their first feud as it would be too soon.

With Kingston I see him swimming in the midcard for some time longer. He has become oddly more intriguing since last fall and actually has shown something that can grow into superstardom. Feuding with Orton has beent he best thing that has happened to him and another feud like that will be the one right before he wins a world title for the first time. It just won't be before Ted.
I'm going with Kofi. He can definitly be a force in the main event scene. Hopefully we wont have to wait until the MITB PPV to see him earn be propelled into the ME scene full time. Plus he's held both mid card titles and a Tag Title run, he seems more ready and since he dropped the Jamaican gimmick he's been taken more seriously.
well among the three, I would have to say Ted will win the wwe championship before those two because: Ted is currently working w/ Randy Orton and he's probably gonna get a rub from Orton. he has the look of a champion. Kofi on the other hand(for me) doesn't because how can you take him seriously w/ that entrance theme, and well his push sort of slowed down. For Miz, i think he has the mic skills, the charisma but his ring work is not yet fully developed and his physique doesn't match his wrestling style which is being a brawler. I can see the mean in his eyes,promos and i dig his finisher but his physique and moveset does not impress me at all. That's just my opinion :D
I would have to say Ted DiBiase would be my choice of the three and the most likely, IMO.

I like Kofi, but I don't think that he's main event material just yet. As someone pointed out, his entrance music doesn't allow you to take him seriously enough and (in my opinion), he really failed to "seize the moment" during his feud with Orton (perhaps also the fault of the WWE creative team). He is exciting to watch in the ring, but that's where it ends for me. He definitely needs a more serious gimmick.

As for the Miz, I'm a huge fan of his and he has impressed me a lot. However, I don't think he's quite ready for a world title just yet. Like Luis pointed out, he needs to bulk up a little and continue to refine his actual wrestling skills, to the point that he can pull of great matches (then he'll be the complete article). For now, I hope WWE continue to slowly push him as I do feel that he'll be a champion, eventually.

Ted is pretty much ready now. A feud with Orton will push him into the "main eventer" category. Again, agreeing with others, Ted already looks like a potential champion and of the three mentioned, he is the most deserving and the most ready. Ted's wrestling skills are already well refined enough; he has the look, the charisma, the legacy (no pun intended) and being places in a feud with Orton will help him.
Ted DiBiase
He has grown so much in the last year
I like kofi but his push has kinda stopped and miz has 3 title around his waist already + ted has the build vkm likes
why does everyone insist on saying ted dibiase is ready for the main event! Hes no more ready than Cody is imo. what has he done to deserve it? he doesnt really stand out, and is rather bland. cody is better than ted imo. why cuz he has a certain look? what look does he possess that makes you think he could beat cena, batista, triple h or orton, cuz i dont see it. he has a good finisher, but thats about it. i fail to see where this hype is coming from. kofi is definitely more for the main event. kofi has had far more singles feuds. on one hand count how many feuds ted has been in either with legacy or by himself. yea thats what i thought. cody has a better style, more throwback, and hes actually beefed up lately, looking better than ted. im confused, maybe you guys "like" ted in another way thats beyond me
why does everyone insist on saying ted dibiase is ready for the main event! Hes no more ready than Cody is imo. what has he done to deserve it? he doesnt really stand out, and is rather bland. cody is better than ted imo. why cuz he has a certain look? what look does he possess that makes you think he could beat cena, batista, triple h or orton, cuz i dont see it. he has a good finisher, but thats about it. i fail to see where this hype is coming from. kofi is definitely more for the main event. kofi has had far more singles feuds. on one hand count how many feuds ted has been in either with legacy or by himself. yea thats what i thought. cody has a better style, more throwback, and hes actually beefed up lately, looking better than ted. im confused, maybe you guys "like" ted in another way thats beyond me

I'm sorry but Ted is far more "ready" than Cody. Cody may be decent in the ring, but he is still rather too "boyish" and of the two, I would push Ted first.

The truth is that no one knows how Ted's push will go. His first singles feud should be with Orton, but the destiny of that depends on WWE's plans for Orton, i.e. whether to turn him face or keep him as a heel / tweener. Either way, it looks like Ted is going to get that push, rather than Cody, Kofi, Miz or anyone else.

I agree that Kofi is a decent wrestler, but he needs a bit of an image change, i.e. ditch the music and work on his promo skills. They did give him a chance when he feuded with Orton, but after destroying Orton's car, it all went a bit flat.
As much as i will like Kofy to become champ,Im going with Ted.ted is getting better and better This match in the EC will help him alot.And after he pins Orton in the EC match,And he gets pin by HHH.This could be the start of a great feud with Randy Orton.And im dam sur that randy will put Ted way over with the crowd as a face,And way over in the ring.So after this feud happends He will be in a main eventer an possibly after a week start a feud with who ever the champion is.And pin the champion in a championship match in a PPV.
i personally enjoy watching Cody more than Ted. but honestly cant see either of them with the World Strap soon.. unless its creative pushing Ted to us.. but they really need a switch to smackdown after draft to form a serious faction with old school feel.. then maybe more belts... Kofi maybe, BUt MVP turned heel would be great.. feud with cena, and hunter.. it would get so much heat.. imagine hhh teaming with mvp & henry to battle ShowMiz & swagger... henry's fat ass is outside on floor...mvp knocks out hunter from behind... WOWZERS.. damn i wish i could book that.

I would have to say Ted DiBiase if Orton wins the WWE championship at EC or any time before wrestlemania. I say this because it seems like most people want to see him fued with orton and in honor of his father who gets inducted to the hall of fame the night before I think Ted DiBiase should win the strap at wrestlemania. On the other hand that would be a bullshit title reign for Orton. Well either way it goes wrestlemania or any other time I see Ted DiBiase winning the title first but from Orton.
personally i think the wwe should go back to the old ways of thing when u work ur way up to the top. what single title has ted won not one how can u take him from a tag team that truely wasnt even that good compard to team the hart foundation and the bulldogs teams that split up and one went to the main event seen. Atleast when bret and davey boy did it same with shawn they had him work threw single title befor even going after the world title. I hate how wwe keeps taking people who dont even have a title resuma on the wwe and giving him a world title push ... Atlest kofi have a few totle reigns and shit so if anyone was to deserve it i would say kofi or even the miz over Ted...

Vinnie dont you but the u.s and i.c title on the people first to see if he can even hold a title fued i mean i cant think of more then mybe 5-8 times i ever heard ted talk by himself or more then 1 line

plz go back to making the mid card special and then more stars would be built jumping the title right to a world title make the other 2 titles useless
I would have to say DiBiase, but I don't want to. Don't get me wrong, out of all superstars that have entered Raw/Smackdown over the last two years, he is my favorite (along with Cody). But I don't think it should be anytime soon. Give him a few more years to develop, maybe in the tag division with Cody, and then onto the U.S. or IC championship. He needs some time on his own before winning the title.

People are far too impatient now-a-days. Remember how long it took guys like Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Triple H, and Chris Benoit to win a World's title? Years and years, and they all turned out pretty good. WWE has main event guys that basically just started their run on top of the company. Guys like Cena (not my choice), Orton, Edge, Christian, CM Punk, and Sheamus (DEFINITELY not what I want to see). And they have veterans with a lot left in the tank, like Triple H and Jericho, and other veterans who have a few good years left liek The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels.

All I am saying is that there is no need to rush these guys into big main event pushes. If the WWE would make the U.S., IC, and Tag titles mean something now-a-days, this wouldn't be a problem.
Anyone who says Kingston is on a different planet. He got beat in 3 minutes by Dibiase last week on RAW. For me, it is either Dibiase or Miz. Miz doesn't have the look of a WWE Champion as such, but he is truly awesome, and the three titles around his waist show how far he has come.
Dibiase is getting a huge rub from Orton so it could well be him, he has the look, he just needs some more credible wins as a singles wrestler.
The logical answer is the Miz. What has DiBiase done in the past six months. Except for beating DX at Breaking Point, he hasn't done much of anything and I don't expect him to in the Elimination Chamber. If this was a couple of months ago I would have said Kofi, but he's been useless as of late. The Miz has improved on the mic and in the ring and has done a damn good job of being U.S. Champion and now he is tag team champion. He's not ready for the world title yet but later in the year he will be the first one out of the group to get it if he keeps doing what he is doing.

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