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Who of the stay of executionees has a chance?


Turn Bayley heel
Right now, there are a series of wrestlers who are still employed by the WWE, have debuted on one of the three main shows, but they are missing in action, basically waiting to be released. The ones I've identified are Festus, Charlie Haas, Jimmy Wang Yang, Kung Fu Naki, Slam Master J, DJ Gabriel and Curt Hawkins, but there might be more. Anyway, very simply, which of them do you think will get given, or more likely, which will get a second chance.

I think Jesse is quite funny and I think his segments could probably be increased on Smackdown, but I wouldn't push him in the ring. Other than that, I think I'd release them all, what would you do?
Of those listed, I'd say Festus as Vince's love for big men is well documented (nyuk). I'd like to say Haas but really that would only happen with a total repackage (to something GOOD for once) and a well fitting tag team partner. Charlie's a tag wrestler, he flounders in singles comp.
I vwould say Charlie Haas has the best chance to stick around, if only because he's flexible. He can be a solid tag wrestler, a jobber, or a comedic face with weekly TV time. I liked his character-stealing gimmick, but it fizzled quickly.

Somehow though, I'd say Funaki is the one to survive. Why? I have no clue...But he's been there a long, long time, and hasn't gone away yet. There must be something else he does backstage, but I have no idea. He's OK in the ring, and funny on the mic, but not particularly good at anything.
He's a talent co-ordinator backstage.

Basically means he's one of Stephanie McMahon's subordinates and helps make the backstage show run smoothly. So he's a no-brainer to stick around, just won't get much (if any) face time.
To be honest, after learning that Kung Fu Naki has a job as Stephanie's lackey, I don't think many of them are going to be getting the axe too soon besides Slam Master J and Yang. Slam Master J, as far as I know, isn't involved with Smackdown or FCW too much, and Jimmy Wang Yang, while still getting the occasional appearance, is a Wellness Policy violator, and generally an unused wrestler. I mean, his last major push was when he tagged with Shannon Moore, and I don't think they ever got a serious shot at the belts.

Haas is a good performer, he has some talent, and I think he could be used as a heel jobber or something like that.

Festus is a fairly good big man. There's another thread going on about him right now, and common consensus is he's being repackaged, which I think is a good idea.

As for Gabriel and Hawkins, I think they are both being trained and used (pretty extensively, if I'm not mistaken) in FCW right now. DJ Gabriel had a pretty big push with Alicia Fox in ECW a while ago, so the WWE seems to have some faith in him. I'm not to sure if Hawkins has much of a future, but time will tell. I don't know if they're going to be releasing him too soon yet.
Maybe they're around for other reasons. I believe BigAdz is correct about Funaki, I've also heard that he's a backstage worker.
IMO Charlie Hass is the one guy on your list they should do something with. He's a good wrestler. I think he could be great in the midcard elevating young talent. They'd definately learn much from working with Hass. OH, and were there a lightweight division still Jimmy Wang Yang would be a keeper. He's awesome.
Sadly, we'd like to wish them well in their future endevours....
Doesn't WWE usually so some major spring cleaning around June? I wouldn't be surprised is everyone of these guys is let go. I think Slam Master J probably has the best chance of staying. He is Terry Gordy's son so I assume Michael Hayes is a big supporter of his. That's just an assumption and I don't know how much weight that would carry, but I'd say that gives him a slight edge over everyone else.
I am sure that Curt Hawkins and Gabriel will get second chance cause they are in FCW they are puting Hawkins in another team and Gabriel has some feuds too so they won't get released
Slam Master J will probably do some matches and be in backstage segments but I think that he won't get released
Charlie Haas if they don't put him in Tag Team he will probably stay heel jobber but he won't get released
Kung Fu Naki won't get released because he is helping Stephanie McMahon
Jimmy Wang Yang probably they won't release him they will keep him for doing dark matches again some FCW talent like he is doing now
About Festus I don't know maybe he will get some new gimnick I heard that they are puting him in a Tag Team in the FCW with Curt Hawkins
Out of all of the wrestlers listed, for my sake I hope DJ Gabriel get's another chance. I loved him when he made his debut, and loved him and Alicia's gimmick. I thought he was decent enough in the ring, and not to mention he's hot and has that sexy british accent thing, which is always a plus.

He was sent back down to FCW for repackaging and more training, which I think might be for the best since the dancing gimmick could only go so far. Right now he's competing as a masked wrestler known as Mr. FCW, so hopefully he get's a better gimmick soon.

As for the others I could see Charlie Haas stick around for a while, just because he's solid in the ring, not a problem back stage, and could be used to help the newer guys learn the biz. The others I don't give two craps about.
Somehow though, I'd say Funaki is the one to survive. Why? I have no clue...But he's been there a long, long time, and hasn't gone away yet. There must be something else he does backstage, but I have no idea. He's OK in the ring, and funny on the mic, but not particularly good at anything.

Funaki is a well respected backstage Talent scout and he does a lot of stuff by being a reliable road agent. So yeah maybe he doesnt do that much in the ring anymore or doesn't appear on TV but he does have quite a respected role backstage.
Funaki, besides being Stephanie McMahon's helper monkey is also Shawn Michaels good friend and neighbor. No Asian wrestler has really lasted that long in WWE except Funaki. If they were ever going to fire him it would have happened long ago.
Charlie Haas is easily the best wrestler listed in the bunch. He was released once already in 2005, but WWE made the correct decision by re-hiring him in 2006. He is a very solid in-ring performer, he's pretty good on the mic (better than Shelton Benjamin), and he would go far with a push, if ever given one. With his gimmick-stealing gimmick, it helped with win a "Slammy Award". Who would have ever thought that Charlie Haas of all people would win a "Slammy"?

Festus going to Raw was just a huge mistake in it's own. He didn't do a very good job of making a name for himself on Smackdown, so going to Raw was just dumb on WWE's part. Jimmy Wang Yang was getting a very decent with Shannon Moore in 2007 and 2008, but know' you're lucky if you see him once a month, and when you do see him, you can assume that he'll lose. Kung Fu Naki? I knew changing his gimmick wasn't going to take him anywhere, but now it's even worse. Slam Master J, as Slam Master J should just take backstage segment roles and not be involved in the ring. His mic skills are much better than his ring work. I started to gain a liking to DJ Gabriel, but I hear he's working with a new gimmick on FCW. Hopefully, that gimmick can help him succeed. Curt Hawkins hasn't been seen in almost a year, and I don't see a re-debut in the near future.

So, my choice is Charlie Haas! He's on a stage much higher than the rest.
From the list of wrestlers posted in the OP, I’d say that DJ Gabriel and Funaki have the highest chances of getting second chances.

I wasn’t a fan of the gimmick that DJ Gabriel used when he first debuted on ECW (the dancing gimmick with Alicia) but I do think he is a solid wrestler with solid mic skills that has a good look. I don’t see why they wouldn’t give him a second chance since he has a lot of the things that Vince looks for in a wrestler and because he was doing pretty well on ECW. Maybe he has attitude problems or something.

The other wrestler I chose was Funaki and it’s not because of his wrestling or mic skills. For whatever reasons, he has been with the WWE a long time and I don't see him going away any time soon. I don’t know what he does backstage that’s keeping him around or if it’s because of his connections, but it’s been like that for a long time and I don’t see him going away any time soon. Also, he seems to always be pretty over with crowds so maybe that’s another factor in him getting a “second chance.”
If Haas can find himself some backstage work like Funaki, he'll stick around and quite possibly be drafted to ECW next time around to help work with the younger talent.

Festus has a shot at being repackaged just because of his size. They tend not to let those guys go for a while.

As others have said, Gordy's pretty safe from being canned because of his connections, although I wouldn't say he's going to stick around a whole long time. Look at Manu.

DJ Gabriel is currently working as a masked wrestler...that's a bad sign. How many people do that gimmick and then are released afterwards because that was their last shot?

Curt Hawkins and Jimmy Wang Yang haven't been used in such a long time that I think it's more of an issue of them waiting for their contracts to expire. Hawkins might have a shot at returning if they can find something for him to do and have faith in him, but seeing as how he hasn't shown up AT ALL since the draft while Ryder has been on TV every week and even given ECW title matches, that doesn't look too good for Hawkins. JWY, I'll bet you we see him pop up some random week, get squashed, then we'll read that he's been released.
If Jesse got his ass in gear, there's a slight chance he could have had an angle where he tried to join Legacy. I'm not going to say who's son he is, because you should already know. If you don't...

Gabe's in FCW.

Personally, I think that Hass is a great asset, but he will never be used to his full potential in the WWE. The newgen fans don't know who he is (Or Bret Hart for that matter) and more than likely won't get behind him.

So, my final verdict? Boogeyman.
It's a rough one. I'm gonna go with Jimmy Wang Yang. He's a pretty good wrestler, he's a good job man. He can make the other wrestler look pretty good. He's still a little bit over, not as much when he debuted, but still enough that the crowd isn't asleep. Charlie Haas isn't going anywhere I believe or he'd have been released already.
As much as I hate to think it, Jamie Noble should probably be added to the list. Yes, he's made a couple of ring appearances recently, but it was to serve as a human sacrifice to an up-and-comer.

To his disadvantage, he's a little guy, just the kind that VKM has no use for.

To his advantage, he's a terrific technical wrestler and a guy who knows how to make his opponent look good (hence, the "human sacrifice" label). But the "trailer trash" program he ran with Nidia a few years ago showed that Jamie has a great personality that could be used in so many ways. Still, I can't help thinking his days in WWE are numbered. Hopefully, it will be a long time in coming.

As to the list provided, I want Charlie Haas to stay. That "impersonator" program he was in was hysterical. I think he proved to management he should be retained.....and did it at a time they might have been ready to release him. This past summer, he was in a few televised matches and I thought a push might be coming up.

So far, it's fizzled........:icon_cry:

Sorry, Charlie.
Jamie Noble is a road agent and helps with the divas, so he's safe...he's like Finlay pretty much.

NO mention of Tyler Reks? The guy is constantly jobbed out and hasn't looked good even when he wins. He's just not connecting, probably due to the similar look to Zack Ryder, who's getting super over (mostly cause we're all shocked he could actually wrestle).

And what of Abraham Washington? We all know Vince doesn't tolerate non-wrestlers for too long, so this guy may be on borrowed time (he's like a less-talented version of Armando Estrada) if he doesn't start wrestling and wrestling well soon.

And, despite his push, Mike Knox isn't long for the company either...right now is nut up or shut up for him, and considering his lack of reaction, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a pink slip soon too.

But, if we gotta pick from the crop listed above, it's easily going to be either Charlie Haas ("creative has nothing for you") or Festus...

Reason Festus? Vince has too many giant, lumbering guys on each show...Festus, nor his gimmick, have any place on any show. He doesn't have tenure (Funaki) or pedigree (Jesse Gordy), he's not a development project (Gabriel and Hawkins), and he's not a reliable jobber that still gets a pop (Wang). Sure, Vince likes big guys, but I think even know he realizes he has too many, and it's much easier to get rid of the guy who hasn't been on screen in months (Festus) than a guy getting a current semi-failed push (Knox).

Question is...who's going to get the ax when all the TNA talent jumps ship during the Hogan fiasco? Gotta make room somehow...

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