Who is your WWE MVP for 2016


Championship Contender
We're at the end of the year. All things considered, I'm going with Charlotte. She developed into a great promo, consistently put on great matches, and delivered basically every time all year. And as amazing as she is she still gets booed out of the building. That's great heel work. She really knows how to act and how to get under the crowd's skin.

2) AJ Styles. What a first year in the company he had! We all knew he was good, but I'd say he still exceeded expectations. He has an argument for MVP, but Charlotte's mic skills ultimately give her the edge.

3) Chris Jericho. The ultimate glue guy. So many times they put him in segments because he's the guy who can make anything work. Had several very good feuds, still a good wrestler, and was consistently entertaining on the mic as he successfully adapts and changes and creates new things.

4) The Miz. Just a career year for this guy. I was never much of a fan, but I've got to give it up this time. He's doing amazing as the heel IC champ.

5) Kevin Owens. This guy is so good. With better programs for him, he could easily have multiple MVP years in the future.
In my eyes it's Jericho. As the op mentioned his matches are still excellent. His mic work is top notch. He's hit a home run with everything given to him and I for one feel he deserves a title run. Y2J gets my vote.
Close between Charlotte and AJ... really close. But I gotta go with Styles when I take everything into consideration.

His debut at the Rumble was an incredible moment. That pop when his music hit and the faceoff with Roman Reigns will probably be remembered on par with the debuts of people like Jericho and Goldberg. I don't remember exactly how far he got, but I know he lasted something like 30 minutes. 4 months into his run, he was feuding with Roman Reigns for the World Heavyweight title and putting on some incredible matches to boot. By his 6th month, he's got two wins over John Cena, one clean in the middle of the ring in possibly the match of the year.

8 months in, he wins the WWE title from Dean Ambrose. Within a year of his debut AJ Styles became the biggest full-time star in the company not named John Cena (if Cena can even be considered full-time anymore), and when you think about how hard it is to get that over in this day and age, it's an incredible feat. The guy is literally carrying Smackdown on his back right now. Other than Brock and maybe Kurt Angle, I can't think of anyone who had as good a rookie year as AJ Styles.
I saw this thread title and automatically thought Charlotte.

Her record in WWE pay per views speaks for itself, having the most consecutive wins in a pay per view for a wrestler new to the Raw roster. Being in the first female Hell in a Cell also helps. Being in the first female PPV main event is extra. For somebody accused of nepotism all over the net, she has put on excellent matches ever since getting called up to Raw. She's not even terrible on the mic, as we saw recently with her "apology" to her dad. She's been in several Main Events, something that a woman would have been laughed at barely a year ago. She's not the usual talent from WWE. Remember when there was that Raw Diva Search and everybody was practically some sort of stripper or a model? She has paved the way for female wrestlers to be respected again and not some piss break joked about in the Live Discussion. AJ Styles and Chris Jericho have had impressive runs this year, but none of them have had a wrestling "first". Charlotte has had several.
Lets not forget:

- Last Divas Chamiopn following a six month run with the title.

- First Women's Championship which she held until it was renamed the Raw Women's Championship.

- She has become a Public Relations machine for the company.

In the end I give Charlotte the edge over Styles. While they are both comparable Charlotte would've had the same success without the Brand split where Styles may have struggled.

I saw this thread title and automatically thought Charlotte.

Her record in WWE pay per views speaks for itself, having the most consecutive wins in a pay per view for a wrestler new to the Raw roster. Being in the first female Hell in a Cell also helps. Being in the first female PPV main event is extra. For somebody accused of nepotism all over the net, she has put on excellent matches ever since getting called up to Raw. She's not even terrible on the mic, as we saw recently with her "apology" to her dad. She's been in several Main Events, something that a woman would have been laughed at barely a year ago. She's not the usual talent from WWE. Remember when there was that Raw Diva Search and everybody was practically some sort of stripper or a model? She has paved the way for female wrestlers to be respected again and not some piss break joked about in the Live Discussion. AJ Styles and Chris Jericho have had impressive runs this year, but none of them have had a wrestling "first". Charlotte has had several.
I can see genuine arguments for both AJ Styles and Charlotte.

In Charlotte's case, it's amazing how far women's wrestling has come over the course of the 18 months or so and she is the primary reason why. That's not to say that she's done it all on her own, of course she hasn't because she's needed quality opponents and programs, but Charlotte has been the true constant factor in the growth of women's wrestling on the main roster. She's athletic, she's great in the ring and she's a great heel; I was hoping that she'd be able to spread her wings if they got her out from under Ric Flair's shadow, if they gave her a chance to show that she's more than simply Ric Flair's daughter and she's soared.

As for AJ Styles, I think he's helped bring out the best in the guys he's feuded with over the course of this year. Whether it's been with Jericho, Reigns, Cena or Ambrose, Styles has managed to have classic matches with all of them. In Jericho's case, his program with Jericho helped revitalize Jericho's career as being more than someone that puts over the younger guys, which is what he's really done primarily for the past several years, and helped remind everyone just how good Jericho still is. Styles also helped bring about the best in Roman Reigns inside the ring and I think working with Styles, along with Reigns being out of the main event scene for a while, has really helped Reigns improve his overall game. We were all nervous regarding Styles' feud with Cena because...well it's John Cena, we knew that there'd be some classic encounters but I don't think any of us expected Styles to come out on the winning end of a feud with him. Styles beating Cena clean at SummerSlam was a major happening because I could see or expect Cena jobbing for possibly Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns or Owens but I didn't really expect it to happen with Styles given that he's so much older. Ambrose's credibility as an in-ring really went up during his feud with Styles, which I think is still going on, and what was even more unexpected than Styles beating Cena clean was becoming WWE Champion. AJ Styles, for over a decade, was the heart & soul of TNA and most of us thought it funny, including me, at the notion that Styles would be WWE Champion.
I'm going with AJ.
Trying imagining how disastrous this year could have turned out for the main roster men without his presence. K.O./Y2J and Charlotte/Sasha have definitely been in the mix though.
I like the OP's list. I'd probably replace Miz and Owens with Xavier Woods and Sasha. Woods just entertains me and feels like the creative guru or glue behind New Day. Despite the injury Sasha was around enough to help get Charlotte where she is.

Honorable mention to Owens, Enzo, Becky, and Ambrose.

Huge drop off for Lesnar, and Rollins.
The Miz. He is in the most interesting rivalry in WWE, with a guy who cannot wrestle. He made the IC title matter. Look at what happened the moment Dolph got it, no one cared. He is the best pure heel in years, getting real legitimate heat naturally. Smackdown needed someone to carry its midcard after the brand split, and they found their man in the Miz. He makes Talking Smack worth watching. He made Dolph interesting, for Christssake.
Please let the record show I tried to give the OP some rep but it said I have to "spread it around before giving it to LBGetBack again'.

When I first saw the title I immediately thought of both Chris Jericho and AJ Styles, but honestly Charlotte is a great choice. Of those three, she is the only one that you can argue stayed at the top of her division for the entirety of 2016 and it wasn't just in boring singles matches vs Alicia Fox (which used to be the Diva Division standard). She pioneered a brand new championship and literally revolutionized the structure of RAW by putting on classic match after classic match. She is the face of the hottest division in WWE and they are breaking new ground on a monthly basis with all of these "first-ever" battles with her perfect foil Sasha Banks.

Chris Jericho has to be a close second though. He hasn't been champ but he is far and ahead the most entertaining wrestler in the company IMO. He re-invents himself for every return and honestly this run has been longer and more memorable than anything he's done since 2010. He's put on several great matches this year with a variety of opponents (his match with AJ was my favorite at WM32) and has literally made a clipboard with paper more over than 80% of the roster. Had you not brought up Charlotte he would've been my choice. I'm not entirely sure when Fozzy goes back on tour but I am enjoying every bit of the gift of Jericho, just trying to drink it in maaaaan.

Top 5
1. Charlotte Flair - Thanks OP
2. Chris Jericho - You better not make the list!
3. AJ Styles - The champ is running the camp. So happy to see they're letting him shine
4. The New Day - the only entity in the company that can say they were champ this whole year
5. Dean Ambrose - Big money match with Brock at mania, winning the first ever Shield triple threat match, being the lone world champion at the brand split, I'm not sure if Ambrose will ever have a year as successful as 2016
Main Roster:

=AJ Styles. Had a great debut at Royal Rumble. Had a good rivalry with Jericho. Main evented a PPV just under 4 months of his debut. Had a good run as a face. Undefeated against Cena. Has a good heel run too. Splendid matches against Ambrose, Reigns, Jericho, Cena.

Honourable Mentions: Charlotte/Sasha, Ambrose.


= Samoa Joe. Had a badass title reign. Had good matches against Zayn, Balor and Nakamura.

Honourable Mentions: Asuka, Revival/DIY.
My Pick: AJ Styles

Hands down and for the following reasons:

1. There was always a question from wrestling fans if TNA's cornerstone star, AJ Styles, would ever be in the WWE. More often than not the answer is no either because of his wrestling style, mic work, look, and often labeled as one of these "king of the indies". Fast forward to 2016 when he finally made his debut to the WWE (as part of the main roster because he did have matches on Heat I believe) and he not only proved the doubters wrong but is one of the most over guys in the company and actually won the big one (i.e the World Title). If WWE is ever going to buy the TNA library and decide to make an AJ Styles documentary this should be the main narrative.

2. He did what Triple H, Stephanie McMahon nor the League of Nations could do and that's make Roman Reigns look like a million bucks. Sure he still got booed but Regins program with Styles gave Reigns that edge he was missing during his WWE Title his WM title chase.

3. Having MOTY candidates left and right and consistently have had the MOTN in most PPV's.

4. Beating John Cena clean at Summer Slam, that solidified his status right there.

Honorable Mentions:

Samoa Joe - With Balor in the main roster and Nakamura being the top face of NXT, Joe is doing an amazing job carrying the NXT Brand.

Chris Jericho - His recent WWE run could be his best since the one in 2008. Jericho is in that role of a veteran while working some great programs with Styles, Owens, Reigns, and Rollins.

Kevin Owens - Has solidified himself as one of the Top heels of RAW and has been very consistent winning the Universal Title also puts him in the main event spot and hasn't dissapointed.

Charlotte - Personally I prefer Sasha Banks but Charlotte herself has legitimatized the Women's division on RAW with her commanding presence, physical attributes, and plays an amazing heel in the Women's division.

Honestly, I'm not going to enumerate a lot of names here because only two superstars MADE THE LIST: Y2J and KO.

I have to make them CO-MVP this year for RAW. They have fantastic chemistry, they are very entertaining, funny and have the best mic skills on Raw. Both of them are excellent in the ring as well. I can't wait for early 2017 because I kow they will have a nice feud.

Honorable mention to Charlotte, she would be a great choice for MVP too just like many of you already explained.

SD Live:

AJ Styles has to be the MVP. Phenomenal rookie year for him, he had great feuds with Y2J, Roman Reigns, John Cena and Dean Ambrose. I see almost no competiton for him on SD Live right now.

I want to give an honorable mention to Ambrose because out of the 3 former Shield guys he had the best year in my opinion and he was really valuable for the WWE when Rollins was injured or when Reigns got suspended. I wasn't sure he could be in the main event and he did it.

The miz is also very valuable to the WWE because he's so AWESOME at being a heel. Since the return of Maryse, his career is back on track and I REALLY hope they can find a place for him in the main event scene in 2017.
It's a great list to be sure.

AJ has proven what we've known for years, he is the true King of the Ring. I'm 100% sure there is no-one better in the world today and wonder if there has ever been anyone better. Now he's doing it on the biggest stage of them all, hard to go past him.

Wish I could opt for two, because Y2J had one of the most packed dance cards this year and yet still people want more of him. Can you imagine if the WWE forced someone down our throats that much and you just hated him, well you don't have to...he'll probably be winning the Universal Title at Roadblock.

Actually Charlotte was excellent as well, until the 450 splash from AJ@TLC, that corkscrew moonsault from the turnbuckle to the outside was my spot of the year.
I can see why a lot of people are saying Charlotte, but a lot of that comes from her rivalry with Sacha Banks. I don't think Charlotte would have had such a great year, if not for the matches with SB. Given Charlotte did start the year on a good level, the matches between these two have been very impressive and raised the bar for each other.

I would go with Y2J. Entertaining throughout the year and has put on some incredible matches while being the one to take the pin.

It's easier as AJ or Charlotte to look great when you're winning, Y2J has turned it into an art form when he is losing.
Spare me with the Charlotte stuff. Beyond the hard-core fan who frequents boards such as this, nobody cares about the Women's Revolution. People left the arena on Monday night before Charlotte's "apology" to Flair. Nobody is leaving the arena when AJ is doing anything.
So many good names have been thrown out by the rest of you. KO, Miz, AJ, Jericho, Charlotte...

And... Love him or hate him, Ambrose did a lot of heavy lifting this year at at number of different times and I think did a great job filling some giant holes in PPVs and roster depletions

However, my final two are:

Runner-Up: John Cena. I know he was hurt, but because of that he was GONE for awhile, letting some of the other talent fumble around in the darkness of the void he left to get some of the limelight. When he did finally return, he did the unthinkable... he put over AJ Styles. And that is one of the best things that he could have possibly done for WWE in 2016.

MVP 2016: Shane McMahon This is purely kayfabe of course, but his return sparked a lot of interest in Wrestlemania that was otherwise very lacking. You know it's true. His spot of the cage reminded us why we love Shane. He return and brief takeover of RAW and his insistence on new talent and new chances signaled the change in WWE that has put the newer guys on the top. It was the catalyst for the brand split, and his brand is working with almost all new/newer talent. Randy is currently helping Bray. Cena put over AJ. Miz isn't new of course, but is doing the best work of his career and elevating the IC title along with Dolph. Shane McMahon's return catalyzed this new era of WWE and as such, makes him the MVP.
Chris Jericho would get my vote. He's the only one who has consistently entertained me all year long. It's great that even at his age, he finds new ways to keep his character from getting stale. Jericho's promos are what I look forward to every Monday night. If there were an award for promo of the year, for me it would go to the one that kicked off Raw a few weeks before SummerSlam involving Jericho, Charlotte, Enzo, and Sasha. In my opinion, Owens vs Y2J should be one of the marquee matchups at WM33 (maybe give Jericho his first Rumble win), and Jericho deserves another run as champion.

Styles would be my runner-up, as he's been a huge addition to the roster and is the perfect guy to put the WHC on. Honestly, nobody on Smackdown is even on his level at the moment.

Honorable mentions to The Miz, Charlotte, Kevin Owens, and Bray Wyatt.
I can see why a lot of people are saying Charlotte, but a lot of that comes from her rivalry with Sacha Banks. I don't think Charlotte would have had such a great year, if not for the matches with SB. Given Charlotte did start the year on a good level, the matches between these two have been very impressive and raised the bar for each other.

I would go with Y2J. Entertaining throughout the year and has put on some incredible matches while being the one to take the pin.

It's easier as AJ or Charlotte to look great when you're winning, Y2J has turned it into an art form when he is losing.

Remember he was getting wins over AJ and Ambrose as well, but at no point was their momentum damaged by Jericho winning. It doesn't matter whether he wins or loses, he puts over his opponent and himself and that's a rare talent.

He beat AJ and then burned the shirt the following night chanting his name. AJ felt like a huge deal by him mocking the AJ chant while he stood over the burning shirt in a darkened ring. So simple but stunning visually and moved the narrative.

People are amazed he got "IT" and "the list" over, but Y2J can get anything over by keeping things simple and letting the audience feed the story.
I would have to say it's a toss up between Styles and Jericho.

Styles came into the WWE this year at the Rumble. He looked so unsure of himself but the fans gave him a rousing welcome. He's gone on to carry the blue brand and is presently the WWE Heavyweight Champion. All along the way, there have been great matches, and he never fails to put on a show. No matter who he's in the ring with both look good.

Jericho has come back and been stellar. His "List of Jericho", "It" and "Stupid Idiot" are the most hilariously ridiculous things, but the fans have latched on to them. No one else could have gotten such silly sayings over like he could. His best friends thing with Owens has kept them fresh and is one of the best things on RAW right now.

It's really hard to pick either as the MVP, so I will take the chicken way out and have them share the award.

Charlotte does get honorable mention. At the beginning she was a little awkward on the mic but now she's the best female heel on the main roster. If you give her the award she has to share it with Banks. It takes two to tango and both have put on great matches, some of them firsts for the women's division. They look to continue that trend with the upcoming Ironman match. Maybe next year will be her year to top the list.
A.J. Styles, and honestly it's not even close. This guy has done it all, and he might have had the most impressive year of anyone in wrestling history. I have never been so impressed by someone, and I would go as far to say that Styles might be the greatest of all time. I'll list what he's done, and remember this is his first year.

-- Debuts in the Royal Rumble and lasts nearly 30 minutes.
-- Has a great feud with Chris Jericho, ending at WrestleMania.
-- Becomes #1 contender to Reigns' title the next night.
-- Has 2 great PPV matches with Reigns for the WWE Title.
-- Turns heel on John Cena in the moment of the year.
-- Defeats Cena at Money in the Bank and clean at SummerSlam.
-- Gets drafted to Smackdown in the first round.
-- Defeats Ambrose at Backlash to win the WWE Title.
-- Defeats Ambrose and Cena at No Mercy to retain his title.
-- Represents Team Smackdown at Survivor Series.
-- Defeats Ambrose at TLC in a TLC match to retain his title again.

Another note is that all of Styles PPV matches have been at least 4 stars. That is extremely impressive, and he is guaranteed to have a great match every time he wrestles. I honestly don't know how this could be anyone else. Again Styles could easily be the greatest wrestler of all time by the time he's finished.
By far i would have to say A.J. styles is my MVP of the year. Just look how far the guy went in just a year in WWE. This is the guy that HHH pretty much had to force vince to hired last year because vince didn'T see anything in him and a year later, he's the WWE world heavyweight champion, is pretty much the guy that's carrying smackdown on his back every week and he'S Vince Mcmahon favorite wrestler right now which is a tough task out of itself.

So nobody had a better year in WWE this year the A.J.styles so he's my mvp of the year.

My runner up would be Chris Jericho mostly because while he didn't have as great of a year, it'S still was one of his better returns in years and the fact that he'S still able to get the fan reactions that he wants every single week deserve a runner up mention.
A.J. Styles, and honestly it's not even close. This guy has done it all, and he might have had the most impressive year of anyone in wrestling history. I have never been so impressed by someone, and I would go as far to say that Styles might be the greatest of all time. I'll list what he's done, and remember this is his first year.

-- Debuts in the Royal Rumble and lasts nearly 30 minutes.
-- Has a great feud with Chris Jericho, ending at WrestleMania.
-- Becomes #1 contender to Reigns' title the next night.
-- Has 2 great PPV matches with Reigns for the WWE Title.
-- Turns heel on John Cena in the moment of the year.
-- Defeats Cena at Money in the Bank and clean at SummerSlam.
-- Gets drafted to Smackdown in the first round.
-- Defeats Ambrose at Backlash to win the WWE Title.
-- Defeats Ambrose and Cena at No Mercy to retain his title.
-- Represents Team Smackdown at Survivor Series.
-- Defeats Ambrose at TLC in a TLC match to retain his title again.

Another note is that all of Styles PPV matches have been at least 4 stars. That is extremely impressive, and he is guaranteed to have a great match every time he wrestles. I honestly don't know how this could be anyone else. Again Styles could easily be the greatest wrestler of all time by the time he's finished.

Not gonna lie, as soon as you said he's the greatest of all time, I glanced at the top right corner and saw your age. That made it make a little more sense.

Not sure what defeating Dean Ambrose, or being on Team Smackdown have to do with anything. Those are kayfabe "accomplishments", but you don't necessarily have to be great to do that. Everybody beats Ambrose, and everybody that's anybody can be on Team Smackdown/Raw at Survivor Series when they go that direction.

AJ gets strong consideration because he put on great matches all year. He had a great year, no question.
Not gonna lie, as soon as you said he's the greatest of all time, I glanced at the top right corner and saw your age. That made it make a little more sense.

Not sure what defeating Dean Ambrose, or being on Team Smackdown have to do with anything. Those are kayfabe "accomplishments", but you don't necessarily have to be great to do that. Everybody beats Ambrose, and everybody that's anybody can be on Team Smackdown/Raw at Survivor Series when they go that direction.

AJ gets strong consideration because he put on great matches all year. He had a great year, no question.
For me too, AJ Styles is one of the greatest wrestler of all time. He's the greatest wrestler who is currently active in wrestling. In-ring skills are damn good, moves are phenomenal, mic-skills are good enough. And accomplishments? A bunch of accomplishments too. He's currently the best we have.
ShinChan™;5620771 said:
For me too, AJ Styles is one of the greatest wrestler of all time. He's the greatest wrestler who is currently active in wrestling. In-ring skills are damn good, moves are phenomenal, mic-skills are good enough. And accomplishments? A bunch of accomplishments too. He's currently the best we have.

I have no problem with "one of" the greatest wrestlers of all time, focusing on the in ring part. Seeing him finally get a chance to do it on the biggest stage has been, well, phenomenal. But when we start getting into the greatest of all time, consider there are guys who at their peaks also put on consistently great matches and were better talkers and overall characters than AJ has been to this point. Guys like Savage, Flair, Angle, Jericho, Michaels to name a few.

I've got no problem with AJ being MVP. Personally I had him number 2, but can see the argument for #1. I think greatest of all time is a stretch, and I think some of the stated reasons above for giving him MVP were a little flimsy. If I'm going with him as MVP it's because he absolutely killed it in the ring all year long. That's reason enough. Only reason I went with Charlotte is because she also killed it in the ring, but also on the mic. She's been the number 1 promo since about May, in my opinion and for me that gave her the slight edge. AJ has been awesome though, no question.

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