Who Is Your Favorite WWE/F Wrestler of All Time? Why?

My favourite would have to be Undertaker, he pretty much defines the WWE. With having so many different personalities and having done pretty much everything there is to do. He created matches, has been in god damn amazing matches, and he is truly a badass.
So there's no single favorite wrestler to me...

There are wrestlers I like, wrestlers I love, wrestlers I respect...

And one that was an inspiration.

I'm breaking this down in categories...

On the Mic, freestyle- The Rock

On Promo- Weird that I'm saying this, but the most memorable promo I have ever seen? Shawn Michaels super kicking Marty Janneti... Of course, anyone might say Stone Cold, but I'm picking HBK... HBK did it for twenty something years at the WWE and still made it fresh...

On the Mat- Bret Hart. Excellence of Execution. 'nuff said.

Sheer Physical Specimen- Andre the Giant, close second Ultimate Warrior. Who'd mess with those guys? One's huge, the other is CRAZY and Ripped. Big Show, you're up there too....

And that leaves me with the two guys I wanted to go over but never won the championship...

Ricky Steamboat
Mr. Perfect

The crispness in their moves and the way they made other wrestlers look in the ring? FANTASTIC. Top Notch. The Best.

And finally, the best of all the best?

Ric Flair...

...Still can't stand him... but there's none better for as long as he's been around...
The Rock, without a doubt. Why?! It's really hard to say, it's a combination of things, his ability on the mic, his abiliy to control the audeince, his athletic ability in the ring, his showmanship, his charisma, or maybe the shades, or the sideburns, or the 700$ shirts, or the people's elbow,...to make it short and sweet, he was a great entertainer, the best damn entertainer of all times, and that's what the business is all about, entertainment. Before dwayne became the rock, hbk was my all-time favourite. I remember being so mad when he left in 1998, to a point where I almost stopped watching.
Mine would be Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. I was very happy when he beat the "Macho Man" Randy Savage at WM3 in perhaps the greatest match ever seen.

Why? Well, Steamboat is my favourite for many reasons. Firstly, he was a tremendous in-ring performer. His arm-drag, "skin the cat" and flying body-press were a sight to behold. He had some memorable matches, and I have heard "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Randy "Macho Man" Savage all name Steamboat as the best wrestler they have ever been in the ring with. It was great when Steamboat got to do a couple of matches involving Chris Jericho a couple of years ago, and he didn't seem to miss a step. The chants of "You've still got it" are a cry that other legendary performers would love to hear when they wrestle their first match in 20 years. But this cry was directed at Steamboat at WM25.

Secondly, Steamboat is actually a good talker on the mike. Two examples are pre-match Wrestlemania 3, and his HoF announcement on "Raw", where Chris Jericho interrupted the celebration. Jericho is great on the mike, as we know, but Steamboat was also compelling, and matched him.

Thirdly, by all reports, there are fewer more humble or generous men in wrestling than Steamboat. Where egos and politics can play a big part, Steamboat didn't seem to have a problem with making his opponent look good in the ring. His generosity seemed to extent to his current role, as a trainer and producer in WWE. Steamboat helps train the up-and-comers, and lays out matches for them, giving back to the sport. He doesn't continue his wrestling career to hog the spotlight, but would prefer to remain backstage, and let others get the glory.

Even when it comes to family, Steamboat sets a great example. He set aside his climb up the ladder (and dropped the IC belt), so that he could take time off to see his son be born. I own the Ricky Steamboat DVD, and his son Richie is on it, glowing in praise for his father, and how close they are. Richie may hopefully follow in his dad's footsteps, and amaze a new generation like his dad did many years earlier.

I have never heard a bad word be said about Ricky Steamboat, by anyone. Someone who never played a heel, Steamboat may have been generous to a fault, and missed out on opportunities others would have politicked for. As a result, Steamboat never got to hold the WWF World Title (IMO, the greatest wrestler never to have been WWF Champion), but while titles were important, he seemed to wrestle more for the sheer love of it, and it showed in each and every performance.

So, Ricky the Dragon Steamboat is my favourite, as he is an outstanding wrestler, good orator, and , most importantly, a man of integrity who makes professional wrestling better by his involvement, no matter what capacity.
My Favorite wrestler of all time will always be The Deadman, The Lord Of Darkness, The Phenom, The American Bad Ass, The Undertaker!!! I Started watching wrestling in the 90's and the first time I turned that channel to Wrestling He Was the first one I've seen. The Evil look and his overall character was the best thing I've ever seen. I've collect as much Taker merchandise as i could and would love to have seen or meet him in person but never had a chance. i loved everything he did (even the American Bad Ass/Big Evil).The day he retires is the day ill stop watching wrestling.
Chris Jericho.

I remember watching him from a very young age. Before he left in 2005, he had an intense feud with John Cena. I remember I was the only kid in school that rooted for Chris Jericho, and all of my friends would yell at me because he was the bad guy. In fact, when I was little, he was the ONLY bad guy that I liked. His character just stuck to me. I love his move-set, his mic-skill, his entrance. His whole persona had me gripped. Even when he was using big words and wearing suits to the ring, I still liked that. He was also a very very entertaining face. He's also had some great matches, including his bout with HBK at Mania 19.

I know he is coming back to the WWE someday, hopefully in the near future, and considering his multiple absences, his official retirement will bother me for some time.
My fav wrestler? Of all time? Justin Gabriel.

Why? I've only been watching wrestling for a year and 8 months. When I first came back onto the WWE train of fans it was because Johnny Damon was hosting Raw and it was one of the best things on TV at the time. So I kept along with it and after a while I heard about this show called NXT. That was fun as hell to watch (this was Season 1 obviously) and I saw Justin preforming and everything he did made me go "WOW!" Naturally I kept watching and Justin Gabriel became the main reason I was into wrestling. After a while I became a regular fan but I was looking forwrd to seeing Justin on TV for me to root on.

Then came Nexus. To be honest they scared the living shit out of me and of course, that meant Justin scared me too. Suddenly my image of a perfect, wonderful and (of course) handsomeyoung man dissolved. That was the freaking point. I applaud Justin for doing that to me- I also virtually slap him upside the head. He even got signed on one of my good days- my birthday. :D

Okay so let's flash forward a few months. By this time I knew WWE was scripted, I knew that NXT officially sucked and I knew Justin was still a good guy- mostly because of how he acted as a heel. You'll never find a more dedicated partner than this guy. You have to drag him away from the ring to get him to ditch someone and he puts up a decent fight if you try. He's a big team member and all around good guy even when he's bad. NICE! Also by this time I started a blog series on the old WWE Universe sight with -supprise!- Justin becoming my character's best friend- and eventual boyfriend (my blog's are faker than the WWE storylines)

So by present day WWE is 1.) pissing me off and 2.) boring me half to death. Then out comes the now bearded (I'll get him for that- SHAVE GODDAMMIT!) Justin Gabriel and I become the young fan girl I was when I first saw him on NXT. That was probably more than you wanted to hear but this guy is worth watching WWE for. Thus I kind of dropped Raw and stuck to Smackdown but to this day I still beam everytime Justin hits the 450 Splash and gets the pin.
Hulk Hogan.

When I got into wrestling back in the early 90s, he was the man! I think when most fans get into wrestling and they become a big fan of one particular wrestler, he/she becomes their favorite of all-time. Back to Hogan. One of the reasons I liked him was the promos and at the end when he would ask "watcha gonna do...". Even today I like watching his promos when I watch old footage. Plus his charisma is like no other. In my opinion anyway, I'm sure a lot of people think Rock and Austin have better charisma. Oh and I how can I forget the "Hulking up" he does at the end of his matches? I've been a wrestling fan for 20 plus years and unlike other wrestlers I was always a Hogan fan. I don't think I ever bashed the guy once. Flair is one of my all time favorites and I've bashed him(it was fair though).
My favorite is Stone Cold Steve Austin.

He has taken the WWE to different heights. I've always loved his character, good or bad, promos, DTA, backing up his talk, & *I don't care* attitude. It was pretty cool to know that, even when he was in pain, he still passed out, not officially submitting to Bret Hart by saying *I quit*. It's probably my favorite match in WWE history that I've watched.
My fav wrestler? Of all time? Justin Gabriel.

Why? I've only been watching wrestling for a year and 8 months. When I first came back onto the WWE train of fans it was because Johnny Damon was hosting Raw and it was one of the best things on TV at the time. So I kept along with it and after a while I heard about this show called NXT. That was fun as hell to watch (this was Season 1 obviously) and I saw Justin preforming and everything he did made me go "WOW!" Naturally I kept watching and Justin Gabriel became the main reason I was into wrestling. After a while I became a regular fan but I was looking forwrd to seeing Justin on TV for me to root on.

Then came Nexus. To be honest they scared the living shit out of me and of course, that meant Justin scared me too. Suddenly my image of a perfect, wonderful and (of course) handsomeyoung man dissolved. That was the freaking point. I applaud Justin for doing that to me- I also virtually slap him upside the head. He even got signed on one of my good days- my birthday. :D

Okay so let's flash forward a few months. By this time I knew WWE was scripted, I knew that NXT officially sucked and I knew Justin was still a good guy- mostly because of how he acted as a heel. You'll never find a more dedicated partner than this guy. You have to drag him away from the ring to get him to ditch someone and he puts up a decent fight if you try. He's a big team member and all around good guy even when he's bad. NICE! Also by this time I started a blog series on the old WWE Universe sight with -supprise!- Justin becoming my character's best friend- and eventual boyfriend (my blog's are faker than the WWE storylines)

So by present day WWE is 1.) pissing me off and 2.) boring me half to death. Then out comes the now bearded (I'll get him for that- SHAVE GODDAMMIT!) Justin Gabriel and I become the young fan girl I was when I first saw him on NXT. That was probably more than you wanted to hear but this guy is worth watching WWE for. Thus I kind of dropped Raw and stuck to Smackdown but to this day I still beam everytime Justin hits the 450 Splash and gets the pin.

Seriously? I see you're 15 years old and I have to say; for you, Justin Gabriel is a great choice, and I have a ton of respect for you for this post. He's not the average superstar everyone else is naming, myself included (Randy Savage FTW!). He's a good wrestler for his style and I hope he has a long career. For you, stick with it and look for others to like, because if you like one guy, you can probably like others too.

That said... For me it's Randy Savage. I think your personal favorite really does seem to be that one guy that you like early on. For me, the first show I saw was Wrestlemania 3 with my big brothers, and that show was jam packed with legends. The Hart Foundation & The British Bulldogs, Jake The Snake Roberts, Bobby Heenan (I used to hate him sooo much when I was little) Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, & The Macho Man Randy Savage. To this day I would mark out for any of those guys, but Randy Savage is THE man.

Savage was robbed at WM3, but then came WM4 and he went through everyone to win the title and that was it man. He was where he deserved to be, especially after winning one more match than Ted DiBiase won to get there. It was just amazing. His entire career was amazing, but after a much hated heel run as the Macho King, Elizabeth came down and saved him, and turned everything around in what is IMO the best face turn of all time. I cried then, and I still get emotional thinking about what Elizabeth did for Savage that night.

And after that he began a feud with my second favorite wrestler of all time, Mr. Perfect. Sure it started out with Ric Flair, but where ever Flair went there was the better man in his corner, the perfect one. God the best moment in wrestling came the PTW before SS92 when Savage had the guts to propose a deal with Mr. Perfect to be his partner against Flair & Hall. I HATED Flair, and I still hated The Brain at that time too (I still love to hate Flair now) so when Perfect, who I always kinda liked finally turned on them after being slapped by Heenan and called names by Razor Ramone, it was awesome. The Perfect Team was just that IMO, I wish they had stayed together.

After that things faded for Savage in the WWF, and Perfect went on a little longer until he reinjured his back, but man, those days were the best in wrestling for me, and Savage was the reason why. Perfect too.
Kurt angle..... the full package as in terms of a pro wrestler but when he had to "entertain" he was always on point.... He on everyone's top and was only with the company for 7 years
I have been a wrestling fan for many years (30 to be exact) but my fav back in the younger day was Hulk Hogan, my gma had wrote him after the story-line when Earthquake sat on his chest and crushed him, on the Brother Love show come to find out it was real accident .. she sent him a get well card, and he replied back saying thank you for your concern. Four (4) months later my gma was in a car accident, my aunt wrote Hogan and told him, he came to the hospital she was at and met with her and the family. Hogan said he recieved so many letter while in the hospital but her letter stood out more than any of them.
I had two major favorites growing up.

When I started watching in 1998, The Rock was really beginning to hit his stride in cutting promos and he was absolutely incredible to my 4 year old mind. Looking back, he is still probably my favorite wrestler simply because he was able to have an aura about him that no one else, not even Austin, had, and whether he was wrestling or talking, you couldn't help but pay attention.

The second one, which looking back is really ironic, was Jeff Hardy. Team Extreme in 2000 was a group that were very flashy and the high risk stuff they did totally captured my attention. Jeff stood out because he was the one taking all the ridiculous bumps off ladders, through tables, etc. I was a huge fan of his growing up, which looking back now is really ironic considering how his life has gone and the fact that I have so much in common with his last opponent in WWE, CM Punk (a straight edge teenager from Chicago).
alot of young fans in here ive noticed. alot of attitude era guys. well im one of the few old school guys from over 20 years ago. like alot of people i got drawn in by hulk hogan and the rock-n-wrestling era. then i became infatuated by the ultimate warrior then slowly grew on the underttaker. but my choice predates most. the superfly jimmy snuka was my original and all time favs. i was a smaller kid and identified with his speed and agility and loved the superfly spash. he had the look and the skills. he seems to play off martial arts with the savage samoan thing very well. he was like a modern wrestling version of tarzan. id never seen anybody wrestle barefoot before and jus thought he was the shit. hell he (jus as hogan did when he slammed andre) inspired a future legend(mick foley) to begin wrestling when he leaped from the top of the cage onto bob backlund or was it the (real)rock don marocco. even when he makes an appearance today, he is so damn applauded.
Without a doubt, Undertaker and Kane.

Why? As i grew up i remeber these 2 destroying everyone at the time, and undoubtfully, they still do IMO.

Undertaker is unbeaten at WM and Kane creeps me out in good way (if thats possible) thats why i LOVE THOSE GUYS

Also i am one of those who think kane should get an extended run in the ME PICTURE along with him mask before he retires while undertaker finishes him career 20-0 is perfect
I'm going with the overall majority because I'm one of them when I say that my favourite wrestler of all time is Shawn Michaels.

I have never seen a match where HBK was Out-Performed, that's because I
For me it's between Triple H and The Rock.But if i had to choose between them it will be triple h only because he's been in the wwe way longer than rock and ive seen him wrestle for years.
As for what made triple h my favorite superstar is simply his badass heel persona.I started watching wwe in 1999 and lets face it no one was a bigger heel than triple h was.And while every fan hated him so much I was a huge huge fan of his.I think i was the only 6 yr old who was cheering and supporting triple h at that time.The way triple h will come out to the ring spittiing water and wearing jeans and a leather jacket also not to mention his theme song "my time" (which is my favorite theme song of all time) made him such a badass.No doubt the year 2000 was triple h's best year in his career as well as the rock.Both men had to carry company while stone cold was out with an injury.
Triple h also has been part of the greatest factions in wwe history.DX,mcmahon helmsley faction,two man power trip,and of course Evolution.I mean seriously no one does a better job of leading a group than triple h does.
For years i seen people bashing triple h for marrying the bosses daughter and hogging the spotlight and blah blah blah.The true is triple h earned his spot.He paid his dues and was main eventer before he even started the storyline with steph.And also he has busted his ass all those years and bled in every single hardcore match he has been.I respect him for everything that he has done and he's my favorite superstar of time
A few friends I talk wrestling with asked me this question the other day 'who's your favorite of all time' and I replied The Miz. I then proceeded to praise The Miz as if I were Michael Cole. And while The Miz is one of my favorite wrestlers today....I wasn't being serious. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin gets my 'Greatest of All Time' nod. I remember being 10 years old watching 'Stone Cold' cause hell every Monday Night. I remember watching Mania when he beat Shawn....I went nuts...and all the antics that followed with him and McMahon helped the WWE get as big as it is today. Without question....STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN is my favorite of all time....If it wasn't for the stuff he was doing back then I doubt I'd be watching wrestling today.
"Perhaps the greatest of all time." -Jim Ross
"The yard stick that wwe superstars of past and present are measured."- JR
"The conscience of the wwe." JR

Everyone knows what time it is when the lights go out. GOOONGGG
From the Bells, to the lighting treatment, to the pyro, to the "mind games". Taker has it all. He's expanded his moveset to where it is a classic to watch him wrestle. He has the fans wrapped up in the match no matter who he's in there with because he draws respect from everyone.

7 time World Champion
19-0 at the Grandest Stage
Been in the business for around 25 years
Been the Undertaker for over 20 years

He has it all. Persona, entrance, moveset, in ring ability, size, strenght, look. Complete package. You could line up every guy who's ever gone at it and there's gonna be a few who really stick out. Taker, Andre, Hogan, HBK, Flair, and Sting.

Who beat Hogan for the belt back in the day?? Nobody really. Taker did. He's took the belt from Hogan twice. He knows the business inside and out. He's put everyone and there mother over. You don't have to beat taker for him to put you over. Just being in there with him earns you respect, fame, etc. He sky rocketed Randy Orton, I enjoyed the program he had with cm punk, mr kennedy, he put Issac Yankem over(Kane.) He's one of the sole reasons Kane is even Kane. He basically had Mick Foley brought over. He put over Austin. He put over Rock. He put over HHH. He put over Angle. He put over Cena. He put over Brock. He put over Batista. Edge and so on and so forth.

You're really nothing in the biz until you've locked up with the deadman. People really knock on the whole cartoonish gig. But Taker stuck with it and it took him from Texas Red to the Greatest of all time imo. What he brings to the table will never be matched by anyone. There is only one LAST OUTLAW
Mine all time favorite would have to be Bret Hart cause of waht he accolished, did and how he wrestled in the ring as well his personna. Second would have to be a tie with Steve Austin and HHH. Hard to decide on one verses the other. Bret the best there is, is and will be.

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