Who is your favorite superstar of all times and /or current??

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Getting Noticed By Management
I havent seen one of this threads in a while so why not?
Real easy question....who is your favorite wrestler of all times and if he or she. Is gone or retired from wwe then who is your current favorite wrestler??
As my sign my suggest my favorite wrestler of all times is HHH ...i started watching at the end of 98 and thats when he started a huge push...he has everything, I love watching him in the ring, he is waaaay too charismatic, can play a great face but an awesome heel, has the mic skills ...he is just perfect
With HHH in the injured list i gotta say that my current favorite wrestler right now is dolph ziggler..... I dont know why but the guy has all the necessary tools to be big in this business, he is more than solid in the ring, has ok mic skills. And there is room for improvement, and i hope he becimes a main eventer within a year because of he lack of main eventers in smackdown??
So whos your?? DISCUSS
The Rock is my favorite of all time. The way he would come out and entertain week in and week out was amazing. I loved his mic skills and his in ring skills were not bad at all. He could put on really good matches with, Steve Austin, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, and many more. In my opinion the man is the best of all time on the mic and not anyone's promos will ever come close to his but thats just what I think.

As for right now I have to say The Miz. I have always liked the Miz, the guy has heart. Everyone told him he couldn't do it and he didn't let it get to him. He proved them all wrong. This past Monday when he cashed in I was on my feet jumping up and down and then when he won I was so happy I almost cried. I jumped up and down and ran around my house. I have never been like that about anything in pro wrestling ever.
I'm very torn between The Rock and The Undertaker. I first started watching wrestling near the end of 1999 (I'm 21). The Undertaker wasn't around and I remember crying when Vince screwed Rock at WM 16 lol. Then Rock won the title at Backlash, only to lose and win it again within 3 months. I'll always love Rock's entertainment, but am disappointed that he doesn't wrestle anymore.
i have 2 favorites that i enjoyed watching,the 1st being the rock..this guy was not only good in the ring but he was awesome on the mic,i swear if wwe did a 2 hour show with just the rock talking on the mic that show would draw bigger ratings than what wwe does now.....my 2nd favorite person is shawn michaels...this guy was great in the ring and made all his matches whether they was on raw or ppv look like 5 star matches and he was real good at making his opponents look better than what they did before,i mean shawn michaels could make santino marella look like a superstar
Undertaker 100%

The biggest surprise gimmick success. Who would have thought a tall guy wearing gardening gloves and a tie would become a legend? Plus he is one of the most respected guys ever. Never heard one bad story about him from anyone.
Juan Cena lol had to throw that in there due to his new gimmick but seriously my fav of all time would have to be Stone Cold Steve Austin i started watching in about 1994 im 21 now back then i was behind hogan but then about 96 wen Stone Cols won the King of the Ring and gave his famous austin 3:16 speech i was hooked and became a huge fan immeditaly i just loved his attitude and thought he was the coolest guy ever i had everything Stone cold from the action figures to all his shirts to me stone cold was the best ever.

Now days i'll have to say that my fav is Zack Ryder now i know he doesn't have a huge push but he deserves it he's got great charisma good on the mic has a nice catchphrase and he has damn good in ring skills i also like Daniel Bryan or as we know him Bryan Danielson i've watched Bryan Danielson for quite awhile in ROH, evolve and even some of his NWA stuff he's an amazing wrestler and hopefully he'll get a push to the wwe title in the future.
Chris Jericho.

Shawn Michaels is in 2nd but it's Jericho by far. He was the reason why I came back to watching the WWE in late 2007, before I stopped watching in 2005 and was watching on/off in 2004, compared to me watching like wrestling was my religion from 2001-2003 and at times before that. As a kid I was a mark of course, I would always boo the heels, always cheer the faces, but Jericho was just too good to boo. I remember I was getting into wrestling near the time where the whole Alliance angle was coming to an end. It was near No Mercy, and it was Jericho-Rock, and I couldn't help but want Jericho win despite EVERYONE loving Rock, all my friends, and just about everyone I knew loved The Rock, I was the lone Jericho felt. He always appealed to me, but to be honest I was big Edge fan back in the day. Edge was my first favourite wrestler, he played this loner and mysterious character that I can relate too. So it goes...

1. Chris Jericho

2. HBK
3. Edge

Stone cold steve austin was my favourite
the rock and hbk come a close second with HHH also up there
currently i'd have 2 say randy orton.. the guy is amazing in the ring,has decent mic skills and has a mean look.. he would have been perfect for the attitude era..

John Nord aka The Berzerker or the character that I enjoy the most "Yukon John". In the AWA he used to play this lumberjack-like character that's all manly, coming out to the ring with "Bad Moon Rising" by CCR blaring. For those interested you should really check this dude out in the ring. He is quite entertaining.

Now as for the superstar that is currently active, my favorite has got to be The Undertaker. He was the first champion I saw on television (circa 2002 "American Badass" gimmick"), and for some reason he just stuck with me ever since. I must say I've never gotten bored with him like I have with many top stars on the roster. His entrance is bar none the most awe inspiring one in the WWE, and he has lived quite the wrestling legacy.

Honorable Mentions:

John Morrison
Alberto Del Rio
Junkyard Dog
undertaker all the way.

he is one of the very few still active legends in the business today. and even though he cant come out every week and have very talkitive promos because it would not go with his gimmick. you gotta respect his in ring work ability and his passion for the company(to stay there for 20 years is pretty impressive). kinda hoping for an undertaker heel turn tho, because he is so good in the ring, no matter he does as a heel, people will still cheer because he is that good. undertaker 100%
My favorite superstar all round is the undertaker, every thing he does is amazing..until recently, and now I'm praying he retires in one piece. Every time undertaker comes out I will be reduced to a child and I could ask for no more. And how could a man respected by every single wrestler in a business where there are betrayals and few friends not be an idol to every wrestling fan. He is a true idol and a genuine guy which is whatmakes it for me against people like the rock who I liked as a wrestler arguably as much, his personality is what takes it for me. For me he is definately someone everyone should look up to.

John morrison is my favorite superstar of now times. I'm not sure I can offer anyone a good reason, I'm just a blind mark for the guy. I'll always try and justify it but at the end of the day I'm just think he's cool and thats pretty much what it comes down to. I will mark out at every chuck kick or starship pain. Btw 1 question, I haven't ever seen a guy kick out of starship pain when it has been delivered successfully, is there anyone who has, and if so when?
The Undertaker, the only reason why I started watching wrestling and still watching.

When you've been apart of a federation for 18+ years, you're bound to gain a lot of respect. Doing what Taker does isn't easy. Even Jim Ross himself admitted that among so many superstars to ever emerged from WWE, Undertaker is the only one that is as respected as Andre The Giant. Nagging injuries, constant high profile matches, it's a lot to be admired when it comes to Taker's job. Even gauntlets like Triple H haven't ever talked down about him, and it comes as a surprise seeing as they supposedly dislike each other. Now, when Edge spoke about Eddies death, he mentioned Taker, and said he was the only guy left he could speak to after Chris and Guerrero died. Not to forget Taker is a respected guy backstage, he's earned his keep. And anyone who talks down about him, regardless, will get a crap load of backlash from nearly every other wrestler in the lockeroom. He's like their God, even when The Hardy Boys first started, they where jobbers, but Taker looked out for them, and then was only within his first couple of years in WWE - so it shows he pretty much worked hard all his career.

The only person who i can think of, which comes to close to 'talking down' of Taker, is Stephanie McMahon. She wanted to end Takers streak, for Triple H no doubt - favoritism much? Anyway, she wanted it gone and her husband to end it. Thankfully, that never and hopefully, won't happen. He has this undeniable aura about him, even the haters can admit that, heck, does he even have haters? Lame if you can't admire one of the best in the business, and that's an understatement.

Overall, as it has been stated by many other guys (i.e. Edge, Orton), The Undertaker runs the backstage, and if he says something, it sticks. I believe he was the first to man up and pound McMahon's door and say he needed to apologize to Bret during the whole Survivor Series screwjob and that spoke volumes with the clubhouse, showing that Taker, would stick up for any person, no matter what.

And he always gives you his best no matter if it's on the big stage like Wrestlemania, or a house show with 2000 fans. His legacy is the wrestlers he's brought to the fore, who never would have been half the wrestler they are without Taker. Case in point is Kane. Where would Kane and Mick Foley be without him?

Undertaker's legacy is you never left the arena after one of his matches thinking he had mailed it in. And the agility for such a big man. When he goes "old school" who have you ever seen who can do that? Can anyone else give you the staredown in the middle of the ring? How about that entrance? Can anyone else bring chills down your spine just walking to the ring?

Without the Streak, Undertaker would still be the most respected man in the locker room, night in and night out. When he takes off his boots for the last time, it will leave a hole in WWE that can never be filled again. That is the Undertaker's legacy.

The day he retires for good is the day I'm done with wrestling altogether.
OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH Yeaaaaaaahhhhhhh, Dig it!
Macho Man Randy Savage. What couldn't he do in the squared circle. We was one of the best in ring performers of all time, great as a face, awesome as a heel, and could go from normal to totally bonkers at the drop of a dime. He is also arguably one of the top 10 on the mic as well. I don't even think the nWo would have even worked with out Macho Man to be their foil in the beginning. He had some of the greatest feuds in WWF history. I hope he is they mystery gm.
My favorite wrestler of all time is, believe it or not, Jeff Hardy. I know a lot of people don't like him (especially after his recent shoot) but when I was growing up watching wrestling, me and my cousin were always the Hardy Boyz. I was Jeff and he was Matt, and we followed them as our favorite wrestlers for years. Now a days I might not be as big of a Hardy fan as I was back then, but I can't deny the fact that I'm still a Hardy supporter. Even if it did come to the point where I completely abandon my Hardy support, that still doesn't take away the fact that he was once a great wrestler.

As for my favorite wrestler right now, that would be none other then Kofi Kingston. I really want to see this guy succeed, and I hope he gets the push he deserves. The boom (no pun intended) of my Kingston favoritism really started when he began feuding with Randy Orton. From the car destruction to the Boom Drop at MSG, it really got me going with Kofi's bandwagon. He already has the wrestling skill down, all WWE needs to do is let him explore the mic more, and actually give him some the chance to shine. If they do this, I'm sure he will really start to fit in with the Main-Event talent, especially on Smackdown. Just to note, CM Punk comes in at a close second (as my favorite heel).
All time favorite: Hulk Hogan. Hulk got me interested back around 88'. Say what you want about his life behind the curtains or outside of the ring, but his super good guy persona in the ring was a real inspiration to me.

Current favorite: AJ Styles. I wish this guy was more charismatic. Strong, fast, and great in the ring. If he could just find that character within himself that allowed him to shine like the Kurt Angles, HHHs, HBKs, and Stone Colds, he'd be the ultimate complete package.
Superstar of all time - Bret Hart. Made me wish I could be the kid that got his shades. Amazing technical wrestler and soooooo over. (I guess it helps that I grew up in Calgary and had both Keith and Bruce Hart as substitute teachers over the years)

Current Superstar - I'm the exception rather than the rule that as male over the age of 18, I really dig John Cena. Can he actually wrestle? Not really. Does he have flashy moves? Yeah. Can he work the mic? Better than probably anyone right now. And he's funny as hell. He's a modern day Hogan. Wrestling skills be damned, he's as over as anyone could possibly be.
Favorite Ever: Shawn Michaels. HBK was one of the first guys I saw when I started watching regularly back in the late 90's and I thought he was the coolest guy ever. His look, his attitude, and I his ring work was very exciting to watch. He got his back injury about a year later but when he returned, I fell in love with him all over again. The guy can make any match worth watching and I still miss seeing him perform sometimes.

Favorite Now: Would be this little guy below, John Morrison. I've always liked him even when he was Johnny Nitro, but when he became The Shaman of Sexy I fell in love. The guy just oozes coolness from his look, to his entrance (which is one of the best in the business IMO) and his exciting arsenal of moves. He gets a lot of hate for his mic work which I agree with to an extent. He still needs to work on his talking; however, if he's allowed to do or say what he wants, he's can be very entertaining (ex. The Dirt Sheet. He was hilarious in those).
I was always a Sting fan. From back in the days of his blonde hair and colorful face paint, to his present receding hairline he always put on a great show and always cut a great promo. Back in WCW, when he disappeared for a while and reappeared as "the Crow" during the nWo days, it just really put the icing on the cake. "Will he join or won't he?" was such a huge deal back then. And when he ended up laying waste to the entire nWo with his bat (repeatedly)? Priceless.

I still go back on Youtube every now and then to re-live some of those old moments just for sh!ts and giggles. Good times, for sure.
Fave ever- I'm really torn, here's how I will be fair and equal, of it.

Fave ever FEMALE- Trish and Lita. These were the pioneering women who were able to beautiful AND athletic in WWE. Granted, they weren't the starters in WWE, but, their matches whether against each other, or other competitors were AMAZING. Both of these women were not afraid to get down and dirty. They made it okay to be both sexy and sporty. Girls were wanting to be just like them, and guys wanted to go out with them. Of all the divas in recent times, those are the two that resonate with fans the most because they were not afraid to be themselves, whether face, heel, they would give their all to the stage. Granted, Trish had a royal send off, although Lita's was less than stellar (thanks to the backlash in fans..) But still, both of these are my favorite 'women' of all time.

Fave male wrestler ever- HBK. What can I NOT say about this guy?? He's done it all. He's been to the top and bottom in an amazing career. He's had highs, lows, and everything in between, and well documented battles with personal demons, and faith, and managed to go out on top in WWE with the respect and adoration of everyone, just by being himself. Not many people, especially of the smaller stature like him would be able to pull that off after so many years. But he's got the charisma, and the personal strength to do whatever he chooses. I think he's made the right choices and as hard as some of his battles were, its what made him the Shawn Michaels we all know and love today.

Fave male wrestler NOW...and growing more daily- Wade Barrett- I'm sorry to those who don't like him. This guy had an effect on me when I saw NXT season 1. Just him being paired with Jericho is already a compliment. Then you add the fact everytime he was coming to the ring, he had an air or confidence, and the way he would speak spoke volumes. So what if he didn't win all the matches personally individually, he had the charisma, and just this dominating presence about him. As the time went on, you could tell he was someone to be reckoned with. Each time he went to fight, it was always mentioned he was a bareknuckles brawler, and as evident by some of the scars and bumps on him, that lent an authenticity to it for me. When he won, and then later the Nexus invaded and he was shown as the general basically of the group, and I saw some of his earlier work in OVW and FCW, it just proved my theory that he is a guy who is going places, and that WWE's new wave of upstarts being on the trend for rise in success is the right thing. I for one...and Nexus...and not against him.
Of all times....probably The Rock till when he left, there was nothing, AND THE ROCK MEANS NOTHING, that was as entertaining as a Rock Promo.

Then after he left, for sure it was Shawn Michaels. Everyone's said it, Shawn was easily the greatest wrestler ever in the WWE. Post 2002, he was perfect promo-wise and in the ring. He managed to get great matches out of everyone, not matter how medicore his opponent was. He even took the overrated one Hulk Hogan and dragged his broken ass to a fantastic match at Summerslam 2005. Just a legend.

Today?.....hmm. I can't pick one....I really like watching Wade Barrett, he's someone who just oozes natural heel and charisma. I love Samoa Joe when he's not being wasted by TNA (which unfortunatly is happening too much there, remember when he was the companies biggest star in '05 to '06?).
Overall my fave today is Kurt Angle. He simply makes everything he does entertaining and in the ring his intensity and technical prowess are amazing. Love Kurt.
I find it really hard to choose a favourite, as my favourites changed over time.

I think the first wrestlers I really got behind were The Hardy Boyz, I was obsessed with them when I first got into wrestling, as I had never seen high flying like that. It was so spectacular and blew my mind at the time.

Then it was the Undertaker as the American Bad Ass, I loved the motorcycle, the entrance music and the Last Ride. I used to create myself on all Smackdown games and put myself and Taker in a tag team as Dead Man Inc. This is still my favourite Undertaker persona.

Also, during the Alliance storyline, RVD became my favourite. He was totally different to anything in the WWE at that time, and I was a huge fan of the Van Daminator. Kicking a chair into someones face? Awesome. Those hardcore matches with Jeff Hardy are still great.

Then after going back and watching ECW clips, it became Raven. Although his matches are not always great, I love the whole Raven character, the look, the ring attire, the promos- Raven captivates me whenever he begins to talk. He is so interesting and unique. Plus, I loved the Raven Effect DDT, which became my favourite finishing move.

Now, its Kurt Angle. I can appreciate the actual ability of wrestlers now, rather than just a cool entrance or good finisher like when I was a kid. Angle is quite simply the best in the world today, no doubt in my mind. He could have a good match with almost any wrestler in the business which is a credit to his talent. Great on the mic, a true ambassador for the sport, Kurt Angle is the fucking man
right now.....there is no one that really sticks out to me to say that a certain wrestler is my favorite.... but if I had to pick one that would have to be.....
Dolph Ziggler or Captain Charisma Himself Christian!
dolph has the look and AMAZING in ring abilities and I just have to watch his matches....
and christian?.....great matches great on the mic....whats not to like?!
The Undertaker is my favourite WWE superstar of all time by far. Ever since I saw him back in the early 90's I have been hooked on his persona, storylines, matches, promos.. he is everything I want as far as a gimmick character goes and he is (was) more than capable in the ring.. improving in that department with the Mankind fued during 1996 in my opinion.

I had Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin phases but nobody comes close to The Undertaker. I also really liked Jake The Snakes character and Early Mankind.

seriously id have to say Goldberg just because i was young when he made his debut and ran through wcw roster like it was nothing to me Goldberg was invincible i loved the man and everything he did thats my fav of all time always will be but now im grown up look at wrestling a little different then i did as a kid now for me its bryan danielson and zack ryder for wwe for tna its aj styles and brian kendrick
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