Who is your favorite Non-wrestling personality?


Everybody Has A Price!
I am going to choose Bobby Heenan when he was a manager or playing the role of a Color commentator in the World Wrestling Federation as my favorite non-wrestling personality.

When I watch old wrestling dvd's or videos and hear Bobby Heenan's commentary I always feel entertained. Bobby and Gorilla Monsoon had great chemistry and together they were always entertaining. Even if the match was awful Bobby Heenan was still very entertaining. And his praising of the heel in the match was also entertaining and it never got old in my opinion. Even if sometimes he was telling the truth people would despise him even though he was right. Someone that reminds me of him today is Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho tells the "truth" but the fans will still boo him, just like they would do to Heenan when he told the "truth". Overall in my opinion he is the best color commentator ever because he was always entertaining even if the match was awful and I enjoyed watching from wrestling videos his bantering with Gorilla Monsoon which was very entertaining too.

Now the reason I like him as a manager is because he was great at what he did. He got so many people over and in the process got himself over as a heel. While he was a manager he was entertaining and his act never got boring. There has been manager that after a while they become boring and stale and you just don't want to watch them anymore. Well this wasn't the case for Bobby "The Brain" Heenan also know as Weasel.

Who is your favorite Non-wrestling personality and why?
Oh, Wow, this is actually a pretty tough one. But if I had to go with anyone, it would probably be Jim Ross. Yes, I know that he has wrestle a couple matches by force on raw. But from the commentary aspect, he is one of the best. He can be very dramatic, very funny. His Oklahoma Sooner Ass is notorious in professional wrestling. He had to overcome many things to get where he is today.

No doubt that he and Jerry "The King" Lawler go together like peanut butter and jelly, and up until last year, those two have worked together, and have been friends for close to two decades. I'd love to see Good ol' J.R. commentate as long as he can.
Not sure if anyone of you watch CHIKARA Or Kaiju Big Battle... But my favorite non-wrestling personality would have to be Louden Noxious. He announced the matches and he does commentary for CHIKARA. He's pretty funny.

For starters he was a wrestler before he became a manager, therefore, I always felt that his heel tactics were more effective than a Jimmy Hart or Bobby Heenan. I dont ever really remember Hart or Heenan doing much but playing the part of the wiesel, trying not to get hurt, as a distraction for their wrestler. Fugi would throw the salt into the eyes of his wrestlers opponent. Besides that, Fugi was cunning, much like a Jimmy Hart or Bobby Heenan, and he managed a lot of HOFers. Not to mention he had his comedy bits, at least to me. Like when Fugi had Kamla eat, the still living, chicken.
Definitely gotta go with The Brain. Watch the Royal Rumble Ric Flair won, the commentating through that with Heenan was unreal. He made everything good. Imagine all the shitty skits he and Mean Gene and Gorilla Monsoon did for the Sunday morning show and Prime Time. Without Bobby Heenan they would be so horrific, but his over the top humor made everything he did gold. Go to WWE.com and watch the Bobby Heenan Show on the old school video library section. Pure genius.
Have to go with Mr. McMahon. Yeah, he's wrestled a bit but he's not full-time by any means and certainly wasn't trained to be a wrestler. He's played the same character for over a decade now and still get's a pop every time his music hits because he's so good on the mic. And the more exaggerated his character gets, the better. If Randy Orton's supposed to have a "psycho" gimmick, he really needs to take some pointers from Vinnie Mac 'cause he plays the role to perfection.
As much as I'd love to say Jim Ross because he's such an amazing guy (and one of the nicest effing guys I've ever met), I have to say The Brain as well. Bobby Heenan was an amazing manager, but sorely sorely underrated as a color commentator. His comedic timing was impecable. Going back and watching the WM and SSlam boxed sets with The Brain behind the mic, he was simply genius. The Brain and Gorilla Monsoon were an amazing dream team on commentary. I would take Heenan and Gorilla above JR and King at the table any day of the week. Still not taking anything away from the King and JR, but The Brain and Monsoon were a dynamic duo. When you look back at the Brain as you get older, you see how amazing and hilarious he really was at pretty much everything he did. I wish we could have had Bobby Heenan forever but all good things come to an end and I wish the Brain well in everything and all his health battles that he continues to beat. God Bless the Brain!!!!
Bobby Heenan hands down!!
Witty, funny .. what he did was truly an art. Cannot be taught or learned..either you've got it or you don't.
His commentary was awesome.. as were his promos as a manager..
He could talk and he was colourful!

The Brain all the way!!
My 2 faves will always be Bobby Heenan & Jim Cornette. Heenan was a damn riot on the mic, his roasting of the Hart family & Bossman's mother had me in tears. Cornette was a damn fool also.
Oh, Wow, this is actually a pretty tough one. But if I had to go with anyone, it would probably be Jim Ross. Yes, I know that he has wrestle a couple matches by force on raw. But from the commentary aspect, he is one of the best. He can be very dramatic, very funny. His Oklahoma Sooner Ass is notorious in professional wrestling. He had to overcome many things to get where he is today.

No doubt that he and Jerry "The King" Lawler go together like peanut butter and jelly, and up until last year, those two have worked together, and have been friends for close to two decades. I'd love to see Good ol' J.R. commentate as long as he can.

Well, you guys are right. I'm watching Wrestlemania 8, and when I think of the old commentary that Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan had, it was quite funny. Like I love Bobby would say just about anything, and its followed by Gorilla saying

"Will you stop!?"

wrestling gold, so, I hereby change my original answer to Bobby Heenan
Might be going out on a limb here but i would have to say Paul Bearer. He may not have been around as long as everyone else being chosen but i always found him to be entertaining and just being involved in that Taker/Kane storyline was awesome. He was a great manager and i thought he was very entertaining on the mic and with his promos (like the one before the casket match vs yokozuna and when he first brought in Kane)
Without a doubt Jim Cornette. Never in my life have I seen someone that loved wrestling like this man does. His insanely fast method of talking makes him very funny and his mind is as fast as anyone in the business. He's been around forever and he always makes perfect sense. His colums are great as you can tell he has a passion for what he talks about. That's missing in wrestling throughout history. Cornette will say what he thinks and he doesn't care who hears it. His mind is sharp and he's hilarious. What more coul youd want?
I'd have to go with Joey Styles..
His announcing during the golden years of ECW was just awesome.. he was SOOOOO into the matches it was nuts.. we used to play a drinking game where everytime he said a wrestler's name, we'd drink.. We watched old school RVD vs. Sabu.. we were drunk before the match even started.. The way he would describe the match and yell OH MY GOD!!!! at the top of their lungs, just awesome.. Because of him, I'd try to find ECW on at like 2AM just to hear him..:robvandam:
Paul Heyman. I am a die hard ECW fan and loyal Paul Heyman supporter. Yes, I do think the man is an evil genius. Yes, I do understand he wasn't the best businessman but I love him anyway. I was a fan of Paul E. Dangerously back in WCW. I thought he was creative and magnetic back then. Turns out that the man behind the gimmick was even more creative and more obnoxious. Paul may have been alot of things, but he loved the ECW fans and he gave me 7 of the greatest years in wrestling history.

Paul Heyman....FTW!!!!
Cornette as well. Seriously, what couldn't this guy do? He had a voice, he had a memorable look and item that he carried, he managed champions, and he's still around today. His commentaries are very in depth and thought provoking with great one liners but also a good amount of history in them. He can do it all and has done it all from booking to working to writing to mike work. Easily the best ever and a great asset to any company he's worked for.
No, what about when Macho Man had a lacerated tongue & the Brain was making fun of him, talking with a lisp asking if he had any salted peanuts. that shit was also hillarious! I miss the heel commentators.
Paul Bearer was str8 outta one of them old school horror joints from the 70s, but I'll never 4get when he was Percival Pringle III lookin' like he 8 2 many Pringles. LOL!
Armando Alejandro Estrada
(Not counting when he had those occasional wrestling matches to further an angle).

The guy single-handedly made Umaga. Umaga would have not been pushed without such a fantastic mouthpiece. He was over as FUCK!
They've already been taken, so why not right?

Paul Heyman

Watching Paul Heyman cut a promo is like watching a professor teach you how to talk on the microphone and put yourself over. Heyman is just brutally honest and even if he is full of shit, you can't tell if he is or not. He was great as Paul E. Dangerously, especially feuding with Madusa and Missy Hyatt (when both were fuckable, BTW). Him taking the 80's cellphone to Jason Hervey is one of my, "I watched that LIVE" moments. And seeing Missy run down the ramp with her titties bouncing. I may or may not have gotten my first wood watching that. Anyway...Paul Heyman in ECW, and later in the WWE was great. He was so brash, honest, and you hated him because he was right the majority of the time.

James E. Cornette

Jim Cornette was one guy I despised as a kid. I thought he was a sneaking son of a bitch...and he played the roll real well. He was also brash and honest, but never showed it on TV during his Midnight Express days in Jim Crockett Promotions. James E. moved on to Smokey Mountain Wrestling, which was great, because he had events near where I grew up in Eastern Kentucky/Tennessee. I got to see the Heavenly Bodies, Lance Storm, Chris Jericho, Rock N' Roll Express, and others. It was great. And Cornette was just flat out awesome. The stories he has. Legendary.
Being an old school ECW fan, I need to give some love to the guys there. Two people so far have listed Paul Heyman as their favorites, but no one has said Joey Styles. The man did everything by himself, and was by far the best, as guys like Madden and Schiavone were calling WCW, and Michael Cole was calling WWE. His trademark "Oh my God!" is bigger and better than anything JR or Lawler has spit out, and he had more charisma than half the wrestlers that were active, in any company.

I'd also point out Bill Alfonso. That blasted whistle made me want to punch him in the throat, but that's perfect for him. It was his job. He was ugly as sin, and his voice was like nails on a chalkboard. He rarely did anything that was worthy of cheering for him, but that's what a heel manager is supposed to be. Sure, he wrestled a match or two, but that doesn't make him a "wrestling personality".
Gotta be Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. I mean seriously, this guy was so great that you had to listen to everything he said. I wasnt the biggest Bret Hart fan so when he said Helen Hart's face can hold an 8 day rain he cemented himself as the best color comentator ever. As for a manager, Heenan was a great speaker and he could work the ring... I cant remember the last time I saw someone that good.

Heenan 4 Life :icon_biggrin:

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