Who Is Truly the Apple of Vince's Eye?

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Barbedwire Ropes

Drew McIntyre or Sheamus?

Lets see,
The current tagline associated with Drew McIntyre is the "Future World Champion As Declared By Vince McMahon" (in various different wordings). Not to mention he was also Vince's "personal signing". For these things to be said on-air, of course, it has to have approval by Vince himself. Its apparent that he sees something in Drew, having him go "undefeated since joining the WWE" (which is not entirely true if my memory serves me correctly) and also winning the Intercontinental Championship from a red-hot John Morrison so soon really does speak volumes. There is a reason why he has been given such a great push this time around, and it has everything to do with Vince McMahon's personal backing.

But, one could very easily (and very fairly) argue that Sheamus is the true gem in the eyes of Vince McMahon. He did defeat John Cena (the company's top draw and merchandise seller without any doubts) for the WWE Championship on a terrific PPV card. That alone, im assuming, would need massive amounts of support from Vince McMahon. He also won a world championship before Drew, which is blatantly apparent. Not to mention Sheamus is best buds with Triple H and also has an "undefeated streak since joining the WWE" (which is not entirely true if my memory serves me correctly).

So who is it? Who is the "next big thing" in the WWE as chosen by Vince McMahon?

Personally, and I'm probably in the minority here but I'd have to say that it is Drew McIntyre. Just for the lone fact that they are promoting him as such on WWE television in itself goes a very long way. I don't recall anything of that nature being said about Sheamus, but I could be wrong. I also see Drew McIntyre being the one with more staying power, he seems more dynamic and I think he has much more to offer than the "Celtic Warrior" in the long run. I doubt Sheamus will ever hold the WWE Championship twice, maybe a World Heavyweight Championship reign could take place but aside from that he has nowhere to really go and develop to. Drew McIntyre on the other, could potentially be built up to be a star with a long career and many world title reigns under his belt.

So what are your thoughts?
Great post Barb, I also agree with you. I mean, I didn't think that Sheamus would win this past sunday, but he did. I'm a fan of both of these athletes, they both have something to bring to the table. They both have a distinguished look to them, and have their own personal attributes.

But Sheamus seems like Brock Lesnar to me, Comes in and gets a GIGANTIC push, and wins a world title within 6 months. Which in my memory, Lesnar, Sheamus, and possible kane have been the only people to do this in since 1999.

But Drew Mcintyre seems a lot more technical, and can carry a better match. His DDT is freaking amazing. Drew is a great talent, and Sheamus is too.

But Sheamus hasn't really even had the chance to show his business attributes. Although I support and him, and others do. Not everyone does. Nobody knows if he can draw a dime. Because the man doesn't have one piece of merchandise. I personally think if your a good performer, that means more than the money you make. But obviously, Vince is a business man, and he thinks different completely.

So let's say Sheamus doesn't draw a dime, what's gonna happen? He'll lose the title, and go to the mid card for a while, and end up jobbing in 10 years... Ala Kane.
Kane was never given an opportunity as champion. His one title reign he lost it the following night. Therefore Kane really should never be mentioned in such a debate.

As far as McIntyre and Sheamus goes I look at it like this.

McIntyre is Vince's boy. He's been completely built up as being such and it fits with the way in which he has been pushed. Except in very rare occasions (in regards to wrestlers) Vince still seems to hang on to the oldschool methodology in regards to pushing someone. Therefore, it was no surprise that McIntyre was to have a run as intercontinental champion, upper midcarder before earning his push to the top.

Sheamus, on the other hand, seems to be Triple H's boy. Not only do they workout together but Triple H is on record (outside of his Triple H character on RAW) as being fully behind him. Sheamus, as Triple H puts it, reminds him of himself in that from day one he was more than willing to do all of the extra work required of a WWE superstar. This involves all of the public appearances, performing on cards that he wouldn't necessarily be asked to work (house shows, etc, etc.) and always seeking the advice of the experienced veterans such as himself, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Jericho, etc. It's his work ethic that has Triple H absolutely enthralled in Sheamus and I can appreciate that.

So, therefore, Drew is Vince's and Sheamus is Triple H's. I fully anticipate both having outstanding long-term careers. I believe McIntyre has less to work on overall than Sheamus but at the same time I see Sheamus' work ethic only helping him reach heights that none of us expect. I see McIntyre as being a bigger draw in the United States, however, and as such he will probably wind up being the bigger star.
I think that Drew Mcintyre is the true apple of Vinnie Mac's eye. This guy just seems more the complete wrestler than Sheamus, in that he can talk on the mic, he can wrestle, he has that certain swagger about him, and I think he has the potential to create more of a fan reaction, and quite frankly I am a huge fan of Mcintyre's.

McIntyre also has one major factor working for him, and that is age. Sheamus is at the prime of his career now, at age 31, and so its more important for him to be in the upper card now. Sheamus is a veteran, wrestling in the Irish promotions for over 5 years. McIntyre is only 24 years of age, though he as well has a lot of experience in the British wrestling promotion. He has many years until he will reach his prime, and so will eventually become the next generation of wwe cornerstones.

I also guess that technically McIntyre is undefeated, he was around in the wwe previously in 2007, but of course with the wwe, that part of history has been erased, and this is a different McIntyre. Sheamus is more of a monster figure, who will be pushed hard for a year or 2, but eventually will not last.
Drew McIntyre or Sheamus?

I'm going to say Drew McIntyre. Sheamus got one of the fastest pushes in WWE history, but I think that might have had more to do with him being friends with Triple H rather than him being chosen by Vince. It makes more sense in McIntyre's case because he was handpicked onscreen by Vince as a future world champion and is being built up for when that day comes. It came far too fast for Sheamus and I don't see him being in the main event long before getting bumped down into the midcard or upper midcard. McIntyre on the other hand will probably keep slowly climbing up toward the top until he gets there within a timeframe that makes more sense. Drew McIntyre is the "next big thing" chosen by Vince because he is getting the more reasonable push, and Sheamus' is not because he got moved up too quickly for reasons that are still unknown.
I think it's McIntyre. He's got the look, he's got a brutal looking (and more importantly, an original looking) finisher, and with only a little bit of retooling, is pretty decent on the mic. The fact Vince said it on television that McIntyre would be a future World Heavyweight Champion says a lot considering it's coming from Vince's mouth. Even his name sounds like a guy who has lasting value.

Sheamus is one scary ass dude though. How many people would want a 272 pound Irish ginger with pale skin charge at you at full speed. I'd just pray there aren't any tables anywhere. I definitely congratulate him on getting the WWE Championship.
Sheamus is being presented as an "unstoppable monster." That's an angle that has absolutely no staying power. Eventually someone is going to defeat him, and then what? He's left to start over. It will work with two, maybe three opponents, but after his veneer of invincibility has been destroyed, there's nothing anyone can do to recapture it.

Meanwhile, Drew McIntyre is getting built up just like any other tough, somewhat underhanded heel. He's being developed into a CHARACTER, which is ultimately what lasts in this industry. He's also taking a more traditional career trajectory, which will probably pay off in the long run. It allows him to grow into a superstar in the eyes of viewers, unlike Sheamus who was shoved down people's throats early and lacks any kind of real credibility as the result.

Whether Drew or Sheamus is the "apple" of Vince's eye, I don't know. But my bet for career longevity goes to McIntyre.
I'm going to choose McIntyre simply because I see Sheamus as the next Great Khali. He's big, he's being pushed to the moon, he wins a world title, his home country goes crazy, WWE tours his home country to make all the money, then he loses the title and starts doing "funny" segments like the kiss cam. that's what i see in his future, but i'm just a dumby so i dont know..
I am going to have to go with the majority here and go with Drew McIntyre. The guy has, in my opinion, got it all and is a great role model to anyone in my home country of Scotland that anyone can achieve their dream. Anyway, my poetic moment is done. I think that Drew is truly the apple of Vince's eye because he is being build up like every great champion should. I think this sums it up best.

Sheamus is being presented as an "unstoppable monster." That's an angle that has absolutely no staying power. Eventually someone is going to defeat him, and then what? He's left to start over. It will work with two, maybe three opponents, but after his veneer of invincibility has been destroyed, there's nothing anyone can do to recapture it.

Meanwhile, Drew McIntyre is getting built up just like any other tough, somewhat underhanded heel. He's being developed into a CHARACTER, which is ultimately what lasts in this industry. He's also taking a more traditional career trajectory, which will probably pay off in the long run. It allows him to grow into a superstar in the eyes of viewers, unlike Sheamus who was shoved down people's throats early and lacks any kind of real credibility as the result.

Whether Drew or Sheamus is the "apple" of Vince's eye, I don't know. But my bet for career longevity goes to McIntyre.

The Sheamus thing may be working now, but will it be working in a year or two? By Vince building Drew up in the mid card he is giving him some insurance policy. Imagine this. Sheamus fails. He has no experience with any mid card title and it will all just look stupid and raise the question what could have been for him in the main event. Where as with Drew, say he has a great mid card run, gets catapulted into the main event, if he fails he will have all the mid card experience to fall back on. It is a much safer route to take.

To sum up, I think Drew McIntyre is truly the apple of Vince's eye.

Great thread.
This is a tough one because for Sheamus you can also ask, is this Triple H telling Steph and the Creative Crew and everyone else to push him or is it Vince McMahon wanting Sheamus.

My Case For Sheamus:

Well the obvious point would be that hes the WWE Champion and he can't be that without Big Vince agreeing with it, not to mention hes already in a major feud with the Top Face of the company John Cena. So one could make the case that hes the true apple in Vince's eye.

My Case For Drew McIntyre:

Well since almost Day 1 of him going to Smackdown! hes been dubbed a future World Champion by Vince himself, plus hes won the Intercontinental Championship now and looks to be going into a feud with John Morrison which isn't bad. Plus with Vince publicly backing the guy on every bases that he can, saying he signed him etc... Its a good case.

My Pick: Drew McIntyre

I picked Drew McIntyre because in my eyes hes being built better, hes not being rushed into the World Heavyweight Title scene right away, there letting him develop and get good heat (Sorta), and there trying to develop his character as appose to Sheamus were theres been no real development, he was in a feud with Goldust for a bit then moved to Raw and within what 2 Months he was WWE Champion, personally I think this is more Triple H pulling some strings for the guy.
This is a tough one because for Sheamus you can also ask, is this Triple H telling Steph and the Creative Crew and everyone else to push him or is it Vince McMahon wanting Sheamus.

I think it's funny that people still think to this day that Stephanie McMahon has any true power in Creative.

My Case For Sheamus:

Well the obvious point would be that hes the WWE Champion and he can't be that without Big Vince agreeing with it, not to mention hes already in a major feud with the Top Face of the company John Cena. So one could make the case that hes the true apple in Vince's eye.

My Case For Drew McIntyre:

Well since almost Day 1 of him going to Smackdown! hes been dubbed a future World Champion by Vince himself, plus hes won the Intercontinental Championship now and looks to be going into a feud with John Morrison which isn't bad. Plus with Vince publicly backing the guy on every bases that he can, saying he signed him etc... Its a good case.

My Pick: Drew McIntyre

I picked Drew McIntyre because in my eyes hes being built better, hes not being rushed into the World Heavyweight Title scene right away, there letting him develop and get good heat (Sorta), and there trying to develop his character as appose to Sheamus were theres been no real development, he was in a feud with Goldust for a bit then moved to Raw and within what 2 Months he was WWE Champion, personally I think this is more Triple H pulling some strings for the guy.

I'm going to have to go with Sheamus. Both are Apples in Vince's eyes, but it is very clear that despite the fact that Drew McIntyre has been employed for far longer than Sheamus ... keep in mind he originally debuted some time ago, but was sent back down to FCW for training, as I suppose they weren't happy. But despite being employed for far less time, Sheamus has been absolutely pushed to the Moon, with nothing stopping him.

Sheamus has received a monster push like none other. Has there ever been a monster push of his caliber since someone like Yokozuna? Who has had a dominant push in the WWE since that time-- someone that simply went straight to the Main Event in absolutely no time at all, and even holding the WWE Championship to boot?
I think it's funny that people still think to this day that Stephanie McMahon has any true power in Creative.

I think it is hilarious that you could possible deny the backstage influence of HHH and Stephanie. I've seen a number of quotes to support the fact that they have a great amount of power.

I find it difficult to believe that McIntyre or Sheamus would have been pushed if they (unknowingly or otherwise) were in with the right people. However, I feel by getting the rub on screen from Vince himself and IMO being pushed slowly, the right way through the IC division, McIntyre is going to be a bigger star because by the time he gets to the top, he will have that much more experience.

Sheamus has been put in the position where he has a real chance of going to 'Mania as champ and if he does, the whole experiment could backfire on him and Vince because I don't see him as a draw at the moment.
I think it is hilarious that you could possible deny the backstage influence of HHH and Stephanie. I've seen a number of quotes to support the fact that they have a great amount of power.

Oh, Vince will listen to what Triple H and Stephanie have to say, but at the end of the day, they don't have the power. The power completely lays in the hands of Vince McMahon, and for you to deny that simply shows ignorance on your part.

McMahon is the Head Writer for WWE. He is heavily, heavily involved with Creative and approves any and all scripts that go on TV. If he doesn't want someone pushed, they aren't getting pushed. Go back and review past interviews from Creative members, as they all say the same thing. Vince dictates EXACTLY what he wants to a T to his Creative team. They write. And he constantly tells them to re-write because he isn't happy with them.

And when you look at the show's finished product, it is still shit. What you see on TV today is 100% Vince McMahon's vision and doing. Stephanie and Triple H can speak to Vince, but Vince does what he wants to do ... so they are really at his mercy.

I find it difficult to believe that McIntyre or Sheamus would have been pushed if they (unknowingly or otherwise) were in with the right people. However, I feel by getting the rub on screen from Vince himself and IMO being pushed slowly, the right way through the IC division, McIntyre is going to be a bigger star because by the time he gets to the top, he will have that much more experience.

True. And Triple H used some sway with Vince, and clearly Vince approved it. However, don't think that any of this stuff was done on Triple H's own doing, with Vince having no say in it. Vince approves everything.

Sheamus has been put in the position where he has a real chance of going to 'Mania as champ and if he does, the whole experiment could backfire on him and Vince because I don't see him as a draw at the moment.

Sheamus won't be a draw. He'll be a short term champion, but at the moment he is the Apple in Vince's eye.

The True Apple in Vince's eye is John Cena however, and I don't know anyone who is going to dispute that. It is clear that he is Vince's Golden Boy because of how he has been made the poster boy of WWE over the years, and lengthy title reigns. Vince appreciates his work ethic and respects it like none other.

But when it comes down to Sheamus or McIntyre, Vince clearly thinks more highly of Sheamus than McIntyre ... but obviously thinks highly of both. Sheamus just is held to a slightly higher regard in Vince's eyes due to his monster push and being given the title.
The True Apple in Vince's eye is John Cena however, and I don't know anyone who is going to dispute that. It is clear that he is Vince's Golden Boy because of how he has been made the poster boy of WWE over the years, and lengthy title reigns. Vince appreciates his work ethic and respects it like none other.

I will agree with you on this because I expect this whole thing with Sheamus to benefit Cena in the long run.

The amazing thing is Cena seems to be one of most selfless workers Vince has. He clearly doesn't ask for it and has not qualms about doing what Vince asks.

Sheamus and McIntyre will never reach the level of professionalism and respect between Vince and Cena.
Yes, Drew is Vince's boy and Sheamus is Triple H's and both wrestlers can shake things up if pushed properly. I personally prefer Sheamus over Drew even though McIntyre is the better in-ring performer right now. Sheamus is good on the mic, has a distinct look, and carries himself like one of WWE's elite already. I like his theme music too. Both guys are exciting but Sheamus is more fun to watch in my opinion. Hopefully, they can spearhead the long awaited push of younger/different talents in WWE. Wrestlers like Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, MVP (what happened to his push?), Yoshi Tatsu, and others need to start interacting with the upper tier superstars now. I like Kofi's heat with Orton and he should definitely get into it with Sheamus in the near future. I'd also love to see Rey Mysterio go over Undertaker and win the title on the next Smackdown thus adding more heat to his ongoing battle with Batista. Basically, WWE needs to start flipping the script as TNA attempts to pick up steam. Mixing up the talent pool is a great idea as well as using tag-teams and high flyers more. I can't wait to see what Bret Hart does with The Hart Dynasty. Okay.....rant over.
Sheamus isn't unbeaten, I seem to recall he lost on ECW at some point, I don't know who to but I'm certain he has been beat. On Raw however hes undefeated.

My pick goes to: Drew McIntyre. He has actually went undefeated so far, and he's actually beaten more credible opponents. Now don't get me wrong Cena is the top guy in WWE but before Cena Sheamus only really beat Shelton, great athelete but is yet to win a World Title (Hope it happens soon, but thats for another day) Goldust, jobbers, and he attacked a time keep and Jerry 'The King' Lawler. Now I'm pleased Sheamus is Champion, not just because I dislike Cena, but I think McIntyer has had a lot going for him since he joined; hand picked by Vinny Mac himself, who stated that he is a future World Champion. He is unbeaten in WWE, and hes just picked up the biggest win so far by defeating Morrison for the highly coveted Intercontinental Championship. But there is no doubt that the two are great talents, fresh blood in the WWE's Championship scenes.
Kane was never given an opportunity as champion. His one title reign he lost it the following night. Therefore Kane really should never be mentioned in such a debate.

As far as McIntyre and Sheamus goes I look at it like this.

McIntyre is Vince's boy. He's been completely built up as being such and it fits with the way in which he has been pushed. Except in very rare occasions (in regards to wrestlers) Vince still seems to hang on to the oldschool methodology in regards to pushing someone. Therefore, it was no surprise that McIntyre was to have a run as intercontinental champion, upper midcarder before earning his push to the top.

Sheamus, on the other hand, seems to be Triple H's boy. Not only do they workout together but Triple H is on record (outside of his Triple H character on RAW) as being fully behind him. Sheamus, as Triple H puts it, reminds him of himself in that from day one he was more than willing to do all of the extra work required of a WWE superstar. This involves all of the public appearances, performing on cards that he wouldn't necessarily be asked to work (house shows, etc, etc.) and always seeking the advice of the experienced veterans such as himself, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Jericho, etc. It's his work ethic that has Triple H absolutely enthralled in Sheamus and I can appreciate that.

So, therefore, Drew is Vince's and Sheamus is Triple H's. I fully anticipate both having outstanding long-term careers. I believe McIntyre has less to work on overall than Sheamus but at the same time I see Sheamus' work ethic only helping him reach heights that none of us expect. I see McIntyre as being a bigger draw in the United States, however, and as such he will probably wind up being the bigger star.

Okay, i agree with your post for the most part, EXCEPT what you posted about Triple H's opinion of Sheamus. It's true, but only half of what he said. Triple H also said that in wrestling, one big push never works. You have to earn your wins, earn a title. You have to be "built up". I doubt Triple H would support Sheamus getting the big title this soon without working his way up. But, I might be wrong.

McKintire or w/e his name is is probably the "apple of vince's eye". I personally think that he sucks (and Evan Bourne has more talent in his boot sole), but that's just me and apparently everyone else thinks he's amazing. Vince is for sure behind him. The reason why he got the Intercontinental title is HOPEFULLY so morrison can start to pursue the WHC.

Sheamus? I don't know. It looks like they're giving him the Lesnar push to see how it goes, which McMahon has apparently been looking for a good candidate to try it with. Or maybe make a monster/bully heel that is just so dominant, no one can beat him, until goody-two-shoes Cena comes in a beats up the bully and wins. Sheamus may just be a pawn in the chess game of Cena's dominance. I seriously hope not.

Which one is Vince more behind? Charlie Haas. :icon_neutral:
Sheamus was given the Umaga push of 2006 and early 07. Umaga ran threw the entire RAW roster during that time and was given a very memorable WWE title shot at the Rumble 07. Sheamus getting the nod was good for European business as TNA had the upper hand in the ratings war over there, and with Sheamus they can use him get new fans.

Like what Bret did for Canada, but on a smaller scale. Yokozuna, Kurt Angle, Kane, Big Show and Lesnar all got pushed to the moon within their 1st full year of being in the WWE and winning the WWE championship. With that being said Sheamus has a good chance of keeping the momentum if his matches start becoming increasingly better and better.

Sheamus is the golden boy between him and Drew. Drew just does not have that "it" factor that makes someone an instant star. He sounds like a girl on the mic, and just feels bland in general compared to someone like Dolph Ziggler.

If I was WWE I would let Sheamus go on a win streak up until No Way Out/EC and even then get a roll up pin loss to Cena or someone else.
To be honest, Sheamus is nice, but he needs a manager like Heyman. Heyman is the reason why Brock Lasner got over with the crowd. When it seem like Lasner was done, Heyman help Lasner get back in the picture by cutting promos. Sheamus need a manager that acts like a Sport Agent to get himself over. That what will help him out a bunch. Somebody like Armando Estrada will help him get over with the crowd. He did wonders for Umaga.

McIntyre is phenomenal. He reminds me of the classic WCW wrestling. He does have an annoying voice, but put him together with Regal or give him a clean new look and new ring attire then he can get the crowd.
Does it even matter? Both of them are regarded as being good, in some very high places. Thus they will both have sucess as WWE Superstars, for the time being. Otherwise, it doesn't even matter, and really will never matter. Because Drew McIntyre is still the Intercontinental champion, and Sheamus is still the WWE Champion. Both are realitively young.

Its just Sheamus got pushed to the main event because hes on RAW, and they don't have/care about the Midcard, and McIntyre in the Midcard, becuase they don't have a main event. In the end, they're both really liked by Vince, Triple H, Steph, Shawn, whatever. They're both very young, and very sucessful. If that involved backstage politics then who cares? They're the champions.
I would have to say McIntyre for all the same reasons most people are pointing out - He seems to be getting the McMahon rub, a rub few have ever received. VKM doesn't attach his name to guys that he isn't enamored with. Think of the names VKM has attached himself to in the past - Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Mick Foley and Shawn Michaels.... the Spirit Squad! (Ok the last one was a bad example...)

All but Michaels were shot to the moon shortly after their first encounter with VKM. Austin's stunner on VKM in September of 97 was the beginning of World Title push that would culiminate at WM XIV. The Rock joining VKM was revealed seconds after VKM helped him win his first WorldTitle at Survivor Series 98. Triple H was a mid-carder before joining VKM in the Corporation and ultimately supplanting The Rock as the main heel in the stable. Foley - as he admits in his book - was watching pro wrestling quickly pass him by before he started his "feud" with VKM.

I'd like to point out what a change the WWE has made in 2009. This is the first year in a while that you couldn't stop watching in January, pick up the remote in December and not feel like you didn't stop watching.

The ascension of a heel CM Punk into a legitimate World Title contender (I always thought his first title run was a joke ... played off as fluky) ... the rise of John Morrison and Kofi Kingston into guys that aren't just knocking on the door, but as guys you believe will break down the door soon ... the "introducing" of guys like Shaemus and Drew McIntyre ... these are all things that the IWC should - and I believe do - appreciate. The WWE seems to be back in the business of creating new stars.

I'm excited for 2010. With the addition of Bret Hart, it seems likely that we could see the Hart Dynasty get a solid push.... and a rub from DX. The return of a face Edge should also provide a nice spark on SmackDown! and though his first feud will almost certainly be with Jericho, I'm really looking forward to a program between the Rated "R" Superstar and The Straight Edge CM Punk.

Ladies and gentleman. You - and I - have complained for a few years. We are finally seeing our wish come true. We are getting programs/angles/feuds that are new.
This could be anybody and sheamus and I still would choose the other.Sheamus doesn't do anything. He's basically doing the same thing as 'taker is right now, minus the first 19 years of his career ! McIntyre is doing it right. The slow climb up the ladder. He'll probably end up WWE champion faster than he should be, but what else is new
It's Mcintyre, no doubt. Sheamus got pushed way too fast to have some consistency to his character. You'd think the man would be taking the Brock Lesnar route, and establish himself as a monster, but in Sheamus' case (and I'm spelling the name as it should be) there isn't exactly anyone TO go through as they're all heels. Look at the place, it's either Kofi (who if you would put with Sheamus on a feud where he is and lose, would basically go straight back to square one). So I can understand the logic there, albeit slightly.

Mcintyre on the other hand, has the more slow, traditional road to being a main eventer. Which to me, is better since it builds for better characters. It makes them have substance rather than become a one hit wonder.

So to me, even if Sheamus is in the main event already, odds are he won't stay there for long unless he happens to beat Cena in a brutal fashion in their title match (which I think won't happen.) Mcintyre, however, can and probably will reach the main event, and him being associated with VKM in the first place, gives him some cred. After all, if your boss touts you as the future of the company, obviously, he sees something in you to say so.
I would have to go with Drew McIntyre. I saw that for the simple fact that it's being advertised, and it's mentioned every week that Drew McIntyre is shown on TV. I don't remember that ever happening with any one else. Despite the fact that Sheamus has won the WWE Championship in 5 months, I think it might have been rushed just because this was probably his only chance to win it, since the match was so highly talked about and had so much hype.

I think that a more gradual push will help Drew McIntyre more than Sheamus, who reached the top way too fast. For that logic itself, I think that Vince McMahon may favor Drew McIntyre more than Sheamus.

Once Sheamus loses the WWE Championship, then what? He's on Raw, which makes it a lot harder to get to the top, let alone already be at the top, lose the title, and get lost in the shuffle. Which is very likely to happen. Drew McIntyre is on Smackdown and now has the Intercontinental Championship. He's a mid carder, holding a mid card title, on a show that puts a lot of effort in their mid card. Sheamus, on the other hand, is a mid carder holding a World Championship on a show that doesn't give a damn about their mid card division. I see a problem here.

So, I think Vince McMahon has more faith in Drew McIntyre over Sheamus. I think he feels that McIntyre has what it takes to reach the main event step-by-step in a more gradual push. He probably allowed Sheamus to win the WWE Championship this fast, just to surprise us, and nothing more. After dropping the title, he'll probably just go back to Square One. Drew McIntyre has many more options.
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