Who is TNA's Next Big Star?

Who is the next break-out star?

  • "The Freak" Rob Terry

  • Matt Morgan

  • Douglas Williams

  • Alex Shelley

  • "Pope" D'Angelo Dinero

  • Eric Young

  • Homicide

  • Desmond Wolfe

  • Jay Lethal

  • Kazarian

  • Brutus Magnus

  • Samoa Joe

  • Chris Sabin

  • Brian Kendrick

  • Other (please specify)

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Desmod Wolfe and "Pope" D'Angelo Dinero, that's a tough choice for me, now, if you had asked me about Dinero when he was in the WWE, I would've said he sucked, but now, looking back I think he just wasn't used properly, in TNA Dinero has really opened up my eyes, this guy is really talented, now as for Desmond, this guy has so much potential and has a bright future with TNA, just think what kind of matches these two could put on if they feuded with each other, however, I had voted for Wolfe, because I think this guy has the it factor, and if used properly, could be the next big name in pro wrestling
I'll vote for Big Rob Terry.

Rob Terry is unstoppable right now. And as of right now he is being booked as a unstoppable machine. He has been hot since he became the Global champion with a long winning streak. The only think that he needs right now is a good long feud with any one in the roster. Yeah he has been wrestling jobbers and midcarders, But I if he continues with his streak, he might move up to the Main event scene. That might take him a few months, But I'm pretty sure that he'll be the Next big thing in TNA one way or the other.
I think u missed Hernandez on the poll.
He is a massive guy who can do moves like some x- division wrestlers. He is slowly rising up the TNA ranks and will eventually get his shot at the top belt.
Yeeaaaahhh I voted for Pope. I hate to say so because I really don't like to be a yes man but he is the most probably choice right now besides Anderson. I liked the pick of Rob Terry too, he would have been one of my next ones, but I'm not sure yet if he's going to make it, the jury is still out on that one. Big M little Organ I noticed got some votes but I don't really foresee much happening with him either. I think that's a failed experiment that they are just trying to get what they can out of at the moment. Kaz to me seems like a guy who's about 15 minutes away from being in cheap porn or something, that's what he reminds me of, a cheesy, self absorbed, Antonio Banderas look alike, no talent pron star. I don't care what he can do in the ring. Lethal, no chance. Joe, has been. Kendrick, never was. Sabin and Shelley, under appreciated. Eric Young, possibly dealing with a crack addiction. Doug Williams, wrong Williams, I want Petey back. Homocide, generic and average at best. Brutus Magnus, offers nothing exceptional. Desmond Wolfe, talented in all aspect but will take a back seat to Kennedy or Pope because he isn't as big. Anyone else, probably not worth mentioning.
Look, a bigger star vs. a bigger star is kinda hard to make. (Big people like Matt Morgan, Kane, Batista , etc...) Big person vs. small person is kinda good because the big person gets to be dominant. (Unless they are talking about Rey Mysterio ;) ) But pope, and anderson I dont think will work out. I would LOVE to see kurt angle with a face run as champion. I think if you put him and pope maybe in a match. OR have him go heel somehow and feud him with abyss. It'll be better looking like Angle vs. Hogan. Just my opinion. I think that Kurt Angle can carry back the show. But he will have another run in TNA.
Although I would agree with Mr. Anderson, Desmond Wolfe, or The Pope...my vote would have to go to James Storm. Before Beer Money was formed, Storm was doing DAMN good in singles...for the two or three months he was in singles. He had a great match with Sting, one of my favorites. If TNA were to seperate Beer Money, the sky would be the limit for Storm. So there is my vote. James Storm.
This is hard because honestly I think they have way too many future breakout stars on the roster. Pope is the easy pick but no one can play a heel like Desmond Wolfe. Morgan is the best big man in the business and Abyss might be better (I liked Abyss before Hogan). Mr. Anderson is one of the best on the mic and I never noticed since I don't watch Smackdown (like the pothead doesn't have better shit to do on Fridays). If Rob Terry learns some more great power moves he's gonna be wicked. Many people referred to Jay Lethal as the funniest man in the locker room so the shit we see on TV comes natural. He's not even trying. Brutus Magnus was one of the worst wrestlers I've ever seen during his first few matches. Not long after he's hanging in wicked matches with great wrestlers. I've never seen someone improve that fast.

I pride myself for being different so I'm going for an upset. Alex Shelley. He's good on the mic, he's got an amazing move set, and he has the type of gimmick that fans want to cheer. All of the rock and roll/high energy characters are automatically accepted by the crowd even if the federation doesn't push them. The Rockers and The Hardy's both had the same gimmick and the shining star from each team went on to greatness. Alex Shelley is the obvious shining star of The Motor City Machine Guns. It's also near impossible to bury a guy like that, hell, look at Evan Bourne. The more he loses the more he gets cheered. Alex Shelley is gonna be huge in a few years. Watch.
Alright. Below is how I ranked everyone on the list based on my opinions. I've removed Samoa Joe because he's already been a champion and I think they'll have him around doing stuff no matter what...but I think his "breakout" time might be over.

I've said for years that Alex Shelley is the next Chris Jericho. The only think against him is his size (though according to wikipedia Jericho and Shelley are the same height) and his rumored bad attitude. He has the look, he has the moves, he can talk. He needs a mentor and a great angle and I think he can be huge.

I don't think anyone doubted the talent of The Pope aka Elijah Burke. I never understood they he didn't go to TNA earlier. Again, he has the look, can talk, and can wrestle.

Desmond Wolfe is a great heel. I can see him playing a Mr. Perfect, Jake The Snake, Million Dollar Man role. I say that meaning maybe he won't be the champion (or a dominant champion), but I think he has the stuff to stay around as a high profile guy who is always in the mix. It's guys like this that the IC title was made for, so lets get the Global Championship to have some meaning.

After that I think there's a bit of a drop off. The top three guys I mentioned are guys that I feel can be championship caliber wrestlers, or at the very least guys that people will mention and remember when they're gone.

I think Matt Morgan has potential. I personally love both Doug Williams and Magnus. Sabin is okay, but on his own he's not a top level guy. I like Eric Young, but I just don't think he's at the level that he somehow gets put into. Rob Terry I think is terrible...looks terrible, can't talk, wrestles terrible. And in my opinion he CLEARLY looks like he's has some help with his physique. If Rob Terry is your idea of a breakout star than it's sad to say, but I probably won't be watching then. Jay Lethal, while a great wrestler, I don't think he'll ever breakout. Same with Kazarian and Kendrick, as well as most smaller X guys. They're perfect for X division matches and extremely entertaining...just not top level.

Now with Homicide...if they want to go back to the old school LAX days and can get a great mouthpiece, I think he can be a standout, but only in a team/stable setting. LAX had the "cool heel" factor when they had Konan. Now I think we all know Konan is not coming back, and Hector Guerrero is not a fit. You can't just throw anyone who's Hispanic in there.

Alex Shelley
"Pope" D'Angelo Dinero
Desmond Wolfe
Matt Morgan
Douglas Williams
Chris Sabin
Eric Young
Brutus Magnus
Brian Kendrick
"The Freak" Rob Terry
Jay Lethal

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