Who is the worse wrestler? Snitsky or The Great Khali

Who is worse

  • Snitsky

  • The Great Khali

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Soul Reaper

Occasional Pre-Show
Me and My friend were playing Smackdown vs Raw 2008 and we simulated a match between Snitsky and The Great Khali. The Great Khali won and my friend likes The Great Khali. I told him the Khali sucks so he got mad at me and said that he is better than Snitsky so who is the worst out of these two.

I hate them both and think that they can't wrestle for crap. Why hasn't the WWE released Snitsky I understand Khali he is popular in India, but why keep Snitsky he is a talentless yellow toothed loser IMO.
Snitsky's just a big guy. easy to find, easy to replace. try replacing a 7'3 450lb monster. yeah, he can't wrestle, but he's a total monster. add to that he's marketable and you've the reason why wwe havent actually got rid of him.

Khali's in ring ability's not as important as the fact he's a guaranteed storyline, convincing as a monster and that works
I STRONGLY agree snitsky is the worst although along with many pieces of crap who get too much tv time like Khali big daddy V mark henry jim duggan ( NEVER understood why he even had a job can't do anything) that stupid 50 's team who don't sell at all and now mike knox why batista was pushed also perplexes me I understand the backstage politics but HE is not good either and doesnt deserve the right to be in the main events like he is especially cause he is so arrogant and thinks he's HHH. Its funny that great talented wrestlers like super crazy charlie haas little guido (fuck nunzio) jimmy yang shannon moore cody rhodes london and kendrick get shafted because they arsenal doesn't consist of chops and a power slam and will always bother me that they never ever will be pushed and instead will be stuck with the worst gimmicks making these pieces of crap look good which is really hard to do and now tna is following the same pattern having the x division and their tag teams (the best wrestlers in the co) become obsolete and it's all about HH.. KURT squashing everyone
Khali is worse by leagues, but that in no way is me saying that Snitsky is good. Snitsky is merely the lesser of two evils.

Maneuverability - Snitsky outclasses Khali, as Khali can barely walk, but Snitsky is able to even go over the top rope, take some falls, etc.

Move List - Both are bad, but I can't even name 10 moves that Khali does...let alone does without being awkward. He has what, the elbow in the corner, the nerve hold, the choke bomb, the chop to the head, and a big boot? Is that it?

Mic Skills - At least Snitsky speaks English.

Versatility - Snitsky can be beaten by more mean "believably" than Khali, so that allows him more flexibility when it comes to a push. I don't think either man deserves any kind of a push, but if I had to pick, I'd rather see a Snitsky feud than a Khali feud.
They are both horrible but Mark Henry is the worst wrestler in the WWE right now. How many times can the WWE try to push a guy only to have to back off of it due to a man inability to perform any halfway decent move other than a bodyslam. Henry as much as I would like to see him get a monster push he can't because he is so bad worse than Khali or Snitsky
Both suck, but i think that if cena was added to that poll he would win. Cena is the worst wrestler ever. Their doing a great job making cena like hogan: they both can't wrestle. But hulk could do a promo worth listening too, instead of cena trying to be like the rock trying to say funny stuff.
This is a tough i like both i see alot of talent in both just need to be used for their strong points.

Khali cant wrestle one bit and bad at selling or even gettin hit in the face.just the fact he is so big and got a big fanbase that some people cant understand that.my way is to learn more moves n sell more.

With Snitsky he can wrestle more better had more moves, sells etc.just the gimmick not working at first the gimmick his style suit guess the writers has mess up with this one went over people too much and rush everything now hes back where he started beatin small people and gettin whoop by bigger names.

So my pick is Khail because the selling and movement
Mic Skills - At least Snitsky speaks English.

Versatility - Snitsky can be beaten by more mean "believably" than Khali, so that allows him more flexibility when it comes to a push. I don't think either man deserves any kind of a push, but if I had to pick, I'd rather see a Snitsky feud than a Khali feud.

Yokozuma didn't speak english and was successful, Umaga's gimmick has him not speaking english, Undertaker doesn't cut promos beyond rest in peace and challenging to a match, Kane's gimmick had him unable to speak for years, that's why he has a mouthpiece. besides, he can speak english, you just can't make it out clearly (see the longest yard for what i mean)

Khali cant wrestle one bit and bad at selling or even gettin hit in the face.just the fact he is so big and got a big fanbase that some people cant understand that.my way is to learn more moves n sell more.

also, why should a guy that size be expected to sell much. he's like a tree and it's all part of that gimmick that he's a giant, same way taker doesn't sell because of the gimmick that he can recover.

with snitsky being smaller, it's easier to believe that a punch to the face would have an effect
Lol undertaker does sell and one of the great's at doing it.

now Khail needs take more punches remeber when he was taking some shot from hogan and lance strom said that hogan one of the safes at punching so he should all to let it connect.I do like khail last raw was good and how king said he blocking them punches that a good reason to explan it.im not saying he should let mid carders making him look weak just allow the punch to connect he dont have to sell it just take it.
They're both awful wrestlers. Neither of them do much for the WWE and they have very few, if any fans. They get limited crowd reaction and can't wrestle for toffee.

Snitsky - Sorry, but is it just me who still sees him as the "It wasn't my fault" Kane and Lita baby murderer? That storyline was awful, he was crap and there was no skill in it. Now? He can't even sell us a new gimmick. His faults are endless, and he's one of few wrestlers I can see nothing good in. And I can always see good in wrestlers.

Khali - He's big. The sole reason he is in the WWe at the moment. However watching him wrestle makes me wonder why I like the company so much. He can't move in the ring. He has no mic work. His matches are always bad. I think I've seen about 2 'good', involving HBK and Cena, and they were the reasons for the improvement in the match, not him. He doesn't use size as an advantage, something wrestlers of his size have to do. Their size means they can't wrestle like someone such as Benoit.

I voted for Khali, simply because he actually offers nothing to the WWE. I see no reason for him, and the majority of fans agree.
They're both awful wrestlers. Neither of them do much for the WWE and they have very few, if any fans.

Khali is the biggest celebrity in India right now. He brings the WWE a whole market that they normally wouldn't have. He was plenty of fans.

Khali - He's big. The sole reason he is in the WWe at the moment. However watching him wrestle makes me wonder why I like the company so much. He can't move in the ring. He has no mic work. His matches are always bad. I think I've seen about 2 'good', involving HBK and Cena, and they were the reasons for the improvement in the match, not him. He doesn't use size as an advantage, something wrestlers of his size have to do. Their size means they can't wrestle like someone such as Benoit.

I voted for Khali, simply because he actually offers nothing to the WWE. I see no reason for him, and the majority of fans agree.

The WWE is always going to have that one huge monster until fans stop caring about seeing them getting toppled. Look at Hogan Andre from Wrestlmania III. Everyone today talks about how that match was shitty because Andre couldn't go, similar to Khali right now. The fact is, the atmosphere in the building and the buildup of Andre being a giant that Hogan couldn't overcome is what made that match. Andre being Andre is what sold that match, not the moves the two pulled off.

Khali is like this just on a much smaller scale. He is nowhere near as popular in America as he is in India, but he still brings a whole marker in. Khali offers a lot to the WWE, far more than Snitsky does.
It is more painful to try watching Khali through a match, but at least he is a giant to have on the roster and someone neat for people to see live because of his size. Snitsky doesn't bring anything much of anything to the table, but at least he isn't so bad his matches are hard to watch, as long as it is a relatively short match. I don't really mind him though since he doesn't get much TV time or any significant angles like Khali has. He does serve a purpose to help give mid carders or mane eventers someone different to beat when they aren't in a feud at the moment so as long as he isn't pushed I don't really have a problem with him. So while I don't enjoy watching either of them I can see that they have at least some purpose and don't think they should be fired, just kept out of the spotlight.
Short answer: Khali serves a purpose. Snitzky doesn't.

Snitzky is employed by the company because he was in the right place at the right time. WWE went out of their way to find Khali. Is he shit? Yes. He's terrible. But as is Snitzky. But who looks more impressive, who makes their opponent look better when they lose to them etc. It's Khali.

Fans hate Khali. Only by older fans does he get go away heat. By kids it's proper hate. Which is what a heel should get. Snitzky doesn't get either.
I have to say Snitsky is worse, i cannot stand Snitsky.

With the Great Khali, he looks like a legimate monster, and guys his size arent that easy to come by. Even tho he has lost nearly all credibility, it wont take much to regain it all because of his size.
i watched a video, i believe on youtube n khali, whilst lost to another giant, perhaps as big as him, he didnt look too bad wen u compare him to how he is now. like its been sed, snitsky can be replaced easily, khali cnt
Yokozuna didn't speak english and was successful, Umaga's gimmick has him not speaking english, Undertaker doesn't cut promos beyond rest in peace and challenging to a match, Kane's gimmick had him unable to speak for years, that's why he has a mouthpiece. besides, he can speak english, you just can't make it out clearly (see the longest yard for what i mean)

But you are mentioning WWE veterans. Yokozuna worked because of his monster status. Umaga has been in the WWE before when he was in 3 minute warning and other than that stupid Samoan spike and his running ass attack, I'm pretty sure that the wwe could perhaps let him do so many more moves that will stop making him so repetitive. Undertaker has had success because of his many feuds and personas. Kane has had success because he was marked as Undertaker's brother and also the fact that he and Undertaker have been loyal to the WWE for the past 20 or so years. In my opinion, Snitsky is dull and boring and could probably have a better gimmick than a yellow tooth foot obsessed spineless bitch wrestler that made Lita "miscarry" Kane's child then claimed "It wasn't my fault".
Khali is Just wasted space but now that India Likes him, there is probably no chance that the WWE will ever drop him.
Great Khali could be considered the worst due to ability, but the guy is 7'4, what do you want him to do in ring, a 450 splash. As for snitsky, he has teh worst gimmick in wrestling. He is not bad in the ring, just has a gimmick that doesn't work and thats it. When he first came in the WWE, he was over, then the WWE put him with Tomko to form a team, but Tomko left and they screwed up Snitsky as the WWE kept them on heat to build the team up to put on Raw that when Snitsky came back no one cared.I think both are great, it just that Khali has the worst of limitations, but for Khali, he is over. So the worst would be Snitsky only because he isn't over.

EVen though Khali has jobbed alot, he is like Big Show, you forget the loses kind of easliy as no matter how you look at it, the guy is 7'4, 400 pounds and on any given night its hard to beat him.
Kudos for winding it down!

Hm out of these two, I'd say Khali. Why? Cause WWE was stupid enough to give this guy the World Heavyweight Championship.WWE gave this guy main event status cause of his size! Because of his apparant ability to toss wrestlers around like toys. I felt that title lost his rep for a valuable amount of time!

Snitsky's not so great but Khali screwed up more
i think the suckiest person is WWE is mark henry or Big daddy v. I agree with whoever posted up there about they get too much screen or TV time. Haha! Mark henry used to have a tag team called sexual chocolate! I DONT KNOW WHAT GIRL WOULD WANNA BANG HIM! Snitsky is better than khali. khali is strong but slow. Khali thinks hes good because he has his little vise grip and his special DDT that i saw on RAW about a year ago. Randy Orton is the best!! He retained his title at WM 24!
Between Khali and Snitsky..two wrestlers I wonder why they even have a job...I would have to say Khali is the better of the two (like that means much) in terms on purpose in the WWE.

Khali plays his role in the business well- he's a freakishly tall monster heel...at least he's able to garner some heat from the fans...unlike Snitsky- who basically has done nothing and will do nothing in the WWE and gets no reaction from the crowd. ( Hate is way better than indifference) People don't care when Snitsky comes on.

However, in other aspects, Snitsky beats out Khali, for one, Snitsky is way more mobile than Khali, and has more moves (though we still don't see much) and is actually capable of speaking ENGLISH:O...if only he could get the crowd to actually give a shit about him.
hands down khali is the worst between the both. but their are a few more to mention. the boogeyman is another. and i know i'm going to catch heat for this. as much as i loved him when i was growing up it has to be hulk hogan.
Snitsky is definitely worse. He's just an ugly big guy. No persona, very limited moveset. Khali may be worse in those categories, but it is very hard to find someone like him. He is a convincing monster, and he allows WWE to expand their fan base into India, one of the world's most populated countries.

From what I've heard, Khali does have more moves in his arsenal, it's just that WWE limits his moveset for whatever reason.

A character like Khali is good for the storytelling side of matches. I'm personally looking forward to Big Show vs Khali if it ever happens. It would be a boring match, but the story behind it would be awesome.
Well both of them spark little interest to me but here it goes.

Wrestling Skills : This is hard choice, they are both pretty damn bad. Khali has the monster thing and he is strong but less menuoverable (sp?). Snitsky is faster but his pump handle slam he just sits there for a few minutes before he lifts them up. ( Whether or not its intentionaly i still find it annoying.

Mic Skills : Neither of them really speak and if Khali does, you can't understand. If Snitsky does.....oh wait, he doesn't.

Fan Base : Obviously Khali, he is heelish to most, and in India he is a huge.

I dislike Snitsky way more than Khali, at least Khali deos soething for the WWE.
Lol undertaker does sell and one of the great's at doing it.

Actually, unless he is getting beat to a bloody pulp by a group of people, Taker sits up or gets up just about every time he takes a big move.

As far as which is worse out of Khali and Snitsky, I gotta go with Snitsky. This man has had some of the worst gimmicks since coming to the WWE. he came in as what, the "It Aint My Fault" guy? And then he was a foot freak. And now he's got yellow teeth and pain is his pleasure? Oh give me a break. The reason why his gimmicks are so bad is because he is so bad. He has the lamest finisher that a wrestlers can get in the pump handle slam. And he even makes it look weaker. The best comment or concept that I have even heard that involved his name was when an announcer said that he would be a perfect partner for Dr. Isaac Yankem D.D.S. Other than that, he's a complete waste of space.

Khali, on the other hand, is his own gimmick. He didn't need anything special. They just had to find pants big enough to fit him and show him the way to the ring. I'm sure that he often hurts people but he is still massive and muscular enough to keep around. His impending feud with The Big Show should be interesting considering that WWE just had Show work stiff with Mayweather. A match between these two where they did a shoot would be something to see. Otherwise, it would be a disaster. But Khali still would stink way less than Snitsky.
I keep hearing how snitsky can be replaced easily but if you think about it all wrestlers from all wrestling styles can be replaced easily. There are a lot of people who can do double back flips off the top rope, a lot of guys who can out muscle you and a lot of midgets, divas, masked vatos etc. And the list go's on and on of how many different wrestlers with different styles of entertaining there are that can be replace. There is an abundance of them. I for one am tired of hearing the this wrestler can be replaced argument because that is already quite obvious. Any wrestler can be replaced. No matter what skill style.

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