Who is the one person you would like to see as World Champ but doubt will get it?

Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
The title explains it. Who is the one wrestler that you would like to see have at least one World Title reign, but doubt that they will ever get it. For me, I would have to say Hurricane Helms. Now before I start to get abused, Helms is a great competitor. The fans love him, and he is a true veteran. Although he would need a huge push, I would like to see him get some WWE gold, although I doubt he will ever get the WWE or WHC.

I find his character to be incredibly entertaining, it is one of the reasons I tune into Raw. I was a huge fan of the Honk-O-Meter. I think it had huge potential. It could have given him the time to build his character even develop into a main eventer. But instead they have turned him into a joke. Now he is just a comedy act with no purpose. They need to turn him around. I have heard so much talk about wanting to make the IC title important again. Why not let Santino have a huge run. A few good fueds, but a lengthy championship run would help bring it back to its glory.
I'd love for one day to see Christian with the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship, but since it's said that Vince isn't too high on him, guess we'll never see that.

And the ECW Championship doesn't count, because he'll probably win that. That's just like the IC/US Title..
Looking down the roster, Brian Kendrick. He's a hundred times better than Jeff Hardy will ever be but he supposedly has an attitude problem and doesn't work hard enough. Now they've separated him from Zeke and basically written off the last year, the guy is finished.

Otherwise Burchill/Regal because it's about fucking time we had a WWE champion and they're easily better than 90% of the roster
Finally someone else who realizes how big Santino is and can be!!!!! Does no one hear the chants. At the Royal Rumble during the Beth/Melina match, they were chanting Santino! During the Diva Battle Royal they were chanting Santino! This guy makes people laugh. They should have used his wimpy character, but let him win. He barely escapes each match but he does and with a win. What about his rap? "My names Santino and I'm from Europe. I like my pancakes with maple syrup. I lost my title to William Regal, his knee to my head should have been illegal." Then he scratches a record voice. I about crapped my pants. Give this guy some gold. The people are on the verge of loving this guy and WWE writers can't see it.
The title explains it. Who is the one wrestler that you would like to see have at least one World Title reign, but doubt that they will ever get it. For me, I would have to say Hurricane Helms. Now before I start to get abused, Helms is a great competitor. The fans love him, and he is a true veteran. Although he would need a huge push, I would like to see him get some WWE gold, although I doubt he will ever get the WWE or WHC.

I'd like to see HBK get one last run before/if he retires. I really think Mr. Kennedy would make a really go champ some day. MVP, The Miz (maybe if he can keep up the good work I could see him almost like a Jeff Hardy push) and John Morrison. There is so much young telent that looks good to me to be the next big thing but its not us who make that decision its Vince and his team and we all know Vince is high on pushing Triple H though forever till he retires.
I'd also like to throw in that Mr.Kennedy with the right push and all would make an amazing World Champion. Matt Hardy would be great to see as champ someday too.
well i loved to see HBK go on one more decent runs because the guy is just amazing but if he did get one. It would just be another brick in the wall of awesumness. But one guy who looks likes he'll nva go big i'd like to see is..... SANTINO. undoubtably the guy is just pure awesum at comedy/acting, and he's pretty good in the ring. i've seen a couple replies b4 me agree that santino is awesum and ill prolly see sum future replies saying the same thing. but i just wanna point out that santino is awesum..... and his twin sister santina is hawt!!!!! =P
For me, it would have to be Matt Hardy. Even though he does seem to be getting a bigger push at the moment, i doubt he will ever win the WWE or World Heavyweight Championships. It's disappointing as, though Jeff can wrestle and is a good wrestler at that, if you look at actual wrestling ability...Matt is the better man and i think he would do very well as World Champion on either RAW or SmackDown but as I said before, i doubt he will ever be given that opportunity!
I would like to see Jamie Noble finally get his due. He is a better wrestler then the majority of the roster he just isnt taken seriously based on his size. It doesn't have to be the World title give him the ECW and let him have a nice long reign and watch him out wrestle and take apart every contender to his title.
I'd go with TBK as well. Can you imagine him waking down to the ring, bouncing around in that girly way he does, with the WHC struggling to stay around his waist, squaring off against someone like Batista, and then retaining? I'd laugh throughout the entire reign, loving every minute of it.

It's not that he's a bad worker or has an attitude problem, it's because he won't stop smoking marijuana apparently. Everytime i read a report about him on WZ, it's the same story. Talent that get caught with weed in their systems get fined, and TBK doesn't care about fines, so they punished him by ending his push. Hence why he went from #1 contenders matches to jobbing to higher profile jobbers. He probably thinks, i get paid more than i ever thought i would in WWE, even as a jobber, so i'm happy.

It's the same thing with Shelton Benjamin. He doesn't bother to go all out all the time, or improve his mic skills, because he's already made more money than he ever thought he would when he was still in amatuer wrestling, so he doesn't bother sticking his finger out, and therefore he doesn't get pushed.

In an interview with Ken Kennedy, he said that he know wrestlers who smoke a pound of weed a day. One of them HAS to be TBK, and for that reason, he'll never rise above the mid-card/jobber level, despite having a cool gimmick
Damn you, Banes88. I was going to leave a cryptic message, leading people to believe that the person I was talking about is Christian and then - at the very last moment - reveal that it was in fact Matt Hardy. Now I cannot, for some reason, solely because you said Matt Hardy.

But yeah, really just those two. Do I think they'd make good champions? Well, yeah. In the same way that I think Booker T and Jeff Jarrett made good champions. If it all goes awry or the booking is fucked up, then they'd be good champions in the same way CM Punk was.

I mean, Christian is in line to get the ECW title, but that's a waste. Swagger, Bourne and the other young guys - Brian Kendrick, for one - could use it a lot more than he could. Him taking the title off Edge is a possibility, but I don't see Cena dropping it to him. I suppose if he turned heel, it's possible.

With Matt Hardy looking up at Triple H for the forseeable future, that sure as shit is not going to happen. If Triple H is going to go down for anyone (which he isn't) it sure as shit will not be Matt Hardy. The shock value would be priceless. If I booked the show, I'd have him drop it cleanly to Matt on an episode of Raw. Maybe less than twenty four hours after he just handed Randy Orton his ass, no less.

The WWE would be a lot more interesting with me in charge, that's for sure.
Kung Funaki !! Why the hell not ?? Give it to the guy in a match to kick off Raw and have CM Punk cash in the briefcase to take it later in the night.

It would be classic to see a guy like "Smackdown's #1 Announcer !!!" take the strap off of Orton, Edge or Cena. Hey, the Brooklyn Brawler won a match once... maybe twice.
Christian. If anyone right now deserves it more, its him. He's over, he can cut a promo, he has the size, hes a veteran, he can wrestle, hes hungry. What more do you want? Too bad WWE doesn't think that way though. Certain talent slaps them dead in the face and they still don't fidget. So, i doubt he'll get the belt.
For me it has to be Shelton Benjamin. I would love to see Michaels win the championship and drop it to Benjamin at Wrestlemania, for Michaels last match. Some of the stuff they did before was awesome and I think it would be a great way for Michaels to go.

But, if not Benjamin, Matt Hardy would be an amazing world champion with his heel persona (ECW CHAMPIONSHIP DOESNT FREEKIN COUNT!!!!). I was unsure at first about Matt with another heel run, but seing him being drafted was pretty good. It convinced me.
I'm gonna go with William Regal. A year ago, almost every person on the forums would hav agreed with me, yet a year before that, none. Regal has what it takes to be a great heal, and exelent in the ME, as long as he simply got pushed again. His push last year was one of the greatest heal pushs I'd seen in years, and I'd love if they did it for him again. Regal VS Triple H could be gold for some random ass PPV, and it could solify Regal as a main eventer.

I'm also gonna say Matt Hardy and Shelton Benjamin, as long as the WWE can give them decent pushs. They've both had pushs before, they ran with them, and we as fans ate it all up. so why the balls were dropped on them, I'll ever know.
Though I realize it is highly unlikely...if not completely impossible, I would love to see Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat win the gold..and possibly have him drop it to Chris Jericho. Having Chris Jericho win the belt would set up some potentially GREAT matches for Smackdown, with John Cena nowhere near the title....Thoughts?

The only thing that's unlear is how Steamboat could take the title off of Cena. Maybe by having Chris Jericho winning the Royal Rumble.. and going after John Cena right away. Cena could end up getting "injured" so he can do another movie for a while...and there is a temporary void left in who will face Chris Jericho at 'Mania....Steamboat comes out and issues a challenge to Chris Jericho for the number one contender spot. Jericho being the egomaniac he is, accepts the challenge..and loses! That sets up Steamboat vs. John Cena at Wrestlemania....Chris Jericho can whine and get involved in the match making it a Triple Threat match for the title. Have Steamboat respectfully win the title off of Cena...until the 'Mania Triple Threat rematch at Backlash where Chris Jericho will make Steamboat tap out, thus taking the title from Steamboat. Jericho couldn't look like a bigger heal at that point (unless he punches another chick). Steamboat would still get the applaud for his efforts, and John Cena has no rematch clause.....That's how.
Most of the better choices have been said in Matt Hardy, Christian, and Brian Kendrick. I'd say Morrison falls out of this category because I really believe he has a world title in his future. The other three guys will probably continue to be written off despite their talent, passion, and time in the company.

Ill throw R-Truth (Why WWE didn't just stick to Ron "The Truth" Killings is somewhat beyond me) into the mix as well. He was easily one of TNA's best guys and extremely deserving of the two titles he did have there. He's athletic, has charisma and mic skills, and can put on good matches in just about any style. I'd love to see him given a couple midcard title feuds, and then see him get elevated to the main event. Killings is 37 at the moment, and if WWE doesn't capitalize on him in the next few years, any stretch of what could be considered his "prime" will be over.
Carlito, when this guy was a heel and spat apple at people etc, when he debuted and beat Cena for the US Title, I thought this guy had the skills, and he still does. after he's had his tag run he needs to tell Primo that he "isn't cool" and go back to being a Razor Ramone - like bad guy and win the title.
I would like to see Kane as World Champion and now he's on Smackdown and the main event scene is not as crowded his chances are better. Problem is, if Glen Jacobs doesn't want the belt then Kane will most likely not be the champion.:icon_sad:
whoa, i didn't know kendrick was a stoner. when did this happen? fuck him anyway, that's not my answer, character's too damn stupid. my pick is shelton benjamin. arguably the most talented professional wrestler on the planet. some will call me crazy, don't care. styles, angle, orton, sorry guys, even you're getting bumped on this one. shelton's power, speed, agility, athleticism, and mean streak makes him look pretty scary. people are always bitching about his mic skills. why? because he doesn't have as much time to run his mouth and waste my time? his promos are short, sweet, and makes him look like a pissed off animal on a mission for gold. that's his character, and he does it well. punk should win the whc, and have a feud with benjamin. that's the kind of feud the wwe needs to have going right now. not feuds that were shit before and try and make them better over and over and over again. sorry vince, it's not working you crazy old bastard.

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