Who is the one person that TNA can not afford to lose?

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This whole thread is a no brainer. The person TNA can't lose is Kurt Angle. They would recover just find from losing AJ, Joe and Daniels but if they were to lose Angle they'd be finished.
AJ Styles? Are you serious? You gotta be joking right? Nobody outside the 1% of wrestling fans known as the IWC can give to craps about AJ Styles. Lets be hinest people watch TNA to see the "Legends" and familar faces from the glory days of wrestling not their franchise player.

If the MEM were to leave TNA right now their ratings would plummet and TNA would be a newer version of WSX. Come to your senses people. the MEM is TNA not AJ Styles!!!

What you say is true but oddly enough nobody gets a higher rating than the knockouts. Besides Kurt Angle another thing TNA can't afford to lose is their entire knockout roster. I dunno bout everyone else here but the #1 reason why I watch TNA is Angelina Love and the Beautiful People.
I think TNA Can't afford to lose anyone atm, they need as many seat pullers and PPV buys as they can get.

But if you are speaking Individually, i'd say AJ Styles and Samoa Joe.
I think TNA Can't afford to lose anyone atm, they need as many seat pullers and PPV buys as they can get.

But if you are speaking Individually, i'd say AJ Styles and Samoa Joe.

I have to agree, at this moment all the top talent is involved in some kind of interesting storyline.

From the X-Division to the main event, everyone who had some recent tv-time is also involved in a storyline.

But well ... I personally think that TNA can´t efford to lose Kurt Angle, he is the backbone of the main event and one of the few who draws some attention.
Honestly, no matter if any of TNA's talents went to WWE, the WWE would do nothing but job them. I'm surprised their not jobbing Gail Kim at every opportunity.
I'm going to have to agree with everyone who has said AJ Styles.

Idk about everyone else but to me people like Kurt Angle, Mick Folley, Sting etc. they still feel like they're being borrowed from WWE, on their way out of the buisness or both.

AJ Styles is TNA home grown, which is nice considering he's in a company who's often acused of pushing wrestlers way beyond their prime and not building their own talent. Beside that? He's prob. the best over all prospect in wrestling today. He's an amazing wrestler, he's got a good look to him, is he oozing charisma? No, but he does have some. If TNA use him right (Which they often don't from what i've seen.) he could quite possibly be the face of wrestling and not just the face of TNA.

To close this up, can tna not lose him because of how much he draws now? No. The reason they can't afford to lose him is because of what he can one day be/do/draw. About the only out side names that would ever get TNA over are SCSA or The Rock. As neither will ever happen TNA needs new names and AJ is the best they have.
I say that if TNA lost Samoa Joe that would be really bad for them. Joe is the The Rock of TNA and they need him. Same thing with AJ too.
There is no one TNA can not afford to lose. No matter who leaves there will be someone to fill their place. A couple years ago however this would not be the case. If we were talking 2004 or 2005 it would be either AJ Styles or Jeff Jarret I would say. Jarret is only a minority owner so it could happen.
Well theres a few, but I'm going with Kurt Angle! Can you imagine TNA without Angle? Dudes and dudettes, the man is money! Plus he's one of the best WRESTLERS of all time! And people, Sting is growing old the man needs rest he's gonna retire sooner or later.
I'n still going to say Sting.

Heck, if Randy Johnson can make the Giants possible NLW Champs this year, no doubt a true legend like Sting is TNA's MVP (Most Valuable Player).
Well, this is a hard one, but I do have two favorites in TNA that I would love to see them go onto WWE. Thats AJ Styles and Robert Roode. I think personally that these two a great all around contenders that can go to WWE and step into the ring and put on great matches with some of WWE's best.
I say that if TNA lost Samoa Joe that would be really bad for them. Joe is the The Rock of TNA and they need him. Same thing with AJ too.

I hope you mean Joe is TNA's rock like he is important not that he is TNA's version of the WWE legend The Rock. If you mean the wrestler I want some of what your smoking. AJ Styles and Samoa Joe are both pretty good wrestlers but I don't think there is anyone TNA can't afford to lose. They could go on fine without either although both are great workers.
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