Cesaro possibly injured. Another one bites the dust.

Not really. TNA won't "steal" any viewers and what the hell is the WWE vs TNA garbage anyway as if you can't be a fan of both. TNA's product has been disgraceful for months now and a new TV deal won't change that necessarily. WWE are in a bad place somewhat at the moment but they still have cards up their sleeve (Daniel Bryan, Brock Lesnar) and can still get Cena back to carry the show if needed. The situation they are in may actually force some creative and interesting booking though

Sour grapes eh? I hate WWE with its shitty booking and lousy unbelieveable characters. Roman Reigns in the main event? That guy is low midcard at best. He's horrible in the ring. Cesaro had to slow down last week so the bum could keep up with him. You lost all credibility when you mentioned the old fart club of Daniel Bryan, and Cena. Face it, TNA is on the move while WWE's ratings tank more and more every week. It's a new day! (No pun intended)
Sour grapes eh? I hate WWE with its shitty booking and lousy unbelieveable characters. Roman Reigns in the main event? That guy is low midcard at best. He's horrible in the ring. Cesaro had to slow down last week so the bum could keep up with him. You lost all credibility when you mentioned the old fart club of Daniel Bryan, and Cena. Face it, TNA is on the move while WWE's ratings tank more and more every week. It's a new day! (No pun intended)

You lost all credibility when you mentioned the WWE and it's lousy unbelievable characters. Does the Menagerie bring back any memories for you. If you want to talk about unbelievable then that's it right here in a nutshell. Both companies go out on a limb at times. The WWE doesn't have exclusive rights, TNA has had it's fair share.
While I'm not a huge fan, I can definitely appreciate the mans in ring work. His matches are entertaining. If I had any confidence in creative I think he could come back extremely hot.
This is hilarious.

I'd love to get your view on all the wrestlers who are better. I mean that should be so funny it would have me in tears.

Very quickly without getting into much detail:

Daniel Bryan

I could go on and on. WWE style in ring work is completely from Indy Fed suicide work. You can try and praise him for being "technical," an attribute that means literally nothing in the WWE, if you'd like. But as far as WWE style goes, the style that gets guys over in the WWE, he's just not very strong at it. Sure, he can chain roll with Daniel Bryan, but since that sells next to no tickets, it's worthless.

There's only a few styles that actually ever get over with WWE audiences, and Cesaro's just isn't one of them. He'll probably get there, but number one, he (and his mark fans) have to stop relying on this Indy mentality regarding the style he's working.
And what do you base your opinion on? It's a serious question. I've seen Austin, Jim Ross, Mick Foley, John Cena and others praise Cesaro for his in ring skills. The four I mentioned have said basically it's a shame that he isn't getting better than what he gets.

I'm a Cesaro fan, find him highly entertaining in the ring, which is what counts for me. These guys aren't actors and I don't expect them to be. But when at least four veteran WWE employees say he's the real deal, I have to believe it. The only person who doesn't think that unfortunately is the one who signs off on all the booking, Vince McMahon. He finds him boring, but a lot of others think Cesaro is great.

Couple that with the fact that the WWE is in the crapper right now with the lack of star power, most being out with injuries, I can't take McMahon's opinion seriously at times. I think he won't push Cesaro because he fears he might actually prove him wrong and get over more than the guys he wants to push.

Do you realize how hilariously narcissistic this is? You know better than Vince, you can't take him seriously, and you know exactly why someone who can't get over on his own isn't getting pushed?

Good lord.
And what do you base your opinion on? It's a serious question. I've seen Austin, Jim Ross, Mick Foley, John Cena and others praise Cesaro for his in ring skills. The four I mentioned have said basically it's a shame that he isn't getting better than what he gets.

I'm a Cesaro fan, find him highly entertaining in the ring, which is what counts for me. These guys aren't actors and I don't expect them to be. But when at least four veteran WWE employees say he's the real deal, I have to believe it. The only person who doesn't think that unfortunately is the one who signs off on all the booking, Vince McMahon. He finds him boring, but a lot of others think Cesaro is great.

Couple that with the fact that the WWE is in the crapper right now with the lack of star power, most being out with injuries, I can't take McMahon's opinion seriously at times. I think he won't push Cesaro because he fears he might actually prove him wrong and get over more than the guys he wants to push.

But whenever one of those wrestlers praises Reigns' ring skills they're sucking up to "the machine". Next double standard please.
Very quickly without getting into much detail:

Daniel Bryan

I could go on and on. WWE style in ring work is completely from Indy Fed suicide work. You can try and praise him for being "technical," an attribute that means literally nothing in the WWE, if you'd like. But as far as WWE style goes, the style that gets guys over in the WWE, he's just not very strong at it. Sure, he can chain roll with Daniel Bryan, but since that sells next to no tickets, it's worthless.

There's only a few styles that actually ever get over with WWE audiences, and Cesaro's just isn't one of them. He'll probably get there, but number one, he (and his mark fans) have to stop relying on this Indy mentality regarding the style he's working.

1. How does Cesaro have marks if he can't get over? Paradoxical

2. You laugh at Dark Lady for thinking she knows more than Vince and yet you're claiming to know more than Foley, Austin, JR? Hypocritical

3. You give no reasons for WHY those 9 guys are better in the ring than Cesaro, just state your opinion like always. I'd love to hear how Reigns and Ziggler are better than Cesaro. Illigocal.

Paradoxical, hypocritical, illogical, should be the title of everything you post on here.
But whenever one of those wrestlers praises Reigns' ring skills they're sucking up to "the machine". Next double standard please.

We're not talking about Reigns here, we're talking about someone completely different. And where did I said that those people are sucking up the the machine. I don't think I've ever used that expression before in my life before now.

Fans are entitled to like more than one wrestler on the roster aren't they or have the rules changed and I didn't get the memo.
We're not talking about Reigns here, we're talking about someone completely different. And where did I said that those people are sucking up the the machine. I don't think I've ever used that expression before in my life before now.

Fans are entitled to like more than one wrestler on the roster aren't they or have the rules changed and I didn't get the memo.

Sorry. I wasn't criticizing you. Just everyone who says that bullshit. And damn near every one of them is a Cesaro fan.

And it doesn't matter if we were discussing Reigns or not. The double standard exists regardless.
You lost all credibility when you mentioned the WWE and it's lousy unbelievable characters. Does the Menagerie bring back any memories for you. If you want to talk about unbelievable then that's it right here in a nutshell. Both companies go out on a limb at times. The WWE doesn't have exclusive rights, TNA has had it's fair share.

Meanwhile....WWE ratings continue to tank with its horrific booking and unbelieveable characters. Charolette is garbage, Bo Dallas is garabage, Kane is garbage, the Dudleys are garbage, The New Day is garbage, Tyler Breeze is garbage, Neville is garbage...Reigns is hot hot garbage...the WWE is nothing but a roster of glorified jobbers and spot monkeys. The ratings will continue to tank with it's horrific booking. I'm glad to see WWE failing and hopefully it continues to fail into 2016 with it's boring and stale product.
Meanwhile....WWE ratings continue to tank with its horrific booking and unbelieveable characters. Charolette is garbage, Bo Dallas is garabage, Kane is garbage, the Dudleys are garbage, The New Day is garbage, Tyler Breeze is garbage, Neville is garbage...Reigns is hot hot garbage...the WWE is nothing but a roster of glorified jobbers and spot monkeys. The ratings will continue to tank with it's horrific booking. I'm glad to see WWE failing and hopefully it continues to fail into 2016 with it's boring and stale product.

If everyone is garbage then why do you watch it and post on a WWE internet forum. That alone boggles the mind. Sounds to me like you don't like anyone on the roster at all, and maybe you should just switch over to Monday Night Football instead.

As of the names you mentioned The only one I will agree isn't doing that great is Bo Dallas. He was fine in the beginning but seems to have disappeared lately.
Sour grapes eh? I hate WWE with its shitty booking and lousy unbelieveable characters. Roman Reigns in the main event? That guy is low midcard at best. He's horrible in the ring. Cesaro had to slow down last week so the bum could keep up with him. You lost all credibility when you mentioned the old fart club of Daniel Bryan, and Cena. Face it, TNA is on the move while WWE's ratings tank more and more every week. It's a new day! (No pun intended)

I think you missed my point. I also think you lost credibility when missed my point altogether. I'm not a WWE fan, I'm not a TNA fan. I am a pro wrestling fan. I watch the shows I enjoy the best. Sometimes it's WWE, sometimes it's TNA, sometimes ROH or New Japan occasionally. I don't take any joy in saying TNA's current TV is trash. I hope they do well on their new network and can put together a better show, hopefully a live one or a taping that isn't cobbled together from old matches. I'm currently watching the Old TNA weekly and the first couple years of impact and I'm really enjoying it. Daniel Bryan is 34, which is not old by any means in pro wrestling. Steve Austin was 34 when he won his first WWF Championship and Bret Hart was 35. I don't think you are a fan of the business at all to be honest.

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