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Who Is The Next Smackdown Summer Breakout?


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Here are some interesting numbers from the last three years:

* June 7, 2009 - CM Punk wins the World Heavyweight Championship
* July 18, 2010 - Kane wins the World Heavyweight Championship
* September 18, 2011 - Mark Henry wins the World Heavyweight Championship

Now, these numbers aren't terribly interesting yet. But let's think about a few things:

1. All of these men had either had only one previous title reign (Punk, Kane) which was unimpressive, or had never been a world champion (Henry)
2. All of these men had been drafted from Raw to SmackDown in that year's draft
3. All of these men turned heel after being drafted
4. All of them became a breakout star sometime during the summer, and won a world title before summer's end

Now, I think these facts are pretty interesting. It points to a clear trend in the WWE's booking strategy for SmackDown. Take a face who hasn't been particular impressive on Raw, ship him to SmackDown, turn him heel, and make him a big deal over the summer. Usually, they fall off not long after their title reign ends - Punk and Kane did, we have yet to see on Henry.

The champions on SmackDown during the summer in 2007 and 2008 also had some of these qualities, though not all. The Great Khali was drafted from Raw to SmackDown and had not had championship success (though he hadn't been around very long). However, he did not turn heel on SD. Triple H was drafted from Raw to SD, but he did not turn heel, already had the championship when he came, and certainly doesn't qualify as a breakout star since he'd had championship runs many many times over. Interestingly enough, the common thread is that for the last five years running, SmackDown's champion over the summer came from Raw that year (note that for 2011, Henry only became champion at the end of summer...but it was Orton, who also came from Raw, that held the title for much of the summer).

So, with this in mind, will the trend continue next year? It's not really required that it will, but the pattern is establishing itself. I think it's at least interesting enough to speculate over what'll happen if it does continue next year.

When you look at the roster on Raw, I think it's quite apparent who is coming down the pipeline as next summer's Smackdown Summer Breakout...

John Morrison.

I know, I know. He's in the doghouse. They're burying him on Raw. He's not going anywhere. So on, so forth. I'm not saying this because I'm a John Morrison mark, I'm just looking at the facts. Morrison is the guy that best fits these criteria. He's had world championship matches a few times before, but never got there. He's toiled in the midcard ever since turning face. I think that if anyone is going to be the SSB (tm) next year, it's Morrison. I can easily imagine him being drafted to SmackDown, turning heel, maybe winning MITB, and becoming champion, probably over Orton. I think it's a good move for the WWE - John Morrison makes a poor face but a great heel, he's a great wrestler, and he could make for a very fun summer champion. I know a lot of people think release is in the cards for John Morrison, but does it really make sense to release a guy with a lot of potential who you've never really pushed and have put a lot into over the years? My answer is no. I think all the signs point to John Morrison becoming a breakout heel champion on SmackDown next year, in accordance with this recent trend.

So - what do you think? Is there even going to be another SSB in 2012? If so, who will it be? Morrison, or someone else?
Very cool trend you've picked up, I do think that you're on to something here. I think considering the fact that those three guys went on to have very successful runs and were boosted higher than they'd ever been from that I would say that they'll definitely try to continue milking this formula if that's what it is.

I do agree that Morrison is in that position where the other guys were when they recieved their summer pushes, he's a guy who has competed for world titles but never won one, and at the same time he has had success on lower levels like being a former 4 time Tag Team Champion, 3 time Intercontinental Champion and one time ECW Champion. He's someone who has been successful and been relevant, but is just below true main eventer status and I think this could definitely be his chance to shine. He is definitely one of the most underrated guys on the roster and that is mostly because of his mic skills, because in the ring the guy is a threat to anybody and a blast to watch. I will definitely be watching for him in 2012 and I really hope that he can pull it off but if he doesn't I think I know the guy who will.

Kofi Kingston
Yes my pick to be Smackdown's next breakout star is one half of our current Unified Tag Team Champions, Kofi Kingston. Kofi is right in that same spot that J-Mo is in that he has been around a while and he has had alot of midcard success but he's always been right out of reach of that main event and a world championship. I personally think that he has a ton of talent and he's being wasted by being in the Tag Team division, sure Air Boom is very popular right now but this man deserves to be doing a lot more. Aside from that, the main reason he's my choice for this formula is because if he did get drafted and turned heel it would be a dream come true for me.

The moment I realized that Kofi Kingston was destined to be a future world champion was during his feud with Randy Orton. If you saw any of their matches or promos at that time you know what I'm talking about, Kofi has always been talented but in that feud we saw a fire and intensity in Kofi we'd never seen before and I have to admit even though I have always been an Orton fan I loved Kofi in that feud because everything he did the whole time he did it pissed and that gave him even more energy than he normally has plus he was ruthless and it made for some damn entertaining TV. If he could harness that inner beast as a heel, go to Smackdown and raise hell like so, he would be a perfect candidate for this and would be a blast to watch.
I believe that this time next year, the title feud's will involve Cody Rhodes & Dolph Ziggler on Raw and Smackdown respectively.
And if we are lucky, Drew Mcintyre and John Morrison will be getting another attempt at a push also and they will also be on the upper MidCard at this time.

I think Cody will be the Smackdown breakout star of next summer. It is more than obvious that he is being Groomed for a loosing Heavyweight title shot right now almost as soon as he drops the IC belt... after loosing his Heavyweight title shot he will go back to the upper mid card before he returns for a Title reign in the summer.
When I am right.... I will post my wherabouts on this forum so you can all come and touch me.

Kofi Kingston will never hold the Heavyweight or WWE titles..... he is and will forever be a Mid to upper Mid Card player.
Very good thread. One thing I love about SmackDown is how the "glass ceiling" is very easy to break, and stars usually get built up the old-fashioned way.

While I have been rooting for John Morrison to become a champion for years, I have given up hope on that happening. I honestly don't even think he will be in the WWE a year from now, let alone wrestling for championships. As for Kofi Kingston, I think he stands a better chance than JoMo but in all likelyhood he will still be in the midcard/tag team division.

Call me crazy, but I think the SSB of 2012 will be none other than Daniel Bryan. I see it playing out like this: Sheamus wins the Royal Rumble, and at WrestleMania we get a triple threat match with Sheamus, Bryan and Mark Henry. Sheamus will win the match. In the weeks to come, a Bryan heel turn will be teased until the trigger is finally pulled.
With this "Raw Supershow" thing, will there be a draft next year? I hope so, but I'm not sure, to be fair.

Anyway, John Morrison does fit the criteria of this trend perfectly, but unfortunately I also don't think we'll even be seeing him next year.
I believe a likely candidate, but that don't fits all of the criteria (he's not a face), would be Dolph Ziggler. He's obviously main event material, but is currently warming up in the midcards. He's a former HWC - but held the belt for a few minutes. The summer of 2012 seems like a perfect time to give him a quite deserved world champion run.
If he can hang in there this year and make it to the next draft or something, I'm going with John Morrison. Before he got drafted back to Raw a few years back, he was tearing it up on SmackDown and seemed like he was going to be champion anytime soon and now after all the drama with Melina at the beginning of the year and what not, he's just fallen way way down.

If built back up properly, which SmackDown is fairly good at, JoMo could pull this off. Lets just hope he'll be around for next summer to breakout!
That's a great trend you picked up on Harthan but I think that that trend is going to be broken in 2012. I mean the only guys who fit the bill are Morrison or Kofi Kingston and to say that they would be champions by 2012 are really long shots. On top of that according to the trend they would have to undergo a heel turn which looks even more incredulous to me. Can you imagine Kofi Kingston as a heel? I sure cannot. Morrison has been a heel and a good one at that but the biggest reason why I feel why niether Kofi nor Morrison i going to be champion is because there are more deserving people on the Smackdown roster.

Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett are in the middle of good pushes this year and you expect their pushes to gather even more steam by the next year. Daniel Bryan has the MITB briefcase and even though there is some speculation whether he will cash in, he could get a main event level program even by losing his MITB match. Tell you what, I think Daniel Bryan is the guy who fits this trend the most. He will turn heel if he loses his title match and he hasn't been a world champion so far. Sure he would not be drafted over from Raw but trends are made to be brken, aren't they?
I don't think it matters because all the people you listed were buried after that point in time. Not buried but they're just letting them get washed up. Like Kane. CM Punk's still pretty cool. I wasn't really excited about Mark Henry doing anything but he's been pretty entertaining. Either way though, in order for someone to "break out" in WWE and according to your statistics it has to be someone a few thousand notches below WWE's religion of Cenaism. And that's just dumb.
ive got to say i really want cody rhodes and wade barrett up there in the main event picture next year. im loving both of them at the minute, and they are both deserving of WHC reigns.

also, i would love to see kofi as a heel, just to see how he does. he has been boring me recently, its just the same stuff over and over again. also i would like to see a daniel bryan heel turn as well. could be interesting.

i dont think john morrison will be the SSB next year, or at least i hope not. there is an outside chance, but i would prefer someone like rhodes, barrett, ziggler to come through instead.
i forgot someone else as well. how about brodus clay? the promos hes been getting recently say to me that WWE has relatively big plans for him. maybe he'll start off in the mid-card but by next year, he could be built up to main event to be the next SSB. maybe MITB as well? who knows. probably too early to tell.
To be honest, I sort of disagree with the 2011 pick as breakout of the summer. I think that Christian was the real breakout star, this summer. He went from being a forgotten jewel to a sparkling diamond in a few months. But, to keep the the trend alive, I understand why you picked Mark Henry.

As for 2012, I think the next breakout star will be:

The Miz.

Now, the Miz already has one lengthy title reign under his belt and has arguably already been a breakout star. Now, however, a mere 4 months after losing his title is being over-looked for such stars as Cena, Punk and Del Rio. Before Awesome Truth started attacking everyone that moved, he looked to be on a downward spiral with no prgrams to work in at all. And, after Survivor Series, I wouldn't be to shocked if the same thing happened again.

If so happens, a draft to Smackdown might really be necessary for the Miz. In Smackdwon, I really think he can become a top top player in the WWE and well, develop a legacy. He's being overshadowed in the main event scene on RAW and Smackdown it seems always needs an injection of talent. I think it could definitely work.

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