Who is the MVP of the WWE?

who is the most valuable performer in the WWE

  • Chris Jericho

  • Orton

  • Cena

  • Taker

  • HHH

  • Edge

  • other

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King Of The Ring
On this weeks raw Chris Jericho claimed that he was the WWE's most valuable performer. He is obviously one of the top performers but he might not be the best.
So who is? Cena is obviously hated by most but still manages to perform and put on a match. Taker when he does have matches always seem to perform and Orton has great matches every week.
despite all the heat he gets, it gotta be cena, due to the amount of money he makes for the wwe. People like taker, orton and jericho are great draws but cena can top them all, (cept for taker at wrestlemania) by the way cena bugs me like he does most of u, but lets face it he is the face of the wwe and their mvp :icon_neutral:
At this point in time I would say that the MVP of Smackdown is C.M. Punk. The guy delivers every time he comes out and is the best reason to watch Smackdown every Friday night. He does an excellent job of building heat and he's rock solid in the ring against everyone he fights.

On RAW I would actually have to go with the Nexus stable as a whole right now as that is the best reason to watch RAW these days. They are the most intriguing part of RAW right now and the show has gained viewers lately simply because people want to see what the Nexus will do next and how that particular storyline will unfold. RAW is becoming more and more about Nexus every week so they are hands down the MVP of RAW right now.

I split it up into 2 for obvious reasons, but if I had to give an overall MVP right now, I would have to give it to the Nexus as a whole because they are probably the best part of WWE programming right now and the best reason to even bother watching WWE.
Montel Vontavious Porter?????

No but seriously Cena is marketability wise because he gets the most money, however it can be argued people like Jericho and Taker are MVPs when it comes to working a match as they give it their all and want to entertain the fans as much as possible, they can also cut amazing promos and are overall some of the most well rounded wrestlers WWE has.
I think it all depends on what kind of MVP we're talking about.

If it's putting over talent. There's really two we can depends on in terms of putting talent over and doing it well.

One is Chris Jericho - This guy looses consistently but still comes off believable. He's one of the guys that doesn't loose credibility through loses and therefore serves perfectly in putting talent over. And doing it while looking great, and making others look great. Chris Jericho is one of the most consistent persons in terms of putting on great matches. And it helps him when he needs to put talent over.

Chris is as well also one of the people that serves well to carry a belt to make it credible. To make the division credible. He can work anything at any time. And he is definitely an MVP in his own right.

Another one in terms of putting over talent is Triple H: He puts on pretty good matches. He has good feuds that makes people wanna watch. He gets people over through having these intense feuds with guys like Randy Orton, Batista, John Cena and Sheamus.

He's one of the cornerstones of WWE. One of the guys you can always depend on to carry the company as well as push people into the main event scene.

But if we're talking MVP in terms of money making. The choice is obvious to no end - John Cena. He is the golden boy of WWE. He is the top face of the company. The one that goes out to the majority of arrangements and he's pulling the majority of the ratings in most likely.

Therefore there's a lot of MVP's in WWE. And that is also why I'm not gonna vote. Because one couldn't possibly be justified over the other.
It has to be John Cena, period. The guy goes out there week in week out, performs his ass off, will get his ass kicked by anyone (I.E Nexus), have good promo segments, he does Talk Shows, Movies, Interviews not to mention all the Wishes hes granted for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. He racks in the money, people buy his merchandise like water, hes the guy you wanna see at each and every PPV. Hes the face of the company for a reason. You might complain that he sucks at wrestling, but he works his tail off to perform and is the MVP of the WWE any way you cut it.
Why is HHH on this list? It's a tragedy that his wife couldn't have taken a break with him these past couple of months, as would've gotten fresh writing along with the fresh faces.

Anyway, I picked Chris Jericho. Ferbian already mentioned that he remains credible while losing the majority of the time, and that is a rare ability. I think WWE needs to think long and hard about whom they going to replace him with, as a good heel is much harder to find and develop than a good face.
Like Ferbian said, I think it depends upon what we're talking about. There are too many different areas in which a wrestler can excel in the WWE to label one as the grand mack daddy of them all.

When it comes to putting over talent, I have to go with Chris Jericho. Jericho has probably lost more matches over the course of the past year than any other headliner in the WWE. However, Jericho's stock doesn't diminish no matter how many times he loses. That's something that's pretty rare when you think about it. On Raw last night, Chris Jericho was pinned by Evan Bourne for the second time in less than a month, the first being in a singles match at the last WWE ppv. Earlier than that, he loses to R-Truth cleanly in Truth's first title defense as United States Champion. Two guys that the WWE has shown interest in pushing, two guys Jericho has put over cleanly and Jericho remains as hot as ever.

In terms of just sheer money, that's easily John Cena. John Cena sells a ton of merchendise and is a safe and kid friendly babyface cut from the same cloth as Hulk Hogan was 25 years ago. In spite of all the hell Cena catches from the IWC, John Cena is exceptionally good in the role that the WWE has for him. Like him or not, John Cena is a money maker and a money makers are pretty much indespensible.
Anyway, I picked Chris Jericho. Ferbian already mentioned that he remains credible while losing the majority of the time, and that is a rare ability. I think WWE needs to think long and hard about whom they going to replace him with, as a good heel is much harder to find and develop than a good face.

There's a small thing about Wade Barrett that looks like he could be a decent replacement on the heel side of Chris Jericho. However I fear that Wade wouldn't be able to put on the matches like Chris Jericho, which by default would then cancel itself out.

Chris is so well-rounded it's scary. A guy that could potentially do it is Tyson Kidd. But while I don't recall that much of his microphone work. I fear that it could be what drags him down. canceling it out again.

There's still a lot of possibilities in The Nexus really. It all comes down to where they stand and whether they can be build to a point where they're eternally credible, great on the microphone and in the ring.
im going to split my decision based on brand

Smackdown: its undertaker because even when he isnt wrestling he makes a big impact each and every week. For example look at this who left undertaker in a vegetative state situation it has pulled a lot of main event people into it and its the big reason to watch smackdown

Raw: im going to pick cena AND nexus because the storyline with the nexus takeover and john cena wanting to fight back is bringing alot of viewers to raw to see what suprise is going to come this week
hmm.. I would have to go with cena when it comes to money , but the MVP when it comes to wrestling it's clearly Randy orton .. there hasn't been 1 match that wasn't entertaining since he came into the business .
I had a hard time deciding, but I voted for Chris Jericho.

Orton has one of the best characters, The Viper, and always puts on interesting matches due to predator-like style, but that doesnt make him the most valuable performer.

Cena makes a boatload of money for the company through merchandise but seems too stingy, always in the title picture and doesn't seem to care much about putting over younger talent, but this seems to be changing with his feud with NeXus.

'Taker has been around forever and is one of the greatest but he misses alot of time during the year to heal his larger, older body.

Chris Jericho is not only the most valuable performer but also the hardest working performer. He is always around, rarely takes a break and is willing to do whatever the WWE asks of him. He could be seen last year up to 3 times a week, on RAW, SD! and even had a few matches on ECW. He has done more than anyone to help bring prestige back to The Unified Tag Titles as the team of Jerishow and the IC title over the past year (remember how awesome his feud was with Rey Rey last year?). He helps put over talent more than any of the other main eventers (like Bourne). He could fight the worst guy on the roster and still make that guy look good. His matches are never boring. He is Gold on the mic and he can carry the World Title.
i went with jericho on this one. The simple reason is that he does draw a crowd when in a fued with a face because people want to see him lose so badly because he plays the heel so well. He puts over talent and still remains crediable as a top star(few others can do this). Big Show was stale and had nothing going for him before jericho "picked" him as his tag team partner since then look at the big show(not saying show is completely useless or anything but it was since jericho teamed with im that he has become relevant again really).
Jericho is gold on the mic as both a heel(serious and comedic) and a face. Some people are great on the mic as one or the other but not both(punk from what i remember wasnt great as a face on the mic.). He constently puts on great matchs and is always entertaining to watch(thats opinion i know but thats what this poll is :) ).
I can see why cena does have a lot of votes though i think it depends on how you look at mvp.
I am going to go with Chris Jericho. He has been underused over the past year or so and tends to lose too many matches to put people over, but he is a true shining star. No one currently in WWE entertains me as much as Chris Jericho. Put it this way, even The Rock was at the height of his career in WWE during the early 00's, Chris Jericho was still a shining star. He is funny, cocky, you love to hate him, but deep down, you just admire him. He has pulled off many amazing matches during his career. He has pretty much done and won everything.

It will be a sad day, the day Jericho permanently hangs up his boots. He is one of the few truly "irreplaceable" stars. I just hope he has at least a couple more world title reigns ahead of him before he calls it a day.
First we have to decide what kind of MVP are we talking here, kayfabe wise or company wise?

Anyway, kayfabe wise it has to be Chris Jericho or Kane, these guys can work main event any time or mid card or pushing other talent. You need people like this, another was Eddie Gurrero before he died.

Company wise it would be John Cena. He rakes in the most money, gets the kiddies on board and legitimately loves the business and will not leave for anything. As much as he gets bashed on these forums, he really is a good guy and as much as everyone will protest he is getting better as a wrestler. Therefore he HAS to be the companys MVP.
hands down randy orton...cena is just a cash cow with kids but lets be frank no one likes him or his persona. randy may not sell tee shirts but he cuts phenomanal promos, amazing matches and people couldnt wait for him to turn face so they could just cheer for him. I dont recall cena being like that. Id put Jericho at a close 2nd. Heres a guy that is gold on the mic works his ass off and has been around the block...plus he isnt afraid to put people over case in point evan bourne (a guy that will 1 day we will be talkin about being the MVP).
Whoever voted Cena DOESNT know what they are talking about. If the Undertaker left, and joined another program, that program would get serious ratings. Cena should be last on the list, you had guys like HBK, The Rock, and others that would come before him even if they arent with the company anymore. If Cena left, small problem, if HHH or Taker left, BIG PROBLEM
on a few of these names i say no way cm punk is great but he botches moves left and right if it takes 3 times to gts kane maybe he should have thought to use his anaconda vise on bigger guys but he is a great draw but in my opionion not him.

tripple h no way he gets to much of an advantage because he is married to the bosses daughter and when he is the champion ratings and ticket sales are down.

undertaker is great but he is getting to old and injury prone. and he only wrestles 5 to 7 months a year. he has to take a long break after every wrestlemania. he can do great matches but he is gone way to often the only thing he can do is put wrestlemania fued that he will always win. you could put him in a 100 on 1 elimination match against every main person in wwe and somehow he would still win.

my top 3 big ones that are probably the mvp is

1. chris jericho because he can lose alot and still be belivable and he dose not mind putting others over.

2 randy orton good or bad he is loved by a bunch of fans and puts on the best matches.

3. evan bourne he could be the top of the wwe in 3 years he has one of the best move sets and fans love him.

btw how can anyone say that nexus is the mvp. they have not wrestled 1 single match in the wwe outside of nxt and all they do is attack john cena big freaking deal if you were made mvp cause of sneak attacks the sheamus the living mayonasse jar would take over mr mcmahons position thats all he does.
Whoever voted Cena DOESNT know what they are talking about. If the Undertaker left, and joined another program, that program would get serious ratings. Cena should be last on the list, you had guys like HBK, The Rock, and others that would come before him even if they arent with the company anymore. If Cena left, small problem, if HHH or Taker left, BIG PROBLEM

Are you dumb? Seriously, I have to ask, are you dumb? Cena isn't an MVP in the WWE? He makes the most fucking money for the company, and has for the past 4-5 years. I fail to see how there would be no problem if the FACE of your company leaves and either goes to do movies or a rival company. That would leave a huge fucking hole in your programming. What happened with the Rock, Stone Cold, hell Brock Lesnar? When they left it was a process to rebuild.

If Triple H or Taker left in the early 30s, maybe it would be a bigger problem, but if they left now, it wouldn't be a huge deal. Taker is out right now, is that a big deal? Trips is still out, has anyone truly missed him right now? Umm no. You are seriously a moron for even saying John Cena isn't a big deal. Go to the doctor and get your head checked for I'madumbshit-itis.
earlier I voted Randy orton but after deep thouqht I would have to say Jericho , he works wayyyyy harder than every wrestler , has a great band and still wrestlers alot , that's a big plus and we need more wrestlers like him so I change my vote to Jericho .
Whoever voted Cena DOESNT know what they are talking about. If the Undertaker left, and joined another program, that program would get serious ratings. Cena should be last on the list, you had guys like HBK, The Rock, and others that would come before him even if they arent with the company anymore. If Cena left, small problem, if HHH or Taker left, BIG PROBLEM

This is a joke post right? Either that or your dislike for cena has made you seriously blind to how important he is to the company at the moment. The kids love him and believe it or not that is why we are in the pg era at the moment, because it is all about the kids. TNA isn't that big a deal in comparrison to the way wcw was back in the day but when Scott Hall and Kevin Nash left to go there it was a huge deal and in comparrison i believe cena is more popular than those two. I am not cenas biggest fan but he has gotten better, he rarely botchs and he draws in so much money its hard not to consider him an mvp. My vote however does still lie with the one and only Chris Jericho(when you are the best in the world at what you do, how can anyone not vote for you :) )
It is John Cena hands down!

If we can put aside the fact that I am a huge John Cena mark, then I can tell you that he is the WWE’s face for a reason. It may not be that he has the most varied move set but there is something more to Cena. Maybe it was a case of right place, right time when Lesnar left and maybe he hasn’t set the heather alight with the IWC. However, Cena is the WWE’s MVP and no one can take that position from him right now, not whilst he is moving as much merchandise as he is and being as over as he generally is. Cena is , and has been, the face of the company and shows no signs of slowing that roll. I assume that he probably gets paid more than anyone on the WWE roster and or good reason.

I would have said Orton if Cena was not around though. Having signed a new ten year contract, Orton is a hot property in the WWE and beyond. Could you imagine the reaction Randy Orton would get on TNA!? Jesus, it gives me Goosebumps but it won’t happen… Not for a long time. Orton is over with the fans in any role that he decides to play and the fans absolutely adore him. He is definitely worth a lot to the WWE and outside of John Cena, he is probably the most valuable commodity.
I couldn't help but agree with Jericho in everything that he said. He was the reason I used to keep tuning in for Raw, and his return is the reason I came back to the product after all those years. His current role on Raw might not be the "biggest" and he may never really be the "face of the company", but I still think that RAW IS JERICHO! Whether he's putting over Evan Bourne, training up Wade Barrett on NXT, tag teaming with Big Show, fighting with Edge, or just hanging out in the ring, he is "the best in the world at what he does".

Like I said, Jericho isn't the draw that Cena is, but he is consistently pulling off the best matches on the card. His matches with Evan Bourne stole both the Raw and Fatal 4-Way shows, in my opinion, and if you think back on the best feuds of the last few years, Jericho is at the heart of most of them. His recent work as the loser who can't even beat Evan Bourne has actually been kind of interesting, and he did raise up the best performer of Nexus. His feud with Edge on Smackdown! was entertaining, and his work with Big Show was probably my favorite thing that's happened to the tag team division since Miz and Morrison were together. His work with the Hall of Famers leading to Wrestlemania 25 was great, even if it did end in a lackluster booking that didn't involve Steve Austin at all... And before that he held one of the greatest feuds "of all the times" with Shawn Michaels. None of these feuds really took center stage, or main event shows (except when Triple H was involved, of course), but he always took it for himself anyways. If Jericho was in the main event, it was golden, and if he wasn't, he would just steal the show regardless. Chris Jericho is one of my favorites of all time, because he can get a great match out of ANYBODY, he's the best mic worker currently on the roster, and he's just damn entertaining. Y2J may be dead, but RAW is still Jericho!

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