Who is the "most annoying"/"favorite" heel of all time?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Becoming a great heel is an art, although you can always get cheap heat by simply shouting "excuse me" all over the arena. That brings it to my question:

1) Who is your favorite heel of all time? (excluding VKM since he is the owner of the company who can change storylines or belts and gain easy heat, its an unfair advantage) Who do you think did a great job of getting heat? There is plenty of great heels who are fun to watch but who is your favorite and why?

My pick is Jericho. He can get legit heat without allowing you to sing along with him. The more he talks the more you hate him, but its kind of fun watching him talk.

Honorable mentions: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Ric Flair

2)Who is the most annoying heel of all time? The guy you hate, but not in a good way... The guy you think is just wasting air time. You just want to switch the channel when you see him, watching him just annoys you.

My pick is Sean Waltman. When he came back to WWE and become DX he was acting like "the guy" people came to watch. He was over reacting and acting like the founder of DX. Things he was doing were simply annoying me.

Honorable mentions: Vickie Guerrero

Who are your picks? And Why?
Ric Flair
He is my favorite heel of all time because of everything he has done for the wrestling busines. He really is a wrestling God. He was NWA/WCW's poster boy for years. Back in the NWA he was over as a legit heel and could put on some fantastic programs and matches. I love going back and watching his NWA work, as it was so much better than his stint in WWE at the end of his career, when he was face. I think he truly defined what a heel was all about.

As far as most annoying, it has to be Vickie. She gets all kinds of heat and it isn't good heat. All she does is say, "Excuse Me" and she gets booed out the building. It is all because of her stint with Edge and everyone making fun of her weight. She is just annoying but is one of WWE's top heels because of her being annoying and everyone hating her.
Favorite Heel would definitely be Ric Flair. The guy was such a bastard, it was incredible. Anytime he cut a promo as a heel, it was golden. Same could be said with him as a face, but I've never seen a heel cut a better promo.

As for the most annoying, I'm gonna go with Michael Cole. I've thought plenty of people were plenty annoying, but Christ. I love his schtick with A-Ry and the Miz. It pisses me off more than anything, so he does a great job there.

But everything else that comes out of his mouth makes me want to change the channel. I guess this could be attrbibuted to King, though, as the last pair of heel/face commentators we had, they played off of eachother fantastically.
Jericho is my favorite...he not only says he's better than you, he acts the part too. He can call you a moron, and though you may never have heard the words he uses before, you know exactly what he means when he says them. Then he backs it up in the ring.

Sean Waltman is the most annoying...I think he has two moves, the Bronco Buster and the crotch chop. That stops being entertaining really quickly.
My favorite Heel- hands down Vince McMahon. the reason being he could deliever real heel promos, i will never forget that line he said with DX. Life sucks and then you die!!!!! Only Vince could say something like that. Vince isn't the greatest worker in the ring but he would do just about anything to make the match great.
Second Favorite- Raven, if you need proof for that just watch him put the Sandman on a cross. It was the only time in the USA that you will find somebody to get Japenses heat i mean ECW crowd would always say shit and wouldn't be slient, this i believe is the only time they were in shock and were speechless. The only thing that fucked it up was when Paulie and ECW management made Raven go out and say he was sorry about the whole thing.

Most Annoying- Michael Cole- nuff said
Second most annoying- Hulk Hogan (TNA HEEL) it was just stupid turing hogan heel again, i mean the dude career is OVER he has nothing left to offer in front of the camera. I mean come is every wrestling fan stupid or something he was comming out to remix of NWO music, sporting an NWO beard, and hanging around with Easy E. Hogan should be behind the scenes helping out any way that he can. All the signs were there. The only thing i didn't expect from that was Jeff Hardy's heel turn, which was done good, the only thing is that he can't get any heat in the impact zone, if it was done in the WWE (non PG WWE) the whole building would have been booing his ass.
My favorite heel is/was Chris Jericho. He always knew how to get under peoples skin. He's simply, the best in the world at what he does.

Most annoying is Right to censor. Nuff said.
Honestly the most annoying heel of all time Booker T from TNA MEM. Seriously I hated that they thought Booker T had to have the man change his accent every time he is on camera. Or King Booker when everyone knows he's not an english guy and for over 10 years he was telling people can you dig it sucka!
Most annoying by far to me was jbl his wrestling god made me turn to another channel evrytime. My favorite heel was vkm for sure he was funny and his storylines were great
How about Alberto Del Rio and his personal ring announcer. Between looking at Del Rio which his $hit eating grin and listening to that ring announcer ugh.


I have just received an email of course you did Cole thats why the laptop chimed and the lights flashed and I Quote just read the damn thing all ready. Thats getting so annoying.

For my favorite Heel(s) I would have to go with the Heel DX with Trips, Chyna, Xpac and The New Age Outlaws and Triple H/HBK heel DX, I mean you never ever knew what crazy stunts they were gonna do from show to show but you knew it would be good.
My favorite heels by far were Edge and Christian. They were the Mick Foleys of heels, always going for the cheap heat. The 5 second pose was one of the best gimmicks ever.

As for annoying, Cole and Vicki are bad. It's hard to top them.

JBL was HATED and I don't think anyone expected him to have the title as long as he did. He beat all main eventers on Smackdown, including rematches, until Cena was actually the only one left for him to face. Beat Eddie for the title, then Undertaker, Booker T, Fatal four way with Eddie, Taker, Booker T, Big Show and Angle, Big Show in a cage with barbed wire on top.

Every one of those guys I wanted to see beat him, but JBL came out on top.
I'm sorry guys but the best heel of all-time is actually THE GAME Triple H... hands down this guy ruled the WWE from 99-00 and then 03-05 he was THE man in the WWE.

Most annoying heel is NOT X-Pac, i love X-Pac, my choice for most annoying heel has to be Great Khali. He SUCKED at every aspect of wrestling yet they had this guy destroy Undertaker and win the World Heavyweight Champion
i have to with everyone here favorite heel jericho, and cm punk is not that far behind, and also the miz

most annoying i think its fonzy, that damn ref that was with rvd in ecw with that f'ing whistle, i wanted to shove it down his throat at times
Favorite heel: Triple H

Most annoying: I'd have to say The Miz, and i don't hate Miz because he's heel and you must "hate" heels, he's just literally annoying, every time he comes out and talks, and makes that horse faced grin or whatever, i just wanna punch him in the mouth
My favourite Heel of all time is Jake "The Snake" Roberts, menacing, great technical wrestler, and he had a &*$#@%$ Snake!

The most annoying Heel of all time...... JBL, but that was because he was good at being an annoying heel.
My Favourite Is The Rock Cause hes much funnier as a heel

as for most annoying its Laycool God they're annoying
1. My favorite Heel of all time, believe it or not is Triple H.

He had this dominant way of cutting promo's that got under your skin, while at the same time made you take him seriously. I do hope he turn's heel just one more time before his career is completely over, because as much as the crowd loves "The Game", as a Heel he was an unstoppable character.

2. Most annoying Heel for me is in fact Eric bischoff.....

I don't what it was, but every-time he got on the microphone and cut a promo it just REALLY pissed me off. He just has one of those voices that screams "I'm in CHARGE, and there is NOTHING you can do about it!!!"
Favorite heels:

Michael Hayes & Gino Hernandez & Tully Blanchard : They were just so naturally hateable and were so cocky and smug that people wanted to kill them ! They got real heel heat, the kind of heat you don't and won't see again in today's wrestling !

Most Annoying:

HHH & Chris Jericho- 2 guys to me that just come off like they're trying to be old school kind of heels and they just don't pull it off in my opinion ! Very overrated as heels in my opinion, HHH more than Chris.
Favorite Heel...WOOOOOOOOOOOOO "Nature Boy" Ric Flair. The poster child of bad, yet he would put over other talent/wrestlers back in the NWA days making the whole promotion look good. I mean, c'mon, would Hulk Hogan put over another person to sell the whole promotion? Didn't think so...

Annoying Heel...I say it's a tie between Vicki "EXCUSE ME" Guerrero and Michael "And I Quote" Cole. Both of them make me wanna throw something through my TV.
I've got lot's of heels I'd like to acknowledge and just can't pick "one favorite"

I would go with HOLLYWOOD HOGAN. After more than a decade of being the ultimate all-american role model, he comes out and slaps the face of all his fans. And he kept the title for close to a year, you wanted him to lose the strap.

I'd also go with Bret Hart during the Hart Foundation stable days, though that was a unique situation, with them being heels in the US and faces almost everywhere else.

JBL is also at the top of my list. He just reinvented himself and it worked. He was a "wrestling god!" Pure heel gold if you ask me.

I'd also go with Yokozuna. He held on to that WWF strap from 1993-1994 and everybody wanted it off him.

See what's in common with all the heels above? They were given the strap and you WANTED them to lose. It helped build the career of whoever was going to take the strap off them OR everybody wanted to see his next match because of the great build up for the battle for the strap. That to me is the ultimate characteristic of a good heel.

As for annoying heels, I really can't say that I'm annoyed by any one heel. They're actually quite entertaining all of them.
Rowdy Roddy Piper..The Hot Rod..You never knew what he was going to say next..Pipers Pit best segment ever created. HANDS DOWN!!!
Favorite Heels
1) Ted Dibiase- Awesome gimmick with combination of mic skills and athletic ability. could still work in todays wwe
2) Mr. Perfect - smug and arrogant but could just back it up. R.I.P.
3) Rick Martel. great wrestler. the model gimmick and the fact that he was french was awesome.. Arrogance was just the icing on the cake

Most Annoying
1) Randy Orton. No matter what I just cannot find anything to like about this guy. Heel or face. He puts me to sleep more than anything
2) Randy Orton
3) Randy Orton
Big Y2J fan but I have to admit HHH was a fantastic heel during the early 00s...he was intimidating and that was a certain aura about him during that period.

Most annoying heel-Michael Cole
Sounds unbelievable at times....as if he was reading from a sheet of paper or was told what to say
Past:Ric Flair was just a God as a heel,put a mic in his hand and just let go and produced great promo's!

Present(or be it anout a year ago): Kurt Angle! period! he brought legit intensity into any promo and could get heat at the click of his fingers!

Honurable mensions:

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