Who is the Best right now ..... that's left of the Attitude Era?


Getting Noticed By Management

I am noticing that this is turning into a "I like Chris Jericho as a wrestler because" or "I like Undertaker because" type of threads. That was not the purpose of the thread.

The purpose of the thread is in the OP below. The following words should be in your post "I think Wrestler X is the BEST of the ones remaining from the Attitude Era BECAUSE ..................."

If you CHOOSE to participate in this thread, you should be telling us WHO IS THE BEST ... and WHY. Not simply "Well, I think Jericho, Triple H, etc. is entertaining, etc. etc. etc."

HHH, HBK , Taker and Jericho

this four men are whats left of the attitude era...... the 4 are on top of the wwe right now but the question is RIGHT NOW who is the best???

HHH the 13 time world champion, has won everything and beat everybody that there is to beat, has innovated many matches.... has had great matches.... granted he is a little stale right now but he can pull the best match in the card.

HBK, the main eventer..... the icon....etc..... he has innovated even more matches, his matches are the best almost every night, puts over new talent and refuses the world championship, wrestles with a bad back.

Taker..... almost 2 decades of destruction, has done everything that there is to do in the business.... has innovated matches that are only made for him... he has great matches consistently... has the streak etc.

Jericho.... granted he wasnt always on top but he gave great matches every night in his first run.... he took a break and now he is the best in the business..... puts over everyone... has the best mic skills..... and i havent had a bad match in like ever.....

so of this four...........who is the best and why???

as you can see im a little more biased towards HHH but who do you like more
(didnt put edge because we re not sure if he will come back)
technically HBK wasnt arond for the attitude era but i know what you mean. Statistically HHH has been the best but I'll go with Taker. He's been doing it longer and hes done it without banging the boss's daughter
I feel Jericho is the best out of the 4 right now. He has re-invented himself since the attitude era coming back as a different man and putting on a lot of great promos and matches. I feel he has grown with the times and it has benefited toward his character he plays today.
Jericho by far. Its kind of tough to even include him in this list cuz honestly, he came in in '99 when IMO the attitude era was reaching it's end. But still, he always works his match as best he can, puts literally everyone who he touches over with the crowd, and he finds a way to really make me think he's that much of a dick in real life.

He truly is the "best in the world at what he does" and what he does is give it his all night in and night out. Taker is too rusty to win this title. Same with HBK. And thats a real shame cuz I would put him as the winner if he would work every night like the young guys do. And don't even get me started with Trip, he does not deserve half of the titles he has. All of the nostalgia in the world couldn't make me enjoy those 3 half as much as Jericho
i would say undertaker because he is the biggest star in wwe right now of those names.

you seem to be forgetting a few people from the attitude era although none are on the level than the 4 you mentioned

edge,matt hardy,big show,kane,mark henry,christian,goldust

my pick is the undertaker closely followed by hbk
i would say undertaker is the biggest star in wwe right now

That wasn't really the question though. It's who is the BEST as in most entertaining. Not who has the biggest pop. If that were the question then of course it would be Taker.

you seem to be forgetting a few people from the attitude era although none are on the level than the 4 you mentioned

edge,matt hardy,big show,kane,mark henry,christian,goldust.

No doubt, man. I would have definitely put at least Edge and Christian in this list as well. If you're gonna include HHH for his 13 titles, why not Edge with his 9? And if we're talking about biggest pops, I would argue that Christian has the biggest face pop in the business right behind Taker. I mean an incredibly close second.
Jericho was the first name to jump out at me. He returned with a different look, to a huge fanbase and basically fizzled out after a short face run with Orton. To pull a 180 on his character and still remain at the top, having what could be the best feud of 08 with Michaels says alot about him. He still gets tons of heat, made Steamboat look SPECTACULAR at Mania and can still put on 5 star matches. Michaels and Taker can be the best right now on that Mania match alone, but I took points away from both strictly for working less.
I say Edge. I mean they gave the guy 9 title reigns in three years so he has to be good at what he does. Edge can create a lot of heat for himself wich is what heels are supposed to do. He is one of the best heels in the history of the WWE, and just like Chris Jericho he can play a face or heel and do it very well.
None of them. Simple as that. All 4 of those guys you have mentioned are on the downside of their career. Yes, Jericho is on the downside, but he's going down much slower than HHH, HBK, or Taker. HBK and Taker won't be around in 5 years. I'd expect to see HHH be out of the title picture forever in about 5 years. Jericho still has at least 5 good years left in him. He could even go 10. However, I think if we still have Jericho in 5 years as well, we'll be lucky.

The best of the Attitude Era (that we need to let go because it's over and not coming back) right now is Edge. Edge is still peaking. Yes the injury bug may set him back a little bit more than others, but he's the best right now. Taker shouldn't even be in the discussion because he didn't do much for the Attitude Era as far as how the Attitude Era is remembered. Edge gave us TLC matches (with the help of others). Edge gave us some great singles matches. All those guys you mentioned above like HHH, HBK, Taker, Jericho may have achieved more in their careers, but as long as Edge doesn't injure himself much more, he's got the most left in him. He's the best right now.
Yes, Jericho is on the downside

So says the guy with a Jericho Avatar. haha. I totally understand what you mean though. Jericho reached his prime as the first Unified Champ IMO.

But where as HHH, HBK, and Taker are aging like milk, I truly think Chris is aging like wine. He has never EVER had a boring promo or match for that matter, and he may be able to challenge the likes of Honky Tonk Man and Vicky Guerrero in a "who can draw the most heat by saying the same thing over and over" contest.
Jericho without a doubt. I say this for HBK and Taker are showing signs of years of injuries. Not saying that they are not good ring technicians, but the longer the match goes, you can see the old aches and pains (sort of reminds me of me in the mornings lol). HHH is good, but limited. He only puts out what he wants to put out, no more. Again, good ring technician, but if you think that he and HBK have the stamina or are willing to go to wrestle on every show as tag champs; it's not going to happen. They are too into self preservation to even try. I am not a HHH hater; it is just his priorities are not always good for business (case in point where he didn't want to go to Smackdown because he didn't want to work on those days).

I give it up to Jericho because not only is the all around entertainer, he: puts people over, wrestles singles and tag matches (where he takes more bumps than Big Show) on EVERY show, being a former champ-he has the chops to back up some of his claims, he not only defends the tag belts-but takes the time and ambition to go for the world titles. You can say what you want about him, but he gives his all more times a week than the others combined.

Second to him would be Edge; for the same reasons...they are willing to put in the effort to wrestle every show for every title without hesitation. By putting some over, that is giving back (not to mention putting on a great wrestling match to help improve younger stars). That is dedication and should be commended. Maybe this work ethic will rub off on some of the new talent.
Jericho followed by Edge by miles.

Jericho is just on a whole different level than most North American wrestling talents. His promos, genuine heel heat and classic matches cannot be denied. The HBK, Rey and "legends" feud solidified him as the best in WWE right now. He also single handedly brought back prestige to the Tag and IC titles.

Edge is just "on fire" with everything that he does. Edge also sacrifices his body to an extreme just to please the fans. Ever since the run with Angle, Edge has been on the map and bringing nothing but his "A" game. What Edge lacks in technical ability, he makes up for with crazy high spots.

These 2 buy far then I would say Jeff Hardy but he is gone from WWE currently. Taker has been consistent but misses alot of time since 2000. HBK came back in 2002 and has been "on fire", and HHH uses "backstage powers" to stay in the fore front. Not because HHH is that damned good, but because he has stroke.
I'd go with Chris Jericho, because, because, well because he is Chris Jericho.

Like some others already stated - He is the best at what he does in the world right now.
If you see a PPV match with Chris Jericho you are already interested, the opponent is just a bonus.
And I think Jericho is the only person who could cut an amazing promo during a match.
Imagine, Jericho hits 2 Codebrakers on someone, doesn't go for the pin and just cuts a promo about why he is the best in the business then hits the 3rd Codebraker and wins the match. That would be awesome, IMO.
Jericho, He is always entertaining, and technically sound. The pops he gets as a face, are phenomenal, and his heel heat is even better. Every time I see him, I ask myself, what's next. HBK and HHH are always favorites of mine, and I enjoy watching them work, and I hope they both retire before they get pathetic. Taker is amazing, but I never liked the character, and enjoyed his American Badass gimmick, and wish he still had it.
technically HBK wasnt arond for the attitude era but i know what you mean. Statistically HHH has been the best but I'll go with Taker. He's been doing it longer and hes done it without banging the boss's daughter

Sorry, but HHH isn't the man he is just because he "banged" Steph. K? He was a multiple time world champ even before having a relationship with Steph. Triple H has paid his debts, and has shown us he has the true staying power of a legend. So this whole "Triple H is only a mega-star 'coz he fucked Steph" shit needs to stop. :banghead:
I've been a huge Undertaker fan since his debut. Having followed his career for so long, I can say that in the past few years, he's been better in the ring than what he's ever been before. He's obviously talented considering that he's been sustaining an over-the-top character in a day and age where over-the-top just isnt as common anymore. I think he's going to go down as the greatest mainstay that the WWE has ever had. Steve Williams wasnt "Austin" as long as the Undertaker has been the Undertaker. When folks like HBK and HHH were building themselves up to be what they are today, Undertaker was already there. HBK has even said before that there isnt one guy in the locker room that he respects more than Undertaker. Put him in a program with some new guy and he works his ass off to make it the best that it can be. Vince hands him chicken shit and 'Taker does his best to make it into chicken salad.

The only other guy who can come close to this right now is Jericho. Jericho's character has had its ups and downs over the years but he's finally reached a level that most guys will never see no matter how long they keep at it. His promos were always good, but not really great when we had the Rock stealing the show in that department. Jericho's in-ring work has always been solid no matter what type of wrestler he was squaring off against. Now, his in-ring work has a much better pace that compliments whatever angle is being worked. His promos are better than ever because he's more comfortable and confident than he's ever been. Maybe it was the acting classes he took before coming back to the squared circle. Whatever the case may be, the man is still gold and the youngest of the four left from that era. Creative really needs to get their shit together with him instead of wasting time. Jericho needs another feud like he had with HBK while Jericho's still on the good side of the proverbial hill.

HHH and HBK are just doing good business right now and probably having a mild amount of fun while at it. Neither of them have anything left to prove; their legacy has been sealed. The "comedy" thing with Hornswoggle may be juvenile, but if its targeted specifically at a juvenile demographic, then its not horrible. Its not Curry Man or Shark Boy or anything equally as ridiculous. D-X have been given an angle to work and theyre working it like the pros they are, whether you agree with the direction of it or not. When it ends, and it will, HHH will still be the Cerebral Assassin and HBK will still be the Showstopper.

All four of these guys are reliable right now. Regardless of whatever angle that Creative can come up with, they run with it and make it good, no matter how bad the concept of the angle is. All four of these guys are good right now, but since only one can be the best, I'm gonna have to go with Jericho simply because he's got the most gas left in his tank. He's the most fresh, the most focused. I think he realizes that this current run is his chance to really solidify his place among the greats of the industry, and he's certainly doing that.
i'm still really entertained by Jericho when he's been in the title picture. Maybe because he's a heel and he isn't exactly the same persona he had always been. i always mark out for him. There really hasn't been any slow down with him. Like how HBK and The Undertaker practically creak while working in the ring. Jericho can still put on great matches.
Chris Jericho really emerged out of the post Attitude Era to become successful, so I will not choose him over the other three who were in the main event during the era.

I choose The Undertaker, though Triple H is my second choice right now. As Triple H really seems to be moving out of the title picture in the WWE, The undertaker seems to have a justified spot with the title, even at the end of his career. His gimmick, which has changed during that era is still strong, and his force remains after over 10 years since the beginning of that era. He is the one man left who I see winning the title whenever he steps into a title match.
I think Jericho is the BEST of the ones remaining from the Attitude Era BECAUSE he's not the typical "Giant" that Vince loves to give pushes to nor is he WWE-original yet the guy is still main-eventing and entertaining.
As far as heart, I'm not gonna argue Henry, 'Taker, HBK, HHH, or Jericho, as we really don't know who wants it most.

As far as entertaining, Jericho is the most fresh, and he moves around better than half the other, newer guys such as Orton, Kofi, or Cena. He can get ANYONE to mark out for him or boo him. He has a way of moving that will make you hate him as a heel or face.

I must say though, when he and Edge walked out as Unified Tag Champs for the first time (I was in attendence), I nearly had a little bit of crap come out. I MARKED THE F**K OUT!!!!
I have to disagree with a few things.

HBK wasnt around in the attitude era?? Hell, he started the damn thing! That guy was absolutely crazy back then, it was awesome. and taker and hbk rusty?? Did u not see their match at mania? I'm a vet fan and I can honestly say that was the best match I have ever seen. The irony in the whole match was that the two best, the two veterans put on a clinic at a time where WWE was not the "in thing" at the time. That's why everyone loved that match so much because everyone complained about how wrestling sucks nowa days and yada yada yada.

When that match brought everyone back to what wrestling used to be, exciting!

A half hour again when you could come out of reality and enjoy the entertainment like the old days. I only have seen a few matches like that in my life and it was great, not rusty at all my friend,
HBK and 'Taker. Simple as that.

HBK, whether you smarks want to admit it or not, is continuing to have the greatest matches on the card each and everytime he performs. The question asks, who is the best wrestler left from the Attitude Era. Not, who will be the best in 5 years or who is on a down slope from the Attitude Era. If we just answer the question of the thread, then HBK has to be in the conversation. He isn't the greatest in ring performer in history for no reason.

What can be said about 'Taker? He is the most respected wrestler from the fans and from his peers. He continues to get better and better in the ring. His best matches of his entire career have come in the last few years. That's saying a lot from a guy that has been at it for 20 years. He gets the loudest pops of the night and continues to be a huge draw for SD.

Not only are HBK and 'Taker the greatest left from the Attitude Era, they are, arguably, the greatest left in the WWE.

Now, I am going to put you on the spot, I Am Phenom. The title of this thread is: Who IS the Best right now ..... that's left of the Attitude Era? Not ... who are the best. That, obviously is singular and means you should be picking one person and only ONE person.

With that being said, who IS THE BEST and WHY are they THE Best?

Same goes for everyone else. Who IS the best? One person. Think, and give us your pick.

Now, I am going to put you on the spot, I Am Phenom. The title of this thread is: Who IS the Best right now ..... that's left of the Attitude Era? Not ... who are the best. That, obviously is singular and means you should be picking one person and only ONE person.

With that being said, who IS THE BEST and WHY are they THE Best?

Same goes for everyone else. Who IS the best? One person. Think, and give us your pick.


I was basically responding to what some other posters had said in the thread about 'Taker and HBK being washed up and such. Shafe even went so far as to talk about who would be left in 5 to 10 years. That wasn't the question, but if you want me to answer it, from my own personal opinion, I will.....

The best in the WWE, right now, from the Attitude Era is Shawn Michaels. No doubt about it. Even at his age, he continues to be the best in ring performer in the WWE. You could change the question to who is the best wrestler from the 2000's and HBK would still be the answer. He comes out, puts on great match after great match and is always awe inspiring.

I love 'Taker to death, but not even the Phenom of the WWE can hold a candle to HBK in the ring. Nobody in the WWE is in HBK's class. He has and will always be in a class all by himself when it comes to performing in a wrestling ring.
I can't help but feel as if you've left some names off the list:

Edge, Christian, Big Show, Matt Hardy and so on.

Anyways, I think its out of Hunter, Jericho and Edge. But my choice goes to Chris Jericho. He draws the biggest heat, any feud hes featured in he makes his opponent look like gold. I saw a video recently, I could be wrong but I believe it was part of the UK tour where we ripped on us Brit's like no tomorrow and they started throwing DX glowsticks at him. Now I think thats a bit rabid but that is the biggest heat. He, much like others have pointed out is never boring. I don't ever recall him putting on a bad match, when theres a DVD released based on his career they'll need more than 3 Discs for his matches and wrestling career. During his Y2J Days he was perhaps the most funniest, never a dull moment whether he was face or a heel. Well there never is when hes in the ring now, just no longer funny, more serious. His accomplishments are well-earned aswell, first-ever Undisputed Champion, 9 Time IC Champion, multi-time Tag Team Champion and so on. Plus, hes perhaps the most hardest working wrestler, working on both Raw and SD aswell as house shows.

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