Who is better: Wade Barrett or Sheamus?

Who is better, Wade Barrett or Sheamus?

  • Wade Barrett

  • Sheamus

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Hulk Hogan's Brother

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Two names which you probably would not have heard a year ago are now main event heels in the WWE. Something which does not happen very often. But these two guys have made it on the sheer basis of their talent or perhaps backstage politics. But I leave that for you to decide.

The guys whom I'm talking about are Wade Barrett and Sheamus. Sheamus is already a two time WWE Champion while Barrett is on his way to main event a second consecutive PPV. Both have earned accolades from WWE veterans like Chris Jericho and Triple H. I am yet to hear a word of criticism about Wade even though some people do not like Sheamus and say that the only reason he is main eventing is because he sucked up to HHH. Both have managed to put on decent matches but it would be fair to say niether has produced a really stellar match so far.

So taking everything into opinion who do you think is better, Wade Barrett or Sheamus?

I personally think Barrett is better because he is better on the mic as compared to Sheamus. Plus playing the leader of a stable is always difficult and that is something that Barrett has done excellently right from the day he debuted on Raw. I don't think any other wrestler has done that. They are more or less equal when it comes to in ring skills in my opinion but I think its a bit too early to give judgement on that because Barrett has not had that maany matches thus far.

So please give your opinions on these two talented young men.
I've voted for Barrett, for many of the same reasons as you, good leader of a stable Ect. But I agree he dosen't have too many matches, but when he does, he always puts on a show. So thats why I voted Barrett.
i hav to go with sheamus. he has more of that strong look.i think he looks exactly the same as test. wade barrets has a skinny look and no really a feirce warrior as sheamus. and guys i need to know something. how can i majke threads?
Not much of a decision for me,
I like Wade,
But I don't ever see him being a favorite of mine,
He's good on the MIC,
But I haven't seen much improvement from him in the ring since his NXT days.
Sheamus on the other hand I feel is better on the MIC and in the ring,
When I think Sheamus I think of his Falls Count Anywhere match with JOMO,
Drawing Blanks for Barret.
Which might not be too fair because he's been there longer,
But, Whatever.
And Sheamus doesn't have the best finisher in the world,
But Wade's finisher doesn't look impactful at all,
and God forbid the replay it in slow motion.
Another thing is that I just find Sheamus to be more intimidating than Wade,
He plays his part well as the fighting Irishman,
I've never seen Wade have an ounce of aggression comparable to Sheamus,
Not even on the Nexus debut when they attacked Cena and P<3!nk
Which is the only attack I found believable.
So I think Sheamus is much better.
Well this is a tough one. Sheamus is the better wrestler as far as putting on a match, but Wade Barrett has him beat on the mic. Sheamus' first title reign had everyone talking, but it wasn't a good run. Wade's first run will be different. Chances are it's going to be a dominant, memorable, heel run. Wade's rise was done properly, while Sheamus' was done in heartbeat, just as a suprise. That being said, he is established now, and has earned his spot. Both have their ups and downs, but they haven't been around long enough to really be able to say which is just flat out "better".

Personally Wade Barrett is more entertaining for me. I enjoy seeing him more, so I'm voting for him. XD
My only problem with Wade is his finisher. I think it's more of a signature move rather than a finishing move (like the People's Elbow, etc).

But he's a lot better on the mic than Sheamus. I don't know how long they'll keep him a heel though since he's got quite the fan base for a heel.
Sheamus is better on the mic than Wade Barrett. His delivery on the mic to me is just way better than Barrett. Sheamus is a power guy while Barrett wants to be one but doesn't have the body type for it. I don't see anything different in Barrett's in-ring ability from when he was in NXT while the Celtic Warrior has improved leaps and bounds.
Barrett gets a lot of points for mic work in my book, but not so much due to his own efforts, moreso for being placed in the best storyline that WWE has produced in a few years. What I'm saying is I think Sheamus could do just as good of a job if he was given an equally interesting storyline or situation. Lately Sheamus has been used to destroy Daniel Bryan twice and then lose to Santino, what can the guy really do right now?

In other areas such as look, ring work, etc, I have to go with Sheamus. Barrett hasn't really had all that much time to shine in the ring on his own, so again it's kind of an uneven comparison here. But I feel if they were offered similar opportunities in the ring, Sheamus would be much more interesting to watch.

So I have to go with my personal opinion of Sheamus, but as you can see it's really hard to get a good comparison of them in any category. Wade gets to speak more and he seems to be doing a great job at that. Sheamus gets more time in the ring to actually display his abilities so he seems better at that. Both are great additions to the roster though.
I had to go with Barrett.

As much as I enjoy the things Sheamus has to offer I believe Barrett has done one hell of a job in taking leadership of The Nexus and making it work. It could have quite easily flopped if Barrett hadn't been able to execute his leadership role correctly.

Like Xemnas said Barrett's heel run has been done properly compared to Sheamus's very quick run which was quite a forgettable first run as Champion.

Simply put I find Barrett more entertaining than Sheamus at the moment as Barrett is excellent on the Mic and can draw a lot of heat from the things he does.
I prefer Sheamus. He is better in the ring than Barret and has a better finisher. The Waste Land is just horrible.

Also it is quite arguable who is better on the mic. Sheamus has really stepped up in my opinion and I think he surpasses Barret in that area as well. Barret isn't bad on the mic, but he is kind of one sided.
Im going with Sheamus, and it isn't even close.

Barrett has yet to show me that he is capable of having even a good match, even when he's matched up with opponents that you would think could carry him, such as Orton or Cena. He's shown flashes, but not enough consitency to be considered a main event level talent. That's why he's part of a stable. He is fantastic on the mic, but he's a bit one-dimensional there as well.

Sheamus, on the other hand, has had good matches with HHH, Cena, and Orton. Were they 4 or 5 star classics? No, but they were solid, main event level matches. And he's grown leaps and bounds on the mic, especially noticeable after he won his second championship, and declared he didn't want to win the championship "that way",. only to smirk and take the title back. I think it showed his range, and that if they ever decided, he could be an effective face. Ive seen no evidence that Barrett can be anything but a heel. That gives Sheamus the edge on the mic as well.

As for drawing heat, Barrett has the edge, but how much does that have to do with him being the leader of a stable that beats down people on a regular basis? You have to wonder how Barrett would do on his own, when he's not giving orders or tearing people down.

So I have to go with Sheamus. He's just the better talent right now.
what the hell r u talking about, did you even see Wade vs Cena at Hell in a Cell, that match stole the xhow and clearly shows why he is in the position he's in...go back and look at it because this kid is better in the ring than Sheamus who still needs to grow...he is also better on the mic, much better and doesnt sound scripted...dont get me wrong sheamus is cool and all, but his look is better than everything else he has to offer currently...still, I enjoy watching Wade alot more
This is a great poll. Both of these guys are clearly the future in WWE. Sheamus has become a true star and is very good in the ring, and really sells bumps well. Barret has the mic skills and we'll see in time if he stands out on his own because I think Nexus will be too much of a crutch. Great heels have always been evil and stood out on their own so while I hope the rest of Nexus stays heel, I'd love to see them turn on Barret. Both of these guys are great entertainers and I LOVE hating them, and isn't that what it's all about?
I'm shocked that this is tied. Knowing the IWC I figured Barrett would be creaming Sheamus in this poll.

Both are terrific and both are the absolute best heels on RAW (yes.... lightyears better than Miz). If I had to choose 1, I'd go with Sheamus. He is just so unique, built, and great in the ring. The mic race is really close as both are terrific on the mic. Sheamus almost has a humor aspect to him and I'm inclined to like that more.

It's a really good question and incredibly close. It just comes down to who you prefer.
what the hell r u talking about, did you even see Wade vs Cena at Hell in a Cell, that match stole the xhow and clearly shows why he is in the position he's in...go back and look at it because this kid is better in the ring than Sheamus who still needs to grow...he is also better on the mic, much better and doesnt sound scripted

Wade Barrett's promos are the definition of scripted. Both still need to grow in the ring but Barrett has more growing to do than Sheamus. I'll take Sheamus' matches with HHH and Cena over what Wade has done. I excluded their matches with Orton because I still think Orton needs to be carried rather than him doing the carrying. I also preferred the triple threat match at HIAC moreso than Barrett vs. Cena.
How is this even up for debate? Barrett may be, very marginally, better on the microphone than Sheamus. I don't see it, because I think that Sheamus' promos flow more naturally than Barrett's. But, if people want to say that Barrett's better on the mic, fine.

But, Wade is shit from bell to bell. Seriously, I've never seen a good match with him in it. Sheamus isn't amazing, but he's been growing by leaps and bounds over the last year, and is, currently, much better than most of the people in WWE.
I'm not much of a fan of either. But to pick somebody, Sheamus. He comes off as a more hateable heel. He's a very basic character that most of the time fails to make it anywhere, but he made it work. He took little experience that was given and made it huge. While Barrett is OK too, he's been working from day one with WWE's top stars. Chris Jericho, John Cena and Randy Orton. Sheamus started with Goldust and then Jamie Noble. And from there he was in the main event against John Cena and then Randy Orton as champ and finally Triple H. Unlike Barrett, Sheamus was on top when he started working with the top guys. Sheamus is defiantly better.
man you guys must have not seen Barretts match against Cena at HITC, he so much ring psychology for a rookie...Sheamus does the same old polish hammers and boots all the time...they booked Sheamus as a cowardly heel, and even made him lose to SANTINO! cmon guys...his match at Mania with Triple H was nothingf special either...im more intrigued by Barrett whos been around less...if Sheamus can win the world title within like 6 months, Barrett can too
Im going with Sheamus, and it isn't even close.

Barrett has yet to show me that he is capable of having even a good match, even when he's matched up with opponents that you would think could carry him, such as Orton or Cena. He's shown flashes, but not enough consitency to be considered a main event level talent. That's why he's part of a stable. He is fantastic on the mic, but he's a bit one-dimensional there as well.

Sheamus, on the other hand, has had good matches with HHH, Cena, and Orton. Were they 4 or 5 star classics? No, but they were solid, main event level matches. And he's grown leaps and bounds on the mic, especially noticeable after he won his second championship, and declared he didn't want to win the championship "that way",. only to smirk and take the title back. I think it showed his range, and that if they ever decided, he could be an effective face. Ive seen no evidence that Barrett can be anything but a heel. That gives Sheamus the edge on the mic as well.

As for drawing heat, Barrett has the edge, but how much does that have to do with him being the leader of a stable that beats down people on a regular basis? You have to wonder how Barrett would do on his own, when he's not giving orders or tearing people down.

So I have to go with Sheamus. He's just the better talent right now.

You have mentioned it and so have many other posters that Sheamus has 'improved' both on the mic as well as in the ring. Do you feel that main event is the place to improve? By the time you reach the main event you should be a finished product. Sheamus wasn't exactly that. The fact that at this point Sheamus and Barrett are comparable strengthens Barrett's case even further because Barrett has been here for a lesser time than Sheamus.

Also while you are correct in saying that Barrett is yet to prove himself on his own you must understand that it is pretty difficult to play the leader of a stable too. Barrett has accomplished that right at the start of his career.
I would prefer there to be an "I CAN'T FUCKIN PICK" vote.
'Cos I can't.

These two guys are both great at what they do. Sheamus has already proven himself to be a great champ & Barrett a great leader.
Can't wait to see what they do next.
It's tough. I've been a fan of Seamus since his days fueding with Drew 'McIntyre' Galloway in the UK. He is even better in the ring than he is allowed to be management at present. The sooner he gets rid of the Crucifics PowerBomb and revives the Firery Red Hand the better. His mic work is ok, but I think his thick accent holds him back.

Barrett is ironically in the same position as Cena was when he entered the E, great potential on the mic, sorely limited in the ring. As Cena and now Miz have proven, success in the E is decided by mic skills not ring skills. So from that point of view he has a bright future. But management does need to urgently decided if he going to be a clever heel, a la piper, or dominate heel, a la batista, because if the latter, he needs to hit the gym and get a new finisher.

So on real talent, Seamus has the edge, but on E valued mic work, its Barrett. The real test will come when Nexus is broken up for Barrett, and for Seamus it will be when his meal ticket HHH goes off to permanently focus on producing the next generation of McMahons.
I'm gonna go with Sheamus. When he first appeared on RAW and took out Noble and the King, I said he needed to step up his game to keep his momentum going as I didn't think enough people really cared about Noble being 'retired' by him. Sure enough, he's kept on improving at a decent rate and hasn't done himself any harm in his first year.

I also see a lot more flexibility in him, as in if the day ever comes (a lot further down the line I hope) that he turns face, I reckon he'll have the skills to pull that transition off.

Barrett has had his moments without doubt, but someone else pointed out that his promos feel a bit too scripted at times which I agree with, but that could just be his accent.

To round off the new British recruits, I hope Drew McIntyre can do something to get himself going again. I'm a fan of his physical style but he doesn't seem entirely comfortable yet. Mon the Brits! (and Irish)
Wade Barrett for me. Sheamus is good. He's OK on the mic, he`s solid in the ring. But he didn`t make that big of an impact for me. Sure, he beat John Cena for the title unexpectedly. But all he did was throw him on a table. If he could at least pin him or something that would be impressive. Much like Brock Lesnar in 2002. Wade Barrett shows very great mic skills. Hes not only that cocky jerk that SHeamus is. (Which is getting boring if you ask me), he`s intelligent on the mic. He made a spectacular match with John Cena, though, not beating him fairly. I don`t like Cena, but that was his best one on one match since Extreme Rules this year. Wade Barrett is also a REAL leader. He shows great leadership, and if you watch him for a few weeks, you`ll realize why he`s the leader. Sheamus is great, definately has a bright future in the WWE. I love Irish wrestlers more than British wrestlers, Finlay is one of my favourates. But Wade Barrett, this is all just my opinion, I THINK is better.
The guy has filled a HUGE hole that was left by Batista when he departed from the WWE. Sheamus is a big dude, which WWE are lacking huge right now. Sheamus has gotten the biggest push since Brock Lesnar and I think it was the right move. He's got a great and unique look, he's got some skills on the mic, his dominant, and he's from another country. The WWE has been looking for talent outside of the US to attract new fans and they found that in Sheamus. Wade Barrett is also like Sheamus. But not as great. In my opinion, Wade just doesn't deliver in the ring. The only thing great about him would be Nexus. Let's face it, without Nexus, Wade would've never gotten over. Sheamus did it alone (with a little help from Triple H being high on him of course). Both of these guys are great examples of WWE pushing younger talent quickly and making it work at the same time. Both are sure future stars, Sheamus just got there a little quicker. Sheamus is better than Wade Barrett.
wade barrett hands down. i have never liked anything sheamus brought to the table, i am not a fan of his in ring ability, charisma, mic skills and skin color haha. but really sheamus does not deserve to be in the M.E. some can argue that Barrett doesnt either because he's so new, but he is still a better character, better heel, better mic skills and beter talent than that other guy

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