Who is a better mic worker, CM Punk or Miz?

who is better on the mic, Punk or Miz

  • Miz

  • CM Punk

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Come on, is this thread serious? Miz has his moments on the mic, but Punk is lightyears ahead of him. No way could Miz plop down at the announce table and actually do a respectable job like Punk is doing. Scratch that, Punk isn't just doing respectable, he's doing better than most announcers who have done it for years. Miz is nowhere close.
Punk by a country mile.

I find Miz annoying as hell. Not in a "He's a heel, so he's supposed to be annoying" way. He's just corny, IMO.

To me, whenever I see the Miz and hear his promos, he still sounds like he did when he was on the Real World running around the house pretending to be a wrestler.

Punk's Straight Edge promos have been amazing, going back to his days in the indys.

He can make you love him and hate his guts in the same promo!
CM Punk by far... Miz is the biggest douchebag in pro wrestling history. I stopped watching Raw because Miz is on there. My way of boycotting WWE. And yes, I am serious about that. Miz DOES generate X-pac like heat. The WWE title has been forever disgraced by putting it on that college frat boy. CM Punk understands how to work a crowd and do "subtle" things that make him totally believable. Miz has one tone, one look (******ed), and no sense of how to tell a story in a promo. All the Miz lovers in here who touch themselves when they think of him need to realize that this guy will never draw a dime.
Without a doubt is it is CM Punk. I loved his sermons in the middle of matches(i.e Royal Rumble when he kept eliminating guys and as well E.C.). I Personally could listen to him for hours talking because he just doesn't bore me. And especially now with him on commentary, he makes the matches more intriguing with his insight.

The Miz on the otherhand just bores me to death when he talks. I still see the same guy who lost out on Tough Enough. Then the next time I saw him in the WWE was at the Royal Rumble in 2007 getting eliminated by Khali within seconds and I thought the guy was a joke.Then the whole "I'm AWESOME" gimmick is a complete rip-off of Edge and Christian's reeking of total awesomeness. He's not entertaining in my opinion.

But with CM Punk on commentary for the time being, he could call the matches on his own as he isn't really biased even though he is still a heel. And how he takes jabs at Alex Riley's DUI arrest is just gold.

All in all, Miz is boring, while Punk is phenomanal.
CM Punk for sure.. i mean miz is good but i feel punk is THE best mic worker in the wwe (since Y2J is out).
punk's promos on why he's better than all of the others are amazing and he also keeps it "PG"..
this guy was made for the attitude era
Definitely CM Punk...

I think Miz is absolute garbage on the mic. Punk can get himself, a storyline, and anybody else over all at the same time, Miz only knows how to put over Miz... and it's by doing/saying the same thing every week
I like Miz but this isn't close. CM Punk can do any emotion on the mic, angry, sad, funny, excited etc. While Miz only ever seems to be either angry or hypo/ excited. Plus Punks gimmick and promos seem much more true to life than the Miz.

Also another reason I personally prefer Punk is because I have met Miz before and know what a great guy he is in real life and I now find it hard to hate him. Obviously this wouldn't affect others but it does alter his promos to me.
I have to go with Punk. Personally, I LOVE the subtlety that Punk can deliver. Some guys are great at the rah rah hooray get the crowd pumped up kind of mic work, some who can draw instant heat, but there are so few people who are capable of delivering a solid, logical heel promo. By logical, I mean by not saying things that go into the ridiculous, not completely riling the crowd up by flat out insulting them directly, but rather deliver a rational, if not entirely truthful explanation for their actions, etc, at the same time insulting the crowd in a way where it isn't immediately obvious they just got insulted. Chris Jericho is an expert at this style of heel promo, and so is Punk. The best heel is the one that can use the truth, or a slight twist on the truth that is subtle enough where it isn't really a lie. Its those kind of promos that I personally like the best.
Easily CM punk, he is a gifted linguist even aside from his style of talking. Miz delivers all of his promos exactly the same...there is the slow talking bit where he sounds patronising, which is a good thing don't mistake me, then the loud shouting bit when he gets to the point of his speech. I will never ever for the life of me understand why anyone thinks the miz even has the slightest hint of telent on a microphone, but there ya go I am a wrestling fan. Trying to convert a wrestling fan to like or not like something even with evidence is like trying to convert people to or from religion with a mere use of opinion. I even think Alex Riley, who has been here for a very short amount of time, much better than the miz on the mic.

I don't think with a cat in hell's chance that Miz would ever be selected to be a guest commentator because he doesn't have the ability to talk without a script unlike punk. I know people are calling it close but to me there is a ravine filled with scores of other guys separating these two in terms of mic ability. At the end of the day, the only thing I find annoying about the miz is the way he talks but thats the same with vicky guerrero, so you have to pose the question, is it what they say that you don't like, or the way they say it. If you select the latter then you picking the wrong reason for assuming someone is good.

And for those who compare the rock and the miz's mic skills, yep I can see one similarity. They both shout their catchphrase down the mic, only difference being that the rock's was good.
Punk by far. Miz has charisma no doubt about it, but putting an actual promo together he just seems very bland. Same old Same old. Yes he's heel and its his character to remind us over and over and make us hate him more, But Punk was never very Repetitive in his straight edge stuff. I wouldnt even put Miz in the top 5 of those who can deliver promos in the WWE. Cena, HHH, Barrett, Punk, Christian, Edge and even sometimes Kane. All those can deliver promos that can get you entwined into a storyline. Miz has yet to do that for me yet.
Punk. I actually thought that people were going to vote Miz, which surprises me to see that he's running away with it.

I just think that Punk is the most overall talented wrestler in the WWE today. I don't think everyone will agree with that, but at least he's more talented on the mic than most.
How many more Miz comparison threads are we going to see?

This comparison isn't even fair, Punk is already in the upper tier with the very best in the business as he has his own style and confidence in what he says, how he says it, and how to keep the audience interested. His promo on the Raw birthday show was just perfect; WWE gave him the time to just go and do what he wanted. The whole, "I've got 2 words for ya... *suck it* ...Katie Vick" was great on different levels. First, the audience yelling suck it proved his point, and also allowed him to catch everyone off guard.

Miz can study the best mic workers all he wants, but he's never going to be able to touch Punk
i've been saying forever that the miz bases his promos on cheap heat, constantly bashing the home team, the city, or what have you

cm punk is preaching to NOT SMOKE OR DO DRUGS and getting massive legit heat

how is this even debatable
I'm going to give this to CM Punk, definitely. Whether it is because he is similar in real life or not, he sounds a lot more human than Miz on the mic. Miz sounds almost 'robotic', similar to Mr. Anderson, whereas CM Punk just sounds natural. He puts a lot of emotion into his promos and it shows. Also, his promos sound less scripted and more off the cuff, something I don't think Miz has yet achieved.

CM Punk's new role on commentary also shows the faith the WWE has in his mic work. He's golden on the mic, whereas the Miz is good, but has room for improvement. The biggest difference, I think, is the tone of their voice while doing their promos.
I'm going to give this to CM Punk, definitely. Whether it is because he is similar in real life or not, he sounds a lot more human than Miz on the mic. Miz sounds almost 'robotic', similar to Mr. Anderson, whereas CM Punk just sounds natural. He puts a lot of emotion into his promos and it shows. Also, his promos sound less scripted and more off the cuff, something I don't think Miz has yet achieved.

That is something I really noticed, too... I don't know (or frankly care) if Punk really is off-camera the way he is on it, but Miz doesn't sound like it. Surprising for a guy I know did this same character on reality TV before, but it almost sounds like he went to a "promo school" or something first, & was taught how to talk, etc.
I have to go with CM Punk.

Don't get me wrong, The Miz is an absolutely brilliant mic-worker. He has been one of the best or a long time now and the fact that he now sits on top of the metaphorical mountain does not surprise me in the slightest. He has lit up the mic since he first started in the WWE. His segments with John Morrison on WWE.com were brilliant, to say the least.

Since then he has take his game up a level and has been one of the most consistent heels on WWE TV. A lot of that success can surely be attributed to his performance on the mic.

That being said, I have to believe that CM Punk is much better on the mic. As part of the Straight Edge Society, I have never seen such a presence on the mi since The Rock. People were just waiting to hear what he would say from week to week. Honestly, it is one of the best performances by a superstar on the mic I have seen for years. His new role as a commentator on Raw has cemented this fact to me. He has shown us, in the short time he has been doing the job, that he has an incredible talent for talking. He is brilliantly funny and should be commended as such.
Overacting is not always a bad thing... Unless you are someone who could never be a real actor, such as, say, a guy from reality TV. (Miz is WWE's version of Johnny Fairplay, & should be the same place right now: Somewhere else.) He rode it till the wheels fell off, & has reached the part where he no longer has any "ability" to "build on".

Johnny Fairplay? Honestly? That's where you're going to go with that? Not only is that statement completely filled with no nonsense reaching, but it isn't even a fair comparison. People need to get over it. Miz is a professional wrestler. A fairly descent one at that. Now, if one wants to argue whether the Miz belongs in his current position, or perhaps, further down the card, that can be debatable. But to consistently refer to him as a reality TV star is old news. He has worked his way up in the business. He paid dues that most don't have to anymore. He's definately earned my respect over the past few years as a guy who wouldn't let others hold him down. Nobody ever thought the Miz would garner anything in the wrestling business. Like it or not, he now has. Nobody on the WWE roster has shown the inititive over the past couple of years to improve themselves more than this guy. To say he has no more ability to build on is no different than the people who said he had no ability in the first place. They were wrong too.

It's easy really. The Miz isn't the world's greatest wrestler. He isn't the greatest mic worker. He does have talent though that shined through over the course of years of hard work. So don't be so blind as to not even notice that at least there is a guy who is working for what he is getting. It's no different then the guy at your company who puts in extra hard work. Does everything he can to improve. He may not be better than a couple other guys in the company but he's the one who gets the promotion. Why? Because he shows drive, he shows ability to learn. Same thing here. Miz worked his way to a WWE title. We find out if he deserves now. It's not much different than Punk. alot of people didn't think he was championship material. A fantastic wrestler, yes, but no WWE champion. Punk may be the best in the WWE right now. Again, a testament to a man who doesn't listen to other people and continues to improve.
Johnny Fairplay? Honestly? That's where you're going to go with that? Not only is that statement completely filled with no nonsense reaching, but it isn't even a fair comparison.

Both were on reality TV shows, & then hired & placed on TV (& in the ring) on national wrestling companies' shows. Sounds like plenty of grounds for comparison to me.

The difference? I can't remember the last time I saw JF on TV. Wish I could say the same about Miz.
If Rock is so great in movies, why did Hogan's bomb? Just b/c you can do 1 thing someone can do doesn't mean you can do them all, or do them as well.

Both were on reality TV shows, & then hired & placed on TV (& in the ring) on national wrestling companies' shows. Sounds like plenty of grounds for comparison to me.

The difference? I can't remember the last time I saw JF on TV. Wish I could say the same about Miz.

See the same thing I see? Just because the Rock and Hogan both came from the wrestling ring it doesn't mean their movie careers are going to be the same...which they are not. Just because Fairplay and Miz were both on reality shows doesn't mean their wrestling careers are going to be the same...which they are not. I don't disagree with you on the fact that Miz was a complete joke when he first showed up. Of course he was. He was a joke until about two, two and a half years ago. To deny his improvement is to clearly show a complete bias, which is fine if that's what it is. Nobody is saying the Miz is the best wrestler in the world. You don't have to be the best to be the Champion, it isn't real.
See the same thing I see? Just because the Rock and Hogan both came from the wrestling ring it doesn't mean their movie careers are going to be the same...which they are not. Just because Fairplay and Miz were both on reality shows doesn't mean their wrestling careers are going to be the same...which they are not. I don't disagree with you on the fact that Miz was a complete joke when he first showed up. Of course he was. He was a joke until about two, two and a half years ago. To deny his improvement is to clearly show a complete bias, which is fine if that's what it is. Nobody is saying the Miz is the best wrestler in the world. You don't have to be the best to be the Champion, it isn't real.

Like many, he was a joke, & he improved. While Rock & Hogan probably weren't jokes when they started, they also improved, However, take that a step further; Miz has not improved in a long time, & I have a hard time believing he will get anywhere near the aforementioned people's talent levels.
Both are extremely talented on the mic.

CM Punk's style makes it seem like he's preaching to the audience. He has a "better than you" style but in a different way. He shows some variety on the mic, too. I'm interested in what he's saying. Punk is also doing a great job on commentary. I'm never bored when CM Punk is talking.

The Miz is really good on the mic, as well. His promos are all very similar though. His "better than you" style is almost the same as any other average heel. Miz is interesting for the most part. He's one of the best in the business when it comes to talking.

In the end, I voted for CM Punk. He shows more variety and can talk as a face, too. His style just appeals to me more.
I'm surprised to see so many people go with CM Punk because of what an IWC darling The Miz has turned out to be. While CM Punk is still one of the internet's favorite wrestlers, I figured Miz may have overtaken him in the rankings.

That said, I voted for CM Punk. The Miz is good on the mic, very good... but he's not very original. He's playing cocky in his own way, which is different from Jericho's way or whoever else you wanna throw in there (it seems almost every heel has played the cocky role at one time or another), but I can't say Miz has completely carved out his own niche yet.

CM Punk on the other hand, is a unique guy on the mic. His holier than thou character was brilliantly disgusting, and he's been gold on commentary. He can be funny while still being a dick, which is something very few people in the WWE have managed to pull off recently. (Some may say Cole, but I heartily disagree. The only two wrestlers who have managed to make being a dick funny in the past few years are Edge and Santino.) Furthermore, he manages to be a prick while acknowledging others' accomplishments. Finally, CM Punk doesn't seem afraid to say what's on his mind. Miz has always seemed to me like a guy who draws inside the lines; he doesn't really explore outside his usual repertoire. CM Punk, on the other hand, sometimes can be a little more face than heel, a little more heel than face, can be devil's advocate or the front runner... he has more dimensions than Miz.

In the end, both are very skilled performers, and I think they will both continue to entertain us for years to come. However, CM Punk is just better on the mic (and almost every other way) than Miz.

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