Who In TNA Could Benefit From A Heel Turn?

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Everybody Has A Price!
Who do you think could benefit from a heel turn? There are wrestlers in TNA who are good babyfaces or bad babyfaces, but we don’t know what they could do as heels. And some of those faces we do know what they are capable of as heels. Sometimes those wrestlers were great heels and we love their work as heels but for some reason they were turned faces and we didn’t enjoy them as much. There other wrestlers we think could be good heels but we haven’t seen anything from them as heel so we can’t judge properly if those wrestlers would make good heels. However, sometimes you never know if a wrestler can be good as a heel to it never hurts to try. So which wrestler do you think could benefit from turning heel?

Right now, I think Hernandez could benefit from a heel turn. When I look at him I just think of someone who could be a badass heel. It’s seems that with him being a heel he could have an edge added to him. I haven’t enjoyed his work as a babyface too much so I think he could be a great heel. In my opinion LAX was an awesome tag-team when they were heels and Hernandez did a great job. I would love for him to be a heel again and do some of the stuff he was doing in LAX when they were with Konnan and they were heels. He could be a great top heel if he was given the chance once the current crop of main eventers retire or leave TNA. So who do you guys think could benefit from a heel turn?
Well I was saying since before he attacked Jeff Jarrett that Eric Young needed to be a heel and since that has happened I may need to think about it. Got it. Taylor Wilde. She is a good face but she hasn't been winning. She needs to show that she can be a bad girl so that she can get another push because since she lost the championship she has lost her edge.
Abyss. He was awsome with James Mitchell and he's one of the only guys on the roster who is a Hardcore freak and never in ECW.
Daniels is a better heel than he is face and he could finally step out from under AJ's shadow. The only problem is that it isn't possible for him to turn heel at the moment as he would be buried under the MEM and WE.

Abyss-A character that should never be heel or you will turn into a complete and utter jobber. It hasn't worked for kane, big show, or Abyss.

Jay lethal- I don't think Jay has ever had a run as a heel and I think that it would add a new dynamic to his character.
i personally the MEM and EW is enough Heel's that TNA need for now i mean the size of the MEM has gotten ridiculous soo we don't need anymore heels in TNA at the moment
I would go with these guys:

Abyss - 2 words; Monster Heel. He personified it but now he's just sympathetic and a shell of his former self. How does a hardcore, thumbtack-maniac talk about the Jonas Brothers? Explain that to me.

Team 3D - I like them either way but they're better as heels. They know how to draw heat very well, cut better promos, and they were meant to be heels. Their feud with the X-Division really brought out their best as heels I believe.

Rhino - Just like what I said above AND it would really make him a little more useful than he is now.

Daniels - I say a tweener instead of heel or babyface. Right now, like a poster just said, he's been overlooked lately especially with AJ being younger and consistently on top.

Lethal Consequences - They should be heels for a very important reason: new gimmicks and more TV time..

That's all I can think of.
Daniels. He was always much better as a heel. At the moment,as a face, he's getting limited tv time and doing nothing really. And as a face,he can't get over by himself really. The only time he's been over as a face was with AJ Styles as a tag team.If you think of his best run,when he was X division champion, he was a heel. He established a great "I'm holier than thou,you can never beat me" attitude that the crowd hated him for.

If you look at his match with AJ Styles and Samoa joe at Unbreakable 2005 when he went in champion.He was the heel,who just before the match shouted "You will never beat me". Samoa Joe was the badass heel turned tweener leaning face because the crowd loved his badassness.AJ Styles was the babyface the crowd loved,and when he won the crowd went crazy. That reign was the most over he has ever been by himself,and he was a heel.

With a name like the fallen angel,it's perfect for that type of attitude. The attitude that no matter how good you are,when I'm around,you'll always be second best.He really needs the crowd to start giving a shit about him.Look what happened to eric Young.

Abyss is another one. Just have him go apeshit heel or tweener who crushes all who stand in his way.But he is quite decent as a face.
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