Who in the WWE needs a face/heel turn the most right now?

I'm with anyone who has said MVP. Someone said it best that he's come to a stagnation point as a heel where as a heel, he can't get anymore over as a heel than he already is. Plus, I've stated before, Smackdown is a show just littered with heels and about 3-4 faces. MVP would be a good "above-midcard" turn as a face. MVP has got it and you can't deny that. Sure someone said he hasn't done anything other than the Matt Hardy feud and the Benoit feud that's been "scrapped from the books." Yes it was "scrapped from the books" but it wasn't scrapped from the minds of creative or anyone else for that matter as far as fans, decision makers in the WWE, etc... Just because it involved Benoit doesn't mean it never happened. I'm one of those where you can't promote anything with the face of Benoit as far as the company goes, but you can't pretend he never existed either. But that's aside from the point. MVP has brashness, the attitude, the mic skills, the ring skills, and a great gimmick that can easily be flipped around to make him a face. I've been a fan of MVP forever. I don't intend to toot my own horn, but I have had a knack for knowing if someone will become successful very short after their debut. The only one I'm still waiting on is Elijah Burke. And I will admit I was wrong about CM Punk. I never saw any of his ROH work so I didn't know who he was at all and I just thought his gimmick and name (i think one of the worst names ever) were just bad. But again I digress.

MVP is my choice for a flip as a face and then get him a nice build-up to start main-eventing on a more regular basis. I've stated before, so many huge stars built up to their first world title win as a face. This would be MVP's build-up. He's got what it takes and that's that.
Honestly this may sound a bit crazy but edge should go back 2 being a face for a while. I mean yeah he is a GREAT heel but i just wanna see him face again
are you nuts edge has made way to much as a heel to wwe big mistake. edge needs to stay heel a while i say Orton. he was a good face but a better heel. he has been it long enough now and needs to change his character again. thats what makes him so good is his character changes.
Randy Orton have reached that state where the fans care alot about him both as a face and heel. Listen to the pop when he pinned Batista, arguebly one of the most over people face wise.

As to who NEEDS a change, I'd would be CM Punk. I've seen the guys heel work, it's good, it's what he was known for before WWE, and he has pretty much done everything he can as a face.

I don't know about you, but I'd never consider CM Punk as a possible contender and actual winner of any world title as long as he's face. But heels always have that "maaaaaybe" factor working for them. Just look at Edge before he was a megastar, and Randy Orton against Cena. Randy was basically the first in a LONG time that the fans believed would beat him.
HHH definatly needs to turn back to a heel, thats what he does best, i would also like to see jeff turn heel into some kind of crazy madman intent on risking him self to destoy his opponent and with no care for the crowd, i think this would work well because his mic skills suck, kind of like an early manind character. It would also be interesting to see orton as a face and cena as a heel.
It wouldn't happen anytime soon, but Rey Mysterio.

If they could make him a cheap rule breaker who had hired backup it would work. He might even get a few small title runs with it. He's played the babyface his entire WWE career, so it would probably be a shocker.

Unfortunately he generates too much market share for his demographic, but on the tail end of his career (he's getting there with all of his health problems) it may be a great way to send him off. Break all kinds of kid's hearts... it would be great!
I believe there are a few people in need of a turn.
John Cena: His gimmick is really stale and i think a heel change could change that easily. Now I have seen him play a heel and i think he could be very good at it.
i highly disagree with you on this. cena is far from stale and turning him heel would hurt the business rather than helping it. right now cena gets a 100% reaction from the crowd. it is about 70% cheers and 30% of boos but it is still a 100% reaction from the crowd. turning him heel might lose a big chunk of the 70% of people cheering for him but it would also lose the 30% people booing him thus getting about a 65% reaction total from the crowd, thus making him stale. as long as he is getting a 100% reaction from the crowd, he is near perfect where he is at. you have those who like him and those who like to hate him but at least there is 100% crowd interest in him. he can step his game up a bit and bring back some of those funny raps but that is about it. he already added a bit to his character by showing more of an offense like he did with going after jericho and having the "take no shit" attitude. turning him heel would definitely hurt the wwe more than it would help it.
So who needs it the turn?

A big guy who needs is CM Punk. I feel bad for him, really. I like Punk, and think he's good in the ring and good on the mic. He was just booked horribly. It's not entirely the fault of creative, as their two biggest assets of Orton and Cena were gone. If only Orton was around, he could have put Punk so over. Instead, JBL and Kane got the job. Yeesh. So now Punk is shuffled into the midcard. He can get back on top, but heel style. Taunt people with the straightedge business. "I'm so much better than you, I don't drink, smoke". People would hate the shit out of him. Give him a better finisher. Anaconda Vice, baby. Giving him a submission finisher would be awesome. Make him love to inflict pain on the dirty and unclean around him. Get together a stable of guys who put down everyone for drinking and such. He could work his way up on titles and easily take back the WHC as a heel. Imagine if he and Orton fused their stables. Punk and Orton, Tag Team Champions. Give a year or two's seperation from Unforgiven 08, no one will care that Orton screwed Punk. Nobody remembers half the shit that went on earlier this year, even.

Amen, sir! Has anyone ever seen his "I'm straightedge, and I'm better than you!" Promos? He is born to be a heel, in the same vein as Chris Jericho right now. All Chris Jericho's character is right now is CM Punk without being straightedge.

Consider this angle.... Punk looks to a wrestler such as Shawn Michaels, who has a repeated history with pain pills, drugs, what have you. He states that even with Shawn's religious turn, he is still a better human being than Shawn will ever be. He points to his promiscuity, and his drinking back in the days. He points to getting beat up in a bar in Syracuse, and says Shawn Michaels deserves to have had his career ended. He points to his suspension in 1993, and says Vince was out of line to even think of giving this man a second chance. He calls Michaels a sell-out, a man who has business in his (yes, Punk's) ring. Hell, he goes on to anoint himself as the best wrestler on the planet, because he does not let drugs influence his life. He can even bring Jake Roberts out, say how much he idolized him, but that ultimately, he is the most pathetic being to ever have the indignity to enter "his" ring. He then gives the GTS and Anaconda Vice to Roberts.

To put it simply... The only man that can play CM Punk better than Chris Jericho IS CM Punk.

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