Who in the WWE needs a face/heel turn the most right now?


Getting Noticed By Management
Theres a lot of guys on the roster treading water who could use a turn that may get them noticed. Or a guy who could do one cause it would be perfect timing and unexpected. Like I said in another thread, Batista had the perfect chance to do it a few weeks back when he teamed with Micheals and didn't come in til the end. He doesn't need it, but it would have been cool. As far as who else on the raw roster, I think maybe punk. Hes ok now, but when Orton and Cena return, he may get lost in the shuffle. Especially if Orton stays a tweener.
Smackdown has the most possibilities. After teasing a face turn at the ppv, I think it could work for MVP, hes got the attitude and personality to make it work. Also Khali. If hes towards the end of his career already, why not give it a shot? A frustrated Hardy would make for an interesting turn, but hes too over.
What do you guys think? Who needs it, could use it, or you would want to see do it?
I think MVP should become a face. Sure, He does a good job as a heel, draws well, and puts on decent matches. However, he seems to have reached a stagnation point as a heel. His promos all seem to run the same, and it just doesn't seem like he can do a whole lot more as a heel with bigger ones like Show and Kozlov getting in the spotlight.

With a face turn, he could easily become a fan favorite, and in all honesty probably draw more than he is currently doing. I don't know if it should happen right away, but somewhere down the road a face turn would greatly benefit his career.
Well, MVP CAN turn from a Heel to a face, or at least a tweener that acts like a face. This would make him like the Rock in the late 90's, and given the right push could be ridiculously sucessful.

It will be interesting to see if Gregory Helms returns as a face or a heel, as he could be either.

Batista works better as a face, but he could play the bully heel well. However, JBL, Kane, and some others on RAW already fill that role.

Someone else mentioned D'Lo Brown turning heel and teaming with Mark Henry. That would be cool and use up some underused talent.

Both Hardys are stuck as faces. Both are too over with the crowd to turn heel, either over frustration or otherwise.

HHH could easily turn heel, and has teased it a few times. I think he also said that is his preference too.

Most of the ECW roster is a toss up. They could change weekly and very few would notice. Smackdown has many midcarders that could change and stand to benefit from it. However, the key is balance. If too many guys are heel, or too many are face, then someone should change to balance things out.

I also firmly believe that some face and heel teams should be formed from underused midcarders to rebuild the tag team divisions.
I think Triple H needs to turn heel. Even as a face, to me he will always have a heelish aura about him, both in his promos and his overall presence as a wrestler.

He's good as a face, but he was much more interesting to watch when he was violent and menacing. Turning heel would greatly Enrich his feud with Hardy, who is an uber face right now. It would also make it easy for him to feud with someone like the Undertaker, who works well with volatile heels like Edge.
I think Triple H needs to turn heel. Even as a face, to me he will always have a heelish aura about him, both in his promos and his overall presence as a wrestler.

He's good as a face, but he was much more interesting to watch when he was violent and menacing. Turning heel would greatly Enrich his feud with Hardy, who is an uber face right now. It would also make it easy for him to feud with someone like the Undertaker, who works well with volatile heels like Edge.

I agree with that almost completely. It is just a matter of when the story allows HHH to turn heel. I mean, it could be any time, but it would need to make sense. HHH can't turn heel against Koslov or Big Show, but can against Hardy or Taker. If Hardy is going to be the #1 smackdown title chaser for a while, then HHH should turn heel. If Hardy gains the championship, HHH should turn heel and be a heel chaser. However, if Hardy falls out of title contention, I see HHH staying face, as there are way too many heel chasers on Smackdown.

At the same time, I agree that HHH is never 100% face. He always has the tweener attitude, and it is just a matter of if he is over as a face or a heel. Either way, he is over.

However, another problem I see this fixing is the amount of Heel chasers on Smackdown. TBK, Shelton (also US champ), MVP, Big Show, Edge, Koslov, etc. are all heels that would likely be after a championship, and there aren't enough faces to fight them off. HHH, Taker, and Hardy are a HUGE portion of Smackdown's face division and HHH turning heel would really limit the creative options. This would mean that at least 1 other heel would have to go face. MVP is probably the best option out of that category.
John Morrison.

He doesn't have a niche in ECW anymore. He isn't being booed because his promos aren't heelish, they're sort of goofy in a way, and the fans enjoy watching him perform way too much to just boo him during the match. He wrestles a more face style outside of the small amount of interference he has every now and then. On top of that, Smackdown and Raw have enough heels in the main event to not open up a spot for him unless he's a face.

Since Raw has HBK, Punk, Cena (when he heals), Batista, and PARTIALLY Mysterio, they're set. Smackdown has Undertaker, Hardy, HHH, and Kennedy, and that's it. They could use Morrison as an upper midcarder/lower main event face.
John Morrison.

He doesn't have a niche in ECW anymore. He isn't being booed because his promos aren't heelish, they're sort of goofy in a way, and the fans enjoy watching him perform way too much to just boo him during the match. He wrestles a more face style outside of the small amount of interference he has every now and then. On top of that, Smackdown and Raw have enough heels in the main event to not open up a spot for him unless he's a face.

Morrison would be a great choice for a face turn. I could easily see him feuding with someone like Benjamin, MVP, or even Umaga.

Think about it, Morrison could be like Jericho was during the invasion angle, only making fun of Benjamin, MVP, and possibly Vickie Guerrero.
I'll agree with the majority and say MVP. His character has gotten really stale, and a face turn could freshen him up a little. Actually, I thought he HAD turned face when I read the results for No Mercy, when it was Punk/Kofi/MVP fighting off Orton/Priceless.

Khali seems to be on the verge of a face turn, with the Kiss Cam, beating up Knoxville, and (assuming you all read the spoilers) Big Show. In a world of heel giants, there needs to be a counter balance.
Triple H. He's always seemed like a heel kind of guy to me, even when he was a face. He works well as a face in DX, but I think that he does a better job overall as a heel. And if his feud with Hardy continued, it will help it alog heaps, but it wouldn't work out very well anymore with Kozlov in the title hunt now.

But as checkmate said, there are too many heels already on Smackdown, and there aren't enough faces to accomodate them. Maybe turn a couple of the heels face. A couple of them could be firstly, the majority here, MVP. His character has gotten really stale, I don't think he's gotten a W in a while, so this could freshen things up and give him new people to feud with.

Another heel on Smackdown that could turn face is, when he comes back, Umaga. I remember they tested a face turn out for one night, and I think it went pretty well. The crowd was behind him. I think that he would work well as a face, they couldrebuild him as a monster that destroys everything in its path, but go through heels this time and the crowd will cheer for him.
I totally agree with NoFate. I've wanted John Morrison to turn face for months now. Why the WWE haven't pulled the trigger yet is beyond me. His style of wrestling works much better as a face due to his entertaining moves he performs. His character is also too easy to like and isn't the type that makes you want to boo him. He isn't over as a heel and the main reason for that is because the fans like him.

ECW are in desperate need of main event faces anyway as Matt Hardy and Finlay are the only two major faces on the brand. Morrison needs to turn on The Miz soon so he can feud with Mark Henry, Mike Knox and maybe some of the newcomers. Then he should be drafted to Smackdown or Raw, where hopefully he will shine and receive a World Title reign possibly as soon as next year. I think the guy certainly has enough talent to hold the World Title in the near future.

It would be nice to see Randy Orton turn face as he has been has been a heel for quite some time now and is starting to receive cheers from the fans every week since returning. He could feud with many heels on Raw including the likes of JBL, Chris Jericho and Kane. Not to mention the face vs face options of Batista and Rey Mysterio. I really do hope by the end of the year he is a babyface but for some unknown reason, I just can't see the WWE turning him face just yet.

Edge is another option that I think should turn face upon returning. He has also been a heel for quite some time now as has proven to be a decent babyface in the past. Since he is away from Vickie and La Famiglia, now is the perfect time to turn face. Since Smackdown is in desperate need of faces due to the large amount of heels, this move works perfectly. He could feud with guys like MVP, Big Show, The Brian Kendrick, Khali, Shelton Benjamin, Kozlov and many more. A face vs face match with Jeff Hardy will do them wonders, especially if the match took place at Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship. This move must happen, and could have the potential to shock the fans as not many expect the company's biggest heel to turn babyface.
Nobody needs to turn heel or face, things are okay at the moment, however I would like for MVP to turn face and this is because the guy is bordering on the tweener turn right now. His reactions get more and more faceish everyweek.

When MVP, Punk and Kofi charged down to the ring to attack Priceless & Manu I was genuinely excited to see it, I was also genuinely pissed off when Punk & Kofi let him get his arse kicked for a while. So yes I would like to see MVP turn face.
Thier a possiblity Cena will come back for Survivor Series and it would be good for him to turn heel because he really doesn't need to do much as a face now that Batista's on RAW and it would't mind a Cena-Batista feud to lengthen since SummerSlam and a return of the rapping gimmick for Cena.
For the love of Christ people. Cena and Triple H do not need to go heel. Cena is going to have incredible pops when he comes back, so there is no need to turn him. Triple H is the only face champion besides Matt Hardy right now. So, no. No need to turn your No.1 guy heel.

But I do agree with Morrison and MVP turning face. They could easily do it and have fans supporting them like crazy. Especially since smackdown is in dire need of faces. I mean they really only have Hardy and HHH. Cant count Undertaker as he is only there half the time. Morrison and MVP would make great faces. They each have the IT factor. With the right push, they could be golden too.
I'd agree with MVP, and even Morrison too. I'd say they could also turn Miz face, but then he'd start doing that dopey "Hooo-Rahhhh" thing again and the fans would turn on him in a second.

Actually I'd like to see Hawkins and Ryder go face and possibly have Jesse and Festus go heel. I think it might be interesting to see Jesse play an evil type character that manipulates Festus to do his dirty work.
MVP: He is getting stale and he needs a crowd reaction. Everyone seems to be ready for an MVP face turn.

Edge: Who will not be cheering when the Wrestler of the Year makes his return? If anyone is booing I will be surprised.

Orton: Should be a full face with a tweener attitude ala Stone Cold. The crowd loves him even though he has an arrogant heel attitude.

Morrison: He has a face moveset and should be a face. A feud with the Miz would be good to start moving him up. ECW needs another main event face.

CM Punk: Orton turning face and making Punk turn heel makes the feud more interesting in my book. A heel Punk could really exploit Orton's injury and his family history - by saying he doesn't deserve to be in the business, and that he is only in because of his family. He could also turn on Kofi the ultimate babyface.

Santino: Brrring up thee Honk-o-Meter!!!! lol

There are a lot of options of course. If I could only pick 1 or 2 I would definitely have to go with MVP and Edge...they seem to also be the consensus.
The first one that comes to mind is CM Punk. I bet if he went heel half of the IWC would fall in love with him(heel + IWC=love). But in all honesty it probably would be for the best. CM Punk is a good wrestler, and alright on the mic, but he's been sorta stale for a while. In ROH he pulled off a very effective heel character and was able to show more of his mic talent. Also it would be easy for him to get heat, since he could make his straight edge theme be bad and he could condemn all who drink, drugs, sex, and what not.

Finlay: The man is going absoulutley nowhere as a face, IMO. He just doesn't make a believeable face and his character has greatly suffererd from being a face. He was boring either way to me, but I still find him more entertaining as a heel. He should "kill" of the hornswoggle character and then he would get some heat. His tough guy stick get's watered down when he is a face.
For the love of Christ people. Cena and Triple H do not need to go heel. Cena is going to have incredible pops when he comes back, so there is no need to turn him. Triple H is the only face champion besides Matt Hardy right now. So, no. No need to turn your No.1 guy heel.
I guess your right. When I said Triple H, I didn't take into account that he is one of the only face champions right now. I would still like him better as a heel since he was more entertaining back then, but as of now there is no need of it. He is still over, and most of the other faces aren't ready to be champion yet, even Hardy. Its still something I would like to see in the future though.
yeah I agree MVP switching things up a little probably would help, why is he being used as a Jobber right now I don't understand that

CM Punk need to switch to Heel

Great Kali as a Face (seems like this is already starting to happen) I think would provide some funny moments
I don't think they should turn CM punk heel just because it makes the wwe look like they are saying being straight edge is a bad thing. Thats deff not the message they are trying to send out too all the little kids that watch their shows. I do agree with the morrison and mvp face turns, morrison wrestles like a face like someone else said so he should be face. maybe with a face turn we can see an expanded moveset from mvp which in turn should give him a new finisher.
Batista NEEDS to turn heel. At first he was very entertaining as a face, but since he lost his 2nd World Heavyweight Championship he hasn't been quite as entertaining as he's capable. He's faced 8 different people for the championship and has come short many of those times. I think Batista as a heel would turn him back into ''The Animal'' he's supposed to be and he will be World Heavyweight Championship again.

D-Lo Brown would really benefit from becoming a heel. Since his return in July all he's done is have a few matches with Santino Marella usually losing or having DQ victories. Having D-Lo Brown turn heel would be good as he could go to ECW and re-unite with Mark Henry. With Tony Atlas by their side they could easily become contenders for Carlito & Primo Colon's WWE Tag Team Championships.

Randy Orton could really be anything he wants when he is ready to return to the ring. He's already a tweener as he can attack both a face and a heel. He could be a heel when he returns as that is what he was before he was injured. Since he will have a feud with C.M. Punk, it's most likely that he will be a heel. Orton becoming a face seems very unlikely at this point, but maybe soon.

Great Khali seems to be slowly moving towards becoming a face. I'm not exactly sure how effective that will be, but nonetheless I would love to see it happen. Khali hasn't been able to get that much heel heat since attacking Hornswoggle about 11 months ago, so being a face would be interesting to see where it goes.

M.V.P. NEEDS to become a face. He's been with WWE for over 2 years now and now he doesn't seem to be able to get over as a heel anymore. There has to be a reason why M.V.P. has that 9 straight loss losing streak, so WWE should make the decision turn him face in order to get over again.

Edge has a possibility of turning face when he returns, but it all depends on what his role is upon his return. If he is deadset on getting revenge on Vickie and then feuding with Big Show then of course he will get a face reaction. If he returns and immediately tries to be a contender for the WWE Championship then he'll be heel. I predict that when he returns he will get revenge on Vickie, but still attack the faces and have more of a tweener attitude.

Umaga upon returning should be more of a tweener. As a heel he's gotten stale and he tried being a face last summer, but after about a week or two he goes back to being a heel again. WWE obviously had plans for Umaga drafting him to SD! and a tweener type person would help him.

Finlay absolutely NEEDS to turn heel again. I was in no way expecting to see him turn face last year and I gotta admit it was entertaining, but it's time for a change. Finlay was good as a face in the feud with Great Khali, but he needs to remind people that he still loves to fight.

John Morrison NEEDS to become a face. I've realized several months ago that he never got the heel reaction he's supposed to get since losing the E.C.W. Championship. He has many, many fans and turning his face would be incredibly easy so if he becomes face he could easily have feuds with heels that are on any three brands.
I think that Finlay should turn heel. ECW is in need of a credible heel and Finlay could go back to bieng the badass version of Finlay. He should beat the hell out of Hornswoggle then beat Matt Hardy for the ECW title. Then he can just beat the hell out of every face that comes his way until they can build up a young guy to take the title off of him.
People, did any of you take in account that before a successful face turn, that person in question has to prove him/herself as a great heel? and I'm saying this specially for MVP.

Don't get me wrong, I like MVP almost as the next guy, but let's be honest for a moment: Besides of his last year US belt feud vs Matt Hardy and his feud vs Chris Benoit (obviously scrapped from the books) MVP hasn't gave us absolutely nothing else. Sure, the guy can talk and cut a decent promo without choking himself with the stick. But what would be the point of a turning MVP face? you people are saying that he is the next Rock? sorry for crashing your party, but he is nowhere near that point, besides, Rock started as a super baby face, the opposite as MVP.

the Rock character was absolutely annoying beyond anything and then he proved his point when turning heel and joining the nation. MVP after feuding with Matt hardy, just faded away and is nowhere near the annoying heel MVP of last year. He need to return to his roots and show that he can be a prominent heel first. Let him cut the rapper crap and drop the power ranger image FOR THE LOVE OF GAWD (,King).

Same case John Morrison. Again, the guy is more talented than half of the ECW roster, if not the most talented. His matches against CM Punk in ECW glued my ass in my seat and I'll be damned, but I rather see Morrison vs Punk for the 1321243244 time than Miz and Morrison vs Cryme Time rap battling. (they're really funny though). The problem is: his gimmick is in need of a slight overhaul, or in other words: he needs to get rid of the Miz (the miz should be an ultra sadistic heel, like a bloody Hooligan character or something...)
Forget the tag teams and the factions, this guy needs to go solo if he wants to fly high.

But oh well: bring back CM Punk to ECW and make him feud with Morrison, have the Miz turn on John and make an alliance with CM Punk: BAM, there you have it, one of the only changes I could see as favorable.

Someone mentioned another good option: Finlay should turn on Hornswoggle after he costs Finlay a shot at the ECW belt; make the leprechaun suffer hell in earth and probably we could end with some decent matches between Finlay and Matt hardy for a couple of PPVs. Oh, and have the green midget live inside Mike Knox's beard for all I care.

If you want the exception to the rule, he you have it; Elijah Burke. I think he is DESPERATELY in need of a face turn and i think he could be a more valuable asset this way. Good mic work, good in ring skills, just need a new outfit and he would be ready to go.
Cena and Triple H make extremely good faces. Cena gets enormous pops, and everyone loves this guy. Seriously, Cena is like, the face of Raw now (in wrestling and business terms). He's in movies, he's on TV shows, he's at sports games, he's on late night, wherever. He sells the product all over the place. He's a merchandising machine. I don't know whether the figures are available, but I'd say he's the biggest merchandise seller on Raw (Hardy is probably tops on SD, and probably outdoes Cena narrowly). So why turn that guy heel? Yeah, he's a great heel. He's a better face. The only thing Cena needs is to start rapping again.

For Triple H, SD has Edge to main event as a heel, and I'd rather keep the field open for Koslov and some others to move up. Triple H is great for SmackDown and the WWE in general as a face.

So who needs it the turn?

A big guy who needs is CM Punk. I feel bad for him, really. I like Punk, and think he's good in the ring and good on the mic. He was just booked horribly. It's not entirely the fault of creative, as their two biggest assets of Orton and Cena were gone. If only Orton was around, he could have put Punk so over. Instead, JBL and Kane got the job. Yeesh. So now Punk is shuffled into the midcard. He can get back on top, but heel style. Taunt people with the straightedge business. "I'm so much better than you, I don't drink, smoke". People would hate the shit out of him. Give him a better finisher. Anaconda Vice, baby. Giving him a submission finisher would be awesome. Make him love to inflict pain on the dirty and unclean around him. Get together a stable of guys who put down everyone for drinking and such. He could work his way up on titles and easily take back the WHC as a heel. Imagine if he and Orton fused their stables. Punk and Orton, Tag Team Champions. Give a year or two's seperation from Unforgiven 08, no one will care that Orton screwed Punk. Nobody remembers half the shit that went on earlier this year, even.
As a response to the people that a lot of you think should turn most I don't agree with. MVP I think is stuck as a heel. People don't like him period, and I don't see the company making anyone like him.

As for Orton, he is in between. A lot of people like him a lot don't but either way they watch him so he is good where he is.

Finlay is doing fine as a face and has been a heel for a long time before recently being face and I think he deserves some love from the fans, so keep him where he is. He is a much better asset to them selling all those hats and blow up hammers than not.

C.M. Punk might and that's a big might, be a decent heel, the problem is getting the fans to hate him. What are you going to do? Of course you could put him against another face and make him do something dastardly but he is so popular as a face I'm not sure that he fans wouldn't side with him, I think you would have to find just he right person for him to turn on.

Edge is a possibility if you get him to not act like a psycho and maybe have him turn on Vickie in a big way or something. He was a face before he could be again.

The Hardy's can go two ways. Jeff is so damn big right now I don't think you could turn him heel, but Matt, He could. He's been a heel before, just have him side with someone the fans hate and voila, heel. Make him do some mean stuff to Evan Bourne and give Bourne the face push. That works great for everyone.

Elijah Burke has been out of the picture for a while so if you brought him back on a fresh run as a face that might work, but you'd have to give him a big push to get him over.

Someone mentioned Khali and I don't know why. He is an inbetweener if you ask me. He is valuable in a sense that he can fill the role either way. You can show a heel who's boss by having Khali come out and hurt him, or teach a Face a lesson but having Khali hurt him. He is fine where he is and can't work too much anyways so him popping in here and there filling either role is just fine.

Umaga is a moot point he is stuck no matter what being a heel of a jobber. He can be funny at times and that's about it. End of story there.

Santino Marella is great in his role as well, that's where he needs to be. Eventually, he is funny enough and good enough on the mic that he will get fan support no matter what, so when the time is right you can put him against a real heel and turn him face, it is just timing with him right now.

I saw someone mention Kofi Kingston. I think he needs to keep on his track as well, he is gaining popularity and to halt that by making him do something stupid could damage his future potential.

D-Lo Brown, good either way so it doesn't really matter what they choose to do with him.

Batista!!! This is the guy that I do agree with the people on. A heel turn for him would be great, maybe some more matches with Jericho, or Michaels, hell, anyone really, just make him the bad guy and you got it. He is so popular either way that it doesn't matter is he is or isn't but like I mentioned in my last post, being a face for too long could get stale and he might be in store for the turn.

That's all I've got. Hope some of you agree.
I believe there are a few people in need of a turn.

Triple H: This guy is not made to be a face. His look is completely a heel look and he plays the role better then anyone i can think of. He can you make you hate him so much which is why he has been such a success.

John Cena: His gimmick is really stale and i think a heel change could change that easily. Now I have seen him play a heel and i think he could be very good at it.

Randy Orton: This may be very controversial considering his look and actions, but i really think he could be a very good face. I started out hating him and i've grown to be a big fan of him. Hes also been heel for a very long time and i think it's time to change that.

Those are the people I would say need a face/heel change.

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