Who has been WWE's MVP of the past 5 years?

Who has been WWE's MVP of the past 5 years?

  • John Cena

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Triple H

  • Undertaker

  • Batista

  • Chris Benoit

  • Edge

  • Randy Orton

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Kurt Angle (before he left)

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Where Is Matt Hardy On This Poll!!???!?!?!?!?

What has Matt Hardy to show for himself over the past 5 years? A few tag title reigns, he's not a main eventer, while I hold the belief that one ay he will be you can in no way class Matt as the Most Valued Player, hence why he hasn't been included. Look at Edge (and Christian at TNA) they were tag teaming the same time as the Hardyz and they made a name for themselves as singles performers, Matt and Jeff have not (yet)
Yeah he's not a main eventer, but he should be. Him and his brother. He's easily the MVP of SmackDown and probably the MVP of the whole company. I personally think he is one of the best. That's just my opinion though. And Christian to me, is not as well known as either one of the Hardyz.
it has to be hhh
he dominated raw from 2002 to 2004 he had great matches over that period of time and he has been one of the best performers on the past 5 years
hbk and cena are in second
You have to think that it's Triple H, hes been in almost every storyline for the past few years, He's put younger guys over and helped elevate them, and on a more recent scale, despite the fact that he hasnt help a belt in almost a year or so, the whole King or Kings thing makes him even higher up on the WWE food chain
OK FOLKS !!!! TIME TO CUT THROUGH THE OLD CRAP CAKE HERE !!!! I have read and listened to each and everyone of you, and many of you make very well argued and valid points about your favorites, no doubt manny of these guys have greatness all overthem which is why we are talking about them but I think I have heard enough, enough bullshit, enough debate. I am goingto lay it all down right now !!!!

Alright I am going to begin by letting every singel asshole who voted John Cena know I hate John Cena. HATE, HATE, HATE John Cena !!!!! I hope this fucker walks into oncoming traffic since apparently no one can see him. I can't wait untill the day he is stripped of that title he destroyed and defaced and I hope he loses it to none other than THE GAME TRIPLE H or THE LEGEND KILLER RANDY ORTON. John Cena in no way shape or form has or will be the MVP of the company. Evertime I have been to a live event with Cena on the card he practically gets booed out of the building becasue everyone else hate his ass. He is a JOKE, has no talent, no wrestling ability, nothing. Every now and then he makes a smart remark on the mic that makes me want to crush his face with a shovel and that makes me happy but other than that he fucking sucks. Never before have the fans been made to swallow a bigger crock of shit than with Cena, really, who the fuck is this guy supposed to be huh ??? Is he the new Hogan or something, that's how they treat it, this asshole has had the best in the business lay right down for him, however the Wrestlemania 23 match with Shawn Micahels was insane and infact proves how shitty Cena is since HBK took him to a damn wrestling clinic and did thing I haven't seen him do for years, easily one of HBK's best matches, not becasue of Cena because he is that damn good in the ring. But Still Cena needs to die, I hate this man with a passion more than I have hated any wrestler. First he thinks he's black, than he still thinks he's black and everyone loves him for it, and then he gets confused and becomes The Marine which was a horrible movie by the way and made me puke, and now he's just John Cena who is a compilation of them all. There is no way anyone could ever give him an MVP status. I don't care if he never missed 1 single day or 1 single performance, he can eat shit and die. His matches are horrible, he is one of the worst wrestlers I have ever seen, if you look at the people he's faced they're all better wrestlers than him which is what he needs becasue they all put him over, his fan base are a bunch of little kids and 14 year old girls and single moms, He has single handedly made the title a joke visually and prestigiously, and beyond that he never earned it, he's been the champion for over a year now and for what ??? anyone have a good reason??? " Because he sells t-shirts " Bullshit.

Triple H was on top for so long because it had already been coming to him. In 1996 when the famous Austin 3:16 speech came Triple H was supposed to win that KOTR and go on to be champion becasue he had already earned it then, anybody who lays down for the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania deserves it anyways, However becasue of the whole Kayfabe incident when He, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Shawn Micahels all hugged in the ring when Hall and Nash were leaving to WCW he was the only one who paid the price. Hall and Nash were leaving so no use doing anything to them, HBK was the World Champion at the time and a valuable asset(didn't want him to leave too) so no punishment for him either, then there was Triple H, set to win the KOTR, and be champion in no time at all, obviously not going to another company so guess who got the brunt of it all and had the most to lose. Triple H. He would have been champion before Stone Cold, before The Rock, or Jericho, or Angle, Orton, Batista, Guerrero, Benoit, and definately Cena. Anyone, he would have been up to 13 or possibly 14 title reigns by now or more. You want to talk about MVP's over the past 5 years Lets go 10 and it's still Triple H. Who carried DX, Who won the undisputed strap, who feuded with everyone else and beat everyone else, who in the past five years has been a bigger star(say Cena and you die) No one. He has consistently been the man to beat no matter whether he did or didn't have the title he has been THE GAME. Many of the other wrestlers mentioned have had great careers and achievements and that I will give you. Everyone who voted HBK I am sorry, I love the guy, I really do he is great, argueably the greatest of all time, but not in this discussion. He is still the showstopper, the main event and I see no other candidate to share that spot with him and vice versa than Triple H. I could be fair enough to say they are tied at the top but I still think it's The Game.

Now I am going to switch gears on you a little bit because there is one guy that someone mentioned who should have been on here who should be called the best in 5 years and technically still could be if not for organizational specifics. BROCK LESNAR. Had he stayed in the WWE there is no doubt in my mind he would already have sent The Animal back to his cage, Edge and Orton would have been exterminated, Angle was already dealt with as well as Taker, Big Show, Hogan, The Rock, Stone Cold, and everyone else put in front of him( Goldberg was an acception becasue he was leaving the company but we all know Lesnar wins that one too ) Really ??? who could beat Lesnar, obviously not Angle, not Michaels, none of the people on that list or any other list. This guy was like King Kong here and guess what happened when he left, he became Godzilla over in Japan. Went there and dominated and remained that way until he decided to leave. No one else achieved what he did, now the records are held by orton and I think Cena but he was the youngest champion in the fastest amount of time, and for a reason. I accredit nothing to Cena for his record title climb, as far as I am concerned that was a joke, really who did he beat ??? JBL huh ??? big fuckin' deal who cares. I know everyone wants to probably mention old plant food Eddie Guerrero but guess what, that was a fluke and everyone knows that too. No one ever decisively beat Lesnar and I don't think anyone could. For god sake he retired The Rock how much more can you ask. he also put on one of the greatest matches in wrestlemania history at Wrestlemania 19 which I thought was probably the best one of all time and should have been Wrestlemania 20 for historic value. But seriously people No one else can contend with him, no one. I only wish I could have seen him and Triple H throw down. If it happened already I missed it somewhere but I think that would have been amazing and Lesnar still wins over The Game who unfortunately for the rest of you who voted against him is the MVP of the last 5-10 years.
I have to admit that the MVP of WWE at this point has been John Cena.

I'm not a big fan of him but he has succesfully keeped the WWE Championship for a reason. Not only has he not taken any time off but has improved as a wrester. Love him or hate him he still has you watching WWE television. Anyone that can get the biggest boo's along with the biggest pop's all at the same time is very impressive. Also I sure if Vince wasn't making big money off Cena he wouldn't be the top guy!!

And I need to address a couple of people on this thread that shits on John Cena. Again I am not a fan of his work but his character he plays well. First of all if your wishing Cena should die you need to check your ass into a mental facility you sick fuck!!!

Again if Cena wasn't bringing in HUGE and I mean HUGE money he wouldn't have the title. As far as Randy Orton getting the title?? Wow dude are you serious?? Do you know how he acts towards people?? Hes an asshole in character and in person.. Plus how many times has his name come up NEGATIVE for the WWE in the past year?? Yea thats what I thought!!

Brock Lesner DOESN'T WRESTLE WITH WWE so how could he be an MVP?? Please seriously tell me.. Thats like saying I think Joe Montana is the MVP for football this year!! Thats how dumb you just sounded..

Please use your head and look at your facts before you start running your dumb ass mouth on here...
In the past 5 years I would have to say HBK overall. Heck HBK forever.lol But if you're going to look at money making, merchandise selling, etc. It has to go to Cena. I am not a fan of his, but he's been consistant. He has not been injured in a long time, and he still gets reactions whether its a boo or a cheer. As long as he generates the revenue, the company will always dub him as the greates ever. That's how it works.

But like I said again, if you're going to do a breakdown analysis, it's HBK. Then HHH.
JTwilcox first of all go fuck yourself, that is, after you get off John Cena's cock. Everything I said is fact, John cena hasn't even been around for five years asshold so how about that, how could he be their mvp. So what, they've kept him on top, that doesn't mean shit. He sucks, through and through, he sucks. You said he's improved as a wrestler ???? how the fuck do you get off saying that shit. He added the stf to his repetoire that's it and you think he got better?? No, they made him learn a new move becasue his matches were sleepers and the F-U isn't believeable at all. And it sucks by the way just like him. Everyone want's him to shoot a load down their throats because he's held the title, well so fucking what. That doesn't mean he deserved it or that someone else couldn't have done the same. As for the "he seels t-shirts" bullshit and so on, WWE can make anyone they want to sell, sell. You think he's seriously a big fan favorite, no, he just gets girls like you wet and they buy his shit, thats all. He has hurt the business and the company by holding that mockery of a belt for as long as he has, it is a shame that people like Randy Orton, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels have had to lay down for this asshole. And by the way why don't you go tell Randy Orton how big of an asshole he is to his face and see what happens, I'd gladly go up to Cena and tell him how much I dispise his existence and he'd probably just go on his merry way since it doesn't matter to him, he still has the title. I think a great champion has to be willing to lose, and Cena hasn't done that. There is the whole Edge thing but none of those were real clean wins, no one has got a decisive win over this guy and it's bullshit. The whole Superman thing is old, no one is that good, or that tough, or can take that much of a beating. I mean for god sake they put him over The Great Khali. Could anyone in the WWE seriously beat him, FUCK NO, but Cena does it no problem, yeah right. It is time for someone else to get the strap, send Cena back to smackdown where he belongs and get it done with. As for Lesnar my point is, that should he still be around he would be the MVP easily on all grounds. and the points I was making afterward were about his success in Japan at the same time of cena's success, his was much greater which means he would be the mvp of wwe if he were around. So kiss my ass on that one too.
I have to agree with that other 223 people that said Triple H because he has taking down greats like Shawn Micheals, John Cena, Goldberg, King booker and so on like they were a bunch of jobbers. Triple H has also managed to win the Tag Title and WWE Gold. That is why I think he is the MVP of the WWE in the past 5 years.
I agree Triple H he has a had a remarkable 5 years but unfourtunantly Cena is straight after then Michaels

I think Kurt Angle went out in a blaze of glory and was awsome before he left for TNA

On the down side Undertaker really didnt do that much when i think about it its only up until the Royal Rumble that he made an impact he was really just there to promote other superstars that didnt need promoting except Mr Kennedy Brock Lesner ect.
The MVP of WWE the last 5 year? Nobody will think of him, but the answer to that is Kane, the guy is dependable, always puts on good matches and provides good, memorable moments. No matter how one may want to yell and scream like an asinine jackass about Triple H. The answer over 5 years in Kane. Cena would be second, up until he got hurt the guy was money, he always showed up, and manned up.
Well, I'm not going to posto ne of my magazine articles about this one again right now, but realy how could Kane be the MVP of the WWE ??? sure hes' been dependable, his matches are ok, and so on but thats only a small epice of the puzzle. If your head wasn't up your ass you would know that there are also plenty of other candidates better than Kane of all people. And by the way, Triple H is the MVP hands down, followed right at the heels by HBK.
Well, I'm not going to posto ne of my magazine articles about this one again right now, but realy how could Kane be the MVP of the WWE ??? sure hes' been dependable, his matches are ok, and so on but thats only a small epice of the puzzle. If your head wasn't up your ass you would know that there are also plenty of other candidates better than Kane of all people. And by the way, Triple H is the MVP hands down, followed right at the heels by HBK.

HA, ok. I get the Triple H argument. HBK? Get real. Edge has been more of an MVP than him any day. Here's HBK in a nutshell the last 5 years ok. Wrestles 4 months, gets beat down, out 3 months, wrestles 3 months out 2 months. Come on!! The more I think about it, the more I think Vince himself should be considered MVP. OH, two words Game, decaf dude. No need to be in the red on this. Just a freindly discussion.
Ok ok ok, I can give you that Edge has been reliable and done some good well, but I don't know about total MVP status. The one thing that I could give him that title for, not over Triple H either, is that fact that he is like the last person to really beat John Cena. I will admit I was calling myself an Edgehead after he took the title from John Cena and it was a shame he got injured and had to drop his title. So on this one lets just call it even on the HBK-Edge thing. Think about it HBK has been up there no matter what, and even though like you said he does come back and get beat down he keeps coming back. That's part of what's always made him such a huge asset, and he always, always puts on a great match. He is one of the few guys who you can always put in the title picture and mix things up with, not that Edge isn't but I think he relies more on trickery and witts than wrestling ability to win his matches.
Triple H or HBK. I picked Triple H because of his title reigns and stuff. But both of them are equal for sure.

HBK simply brings the heat to the ring, greatest in-ring performer since EVER, lol. He hasn't lost ANY of his touch since the 90's, and if anything, he's become even better ;)

The Game has shown why he's called that, by winning 11 Championships over the years, and over the past 5 years, he's won 6 of those. So yeah - enough said.

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