Who had the most OVER WWE run of the last 10 years?

No Cena. Not for reasons of hate, but for his 50/50 reaction

In the 70's, a sports media organization conducted a survey to learn who was Most Loved Sportscaster and the Most Hated Sportscaster. In a total surprise, Howard Cosell won both awards.

That's success. That's impact. It's the reaction that counts, not necessarily the direction of the reaction.

That's why I find it hard to answer this question with John Cena disqualified from consideration. Whether negative/positive, whether 50/50 or 100%/0%, no one has had the WWE run over the past 10 years that he has. It doesn't matter whether the fans love him or hate him; the fact is, they always react to him.

So, while this will disappoint (or "outrage" in today's climate) Daniel Bryan lovers, I don't think it's him, either. I maintain his popularity stemmed from the damn "Yes!" chant. That's what the fans loved, more than Daniel. I don't think they gave a damn about his technical wrestling or his personality. Don't get me wrong, I liked him too, but had there been no chant, we never would have seen this guy winning the world title, much less becoming the favorite of the fans.

In the context of this topic.....since Cena is ruled out....I suppose I'd pick CM Punk as the guy with the most 'over' run the past 10 years. I think he became too big for his britches, and I believe his words had far more impact than his ring work, but there can't be much question about his act catching on with the fans, both as a heel and face.

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