Who had the best spear?

I always liked Edge's the best, I don't care how much anybody else hated it. Edge did for the Spear what DDP did for the Cutter, he turned it into a move that could be hit from anywhere, at any time, and look great.
Edge had the shittiest spear I've ever seen, even worse than Big Show's. At least with Show, it's still a guy who is built like a brick shithouse hitting you. Edge just kinda...lightly tackled people. It was never believable to me, unless he hit it from super high up.

Goldberg IS the Spear. The sound it made when they hit the mat was huge, and really sold how painful it was. Rhyno the same thing, but his isn't nearly as iconic as Goldberg.
If I had to rank the intensity with which a superstar performed the spear move, it would be:

1. Goldberg
2. Big Show
3. Roman Reigns
For me, it'd probably be a toss up between Goldberg and Rhino, sometimes spelled Rhyno.

When Goldberg hit the spear, it looked like that he'd use his hands to sort of help pull a guy's legs out from under him when his shoulder connected with their mid-section. Their legs just sort of flying up in the air helped to really sell the impact of the move.

In the case of Rhino, he has a thick and compact frame that's ideal for an impact move like the spear. Rhino's about 5'9" and about 250 pounds or more, so he had a low center of gravity coupled with that thick frame with especially thick, powerful legs that could gave him a great deal of push, especially within the confines of a wrestling ring. When Rhino hit the spear, you could see that he was really putting all his weight and drive into it. The guy taking the move looked like he was damn near taken right out of his boots.

I'd probably have to go with Rhino. As I said, Rhino's natural body type and the amount of force he was able to generate made it an ideal move for him to use. Given his relatively short stature, a move like the spear, or Gore in his case, gave him a real sense of strength that other power moves, like maybe a powerbomb or chokeslam, wouldn't really convey.
This is quite a compilation of skilled and deadly spear dealers, but all of you forgot one name...........the mighty GILLBERG!

This man would hit his opponents with such force that they would stand there frozen from the impact, not even able to fall down. Hands down, my vote is for Gillberg, the greatest lightweight champion EVER!
It has to be Goldberg. I am not a huge fan of Goldberg, but man he hit that spear with intensity. It gave the impression he was going to take the top half of his opponent's body off. It in itself could have been Goldberg's finisher. A close second would be Rhino. He had that low center of gravity that has already been mentioned, and he took the spear to a whole other level.

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