Who else thinks Vince used the DX Reunion to take on ECW?

Doomsday Device

Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, hear me out here and read carefully.

Back in June 2006 when RVD finally became WWE Champion and beat John Cena in One Night Stand it was perhaps the greatest night in RVD's career. And it seemed like the old school infamous ECW was going to make a comeback. It was a good pay per view and some people thought the old ECW might come back, and now that RVD had the WWE Championship and the ECW belt at the same time this was getting alot of attention from fans all around the world. This was going to lead fans to pay more attention to ECW progamming.

I have heard several reports that Vince McMahon was furious backstage on the ONS event on how Cena was treated and whatnot. Did he expect any different from the ECW faithful?

My point is right around that time the DX Reunion happened. Shortly after this it came to my mind that maybe Vince used this reunion to overshadow the ECW's growing interest from the fans and kind of stick it to ECW and Heyman. I know Vince owns ECW and whatever, I hope you guys understand what Im trying to say with this.

That basically because ECW was gaining momentum after RVD's win and the treament of Cena Vince retaliated by bringing back DX.

Your thoughts.
Wouldn't be shocked one bit. And if you think about it after ONS it was everything but RVD & the ECW championship in the spot light, it was all about DX, and then all about the DX Mcmahon feud to top if off. Along with the feud with the Sprite Squad (I miss that group lol).
Yes I am an RVD fan,

But I must admit he screwed up pretty bad when he was busted for pot while being with Sabu one night shortly after winning both belts. That took the wind off his sails so badly. I dont think Vince would have had a problem giving RVD a little run main eventing with the belts at least until Summerslam because he's a great performer. But after being bust for pot Vince had no choice but to strip him from the belts.

Im not a fan of the ECW product, Im just calling what I see and what it made me feel. That as soon as he saw ECW was heating up in June 2006 he tried to put the fire out with DX all over the place.
He didn't screw up for getting busted with pot. Vince wouldn't've let it continue either way. Vince wanted his idea of ECW to pull through and it did. He just brought in the old school guys to get the old shool fans ready for a comeback, just to feed us his vision.
The success of ECW wasn't exactly an automatic hit so to say. The DX reforming was clearly planned from atleast the night of WM22, which most likely means that when HHH realized that he couldn't stop getting cheered probably saw that having him be the one to help HBK against the McMahons thus reforming DX was the best move for the company in a whole.

ECW was realized to be fairly legit only shortly before the One Night Stand pay-per-view, if not at the actual event itself. It would have been stupid to drop the DX angle just because another storyline is gaining momentum. ECW had its own show and DX had Raw. ECW thus was given a fair chance by having its own show to develop itself and compete. It is not the faultys of the writers or Vinnie Mac that ECW ended being a horendous failure and the RAW/SD feeder show.

RVD screwed himself. He was beating Edge and John Cena who were the top guys at the time so Vince was NOT holding him back.

ECW is dead for good. It was NEVER that great because if it was SO GREAT it would have stayed in business instead of going under like WCW. It has always been 3rd in wrestling and after this year it has proven to be that as TNA averages better ratings then ECW on SyFy.

ECW is just not meant to succeed in this world.
DX Will always work, that was the thing, and they knew it. And who better to help fight the McMahons than someone who had been on both sides of the fence and was against them in the begining.

DX was a pain in the ass for Vince b4 Austin ever was. So it came full circle.

As for ONS being off the charts, i disagree that PPV was sucky other than a few matches, RVD always performed well and the fact that he put Cena in his place was that much better.

I was never really an ECW fan, it had it moments but it was alot like TNA in production and storyline quality but thats my opinion, It was however common knowledge that ECW was never gonna be a success anymore cause Vince didn't like it or Paul Heyman, probably cause he didn't create it and it wasn't successfull cause of him ergo it isn't WWE quality.

Any ECW post the ONS was just a another heat clone. Nothing more and will never be a huge show.
I don't know. It already looked like they were already headed to the DX storyline b/f ONS happened. As for shadowing ECW, I think Vince was also trying to capitalize on this attention. I mean to have ECW vs. WWE storyline along with DX would have been very interesting and should've pulled in a lot of viewers, but unfortunately it didn't work out though for ECW as expected (though it' still good in my opinion).
He didn't screw up for getting busted with pot. Vince wouldn't've let it continue either way. Vince wanted his idea of ECW to pull through and it did. He just brought in the old school guys to get the old shool fans ready for a comeback, just to feed us his vision.

Um, RVD getting busted for pot days after he won the WWE Championship did screw him up.

I saw a youtube RVD interview a while ago where RVD explains when he was busted for pot along with Sabu, Sabu was scared as hell, but RVD for some reason didnt give it much thought.

He was wrong, RVD says as soon as he got to the arena a few days later his cell phone starting alerting him with messages and whatever and it was asked of him to go see Vince, he quickly knew what this going to be about. Basically Vince and RVD had a private talk in an office and RVD had no choice but to leave both belts on Vince's desk.

This definitely screwed RVD's momentum and main event status big time. He can forget about main eventing in big name pay per views and having 5 star quality matches with others while him being WWE champion.

Not to change topic I just wanted to point this out.

Back to topic:

I never made the topic in mind as to say "Its DX declaring war vs ECW" what I meant to say is: Vince always favoring candy coated things like babyface DX than some taste of hardcore ECW.
well the idea of ecw on syfy was originaly meant to be a summer series in 2006 but with the rating success at the time, syfy (then sci fi) wanted it each and every week and vince went with it. i mean think about vince at one point cared about ecw, thats why we had batista,edge,cena,ric flair,taker,come to ecw. yes we saw one of them a week but ecw was great back then, it was like old ecw but not exactly and was never meant to be. but the way i see it, vince didnt really want the success on ecw and new by reforming DX, this would increase the RAW ratings. but dont forget DX wrestled on ECW once back in 2006.
Makes sense. Stupid that hed do that cause now we have FCW not ECW on TV. I truly wish Tommy Dreamer would leave because ECW is a discrace now. But thats a different rant.

I wouldnt be the least bit surprised if he did do that, its Vince McMahon, and it was John Cena getting Bood out of the building. Understandle
The success of ECW wasn't exactly an automatic hit so to say. The DX reforming was clearly planned from atleast the night of WM22, which most likely means that when HHH realized that he couldn't stop getting cheered probably saw that having him be the one to help HBK against the McMahons thus reforming DX was the best move for the company in a whole.

ECW was realized to be fairly legit only shortly before the One Night Stand pay-per-view, if not at the actual event itself. It would have been stupid to drop the DX angle just because another storyline is gaining momentum. ECW had its own show and DX had Raw. ECW thus was given a fair chance by having its own show to develop itself and compete. It is not the faultys of the writers or Vinnie Mac that ECW ended being a horendous failure and the RAW/SD feeder show.

RVD screwed himself. He was beating Edge and John Cena who were the top guys at the time so Vince was NOT holding him back.

ECW is dead for good. It was NEVER that great because if it was SO GREAT it would have stayed in business instead of going under like WCW. It has always been 3rd in wrestling and after this year it has proven to be that as TNA averages better ratings then ECW on SyFy.

ECW is just not meant to succeed in this world.

That is laughable. You pretty much show you don't know what you are talking about in that post. First of all after ONS if they had let Heyman run the show with McMahons money ECW would have at that time been as big as RAW even with DX coming back.

They had a perfect setup, all they had to do was get out of Heyman's way and fund the show. Vince never wanted it to succeed. He never believed that the old ECW was for the large fan base (he has said this on the ECW DVD) and it had to change.

Between Vince doing what he wanted with the show (Heyman has commented about Vince doing what he wanted and not listening to anyone), what Taz has said about what Vince did to ECW, and RVD messing up the show had no chance to succeed. That being said do not blame Heyman or any of the people that actually ran the old ECW for that.
RVD screwed himself and ECW. and if i'm not mistaking, he got caught with more than pot. Don't blame Vince, blame RVD. Vince brought DX to get attention of the Druggie champ. I personally would've done the same. ECW would be much better if RVD could have been a great champion. But don't blame it on Vince
RVD screwed himself and ECW. and if i'm not mistaking, he got caught with more than pot. Don't blame Vince, blame RVD. Vince brought DX to get attention of the Druggie champ. I personally would've done the same. ECW would be much better if RVD could have been a great champion. But don't blame it on Vince

You mean like Jeff Hardy? The drug thing was an excuse. Dude ECW was great, and if Heyman had been allowed to run it we wouldn't be having this conversation. At the end of the day it was Vince who wouldn't let Heyman run the brand, and if Heyman is not running the show than ECW was dead before it ever had it's first episode on Sci-fi regardless what happens to RVD.
IT's True, It's Damn True. Not that i was a big fan of the old ECW but it was head and shoulders above anything TNA does or the "new ECW" will ever do. for what it had to work with.

Paul Heyman although annoying was as remarkable as Vince McMahon "was" in turning nothing into a house hold/global name

Vince didn't screw Bret, oh oops i mean RVD. RVD screwed RVD, by
A) getting caught with hard recreational drugs, not just marijuana and or prescribed drugs
B) he refused to adapt to the WWE style of wrestling and worked too stiff.

DX has always been around so that wasn't knew it was just a new addition for the die hard fans.

as for Jeff Hardy well i think he sucks anyway so i don't put his situation in the same boat, he should have been released or not even rehired.

also to note back then the WWE Wellness Protection programme wasn't the same, but who's to say that wasn't like his 3rd strike anyway. he always appeared to be a stoned hippe, there's probably a good reason. RVD that is
I really don't believe there was any foul play in this case. I think that the plan for ECW from the beginning was to tear it down & turn it into a glorified farm league. They originally wanted to use WCW for that purpose, but that brand had become so tarnished, that it never would have worked.

Granted, the original ONS was deceptively awesome. However, I think the master plan was to get the ECW name enough publicity to make it a third-string WWE brand that would be universally recognized (other than by folks from Philly, New Jersey and NY.
I really don't believe there was any foul play in this case. I think that the plan for ECW from the beginning was to tear it down & turn it into a glorified farm league. They originally wanted to use WCW for that purpose, but that brand had become so tarnished, that it never would have worked.

Granted, the original ONS was deceptively awesome. However, I think the master plan was to get the ECW name enough publicity to make it a third-string WWE brand that would be universally recognized (other than by folks from Philly, New Jersey and NY.

If that were the case from the beginning then obviously they didn't mention that to the people who were in the origional ECW. Heyman was gone soon after they bastardized his show, RVD never was featured again even though guys like Hardy were, and both Joey Styles and Taz wanted off that show.

I have no doubt Vince planned it all and sucked each and every one of us in by how awesome the ONS PPV's were. I also think that any idea of him letting Heyman run the show were scrapped as soon as he saw that his baby Monday Night Raw might be over shadowed by ECW.

As far as RVD never conforming to the WWE style....thank god.

I am not a WWE fan in case you can't tell. I used to be back when Bret Hart, and Shawn were up and coming, and loved DX, and when HHH got big. I basically only watch the show now for Taker, HHH, HBK, Orton, and Batista. Once HBK is gone its come clear to me I am done with wrestling.

That being said if anyone deserved to win the lottery it would be Heyman, cause if money wasn't an object and Vince was willing to sell ECW back to him the North American wrestling scene would be completely different. I used to not believe that McMahon let his ego clould what was best for the bussiness, but obviously with what happened to ECW it's true.
ECW is just painful to watch now. Just watching two minutes of it I feel like energy is being drained out of my body.

Im not asking for barbed wire, flaming tables, chairshots, but there has to be something in between.

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