Who else should Brock Lesnar face while he is around

Who else should have a match with Lesnar while he is around?

  • Sheamus

  • Randy Orton

  • Big Show

  • Daniel Bryan

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Well, we all know that Brock's contract isn't up until after WrestleMania 31 and that Brock only wants to work big money matches with top guys in them. So I'm thinking, After the Rumble and WrestleMania, who else could face Lesnar? He's then around for SummerSlam and possibly Hell in a Cell or something like that. And all of these possible opponents just randomly popped in my head.

Seeing there is an un-rigged poll here, let us make use of it.

With Orton, I know they have had a match, but they have never feuded. I think that would be a good feud, and unlike Cena, Heyman could mention Orton's Wellness Policy strikes to further aggravate Orton. Also, Brock could do one hell of a studio promo for their match.

Sheamus, completely new, that would be one hell of a match, but the feud itself, I don't have very high expectations for. I do imagine a good studio promo though

Big Show, they have feuded and had several matches, why not do it again, I'm pretty sure Brock can still lift Big Show up for the F5.

Daniel Bryan, could be like the CM Punk feud with Heyman and Lesnar. If they brought Sable and Brie into this somehow, it would be even bigger. I actually wish they brought Sable in to fend off Stephanie when Brock feuded with Triple H. But yeah, getting the women who is married and who is engaged would be just great.

I kind of hope Rock doesn't come back until after Lesnar's contract is up. If Lesnar re-signs again, then fine, have Rock vs Lesnar again. Just get Orton, Sheamus and Bryan done first
An Orton vs Lesnar feud would be great.

A Sheamus vs Lesnar match would be brutal and great.

A D-Bryan vs Lesnar match... Idk. D-Bryan is really small to face Lesnar it would be unbelievable and it would somewhat make Bryan look bad. Plus, I don't think the feud would be all that exciting.
It all depends on whether the WWE continues to use Lesnar as a guy who only works matches against top guys or whether they are going to use him to push guys who are on the brink of main event status. I used to think Lesnar wasn't good at putting others over because he always ends up looking stronger but he did a great job at Summerslam 2013 by letting Punk get a lot of offense in so having said that I want to see the following matches.

Sheamus because of his physical, hard hitting style.

Orton because Lesnar has squashed him in the past when he was a rookie so it would be interesting to see how they fare now when they're both on a level field.

Antonio Cesaro is said to be pound-for-pound the strongest guy in the locker room so a match with Lesnar would be interesting. Doing the Cesaro swing would get him over big time but I don't think he's big enough for the WWE to let him work with Lesnar.

Big E Langston is another big, strong guy who is being pushed right now. Of course he's a midcarder so there's no way he'd get to work Lesnar but I would like to see this match.

Alberto Del Rio. Yes you heard it right. I would like to see Del Rio turn face and be attacked by Lesnar and then have that long overdue personal feud with him about who is the better man. They have both been involved in MMA and both of them are highly accomplished wrestlers so if this angle is done right, a Del Rio win will have him come out of it looking stronger and hopefully he would be able to get over as well. The only problem is that Lesnar is a part timer and can't cut promos which means Del Rio will have to carry the feud and Del Rio isn't known for his promos either so they will have to get Ricardo back and have him and Heyman do the talking.

Roman Reigns will be a main eventer in 2014 and a feud with Lesnar would be the perfect way to get him there. He doesn't have to win, just needs to have a good, long match and execute some power moves without help from The Shield because the Triple Powerbombs make him look somewhat weak.

The Rock if he ever comes back. It would be a fitting end to the careers of both men if they were to face at WM31 because his win against The Rock at Summerslam 2002 was what made Lesnar the face of the company at the time which arguably boosted his drawing power later on in his MMA career so it would be nice to see The Rock come back and beat Brock once.

Last but not least, Kurt Angle. These two had wonderful matches at WM19, Summerslam 2003 and then an Ironman Match on Smackdown. They also faced off for the IGWP title once in Japan while Angle was also TNA champ. They just have wonderful chemistry together and I would love to see both of them have one more clean, technical wrestling masterpiece with no weapons, interference or screwy finishes before they both retire.
Well it was confirmed on wrestlezone a while back from sources that lesner is facing undertaker at mania since undertaker agreed to it and that is why they had brock go over punk so that brock will have steam from previous matches when he goes face to face with taker at WMXXX. so that is 1 match for brock as for the others i am not too sure but it will be main event guys, i wouldnt be surprised to see a lesner cena rematch down the road or another punk lesner match
what about the Big Guy? It would be a good way to get Ryback some much needed momentum. Imagine if Brock is manhandling some small dude like Sin Cara or Tyson Kid and then 'Feed Me More' comes back. One Shell Shock to Lesnar, then I think Ryback would become legitimate again. Obviously it wouldn't be right away as Ryback is still a heel right now, but in the future I think it could work.
Alot of good picks up there but if the rumors are true Batista could make a part time return next year at some point or leading into WM 31. I think those two having a match would be very interesting to say the least. Of the poll list tho i see Sheamus being a easy pick.
I picked Orton. I just think it would be the overall best feud of the listed names. Orton and Lesnar would put on a match of the year candidate.

Bryan would be a damn good match too and any doubters need to rewatch the Punk/Lesnar match. The only problem is the Bryan/Lesnar feud and match would be too similar to the Punk/Lesnar feud and match and that's why I didn't vote for it.

The obvious choice is not listed and that's Lesnar vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
Given the choices, I think Daniel Bryan could potentially provide a better all around match and feud with Lesnar. There are times when a David vs. Goliath story works best and I think this would be one of those times.

With the possible exception of Cena vs. Lesnar at Extreme Rules last year, Punk vs. Lesnar at SummerSlam was easily Lesnar's best match since his return. Part of that was due to the David vs. Goliath scenario. Punk was an underdog, but he was never portrayed as inferior to Lesnar. Sure, Lesnar is bigger & stronger, but Punk wasn't intimidated and gave him all he could handle. It wouldn't have bothered me at all if Punk would have won. As a prison guard, I've seen LOTS many an inmate beaten up by someone much smaller. Even though Punk lost, it can be argued he only did so due to Paul Heyman interfering to prevent him from tapping to the Anaconda Vice.

WWE very effectively has portrayed Bryan in the role of a passionate, scrappy, fearless underdog when he goes up against men much bigger. If given proper build up, which I'm sure it would as every other Lesnar match has, I've no doubt that fans would rally behind Bryan.

Sheamus vs. Lesnar would be a great brawl, no doubt. But seeing two big ol' bruisers have it out just doesn't really have that much appeal to me in this match. To me, it'd feel too much like Lesnar vs. Triple H. Like Trips, or even more so, Sheamus is a big burly brawler and Lesnar is a big burly brawler. We've already seen Lesnar & Triple H in three matches, so it'd really feel a lot like the same match with Sheamus & Lesnar.

When it comes to Orton vs. Lesnar, again, I've no doubt it'd be a good match but it feels like more of the same. We've seen Orton in these big, super hyped matches against Taker, Cena, Edge, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, HBK, etc. for the better part of a decade. Frankly, I'm a little bored with it. I know Orton's a top guy and deserves to be a top guy, not complaining about that, but it's kind of like what many have complained about in regards to Cena for years. He's been a top guy for such a long time that I can't help but want to see someone fresh elevated and a match with Lesnar could do that. Also, Orton's not going babyface again anytime soon, nor should he, and it's not as if WWE could make Orton look sympathetic anytime soon. WWE shouldn't even try turning Lesnar babyface as everything about him from his look to his presence screams heel.

As far as Big Show vs. Lesnar, it's just not a match that I think will interest people. Show, in my opinion, often doesn't get enough credit for how hard he works. People were expecting his matches against Sheamus last year to be all that much, but they were damn good, and Show's had a lot of matches like that. However, I just don't see the interest being there just like it really wasn't for Show vs. Orton at Survivor Series. Compared to Bryan vs. Orton, again, Show vs. Orton was just a lot more of the same thing we've seen repeatedly for nearly 10 years.
Hands down Orton. He is the only one he hasn't faced in a high profile match (apart from Bryan). Orton and Lesnar can mix it up really easily, all it takes is some remark from Heyman towards Orton out of the blue, Orton picks up on it and there you go. The promos, and more importantly the animosity building during the weekly shows could be amazing, and their match would be a huge story and in my view, Orton vs Lesnar is a dream match of mine.

Big Show vs Orton. No thanks. Has been done before. Big Show's time has passed, there is nothing for either of them to gain here, it would just be a waste of a Brock's match and to be totally frank, the match itself would be slow and bad.

Lesnar vs Sheamus. I can't see the promos being that good, of course, the look of both men will tell a story itself. Sheamus brawling style can match up with Lesnar's fighting background and Sheamus looks like a guy who can take him down. I don't know how good their match will be, but they are both good in ring performers and I believe they can have a great and brutal match.

Lesnar vs Bryan. The heated question. I don't know about this. Punk vs Lesnar, people said wasn't believable etc etc, but in my eyes, I thought it was a really good feud and the fight could actually go either way, especially since it's not real. But Bryan is smaller than Punk and much smaller than Lesnar to the point that I can't see how he can make it believable. I know that I sound like "it's still real to me dammit!", but this one just doesn't fit so well. I just can't see how Brock can go down to Bryan. I mean, size doesn't really matter here, but a LeBell Lock can really make Brock tap out? He would think he can just overpower and break it. The only way I can see this match happening and have some actual unpredictability is to make it an Extreme Rules match so that Bryan can use weapons and "even" the fight. With Punk, you knew that he had the GTS, that looks brutal and can knock out in real life too, he has the high kicks and in general has some MMA background too. Bryan doesn't have that to the extent that Punk has.

All in all, hands down I choose Orton. It's just a dream match of mine.
Well it depends what match we see at Mania. Taker, The Rock, Cena and Punk are the most likely options and all would be fantastic. There is a great range or matches that are pure draws and others that would just be classics.

I voted Sheamus and I wouldn't rule out him facing Lesnar at WM. I think these two could put on a really physical match that would be thoroughly entertaining. Other than that, I think a Lesnar/Orton match could work.
I'd like Sheamus to take on Lesnar in theory. It would be absolutely brutal, particularly if it had some kind of No DQ stipulation, just let them beat the hell out of each other for twenty minutes. But at the same time, Sheamus should be a heel when he comes back, because face Sheamus does not work in the slightest.

We've seen Lesnar vs. Big Show done enough times. I don't think they'd be able to top their pretty good matches from 2002-2003, since Big Show isn't in that kind of shape anymore.

No to Orton. The dude seems like he's made of glass sometimes. As much as I would love to see him get thrown around by Lesnar, I'm not sure WWE would take that risk.

Lesnar vs. Bryan would be an absolute classic. Possibly better than Lesnar vs. Punk, since I'm assuming a match with Bryan would contain a little less interference from Paul Heyman, the one think that marred the Punk match a bit. The great think about CM Punk is that he's made it believable for smaller guys to take down bigger guys, like Shawn Michaels did twenty years ago. You believed that Punk could beat Lesnar, and you definitely believed he could beat Ryback. And you get the same feeling for Bryan. Bryan certainly would be the underdog, but we'd still cheer for him because we know that he could beat Lesnar.
Sheamus vs. Lesnar would be a great brawl, no doubt. But seeing two big ol' bruisers have it out just doesn't really have that much appeal to me in this match.

Same here. It's ironic; WWE apparently pulled out all the stops in procuring the services of Brock Lesnar. I wasn't privy to their negotiations but I get the feeling he has a contract unlike anyone else's in the company.....as far as money paid, creative direction, and right of refusal concerning who he will get in the ring with. I wouldn't be surprised if other employees detest the whole thing, especially as Brock probably doesn't even hang with the rest of the troupe, and certainly doesn't travel with them. How would you like to be someone like Primo Colon, traveling with the company all the time, working your ass off.....forever hoping Creative can find something for you to do...... while watching Brock Lesnar come and go as he pleases and being paid a king's ransom to do so?

The ironic part?......After Brock got through with high-profile matches against Triple H, Cena and Punk, who was left for him to fight? I'm sorry, but as much as I like Sheamus for what he does, it's hard to get excited about him fighting Brock Lesnar. Sure, it would be a hell of a brawl, but as an attraction, would you buy the PPV to see that match?

I suspect a lot of people wouldn't.....and under the terms of his contract, I wonder if Brock would even agree to accept Sheamus as an opponent.

At some point, Brock will outlive his usefulness to WWE, if it hasn't already happened. I hope they can find enough for him to do until WM31.

After that....buh-bye!
I picked Sheamus. Both are big and strong. Not sure how it would go with promos tho.
He fought Orton once before and squashed him in the end. Would be nice to have them go at it with Orton a sure fire HOF.

However, assuming he gets pushed as a singles powerhouse, would love Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar at some point next year.
As a fan I choose Orton. I think if Orton truly conjures up his "Viper" tendencies he can have a great story feud and match with Lesnar. Orton is portrayed as vicious strike first ask questions later attitude can appeal face or heel against a Heel Lesnar and with the RKO being such a quick finisher he can best Lesnar believably
I would love the WWE to do an angle where the winner gets to face Undertaker and 'try to end the streak'.

I think the night after Rumble where we know the winner, WWE should focus on the Streak and have a 6 man Elimination Chamber match and the winner gets to face Undertaker. I think this could really build Lesnar as a legit threat if he was to go through Big Show, Ryback, Sheamus, Kane and Mark Henry. Have him enter first and have him leave last.

After this, going into Extreme Rules and Summerslam - Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry and Randy Orton would be my top four picks.
WWE title match against Punk or Bryan would be great if they never do Brock vs HBK match.

The boat has passed up on Orton i think with his heel turn.

The Rock is the money match though.
By far the best choice for Brock to face and would look like a genuine threat to the Undertakers Streak. You can Also have Hayman come out and say that Lesner is going to do what CM Punk could never do and that is beat The Dead Man at Wrestlemania.#

Its obvious that Hayman is not done with CM Punk just yet and with Lesner getting the win over Punk last time around You now the best in the world will want another crack at Haymans beast in Carnet. Also I sure the fans would love to see it again after there last encounter.

While both men are currently Heels, there is more then enough time for one or the other to turn face and a Heel Orton vs a Face Lesner at Wrestlemania 31 would be Awsome.
Id say sheamus. Sheamus has been stale for a while and he will be around a lot longer than brock will. These two could have quite the physical one and be a match that could re establish sheamus as a top force in the company.

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