Brock Lesnar has "a couple more Wrestlemanias" - Who should he face?

I would love to see Lesnar vs Orton at WM. Eventually, Heyman is going to turn on Lesnar too. Maybe, they could turn Lesnar into a bad ass babyface.

Ryback could be an interesting opponent, if they can somehow build him back up.. Their is also a good chance that a match between these 2 will be a trainwreck like Golderg/Lesnar. So I doubt this happens.

Undertaker should face Cena. And its very possible Bryan will be facing HHH at WM. Punk vs Lesnar was very good, but I don't want to see them have a rematch at WM. I'd like to see something new and fresh for Brock at WM.
The Beast Incarnate....The Next Big Thing Brock Lesnar he should face The Rock at WrestleMania 30 because the match itself would draw and considering the last time they were ever in the ring together was in 2002 when Rock was on his way out and Brock was on his way in on his way to greatness and fast forward into 2014 12 years later both men are box-office sensations legends in their own right and the feud could be built up properly this time

As for Brock's last Mania, Mania 31 Brock should face either Sheamus or Randy Orton depending on how they are built up by then
Randy Orton would be an interesting option since I have never seen them wrestle and if they did was probably in 2002 on heat or something.

Undertaker is the best choice imo. Brock has beaten HHH and Punk in his last matches so he will go into wrestlemania strong agaisnt taker. Though Taker will probably win, it would be one brutal match.

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