Who else finds JBL extremely annoying?


Occasional Pre-Show
I know everyone out there hates on Cole and King as commentators, but imo JBL is the absolute worst of them all. My grievance with him is he is always talking over the other commentators. King or Cole will be mid sentence trying to make a point or observation and JBL will just start yelling some non sense over them which leads to a very frustrating couple of minutes of inaudible one upping between the 3. Perfect example is tonight at Summerslam, after
Nikki Bella turned on Brie, Cole was attempting to make a correlation between that and Seth Rollins turning on the Shield, and while attempting to do so, JBL just kept yelling over him and wouldn't shut the hell up!

So what do you think? Do you guys notice this? Or am I just overreacting?
To me JBL is "lesser of 3 evils". Meaning that I find that Cole and King are much more annoying persons then JBL.
I can take JBL much easier in the 2 man Smackdown commentary than I can when he's with Cole and King. To me JBL is just the classic heel commentator that is the counter to whomever he's with. Sometimes that gets annoying but I guess it doesn't bother me as much as it does others.
They all suck. I'm really not one of those guys who tries to be negative. But really.....they all suck. Having access to so many old matches on WWE Network just highlights how much the current commentators suck even more.

Lawler was good a LONG time ago. No he brings nothing to the table. Cole has always been below average. And yeah, JBL sucks. He's never really hit his stride as a commentator to me. And I agree, him yelling over Cole was awful. Unless it was some weird nod to the Bella's yelling all over AJ's "pipe bomb" promo.....yeah. Nah. That was ridiculous by JBL.

When Brock was hitting German Supllexes left and right, I was HOPING he'd make reference to Chris Benoit and get himself fired. Is that wrong?
Hell Yeah!!

I nearly turned the volume off my TV. All I could hear was JBL shouting, Cole trying to shout back and failing and Lawler.... Well I forgot he was there!

I can cope with announcers arguing but JBL is just too damn loud!
I have more of a problem with Cole and King than I do JBL. Cole is terrible IMO and King doesn't really have anything to add to any match unless it's a Divas Match. I actually like JBLs role as a commentator because he's more of a character. He's always defending heel tactics and he kisses up to the boss. The best part is that hat is the butt of alot of jokes.
I can take JBL much easier in the 2 man Smackdown commentary than I can when he's with Cole and King. To me JBL is just the classic heel commentator that is the counter to whomever he's with. Sometimes that gets annoying but I guess it doesn't bother me as much as it does others.

This is pretty much my opinion on this too. That and the odd football reference that he makes means I don't mind him (I made that Luis Suarez comment he made last night just as he did).
To me JBL is just the classic heel commentator that is the counter to whomever he's with.

You should sample his act in closed-captioning. He comes off as a heel who has no particular reason to be a bad guy. With his treasure trove of wrestling knowledge, he could be imparting valuable pieces of information regarding what's actually going on in the match being staged in front of him, instead of attempting to stir up trouble with his announcing mates, using lame "bad guy" statements and often coming off as having nothing to add.

It makes one appreciate Lawler in his "ringside villain" days; he liked the heels and tossed in remarks letting us know it, yet expanded his scope as an announcer with his lust for the women performers and their "puppies." Of course, that schtick had a useful life.....and Jerry managed to exceed it and become decidedly un-funny after awhile.

JBL might be good if he stuck to match analysis. I think he'd excel at it, 'cause he stinks at comedy.
Are you telling me you don't enjoy FRADAY NAGHT SMADAWN MAGGLE

In all seriousness, commentary in WWE has changed. Not necessarily for the better, but it seems like a different game now, in light of their increased "entertainment" emphasis. There's a reason they only really call the signature moves. Lotta people in the crowd don't care about the Moss Covered Family Gredunzle or whatever.

Commentary now seems to be "try to make the show funnier" rather than "call the moves, tell the audience what's happening to the in-ring performers".

In answer to the thread question, I think whether you find JBL annoying depends on your acceptance of this stylistic change. I can see where you're coming from but it doesn't particularly bother me. I've found I tend to prefer shows where the commentators seem to be enjoying themselves and it's clear that that is the case for Bradshaw.
They're all terrible. King should've been put out to pasture with JR long ago, at this point I wish Spaghetti Head Ziggler would drop a few more elbows on him so he'd have another fucking heart attack. Cole is an idiot, who doesn't know how to call shit, for fuck sake he called a stomp to the back a kick to the face last night. JBL as you said just screams and shouts & talks over everybody, he's basically Vince's parrot, from what I understand Vince is on a headset in the back & that's all he does, yell & scream shit he's wants the commentators to say while they're trying to talk (It's supposedly why Foley left after a very short run as color commentator on SD!). The commentating team is fucking worthless at this point, their only reason to be out there anymore is to shill the Network, app, Tout, what's trending on Twitter, or whatever new thing is going on.
When he was first added to the announce team, I was stoked. I felt they needed a true HEEL commentator. But not this type of heel. He is a very smart man, but he says some very stupid things.

He says these things because he always needs to be play devil's advocate, and be the contrarian. Sometimes he just needs to let things be and stop defending every single action taken by the heel wrestler.
JBL is the only one of the three who likes wrestling, so I'm all for him. Cole is a cold, clinical WWE automaton, and Lawler lost interest years ago. JBL will also drop a reference to Sammartino or Savage or Bret among all the "there-was-no-wrestling-before-Cena" PG garbage. It's refreshing.

He can be overly antagonistic at times, but when Cole is motivated that can make for some good dialogue.
I think JBL is pretty annoying most of the time, but like most everyone else, I think he is the least annoying of the three. I remember when JBL first came back on commentary and he wasn't a heel commentator (at least not overtly so) - he was actually enjoyable and I thought he brought a lot to the table. Now he is just over the top.

Anyone else notice that Lawler barely speaks anymore after the heart attack - here and there you get spurts, but not much. Not that that is a bad thing mind you.

I miss the old days of Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura commenting. I enjoy JR, but those two together were great. I don't know why they can't get talent like that at the table.
It's not the fact that he's talking up the heels. It's the fact that he's constantly trying to talk over his collegues and make sure his opinion is the only one heard. Seriously, it's becoming a pain to watch Raw with the sound on.
The best commentator teams have a back and forth style. JR would let King say his heel lines, then yell at him about it. King would wait for JR to finish saying something about how the heel was despicable before refuting the claim. The same goes for Gorilla and Heenan, and I am willing to bed, any of the best commentators in the business. JBL interrupts Cole or King after a few words. If JBL just waited a few seconds then started his heel rant, it would be fine.

It means the stories of the heels get told more often by the commentators, it means the faces struggle to have their story told. Honestly, what is Ziggler's story right now? What is Sheamus' story? I have no idea. These are faces who don't get promo time, which means it is the commentators job to get them over. We know Cena's current story because he gets promos, the same for Reigns (well his story is told through the heel promos of HHH and Orton), Ambrose and Brie Bella. What is AJ's story? Have the commentators told us anything outside of her being tormented by Paige?

I don't think its because JBL is terrible, he is okay, not great, but okay. They either need a face commentator who can yell as loud as JBL, is as passionate as JBL about wrestling, or tell JBL to tone it down. The first two are the better option, but the third one seems more likely.

King isn't as quick on his feet as he used to be, not sure if that is because he lost his passion or because he just doesn't work that well as a face. Michael Cole, he has always been boring as a play by play. I miss the commentators that knew and called the moves in the ring. I feel like I know more names of holds than Michael Cole does, there are so many times where he is like 'Well that is a unique looking hold' clearly having no idea what it is called.
JBL is a shell of what he once was, I really thought that when he went to the commentary table full time, he would be what he was as a heel during his World Title run. Alas, he hasn't. Again, I don't so much fault the commentators for that as I do what appears to be the corporate edict from WWE. Even if say Gorilla Monsoon were alive and Bobby Heenan was healthy enough to do the announcing duties, they would be held by the balls on all this stuff too.

I say this because look at Jerry Lawler, a guy who was just a GREAT color guy alongside JR with the play by play. Even he's a shell of what he once was. So I don't hold anything against JBL personally for being annoying, it's just the WWE product we have to tolerate these days. These guys are all neutered.
I agree, JBL adds nothing to the commentary. As a former champ you would expect some insight or something but all he seems to do is talk nonsense, make bad jokes and talk down to Cole. He doesn't help get anyone over, face or heel which is weird as he is supposed to be that heel commentator so you think he would help get the heels over. Honestly I think he is the worst they have ever had because he just doesn't do anything - others may have been bad on the mic but at least they served a purpose. He just talks with no purpose.
I've never been a fan of JBL's commentary to be honest. Luckily when he first started he was on Smackdown, which I didn't watch, so I didn't get a taste of him on the headset until the 2007 Royal Rumble, and yeah, he was annoying to me back then.

As silly as this may sound, JBL is one of the reasons why I don't watch the current product. Yes, I admit, I am one of those fans who does not watch but still reads up online just to keep me informed. I understand what his role is, but to me he is just bland, boring, annoying, and I simply can't stand listening to him.

The commentary is by far the worst it has ever been in my eyes and needs some serious refreshments made. I don't mind Cole as much, but JBL should go exclusively to Smackdown, and I agree with those who say Lawler should have rode off in the sunset years ago with JR. Especially with the product being PG, he seems extremely out of place and out of touch.
For me personally, I'm really tired of JBL. When he first came back in order to commentate I was really excited as I felt/still feel that Cole and Jerry are both a very tired act and they are very sub-average and unfunny in general.

JBL now is more annoying to me than both Cole and Jerry. Jerry doesnt give a crap he just comes to work and says stuff and sometimes he makes a funny joke/remark, sometimes. Cole is ..just Cole I just cant say anything about him that hasn't been said 1000 times before. And JBL sometimes can't decide wether he is a heel or a face. He says the same stuff every match and for someone with his knowledge he doesnt really add anything. He's not funny, he's not witty ( at least on commentary at this current time ) and he cant even come close to how Cole was on commentary as a heel. Sure Cole took it a bit to the extreme but at least he was a heel. JBL is a joke and I can almost guess exactly what's he's going to say every damn time he opens his mouth.

I really think they should promote Alex Riley and get rid of Jerry or JBL. Cole is never going anywhere so it is either one of those two. I thnk Riley can add a lot as he seems to have gotten into the whole commenting thing and is doing very well. Also Regal. Is WWE so clueless to how much commentary adds to the product?

Let JBL climb his moutains and give him a legends contract or smth. Do the same with Jerry and get some new blood on the freaking scene as it's getting really annoynig.
JBL is incredibly annoying as a commentator, but so is the entire commentating team right now. JBL was awesome as a wrestler on the mic and in the ring though. Him vs Cena in that last man standing match where they both are bleeding profusely all over the place is one of my favorite matches.

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