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Who does Miz lose the title to?


Occasional Pre-Show
Now im not sure if a thread like this has already been made but anyway who, in your opinion, does Miz lose the title to and when?

Now I actually think it'll be John Cena. Miz beat him at WM 27 so Cena will probably get revenge for this in a Last Man Standing match. I know its an obvious choice but what if Miz retains? This will just about make an already exciting title reign alot more exciting because could have him face John Morrison or Randy Orton or even Triple-H. It will also mean that Miz will have beaten the two top faces in a feud if victorious at Extreme Rules. Discuss.
I'd like to see a concerted effort put into a Miz/Morrison feud. It seems like we've gotten brief glimpses of it before, but I'd like to see the company go full throttle on a real feud with Morrison finally going over at SummerSlam.
With the Draft coming up, it's hard to say.

I'm guessing he and Cena will have some sort of match at Extreme Rules, and I doubt Cena goes away empty handed again. If I had to guess, Cena is going to have somewhat of a lengthy title reign between now and Mania. Rock isn't going to be around, and even if he were, no way they hold a feud together for an entire year, not with how much exposure they have in this day and age. Cena won't be Champ going into Mania, but he should hold the title between now and then.

I'm guessing Cena takes the strap at Extreme Rules, however, if they ever want John Morrison to mean something, having him defeat Miz at Summerslam would be a great idea.
i think since wrestlemania is over they want to try and give more people a chance to shine, so i think they're going to have morrison feud with him and really give him the chance he deserves. and if all goes well maybe they'll let him get a short reign
IDK, with both Cena's and Miz's promos I don't think they are facing each other anytime soon.

Now that Miz has survived WM, they aren't going to take the title away until a strong challenger comes along (see, JBL 2003-04)

At Money in the Bank if Miz still has the title, I would have Morrison win it. Just imagine the TV if he had the briefcase and Miz had that title. It would be ironic in a way too since Miz won the title from MITB, he should lose it that way too.
The only person I could see taking the title off Miz is the MITB winner who cashes it in straight away. Morrison or Ziggler could be the main contenders, the only other option is have a Triple Threat at ER, Orton vs Miz vs Cena have Punk accidently cost Miz title then Punk and Orton fued over it for a while.
I honestly hope that they avoid a Miz/Morrison showdown. I just can't see it going well. One can't talk, the other can't wrestle. Neither man has main event credibility as of yet. I think that both men would need to improve on their weaknesses and shore up some dedicated victories over some top names before being thrown together.

I think that The Miz would benefit from a feud with HHH. He can learn a lot of ring psychology from the master, and earn a very important career bump if he were to ultimately go over in the long run. HHH is at the perfect point in his career to get some of the younger talent over, and who better to start with than the flawed champ?

So I say have The Miz drop the title to HHH, but then regain it in spectacular fashion.
i agree with everyone saying miz/morrison feud would be awesome. but i think an even better one would be if christian is drafted to raw and feuds with miz. i think they could cut some good promos together and have some decent matches. do i think christian could beat miz? not really, but i think the feud would be awesome.

what i really don't want to see is john cena with the title at all in the next year. i know thats going to be hard for wwe to do, but he needs some fresh feuds that are not for the title. but i really think wwe will most likely run some sort of injury angle around september for him and then have him return around january, because honestly when you have a match set a year in the future, no one is really going to care about your current feud so taking him off tv for some time would be smart.

i think besides christian and morrison i think some other cool possible feuds would be ziggler/morrison/miz, miz/mysterio, miz/orton/punk, and miz/a returning face jericho.

also, i know this has absolutely nothing to do with the thread but i just wanted to throw this out there. who thinks it would be awesome to build a faction around the miz, sorta how they did the mcmahon-helmsley thing with triple h. they pretty much already have have one with miz and a-ry, but wouldn't it be sweet if they threw maryse in there as well? they could call them "the entourage" or "miz and the entourage" just sorta playing off the tv show and the fact that miz is "the most must see champ ever." then you could turn ted dibiase face and maybe have them feud. just a thought.
I am really hoping they push one of the younger stars now. To me a great match at wrestlemania was Cody Rhodes vs. Rey. With the way the match went across I really believe in Cody a lot now. I think they should have Orton beat the Miz for the title then Wrestle Rhodes and Summer Slam. Rhodes gets the victory and pushes him into the next level. I tune into Smackdown every now and again and he is really establishing a great psychotic character for himself and he has some great moves. Takes me back to the hey day of wrestling with his moves but they seem a lot smoother and faster. I think he is the wave of the future and has the potential to bring fans that love real wrestlers back into the mix.
He doesn't! for a longgg time..

I already see him main eventing WM next year either as Champion or possibly not, since we now kno that Cena won't be.

WWE needs to bring prestige to there World Title, and the only way they can do so is having someone NOT lose it every PPV
If he holds on to it past Capital Punishment (the new Fatal 4 Way) then he will have surpassed HHH's last run of 210 days, the most recent longest run. My initial thought after WM was "who is going to be the Miz?" and I don't honestly see it happening any time soon.

Cena seems the most obvious answer. Orton, eh...not likely. HHH for a 14th reign? Likely going to see the match, but somehow Miz will pull out the win. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Miz gets a full year in as champion.
I hope he loses the title to HHH. But as long as the person isnt Cena i don't care who The Miz drops the title to. But before The Miz loses the title i want him to have a lengthly title run.
though I hate The Miz, he is doing a great job as the champion. Everytime I see him in a match I want him to get beat horribly but he is a great heel. He is a guy you love to hate and the WWE is soaking that up. I think he'll retain the title and then possibly drop it at WM28.
I think he looses it to Del Rio. I think Miz should be drafted to Smackdown, possibly switching places with Edge, and I think he becomes the new face of Smackdown. He comes to the ring and is immediately met by Del Rio. They have a title match and Del Rio wins. Now throughout the feud Miz was getting cheered, and now he is chasing the title and the crowd is behind him.

Another theory in my head is Edge gets drafted to Raw and they unify the titles. I think Miz wins this match to unify the belts and like many others have stated, holds the belt for a long time.
He doesn't! for a longgg time..

I already see him main eventing WM next year either as Champion or possibly not, since we now kno that Cena won't be.

WWE needs to bring prestige to there World Title, and the only way they can do so is having someone NOT lose it every PPV

Absolutely TRUE!!!! The fact guys like Orton and CM Punk have held multiple reigns - they arent even close to the stars HBK, Rock, Austin were and they are almost equal in title holds.

Miz can be booked as that guy who brings prestiege back to go along with his "must-see" gimmick. Let him run with it for a good 6 more months and the belt will mean something. I wouldn't mind some clean wins however.
I'm not sure...but i'm sold on this guy. it's already been reported he's basically vince's new golden boy as he has taken his oppurtunity and ran mainstream with it. good for him

I hope and pray it's not morrison. the guys okay but come on guys, he doesn't need a belt-

guys who never won(just a few)

Stop all this noise about people going crazy if he doesn't win. He just doesn't have it.

And also I want to stop hearing about the miz not being so good on the mic. people saying he's repetitive and only does the same thing??
And John Cena isn't repetitive? He comes out, says something like" whoa we gotta live crowd tonight!" Then he'll make a joke or two, then go on a serious rant and raise his voice and get all high pitched saying " i love this business, i work my ass off blah blah blah" then he'll wrap it up. same old shit as ecw fans once said. same old shit. :lmao::lmao::lol::lmao::lmao:
On the surface, John Cena is still the most likely candidate at this point in time. It seems likely that Cena will get another crack at Miz at Extreme Rules in some sort of no DQ gimmick match. Cena lost at WrestleMania and it seems very logical that he won't walk away from this without the title at some point. However, then again, most people said that Orton would take the title back from Miz and that Miz would be nothing more than a transitional champ. Then, after that was shown not to be the case, just about everyone predicted that Miz would drop the title to Cena at WrestleMania. However, in the weeks leading up to WrestleMania, that opinion began to shift noticably. So yeah, it's certainly possible that Miz will come out of his feud with Cena still WWE Champion.

Even though I've heard nothing from WWE about this, I assume that the WWE Draft is coming up and that always has the potential of switching things around.
i think the way WWE should book the miz losing is he wins at Extreme Rules over cena then end the fued between ziggler and morrison and let morrison have a full on fued with the miz with morrison FINALLY WINNING THE WWE TITLE AT SUMMERSLAM! then have miz face morrison the next ppv for his rematch and have morrison beat him then let morrison have a long title run possibly until after wrestlemania :shrug: morrison has proven he can work,he can get the crowd into a match and everybody knws him & miz can put on a great match together
If WWE plans to propel John Morrison into the main event, I think now would be a ripe time to do it. But really, I think it depends on where creative plans to go with Cena now. Do they plan to spend a year building up his match with Rock? Will Rock stick around to cut promos? I felt that Cena's promo last night effectively ended his feud with Miz with Cena showing his respect for him before turning his attention to Rock. I'm not sure though.

Personally, I'd LOVE to see Miz and Morrison finally feud for the strap. And I mean have a good long program. These guys have the history and are (in my personal view anyway) the faces of the youth movement. If booked correctly, we could have ourselves a good storyline culminating with a good match and potentially a new world champion.

So at this point, depending on what creative has planned going into the future, the ones I see taking the title off of Miz are either Cena or Morrison. Also, with the draft looming, it is a bit difficult to make a solid call at the moment.
The only problem I have with some of these suggestions is you have mid-card talent feuding with mid-card talent over a main event title. No arguments that a Miz / Morrison or Miz / Christian feud wouldn't be good. I think either one would be pretty awesome. But all of those guys should be mid-card matches.
After that Wrestlemania video package on the I'm sold on the Miz and I hope he keeps the title for a long time. Nothing will get more heat for the Miz then a long title reign.
Morrison should be the one to take the title of Miz at Summerslam. It's a big match, Morrison is almost ready and their match in the first RAW of the year was awesome.

Now as for who will take the belt. Cena or HHH. If it's Cena Vs Miz at the next PPV then Cena is walking out with the belt, no-one beats Cena twice in a row and it's normal for defending champions who won at Wrestlemania to lose a month later.
Now for the love of God, I do not want HHH to take the belt but I've heard he's suitably unimpressed with Miz to put himself into a title match and take the belt off him.
My hope is that Miz holds onto the title for awhile. Now I really don't like the Miz that much but the more he wins the more prestige is added to the title. Remember when Cena, Sheamus, Orton, and whoever else would just toss the belt around like hot potato? Well that's not the case anymore and not even the face won at WM. I'd love to see Morrison win it at SummerSlam if he improves his promos and mic ability. If he doesn't then how about a Chris Jericho face return leading up to SummerSlam and taking the belt? That'd be awesome.
While Morrison or Christian going over Miz for the title would be tremendous it's hardly in the realm of possibility. Despite Miz retaining over Cena(never thought i'd type that) he's still hardly been what would be considered as a credible champion at this juncture. So to have him lose the strap with someone of even less credibility makes little sense. Morrison would need a solid, lengthy, some-what dominant push before he's even a viable to be taken seriously as a WWE Champion( or a MITB win, but that's a cop-out). As far as someone like Christian goes..people need to just get over the fact he's not going to win a WT..seriously, it's noy going to happen.

As another poster eluded to, it seems Miz is headed for a reign similar in scope tp JBL's *shudder*. But if Vince want's to really cement Miz as the next top superstar(for whatever reason) then he needs to keep the belt for the coming months. And he does not need to turn face...what the hell is wrong with you people?! The only reason Miz is currently occupying the position he is, is because he's so easily detestable...keep this guy heel as long as possible.

As far as who takes the strap from him..it's hard to tell at this point. The draft can effedt a lot, and some superstar could chnage from heel to face or whatever. It seems like Cena will get it back, He has a entire year before the Rock...that;s plenty of time for another lengthy Cena reign. Or perhaps Punk. He's never been the same since the Taker "feud" main event status wise, and he's been long overdue for another title reign. Just throw a face(maybe Orton) in a triple threat and have Punk win the title. Besides that I don't really see many canidates. Trips, possibly if he's up to it. Which could actually wind up being a good feud. But yeah, it looks like he won't be dropping the title for a while.*sigh*
The Miz will hold onto it for along time like I said in another post as far as I'm concerned Cena won't get it back til next year aftr Mania. My pick of who get's it from the Miz is Morrison, Punk, Booker T(in honor of Stone Cold), or Chris Jericho. But we won't know til he loses it. Cena vs Rock don't need to be for the title.

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