Who Do You Want To See As The Next TNA World Heavyweight Champion?

Who should be the next TNA World Champ?

  • Austin Aries

  • James Storm

  • Mr. Anderson

  • RVD

  • AJ Styles

  • Other

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With everything that TNA has been doing lately with Bobby Roode, I have throughly enjoyed his title reign. And honestly, I hope his reign will continue until he gets at least a year. He has proved himself worthy and shown that he belongs in the main events. At some point though, TNA will eventually want to put the World Title on someone else. There have been alot of guys that are readily available to become the next World Champ. My question is, who do you think it should be? To me, I chose Austin Aries. This guy without a question has improved since his debut in TNA and has done wonders for helping bring prestiege back to the X-Division title. He's great in the ring and has a catchy character that I think people would definetely relate to. Plus, I have been really impressed with this whole "option c" that Aries has and I think that's a perfect way to bring Aries into the main events. It'd be alot different than what most people expect with Storm coming back and thinking he'll win @ BFG. Who would be your choice?
I think the choices are pretty high on the list as far as the main event is concerned. But I'm gonna go outside of those and go with Magnus. I like his style in the ring, and his teaming with Joe as champs was nothing short of great. He has the tools and the look. He'd make a great heel champ, or at the very least an antihero. If not him then put Joe back in the mix for the title.
Much as the rise of Aries has been tremendous of late, I still don't quite feel like he's reached the point that he actually needs the title to run with to vault himself into the main event. In that sense he's much in the shoes of where Hardy was with WWE a few years back feuding with HHH and others over trying to finally "get the brass ring".

For me, no one makes more sense here than James Storm. He has the richest, deepest and most emotionally charged connection to the current champion, Bobby Roode, and IMO TNA couldn't buy a better feel-good moment than having Storm—the guy who should have won already—pin Roode clean in the center of the ring at Bound For Glory.
honestly, the only people i want to hold the title from here to BFG is Roode, Storm or Aries (short term). IF Aries were to win, i want him to win in some flukey way that has Roode complain and get his re-match where he then beats Aries in some cheating way, then have one more match with Roode beating Aries in a strong way then set up Roode vs. Storm, that's if they go that route, i doubt they do or should, but i would love to see a long Aries vs. Roode feud before we get Roode vs. Storm.
Aries is the hottest thing in the industry right now. What a concept a guy that can wrestle and good on the mic who isn't a bodybuilder. Aries reminds me alot of HBK except AA is better on the mic. The best way to have Aries go for the title is to have Aries lose the title to Magnus via interference by Samoa Joe. Have Aries in the next few months go through Joe,Bully Ray,Styles, and then Angle. With the BFG Series have Storm as the winner but at BFG Aries challenege Storm to a match and the winner faces Roode later in the night in a No DQ match. Aries would have gone through more top talent and the build up would be similiar to what Austin went through for his first WWE Title. Have Storm obsessed with winning the title and package him similiar to how Edge was when he came back from spinal surgery. Aries is a bigger draw than Storm but should make Storm a strong heel after he comes so close to the title once again!
I think IDR's post nailed it. Aries is hot right now and as good as he's been, I don't believe he's there quite yet. I think his time will come but I don't think there's any need to just rush Aries into being the champ.

Since just after BFG last year, I've had the distinct feeling that the ultimate plan has been for James Storm to ultimately get the better of Roode at the next BFG ppv for the ultimate "feel good" moment of the TNA year. One thing that's dogged Roode's run, in my view, is that all of his feuds have felt like placeholder feuds and that this is really the one that most people have waited to see. On top of that, when you consider James Storm's sort of personal crisis in which he "left" for a while in order to see if his heart was still in wrestling, then coming back and been on a dominant tear thus far, it really only makes sense that Storm be the one to end Roode's reign. All in all, he's really the only one that does make sense at this time.
it should be austin aries. he will bring that high flying style of his to the world title division that has been missing for a while. sure you have got guys like aj but he has not realy featured in the division for a while. would like to see anderson and rvd drop down to the tv title division as i dont see them as main eventers anymore. rvd is to old and anderson needs to be repackaged. as far as the others go they are already big stars in tna and dont need the title to make themselfs true main eventers as much as aries does.
For me, no one makes more sense here than James Storm. He has the richest, deepest and most emotionally charged connection to the current champion, Bobby Roode, and IMO TNA couldn't buy a better feel-good moment than having Storm—the guy who should have won already—pin Roode clean in the center of the ring at Bound For Glory.


James Storm deserves to be the next TNA Champion. He has waited long enough for a good run with the belt and with all his history with Roode, the stage is set for Storm to finally beat the Champ at BFG. It needs to happen. TNA would be wasting a huge feel good moment (as IDR said) giving the victory to someone else. Aries is doing really well, but the time has come for Storm. Let us see what the Cowboy can bring to the table as champion! Roode has grown into his role and is now a bona-fide main eventer, and I think that Storm would be the same. TNA has to create its own stars for the future, and as a TNA Original from day one, who is incredibly popular with the fans right now, there is no better pick than James Storm.
No brainer, James Storm, but if they are going to make him champion he should win it some way to make it special for him since he has been waiting for a long time, like some sort of gauntlet match or a four corner elimination match, that way, his well deserved victory would be special and he will definitly be a credible champion and it would look like he defy the odds.......
There is no way it won't be James Storm. It has to be. TNA needs to bring this thing full circle. James Storm has the look, the ability, the mic skills, and the crowd support. Storm and Roode are TNA's 2 most complete wrestlers, it only makes sense to have them both sitting at the top of the company. They initially rushed into this feud, but now it's been dragged out across the entire year, and I've enjoyed the ride. It's Storm's time to shine.

If for some fucked up reason TNA decides not to pull the trigger on Storm, my second choice is Jeff Hardy (Can't believe you left him out of the pole). Jeff, despite all his troubles, is still TNA's most over superstar. Jeff is so over with the fans it's ridiculous. Now he also has the fans sympathy and this would be a great story of overcoming the odds.

Just to follow suit with everyone else, I think the guy that will take the belt from Storm (or Hardy) will be Ken Anderson. I think TNA is still very high on him, and I think they're going to give him a proper heel turn and hopefully give him some direction.
I love Austin Aries, but as others have said before James Storm deserves it. He should win it at BFG, by cleanly pinning Bobby Roode.
It obviously has to be James Storm ... that is the logical choice ... EXCEPT IT ISN'T.

Austin Aries should win the TNA Championship this Sunday. He is the best thing in their company right now. He has only been there for ONE YEAR and has completely taken over their ring, their fans and now their storylines.

I loved Aries in Ring of Honor and thought he would be a solid addition to TNA, I was wrong. He is the best guy in the company and should carry the strap. He will be more interesting and fresher than Storm. It is that simple.

We all KNOW that Roode is going to win on Sunday and eventually drop the strap to Storm way off in October. And, honestly, I am fine with that. We all knew it was coming for the last 8 months or so. But, that does not make it the right move.

Wrestling is a fluid business. When they went into the Storm at BFG build (which they have consciously been doing for 8 months) they did not know — nor did I — how huge Aries was going to become. How spectacular he was going to be in less than a year in the company.

Austin Aries can draw. It is that simple. He can draw as much as Storm and a Storm/Roode feud. And he can DO IT NOW instead of in 4 months. There is simply no reason AA should be waiting in line right now. He has already jumped everyone else.
I think it had to be Storm to. It has been brewing the whole time Roode has been champ, and I think when Storm and Roode finally have their match it is going to be epic. It may be predictable, but Storm will be the one to finally end Roode's reign as well he should be.
I think the choices are pretty high on the list as far as the main event is concerned. But I'm gonna go outside of those and go with Magnus. I like his style in the ring, and his teaming with Joe as champs was nothing short of great. He has the tools and the look. He'd make a great heel champ, or at the very least an antihero. If not him then put Joe back in the mix for the title.

I knew I'd probably leave out a good choice. Magnus has been impressive with what he did with Samoa Joe, but, I really want to save judgement until we see what he can do on his own.

I'm not against TNA making Storm their champion. Hell, I'm an avid James Storm fan. And I will admit, that story coming full circle would make for entertaining television. I just think that most fans see that storyline coming. With TNA being live and all, they could have Aries win @ Destination X and then test him with the belt. If the reaction is good, then, there's your answer. If not, then, they could always have Roode win the title back before BFG and Storm would still win the title off Roode.
I'd honestly love to see Aries win the title this Sunday, and then see Roode win the title back at Hardcore Justice, or on Impact the next night. I think it happened in WCW where Hogan was the champion in 1997 and briefly lost the title for one night to Lex Luger, and that never hurt the build to his match with Sting at Starrcade.

They don't need to, but I'd love for them to throw a spanner into the works and work an avenue like this. It will keep the fans on their toes and will have them guessing what will happen next. It just seems like a given at the moment that Storm will challenge Roode at Bound For Glory and Storm is winning the title. Major shock value will come if Aries wins on Sunday, even if it is a short title reign.
at the moment i really would like to see austis aries to win the big won at destination X if not i hope TNA will make a baddass feud between AJ Styles and Bobby rhode leading to Bound for glory that would be one heel of a main event and there I would like to see AJ win
I'd honestly love to see Aries win the title this Sunday, and then see Roode win the title back at Hardcore Justice, or on Impact the next night. I think it happened in WCW where Hogan was the champion in 1997 and briefly lost the title for one night to Lex Luger, and that never hurt the build to his match with Sting at Starrcade.

This is precisely what I'm talkin' about. Aries winning would shock the casual fans because he's been built as the underdog type of character. It wouldn't hurt Roode's cred any, so, both guys would win. Plus, anytime you have someone winning the title for their first time fans will react to it. With Aries having momentum with him lately, I believe most fans will embrace him as the TNA Champion.

They don't need to, but I'd love for them to throw a spanner into the works and work an avenue like this. It will keep the fans on their toes and will have them guessing what will happen next. It just seems like a given at the moment that Storm will challenge Roode at Bound For Glory and Storm is winning the title. Major shock value will come if Aries wins on Sunday, even if it is a short title reign.

Impact needs to do things that can shock people. That's the whole reason for going live, besides preventing spoilers. It would definetely come as a shock if Aries were to win @ DX. Although I'm thinking that TNA will go the easy route and just have Roode retain until BFG when Storm will take it off Roode. I just hope if that were to happen, that Aries isn't forgotten about and shoved back into the X-Division. Plus Impact has made a big deal about this whole "option c" thing. If Aries doesn't win, what would be the payoff?
Here's the thing, Storm should beat Roode for the title but there's nobody hotter than Aries right now. They could either have Aries win he belt at DX and lose it at another PPV just before BFG to Roode. Or have Aries lose at DX but then what happens to him? Who does he feud with? Another option: Aries enters BFG as champ and joins a three-way match against Roode and Storm, Storm pins Roode for it and becomes new champ.
Here's the thing, Storm should beat Roode for the title but there's nobody hotter than Aries right now. They could either have Aries win he belt at DX and lose it at another PPV just before BFG to Roode. Or have Aries lose at DX but then what happens to him? Who does he feud with? Another option: Aries enters BFG as champ and joins a three-way match against Roode and Storm, Storm pins Roode for it and becomes new champ.

That's a damn good idea. I'm surprized no one has suggested it yet. With Aries going into BFG as champion and with such established TNA vets like Storm & Roode, that main event would be the best ones in BFG history. The cool thing is, at any time, they can turn Storm heel and have him defeat Aries if he were to retain @ BFG. They've already kinda been teasing that with Storm getting frustrated each time he loses. And even better than that, Dirty Beer Money! I doubt it'll happen, but, imagine the possibilities.

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