Who do you think will be "bigger": Gunner or Crimson?


Dark Match Winner
Lately there's been a lot of talk about both Crimson and Gunner so I just wanna know who do think will be the bigger star in TNA.

Your thoughts.
Crimsons is really good, idk about his mic skills, but he has a good look with his size and physique, and hes really good for his brawler style that he has in the ring, i love his matches, his musics even awesome haha, i see nothing special with gunner esp since his feud is with ey. I am going with Crimson as i think he and matt morgan will both be world champs down by the middle of next year and that will be a very good feud if they would do so over the title.
Gunner, I think. He's got a certain level of intensity in him that I like and is more experienced (though Crimson is also fairly intense himself). Both can be big stars though. We will see.
I said it a few days ago...Gunner is earning his keep..He's not flashy and he don't need promos or advertising and to be pushed...He is a good example on how wrestlers should be...Once in,have a few matches,do dirty work,get a shot at a belt(NOT A DIRECT SHOT AT THE WORLD BELT!!!!),defend in good matches,lose eventually,fued,fued,fued,tag somwhere in there,World Title shot..Though Gunner needs a little work he has a good future..Impact would be dumb to lose him..

Crimson.....I seen Goldberg...Crimson is not,I repeat,not the guy for a role like that..Goldberg did the Jackhammer on The Giant (aka Big Show)...I am just not impressed.....Crimson vs Gunner= Good Match.
Crimson is one of the guys that TNA has done a good job with. If they can continue to get him over though, WWE will eventually swoop in and steal him right out from under TNA. They can offer him more money than TNA and Dixie Carter can. I could see him joining WWE and getting a Brock Lesnar like push.

Gunner I couldn't say. He is a guy with a lot of talent and is getting the time he deserves on Impact TV. Can't wait to see more of him.
Crimson is one of the guys that TNA has done a good job with. If they can continue to get him over though, WWE will eventually swoop in and steal him right out from under TNA. They can offer him more money than TNA and Dixie Carter can. I could see him joining WWE and getting a Brock Lesnar like push.

Gunner I couldn't say. He is a guy with a lot of talent and is getting the time he deserves on Impact TV. Can't wait to see more of him.
Just like WWE took AJ Styles, right?

Crimson's definitely going to be "bigger". While Gunner is pretty intense, I haven't seen a lot from him. He hasn't been showcased as hard as Crimson has, so as of this moment in time Crimson shows more promise.

Crimson is a Main Eventer waiting to happen. He's just one of those types of guys. I enjoy watching him do his thing and I'm glad TNA's giving him a chance to shine.
At this point in time, both guys generally come across as pretty mediocre.

Crimson has a good look going for him. He's green as hell and it becomes painfully obvious if he wrestles for longer than 5 minutes. When it comes to this whole undefeated streak, it just doesn't have that major league feel to it. It looks as though TNA might be going for a Goldberg 2.0 thing here but I just don't think it's working. While I think Goldberg is overrated, the guy was able to quickly connect with fans and had an "it" factor that Crimson just doesn't have. Or, at least, he certainly hasn't let it show right now.

As for Gunner, the has to have scrub tattooed somewhere on him. Maybe it's hidden somewhere among the other tats he's already got. I know some see this guy as intense but I just don't see how. Making mean faces and slapping himself in the face a couple of times as he's coming down to the ring is a stronger indication of mental problems rather than intensity. His time as TV champ means less than nothing. He won a meaningless title in a match against two guys that scrubs on the same level as himself, he has one decent match against a far more talented opponent in Christopher Daniels, then he loses the title in a 15 second match to Eric Young. Whatever credibility Gunner may have once possessed was immediately pissed away in the blink of an eye.

As to who has a better shot overall, probably Crimson. He's got the size, the look, has far more credibility than Gunner and you don't see him jobbing out to comedy jobbers. Right now, Crimson's future looks far brighter.
As for Gunner, the has to have scrub tattooed somewhere on him. Maybe it's hidden somewhere among the other tats he's already got. I know some see this guy as intense but I just don't see how. Making mean faces and slapping himself in the face a couple of times as he's coming down to the ring is a stronger indication of mental problems rather than intensity. His time as TV champ means less than nothing. He won a meaningless title in a match against two guys that scrubs on the same level as himself, he has one decent match against a far more talented opponent in Christopher Daniels, then he loses the title in a 15 second match to Eric Young. Whatever credibility Gunner may have once possessed was immediately pissed away in the blink of an eye.

As to who has a better shot overall, probably Crimson. He's got the size, the look, has far more credibility than Gunner and you don't see him jobbing out to comedy jobbers. Right now, Crimson's future looks far brighter.

What the fuck are you talking about? Eric Young has been one of the hardest workers since he arrived with Team Canada. Sure he has a few comedy spots, but like Santino in the WWE, there's NOTHING wrong with a comedy star. The Rock was essentially a comedic roll, yet I'm willing to bet you'd ride him to the bank and back.

Eric Young and Gunner can work a nice and decent program that, if done right, can really put Gunner over as a heel. Who knows, maybe this can even turn Eric Young back to being heel and put him with Gunner... I don't see anything wrong with Eric Young, nor do I see how putting Gunner with him is anything bad. Cause it's not like Eric Young hasn't been involved with some of the biggest storylines known to TNA... then again, you're probably too blinded by WWE to see that.


As for the topic on hand, on a biased bases, I'm going with Gunner. There's a reason why he was being groomed as NWA's future until TNA stole him from right under them. He's a very capable and believable monster. This feud with Eric Young can be used to get him up there and give the TV title some much needed TV time to make it worth something. And then, once Gunner regains it, he can get back into being a key player for Fortune.

I'm not going to lie, Crimson put on a five star last night with Joe, but the fact remains that I just don't see him being able to pull off such matches with someone like Styles or Daniels... Gunner's proven that he can hold his own with both Styles and Daniels, and in TNA, that means a lot.

As someone previously said, with the right amount of work, the two can both be really big.
Zion, that's apples and oranges you clown. Crimson is the type of guy Vince falls in love with and what Vince wants, he will get. Why would WWE sign Styles when they have proved time and time again they aren't going to revive the cruiser division. Not to mention guys like Mistico and Justin Gabriel are just as talented and have far more upside than Styles.

That's a silly argument either way. You know if Vince wants any of the wrestlers on the TNA roster he can have them in a second. His pockets are just to deep for TNA.
Both can be big stars in TNA. Crimson for example has a Goldberg type of push that could lead him to be a #1 contender to the TNA world title and his move "The Red Sky" is really good. Gunner well he already won the TV-Title ( its not as worthless as people think it is), and is showing that intensity that i love in heel wrestlers. As for his move, well his F5 is as good as Brock Lesnars so thats good.
Zion, that's apples and oranges you clown. Crimson is the type of guy Vince falls in love with and what Vince wants, he will get. Why would WWE sign Styles when they have proved time and time again they aren't going to revive the cruiser division. Not to mention guys like Mistico and Justin Gabriel are just as talented and have far more upside than Styles.

That's a silly argument either way. You know if Vince wants any of the wrestlers on the TNA roster he can have them in a second. His pockets are just to deep for TNA.

Everything about this post reeks of idiocy.

First... to compare AJ's size to Mistico's shows you know NOTHING. And, to state that Justin Gabriel has more talent and upside shows you're either a child with no understanding of the sport, or were dropped on your head as a baby.

Vince doesn't "swoop in and steal" AJ because he doesn't have the desire to take a guy seen as another company's poster boy and make him a focal point of his product(which he would have to do considering what he would be paying him to get him away for TNA).

This assessment that Vince's pockets are to deep just doesn't fly for two reasons. One: Vince will not overpay just to steal someone else's wrestlers. and Two: Dixie's financial backing is her parents. Her father has alot more money than Vince Mcmahon ever had(even before the XFL), if they wanted to keep a wrestler bad enough in a bidding war, the resources exist to allow them to do so.

Now back to these AJ comparisons... You are very dense to think AJ's only place would be in a cruiserweight set-up. From a size standpoint he compares favorably to many former WWE/World champs; Benoit, Guerrero, HBK, Punk, Ziggler, Jericho to name a few.

He may not compare to guys like HBK, Punk and Y2J from a charisma/mic-work perspective, but he does compare in the ring. In fact- he compares quite favorably in general to guys like Eddie and Benoit, he's passable but not special on the mic, but he is a once-in-a-generation type of in-ring talent- one of the true greats the industry has given us.

As for Gunner/Crimson, I think this is too early to make a logical call, but my guess would be that Gunner makes a bigger impact overall(no pun intented). Crimson is simply too green right now, while Gunner is a more advanced prospect in his development. Both should have bright futures though, as both have already been getting alot of love from the writers.

I also disagree with the earlier points writing off Gunner as jobber, who is doing clean jobs to comedy-acts. Yes, that happened, but not legitimately- he was duped. That was a way to set-up a storyline, as well as re-legitimize EY to some degree.

In the who is being booked better/made to look stronger game, I could oppose all the pro-Crimson arguments with this simple question: How many times has Crimson hit his finisher on, and cleanly pinned the world champ on national television?? It seems both guys have been targeted by TNA higher-ups as future focal-points.
Comparing two cruiser weights is idiotic? I guess I'm just a kid like you said then?

R Truth and Christain are both former TNA stars that are in the world title picture on their respective brand. For you to say Vince doesn't push ex TNA stars is idiotic.
And yes Justin Gabriel has FAR more potential than AJ Styles. Look at there ages you donkey. That's just simple math, drink it up.

Yes Dixie Carters father has more money than Vince but would he reach into those deep pockets to throw more money at the fire that is Impact Wrestling? Doubtful. WWE is a wrestling enterprise, TNA is a wrestling promotion and nothing more. WWE has a lot more going besides just the actual wrestling.

And your stupid to compare Styles to Beniot and Eddie. If he is that talented of the ring the guy would already be employed by the WWE. Your basically saying Vince is a poor judge of talent which is the farthest thing from the truth.

Bottom line is what TNA wrestler wouldn't wanna jump to WWE besides Sting and Samoa Joe? Its all business.
Since we are just comparing random terrible TNA mid carders, how bout Cody Deaner and Suicide, who's better? This must be debated.
Comparing two cruiser weights is idiotic? I guess I'm just a kid like you said then?

R Truth and Christain are both former TNA stars that are in the world title picture on their respective brand. For you to say Vince doesn't push ex TNA stars is idiotic.
And yes Justin Gabriel has FAR more potential than AJ Styles. Look at there ages you donkey. That's just simple math, drink it up.

Yes Dixie Carters father has more money than Vince but would he reach into those deep pockets to throw more money at the fire that is Impact Wrestling? Doubtful. WWE is a wrestling enterprise, TNA is a wrestling promotion and nothing more. WWE has a lot more going besides just the actual wrestling.

And your stupid to compare Styles to Beniot and Eddie. If he is that talented of the ring the guy would already be employed by the WWE. Your basically saying Vince is a poor judge of talent which is the farthest thing from the truth.

Bottom line is what TNA wrestler wouldn't wanna jump to WWE besides Sting and Samoa Joe? Its all business.

Wow, dude. Just wow.

Two cruiserweights? maybe. But one guy is 5'6'' 170lbs, the other is 5'11'' 220lbs. Call it what you will, but that's fifty pounds.

As for AJ, your brilliantly drawn conclusion that he must not be too great simply because he hasn't become a "WWE Superstar" just doesn't make sense.
AJ is the same age now that Eddie and Benoit were when they went to the WWE for the first time, are you saying they weren't great before that signing?? Hell, Malenko was forty when he first wrestled in the WWE. Are you saying that Malenko wasn't great? Flair was over forty. Sting has never wrestled for Vince Mcmahon.

The fact is that when AJ was signed to WCW he was a 23 year old smallish high-flyer with upside. After the buy-out Vince's huge roster didn't give him room for a bunch of young, still somewhat green talent, so alot of talented young guys slipped through the cracks. AJ was one of them. In the mean time he got his chance to make his name in NWA, ROH and even moreso eventually with TNA. He was with them from the beginning, and the longer it went, the more loyal he became. He was the company's true "homegrown" face. The company went to national television with AJ Styles as a focal-point, and he has maintained that spot. TNA made AJ Styles a star. He is their posterboy. AJ hasn't bolted for the WWE because he loves the company he works for.

I would also wager he makes a nice living. One considerably more comfortable than the average WWE lower-mid carder, who is also working a much more demanding, and hectic schedule. For Vince to try and steal AJ away, he'd likely have to pay him like an established star. I think Vince realizes the smartest thing for them to do now is do a better job of building some of their own young stars as well as TNA has built AJ.
For Vince to just actively go out and pursue AJ Styles it would be seen as aknowlegdment of TNA's product, by going and stealing their best asset. I think Vince would rather act as if TNA doesn't exist, as if they don't even register in his mind.

As for the AJ/Gabriel comarisons again... what are you talking about?? Gabriel is only 3 years younger than AJ. At the age of 30 AJ was lightyears ahead of where Gabriel is now. He was a multiple time world champion, and the face of a national wrestling company. I will agree that Justin Gabriel is talented and fun to watch,but he'll never be AJ Styles. Definitley not in three years, and realistcally not ever.
The fact that you can compare the two makes me think that you know very little about AJ Styles, and have not witnessed the majority of his career. You shouldn't let your ignorance cloud how truly talented AJ is.

And finally don't get me started on Christian Cage and Ron Killings. Vince has held a grudge against them the whole time they've been back. Ron was buried and forced to "YeahSaBoss" all over the stage until recently(when he has been brilliant BTW, the best thing on WWE TV right now); and Christian got a five minute title reign, Yoo-hoo. The only reason he got that is because Vince wanted to give Edge a big moment at the PPV. The guy is every bit Edge's equal both on the stick and in the ring, yet Vince is completely unwilling to buy him as the champ of the B-brand?? I call Bullshit. Vince still holds it against him.
Ron Killings made his living in NWA/TNA and is in the middle of one off the best main event pushes in recent WWE history. I guess I wouldn't call that holding a grudge. And it is obvious to me that you don't watch the WWE's "B" show on a regular basis. It has been far more entertaining than Raw the past few weeks (besides this weeks All Star Show).

And yes I know Gabriel is three years younger than Styles but add in the 10,000 stupid ass high spots he has taken in his years at TNA, I'd say that take five to seven years off the guys career.

You have to realize that Vince can have anyone (besides Sting) in TNA he wants. All it takes is buckets of money. And I guarantee Vince would over pay for TNA guys if it meant TNA would die for good.
ok so back on topic here. tonight gunner came out to interrupt the initial segment with mr anderson. The first thing i noticed is that his music just doesn't do it. Think of the way the Rock or Stone Cold's music or even the likes of Edge just had that initial impact and people were on their feet. That's beyond his control of course, but something TNA needs to work on. Beyond that though, he looked a little tense and nervous but still delivered a solid promo. He matched the mic skills of anderson. Something about the tone of his voice and intensity make him believable. I also think that they're just letting him be himself to some extent. No real gimmick. He's crazy and intense they're letting him roll with it. When people are allowed to be themselves they really get a chance to shine.
Well, both guys are going to be big. Crimson has the streak going for him, to the point that people are comparing him to Goldberg (way too soon in my opinion). As for Gunner, well he looks pretty intense (maybe because he was a former solder during the Iraqi war). Another thing going for Gunner, is that he beat two world champions in the span of two weeks and thats impressive.
"Sorry about your damn luck!!!" - James Storm
Both seem pretty comfortable with their positions right now. There not being asked to do anything goofy and it seems to me they're being asked to play an extension of themselves on TV rather than some over the top nonsense character.

Gunner is a little further advanced than Crimson.

But hey both have something. Lets just hope TNA realises what they have.

Crimson is being built as a guy whose "undefeated." The thing is, he isn't believeble. He's a big guy, but he doesn't have a great physique. Some people make an incorrect comparison to Goldberg, he isn't Goldberg and he isn't being built like Goldberg. Crimson hasn't the look of Bill, his intensity or just his presence.

Gunner has actual in-ring talent. He appeared at ROH's The Big Bang PPV and if you watched him at it you'd know hes not just the average big guy. He has actual skill in the ring, he showed that he's capabale on the microphone last night, he has more intensity than Crimson and he's also being pushed harder than Crimson. Where as Crimson is undefeated, Gunner has beaten the TNA World Heavyweight Champion twice in two weeks.

Gunner to me has more potential and looks the part than Crimson. He looks like someone who over time will actually become a guy fans can call their World Heavyweight Champion. Personally it's Gunner to me whose got what it takes to be "bigger" and not Crimson.
Crimson is undefeated so far..
And Gunner has beaten former World Champion Sting and the new World Champion, Mr. Anderson. 2 weeks in a row.

I can see Gunner has World Champion one day. Crimson..? Maybe, I see him more as a
TV Champion.
I'm on Gunner being 'bigger' then Crimson.
Gunner - Held the NWA World Heavyweight Title nearly 2 years, also longer than anyone else in history.

Crimson - Nothing but a undefeated gimmick.

I'm going with Gummer, and so is TNA as seen by his recent push.
Harley Race, Terry Funk, Ric Flair, Jack Brisco, Dory Funk Jr. all held the NWA World title longer than 2 years. I can keep going because there are plenty of other guys who had it for longer than 2 years.

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