Who do you "secretly" miss?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Simple question really, who from WWE that has left do you miss but sort of don't want to admit it? These are my 3 picks that I must admit I used to enjoy watching.

Deuce and Domino - starting off with the most random pick. I just loved everything about this concept. The theme was amazing, the entrance was interesting and the wrestlers were actually very talented. And cherry, she was simply the icing on the cake. Won't go down as greats but always entertained me even if I'm embarrassed to admit it.

Candice Michelle - awkwardly my favourite diva for the past 10 years. When she won the title at Night of Champions I was so pleased. Her gimmick was so bitchy when a heel she really got fans to dislike her. So sexy both in and out of the ring it's a shame she isn't still around.

Tensai - if this was handled properly, it could have actually worked. When he debuted despite the crowd deciding to basically ruin it with their pathetic chanting. A monster heel, I loved his little manager too, can't remember his name and can't be bothered to search it. When he beat Cena in London I really thought it was going to be a turning point for his character. Had someone else debuted as Tensai I think it would have been a tremendous gimmick that would mirror that of Khali when he debuted despite his lack of talent.
Brodus Clay is the first guy that jumped to my mind. He had SUCH a good look to be a monster heel, I mean he WAS the prototypical monster heel, from the tattoos to the stature to the hair. He showed, through his Funkasauras gimmick, that he could be funny and endearing as well. He wasn't great in the ring, but for a guy his size, he had decent mobility and talent. But they didn't really give him a chance to do anything. They stuck him in that comedy role and left him there for some reason.

I remember seeing him for the first time and just going, wow. I legitimately thought there was a lot of potential there but I guess I'll never know now.
Deuce and Domino - starting off with the most random pick. I just loved everything about this concept. The theme was amazing, the entrance was interesting and the wrestlers were actually very talented. And cherry, she was simply the icing on the cake. Won't go down as greats but always entertained me even if I'm embarrassed to admit it.

I'm with you on that. They were the ginchiest!:p Like, wow, Daddy-o!

I felt both guys were surprisingly good workers in the ring and played their gimmick to the hilt. If there was a problem, it was that the tag-team match they were in was sometimes overshadowed by the 'greaser' gimmick and perhaps WWE management felt these guys would never be able to get beyond that.

That WWE kept Cherry for a while after Deuce & Domino were gone was a nice gesture, but once they made her a wrestler, her WWE days were numbered.

Or, maybe the powers-that-be intended for their employment to be of short duration, in any case.......so, after the 50's stuff played out, it was:

See ya later, alligator!
Simon the Fitness Guy. I can't remember his name exactly but I thought his act and gimmick could have went even further given the right story and whatnot.
The Brian Kendrick. I love a villain with a massive ego. And I thought it was hilarious he renamed his Slice of Bread No. 2 to The Kendrick. That jacket was quite loud too.
The Brian Kendrick. I love a villain with a massive ego. And I thought it was hilarious he renamed his Slice of Bread No. 2 to The Kendrick. That jacket was quite loud too.

Same for me. I was legit pumped when he was WWE champion for about 2 minutes during that championship scramble match.
Jimmy Wang Yang. Gimmick was so corny, but I loved it. Yang could wrestle, but never really had a serious feud.

Trevor Murdoch. Seemed like he was getting over in a big way from his singing, but was cut soon after. Broke the mold of what WWE usually likes.
I miss the days of getting people to tear up by winding them up and such. I did this all the time a few years ago...these days I prefer a much needed pizza.
Ernest Miller - enjoyed him in WCW and thought he would've been amusing in an on-air authority role similar to the one he had in WCW.
Buff Bagwell - He was pretty much at the height of his career when WWE let him go, just because they didnt want more WCW guys in the ME scene, and didnt want to pay his contract to midcard.
Scott Steiner - Batshit crazy, loved every second of him in WWE
Victoria - She was my 2nd favorite Diva behind Beth Phoenix, and I always thought she was a very good anti-diva, although I enjoyed her Tara TNA run, I missed her persona in WWE
The Brian Kendrick. I love a villain with a massive ego. And I thought it was hilarious he renamed his Slice of Bread No. 2 to The Kendrick. That jacket was quite loud too.

Same. I liked his Zen master gimmick in TNA but it just wasn't as good.

Also John Morrison. The shades, the coat, the egotistical gimmick (Friday night delight, slow mo pose, painting his abs silver) I would have loved for him to go full egotistical and proper start acting like Jim Morrison from The Doors.
Beth Phoenix, was always impressed with her in the ring and was surprised when she left.

Santino Marella, as ridiculous as he was, he cracked me up no end. Will always enjoy his feud with Sheamus.

Although not one I'd shy away from saying I'd be happy to see back, John Morrison, he may have been a bit bland on the mic but he looked the part and was great in the ring.
I definitely agree on A lot of these...especially Bagwell...but I'll proudly admit that. To stick with the theme I'll go with Boogie Man. He was a little over the top but i enjoyed him. A runner up I'll go with 3mb
Can't think of any really, except for THE Brian Kendrick. I find myself in total concord with spidey, since it's been quite a few times since 2008 when I thought they could've really made a star out of him. Those were the days when I watched SD regularly and Kendrick's schtick was supremely amusing to watch.

I can't, in the name of Sweet Jesus, conceive how anyone can miss Deuce N' Domino.
for me it has to be Deuce and Domino. they were an awesome Tag Team, who had an unusual, but believable gimmick (50s guys) and i liked how JBL would constantly make fun of them. i felt that they could've helped the Tag Team division, but sadly (at the time) WWE wasnt interested in fixing the tag team division.
The Hurricane- loved his backstage segments (especially with The Rock). In ring work was pretty awesome, and was legit awesome

Santino - Comedy segments haven't been the same since he left

Too Cool - Scotty too Hotty and Brian Christopher were amazing for what they were , a cruiserweight tag team with a fun gimmick. Add Rikishi dancing and shaking his ass and you got comedic gold.

By looking at my list, I realize that WWE needs more comedy. The New Day is great, I love Bo Dallas, but there aren't enough backstage comedic skits any more
I thought Duece & Domino could have been a major face tag team oh well.

John Morrison

Alex Riley, Another guy they had to the cusp then.. nothing.

Shelton Benjamin without saying..

Shawn Michaels. I know he retired on his own terms, but miss the hell out of him.
I also secretly miss Gene Snitzky. There was nothing wrong with this large , brawling character. The way he was booked in the end wasn't his fault. He had a brief run in WWE 's version of ECW where he was an unbeatable ogre beast. Then he went to Raw and had to lose every match there until he was gone.

Snitzsky notable moments.

1- Defeated Kane in his first high profile match after bumping Kane into Lita causing her to miscarry her baby resulting in his catch phrase - It wasn't my fault -

2- Brought a baby to the ring in a blanket, then punted it into the fifteenth row. Big lol moment .

3- His unbeatable WWE ECW run.

4 - Holds the distinction IMO of having the best Royal Rumble elimination ever. London was on the apron running, Snitzsky plowed him with a clothesline and London did a backflip to the outside floor getting eliminated.

5 - The time Wrestlemania went Hollywood and they ran the - Are you talkin ta me ? - Segments, Snitzskys was hilarious.
Kevin Thorne and Ariel- I wish Gangrel could have joined them. Too bad he was too fat around that time.

Santino- I know he was a comedy jobber, but he was legit funny. Just a natually entertaining guy, I miss him even more now that nothing feels organic anymore.

The Dicks, I'm kidding. I would have to go with The Hurricane and Rosey. I can just imagine the contrast Rosey would have with his brother Roman Reigns.
CM Punk-Do i have to say why?
Aj Lee-to shut these divas up
Shelton B.- should of been a world champ
MVP-str8 ballin
and kinda 3mb (no hornsawggle)
La Resistance - I can't tell you why because they were pretty awful. The anti-American gimmick had been done to death even by 2003. It could be because I loved the music. Over the top and stereotypical but a proper heel tag-team.

Steven Richards - I thought the Right the Censor was one of the greatest heel groups of all time. I loved the gimmick. Richards managed to stay in the WWE for 8 years and was only ever treated as a jobber, but he was fantastic when he lead RtC.
Steven Richards- Awesome.

Rico- Should be Darren Youngs Manager.

HeidenReich- Want to see him do something to Micheal Cole Again LOL

Mordecai- So much potential.

Mohammed Hassan- Best heel ever.
CM Punk- I liked him alot....
Chris Benoit- I loved his matches....
Shelton Benjamin- He was just Awesome ....
Kaitlyn- My favorite diva of past....
Jeff Hardy- I loved him....
Goldberg- Amazing ....
Lashley- Awesome
Teddy Long- Yeah....
So many! :rolleyes:

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