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Who do you find boring?


Occasional Pre-Show
A lot of hate has been put on several stars over the past years for what they do in the ring or with the microphone, however in the past 6 months, WWE has really mixed it up and pushed some new performers to the top. (ie. Bryan, The Shield, The Wyatts, Big E Langston, Rhodes Brothers, The Usos...).

Before all this, the most hated of course was Cena. To me, I believe they have toned him down as he no longer needs to carry the roster on his back as there are some genuine stars rising through the ranks. I'm quite interested to see who everyone is not enjoying so much anymore, as I know myself my opinions have changed.

For me, number 1 is the international wrestlers. Mysterio, Sin Cara, Khali & Del Rio. For me it is always an instant fast forward when these guys are performing.

Mysterio - Performs the same moves in every single match and somehow almost always seems to win when the odds are stacked against him. Rarely cuts a promo.

Sin Cara - Stupid lights made me hate this character, and he is basically just a slightly different version of Mysterio. The last match was sloppy as hell, with several botched moves and a very slow pace as Hunico is now playing this character.

Khali - Do I even need to comment. This guy needs to get off TV.

Del Rio - Del Rio used to be entertaining, but his whole gimmick has become stale and boring - ever since his Heel to Face to Heel turns. Either give him a new gimmick, or give him his cars and money back so he can flash it around like he was doing 2 years ago. I for one, enjoyed some of his old promos, but it seems his barely given any mic time these days.
I am going to say John Cena. I know people might think it's the cool thing to do to bash Cena and I don't do it for that reason. Like many I respect Cena the person and his dedication to the business. What bore's me however is Cena the character.

I think people mentioned it before, especially me, Cena is a talented star but he comes off as someone that would be your grandfather's or father's hero. Clean cut, unstopable, no conflict, no flaws, etc. now stuff like this might have been popular during Hogan's time but it's 2014 and I would think the characters would have a certain edge to them.

The other problem Cena has been doing the same promos and has the same unbeatable character for 9 years. Think about it Cena has now officially been the #1 guy longer than Hogan has (1984 to early 1992) and Hogan was a lot more popular than Cena ever was, and even fans started to turn on Hogan eventually. Cena, who gets a mixed crowd reaction to begin with, has been on top for so long people are starting to get sick of him, I think his World Title match at the Rumble proves that. People weren't boo'ing Cena anymore they were boo'ing the entire angle he was part of.
Alberto Del Rio - The most boring superstar on the roster. It amazes me how WWE continues to push him when he barely knows any English. He can wrestle, I'll give him that, but beyond that aspect, Del Rio isn't much. Not to mention he's been calling people "peasants" and saying Wrestlemania is his "destiny" for like 3 years now.


- Dolph Ziggler (entertainment aspect, not wrestling aspect)
- Curtis Axel (entertainment aspect, not wrestling aspect)
Randy Orton... No idea why he is back in the spot he is in again, haven't gotten excited about one of his matches since he RKO'd Stephanie..

Mark Henry... I don't get it with him, nothing about him is interesting to me.

R-Truth... I can't even believe he is on WWE TV these days
Wow. Where to begin.

Mysterio - He used to be an atraction but it's old and he sounds like a kid. He's so corny.

80% of the Divas - Self explanatory.

Orton - Bad promos, but I will say he's trying to get better.

Cena - He's just stale and every promo is the same.

Sheamus - I want to like him, I really do, but there's just something about him...
Daniel Bryan. Yes I said it and I don't care about what you people say its my opinion everyone has got their own. The guy bores me to death and not only does he bore me he annoys the hell out of me with his annoying "YES" chant. He is really good when it comes to wrestling in the ring I respect that about him but that's the only thing he's got. When it comes to entertainment, he is way overrated. Its really the same thing every time he comes out and has a mic in his hand asks 3 stupid questions and answers all with "YES" and the fans just go with it because they can chant whatever they want. If I had the choice to choose a promo between Randy Orton, and Daniel Bryan I would choose Randy Orton only because its so bad its really funny but I am not at all impressed with Daniel Bryan and I do not care if he's not in the main event at wrestlemania, hell I couldn't care less if he wasn't even on the card.

Who else I find boring is Khali I agree with marshy his matches are god awful and it really pains to see him on t.v over guys like Curt Hawkins, Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, etc.

Del Rio is a really boring one as well same shit all the time but I actually found him quite interesting as a babyface..

Big E Langston- who does not think hes boring?

99% of the Divas - Total Divas have their own horrible show, is it not bad enough to have them on RAW taking up more tv time for others to have? Whatever I don't care about the divas

Others: Mysterio, Sin Cara, Sheamus
On the current roster, there's more on TV that bores me than not. I can't remember another time since I've started watching wrestling (early 90's) that I've found the roster to be so devoid of talent as the last few years. With one exception, I'm not going to bother with the NXT roster, because I don't judge wrestlers who are still in developmental.

Big E Langston - He's an abominable wrestler, he can't talk to save his life, and he's a black hole of charisma. He's like all the weakest aspects of Bobby Lashley and Ahmed Johnson combined, without any of their positive ones. He may be the least talented "Superstar" I've seen since Chainz.

The Wyatt Family - I don't give a crap how much the people on this site jack off to this group. I have not seen ONE thing about these guys that tells me they have any potential. All three of them are terrible in the ring, and the "leader" of the group is the worst of the three, which shouldn't even be possible considering that he's a second-generation wrestler. It's almost like Wyatt was deliberately trained wrong as a joke. Their promos could cure insomnia overnight. I don't see one ounce of charisma or in-ring talent between the three of them. The fact that they lasted more than a month on the main roster is completely inexplicable to me. Mordecai was more interesting than these three combined.

Los Matadores - Primo & Epico are good wrestlers and have natural talent that most on the roster do not. So of course WWE saddles them with this absurd gimmick, rather than allow them to shine as themselves. There are VERY few comedy acts that work in wrestling. This is not one of those few.

Bo Dallas - Maybe Mike Rotunda's semen is defective, because he can't seem to produce an offspring that has any sort of talent. Dallas' push on the main roster was so brief it can be measured in nanoseconds, and with good reason. Dallas doesn't have the look, the charisma, or the in-ring ability to succeed, at least not without several more years in developmental under his belt. But that won't change the fact that he resembles the unholy love child of PeeWee Herman and Edward Scissorhands.

Zeb Colter - Dutch Mantel was a good manager. Zeb Colter is not. A good manager enhances the talent they work with. Colter takes the spotlight off the talent he manages and puts it on himself, which is the opposite of what his purpose should be.

Brock Lesnar - The greatest legends of WWE can come back part-time for a few matches a year and get paid big bucks. I don't have a problem with that. I do have a problem with Brock Lesnar doing it. Lesnar was a top guy in WWE from 2002-2004 and might have become one of their biggest all-time stars, but he left WWE in the midst of a massive push and bad-mouthed the company for years. In 2012 he comes back and is handed millions of dollars to work 3 or 4 matches a year, and to me that's ridiculous. He never did anything that should make him worthy of that level of treatment. Brock Lesnar's name will not make me any more likely to purchase a PPV. The Rock? Sure. Chris Jericho? Definitely. Rob Van Dam? Maybe. Brock Lesnar? Yawn. Brock Lesnar doesn't deserve a tenth of the money he gets.

Ryback - I don't have a problem with him being a midcard heel, but Ryback as a top babyface and main event Superstar was absurd and laughable. I still enjoy laughing at all the gullible idiots who predicted that Ryback would be a massive success. If you're one of them, god almighty are you stupid.

Batista - Everything I put about Lesnar also applies to Batista, but not to as great of an extent. He doesn't deserve the push or money he's getting, but he's more worthy of it than Lesnar at least.

Roman Reigns - I'm a big fan of the guy and I've said since day one that he's the breakout star of The Shield. But he's being pushed WAY too hard, WAY too fast. Breaking Kane's record and becoming the runner-up in the Royal Rumble is something they shouldn't have had Reigns do for at least 2 more years. If Reigns continues to be over-pushed this hard, he'll flop. You make top stars through a slow and steady build. Rocketing them to the top doesn't work in the long run. It's a short-term fix, and WWE needs to build long-term stars.

There are others that bore me, like Khali and Mysterio, but those are my biggest pet peeves on the roster.
Alberto Del Rio- he is just missing a connection with the audience, in my opinion. Can not stand his promos.

Daniel Bryan- give me all the hate you want but it's my opinion. Great in the ring, but that can only take you so far. He is not entertaining and a crowd chant doesn't cut it for me. A lot of his fans have probably been a turn off for me as well, but i find the guy boring.

Sheamus- I like him as a heel, but when he is a face it is just plain boring!
Sheamus- I like him as a heel, but when he is a face it is just plain boring!

I have often argued that Sheamus would make a great face if he was no nonsense guy like Goldberg was. Problem is WWE tends to make faces kid friendly so instead of the intense and hard hitting and Physical Sheamus we get a somewhat jolly and pandering to the crowd Sheamus.

Instead of looking like a Basa$$ face as he could be he just comes off as corny.
Oh man where do I start?

Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, John Cena, The Miz, Fandango, Kofi Kingston, Curtis Axel, Jack Swagger, the entire Raw announce team, Christian (I even like the guy and he just returned at Smackdown, but I still couldn't care to watch), Batista, Big E Langston, R Truth, Xavier Woods, Sin Cara, Randy Orton (love the guy and was so pumped when he won MITB but he's been a let down for me especially on the mic).

Now hear this, there is absolutely no one that bores and annoys me more than the Big Show. My gosh man, I can not stand when his music hits and he comes waltzing out wearing some type of skull cap or a picture of a bear on a t shirt. That new year's baby promo dancing in a diaper?! But then i'm supposed to take him seriously in a feud with Brock Lesnar. Give me a break. I'm glad Lesnar cracked a few steel chairs over the back of that greasy giant. In all honesty, I would rather watch a Great Khali singing segment. At least he's mildly entertaining at times. The best thing the Big Show could do for me is deliver one of those knock out punches to my head before he passes through the curtain.
Theres alot so Ill narrow it down

Cena, batista- as said above they has nothing to new to offer, on the odd occasion they will say something interesting but rarely matches are meh again except on the odd occasion

Orton/del rio types while im in favor of seeing some stronger heels who arent little bitches, They're booked to never loose so it takes the suspense out of the match and then they're good but not that good in the ring. A guy like lesnar is also predictable but he's usual in and out alot quicker and is just high impact.

Guys like christian/dolph/sheamus are good but for some reason right now I haven't found any that enthralling.

The writing staff, maybe its reasons outside their control ether way the stories are generally vague and meh.

also kofi, fandangoo, every diva except AJ/tamina , truth/woods, brodus, ptp, and basically the majority of mid/low card are just plain dull
I find none of them boring. To get to the top of their profession, all of 'em have their own ring styles and once you've seen a wrestler perform a few times, you can probably tell who is in the ring even if his face is covered by a mask. Even the eternal jobbers have stuff all their own.....and it's only the choreography of the match (and the pecking order on the roster) that keeps them from showing what they can really do.

When a match is arranged as a total squash (ex., the early Ryback beating the snot out of two tomato cans) I can become bored......but that's due to the circumstances dictated for the contest, not the wrestlers themselves.

What these guys and gals do every night amazes me and I suppose one has to try it to see how difficult it really is.

None of them bore me.
Curtis Axel. I respect his in-ring ability, but he has no sort of 'it' factor for me. Pretty poor on the mic, oversells his facial expressions as a heel to the point it's obvious he's trying too hard. I find it genuinely awkward to watch when he's getting himself all pumped in the ring and the crowd are literally silent.

Along with others here, I'm pretty tired of Rey Mysterio now. Not to say I dislike him, not at all. But it's clear he's much more limited in what he can do now, and his moveset is now the most predictable on the entire roster, aside from Khali and his arm chop (yeah, he's on my list too).

3MB as a collective. I know they haven't even been on TV in a little while, but jobbers are jobbers. We know they're going to get their asses kicked, lets just get it over and done with if we really have to watch them.
It wouldn't be unfair to say that at least half the roster are boring. What they are pushing at the moment, on the whole, is mind numbing. Problem is, we'll all keep watching and therefore they'll continue to churn out the same old shit!
ADR hands down. I just don't see the appeal. I get that he's a "great technical wrestler" but this isn't greco-roman style wrestling. Its the WWE, a sports entertainment company with events and storylines. Everything about him just screams boring from his haircut to his gimmick (or lack there of)
I find HHH to be the most boring performer i've ever had the displeasure of being force fed. His matches are only O.K. and he is death on the mic. I haven't watched WWE in years because I can't stand looking at or especially hearing him and his talentless wife drone and screech on and on about whatever they're supposed to be "entertaining" us with. HHH = jobber in a world where he isn't married to princess McMahon.
Randy Orton. He had a great career and had some great moments, but recently, he bores the hell out of me. I thought he was stale as a face but even when he turned heel, he still bored me, even he sounds bored.

Also, Del Rio. He can be a great in ring performer, he has a good gimmick but as a character, meh. Every time he is on the mic is fast forward time for me. Sheamus' promo in the last 2 years were also very boring to me despite very good in ring performances.

Cena bores me a lot but to be fair, sometimes he can really bring it.
Who do i find boring hmm good question

number 1 on my list is wade barrett- he is the most boring person on the wwe roster, he is boring in the ring and gets no crowd reaction and you know someone is boring when the diva matches get more of a reaction than you. wwe should just fire him because he is the worst (yes i am from england and i do not care)

i really do not know who next so i will list some wrestlers
xavier woods
Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, Alberto Del Rio, and Big Show. It's not that they bore me as much they give me no reason to care for them. Throughout their career at WWE, they have been just there. Maybe they rise to the occasion here and there, but eventually they prove everybody right that they cannot maintain long term success at the top.

Roman Reigns - I'm a big fan of the guy and I've said since day one that he's the breakout star of The Shield. But he's being pushed WAY too hard, WAY too fast. Breaking Kane's record and becoming the runner-up in the Royal Rumble is something they shouldn't have had Reigns do for at least 2 more years. If Reigns continues to be over-pushed this hard, he'll flop. You make top stars through a slow and steady build. Rocketing them to the top doesn't work in the long run. It's a short-term fix, and WWE needs to build long-term stars.

I didn't realize there was only one boring way to build a superstar. You should be on creative.
Curtis Axel - He's not a bad wrestler, his "better than perfect" character however is very boring.

AJ Lee - Hasn't done shit since 2012 besides skip to the ring and hide behind people like Big E Langston and Tamina... Booooring! :zzzz:
For a Champion i would expect more...

Dolph Ziggler - Perhaps one of the most boring WWE Superstars I've ever seen.. He doesn't know how to be entertaining, his promos are boring. He can wrestle, if he can be more entertaining he would be a great talent.

I would also say Zack Ryder, but he's not on TV enough to bore me anymore. :)
In-ring, The Miz is really boring. Don't usually mind him on the mic, though. I've also found Christian boring in the ring since his big push ended a couple of years ago (when he's competed, anyway).

On the mic, Alberto Del Rio is pretty boring as he tends to say the same things. I still sometimes get a kick out of him calling people perros, but he's really a one-trick pony there.

Batista has been pretty boring since his return as well. Too bad, because he was doing his best work before he left WWE years ago.
I didn't realize there was only one boring way to build a superstar. You should be on creative.

I think it has to do more with Reigns being pushed too hard. We all know WWE sees a lot in him but at this point he isn't ready yet and it seems the push he is getting right now seems to be more manufactured than a natural progression.
I'll second Dan Boring Bryan. I've said before many times. He is this generation's Dean Malenko with a Hacksaw Jim Duggan look. Sure he might be able to put on a match. But the idiot fans only care about catchphrases like Yes. I have to ask this too. What's so different between Bryan, and Eric Young? Both are small. Both have horrid beards. Both have that mental man child type gimmick. Only difference is that Eric Young doesn't kneed a stupid Yes chant to be over. He actually gets one of the bigger pops on Impact.

As long as you have a stupid catchphrase, you can be a main eventer in The E. Hell, Bastista can just do a thumbs down while making a fart noise, and I'm sure all the stupid fans would eat that up as well. Then you'd be seeing all the news sites clamoring for Batistat to be holding the belt.
Daniel Bryan is just like Cena. He does the same 6 moves. He apparently knows over 100 submissions. I only see him do like 3. He just softly roundhouse kicks his opponents over and over then hesitates and hits him again. I've seen him run to the corner and do a backflip over his opponent 10000000 times. Why doesn't any wrestler know that is what he's gonna do. They all fall for it. I get it's scripted but they don't even try any more to make it seem realistic or actually competitive. They just have DB wrestle the same match over and over and over. So boring. he's like a poor mans chris benoit. He does half of his damn moves. The yes movement is a testament to how much people are like sheep. And the cm punk movement is just proof that a lot of wrestling fans grew up to be poser hipsters. There is nothing entertaining about cm punk in the ring. Like Bryan its just a lot of running high knees and crappy rough looking technical work. He is awesome on the mic, but a shitty wrestler. If he wasn't all tatted to shit, Id say he could be an actor. His finisher has never looked cool. It would be cool if he wasn't so short. I just don't see it as believable. It looks bad and fans of it should feel bad.
- Batista: Boretista, Snoretista, whatever you wanna call him, I could care less. Don't get me wrong, I'm not taking anything away from his original run in the WWE, but even Los Matadores had be slightly intrigued by their hype videos. I can't say the same for Dave's. & with everything that's happened since, I see Batista's return being a complete failure.
- Sheamus: Extremely solid in the ring but awful gimmick, one of the worst babyfaces ever, cuts a terribly bland & generic promo & I can't seem to really care about anything he does outside of the ring. Heel Sheamus was much better but even that got stale fast.
- The Big Show: Over ten years later & the nickname "Big Slow" has never rang so true. I don't mind him as a background player or putting over younger guys but as a focal point of storylines, in main events, etc. he is atrocious. & probably the worst part of it all is that Show is regularly seen crying on live TV when he is actually one of the most gifted comedic actors they have behind Santino.
- Every Diva but AJ Lee: Though Summer Rae is beginning to grow on me & I'm looking forward to what Paige & Emma can offer the main roster.
- The Miz: I really debated putting Miz on here because he has grown on me tremendously since his rather poor WWE Title run but the guy just seems content doing the same ol' schtick, reading off of the same ol' script for each promo & doing whatever lame gig the WWE has signed him up for next. I've never cared much for Miz in general & his gimmick/promos have never done anything for me but he could be used SO much better than he is being used right. He is the definition of boring right now.
- Christian: I've always been a fan of Christian but he hasn't really evolved since his return in 2009 & while he is extremely smooth & graceful in the ring, he is also extremely predictable & most of his matches feel exactly the same.
- The Great Khali: Honestly, who has ever found Khali entertaining?
- Brodus Clay: A one note superstar in the ring & now that he has got the gimmick everyone wanted him to have in the first place he feels more irrelevant than ever.

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