Who do u think can be this generation's rey mysterio?


Dark Match Jobber
As we all know mysterio will retire within next 3 years.So after that wwe will need a high flyer who would be regarded as a under dog and would be loved by the kids.I think it might be evan bourne.Hhe has all the abilities but hasn't been pushed by the wwe.So what r ur thoughts.
i don't think wwe even care about high flayers anymore .. and in WWE i don't see any potential in anybody to became another rey .
But in TNA i think we already have a Rey Mystrio .. in my oponion ... he's Amazing .. he's talented and much more .. Amazing red !
Personaly, there's only one man who is pretty much like Rey-Rey and thats Evan Bourne.
No-one is interested in High-Flyers now WWE is PG, as they cant show there true potential.
As The Main Event said, if WWE could take a leaf from TNA's book and sign wrestlers like Amazing Red, MCMG, or Generation Me... it would have a positive effect on all cruiserweights in the WWE, and get them focused on instead of hanging around with the guest hosts...im just sayin!
Ummm, what the hell does a PG rating have to do with high flying? How does being PG prevent Evan Bourne from doing any of his moves? I am sick of everyone using the PG rating as some kind of excuse. Evan Bourne did his shooting star press on Carlito this week on Raw. If the PG rating is preventing high flying action, then why was this move not banned? the SSP is the ultimate high flyer move. How is he limited by being PG? What moves are banned, exactly?

Stop blaming the PG rating for everything, its annoying, people!
Rey Misterio is really one-of-a-kind. I've always been more of a Psicosis fan myself, but I can't deny what Rey-Rey's done in wrestling. Long story short, Rey Misterio is more iconic and heroic than he is a nifty high-flyer anymore. Amazing Red has zero charisma and is jack without his stupid flippy-dos. Evan Bourne connects well enough with the fans, but I seriously doubt his career's gonna come anywhere close to Misterio's.

Not quite as small and underdog as Misterio, but closest in my opinion is probably Kingston as far as crowd reaction and high-flying stuff goes. It might depend on what Hurricane does with the rest of his career. Or, if you want to look at more global possibilities, Xtreme Tiger in AAA is about where Rey Misterio was fifteen years ago, if there's ever another Lucha Libre Renaissance here in America.
At first glance, you could easily say Evan Bourne. He's young, he's incredibly exciting when it comes to the high-flying aspects of pro wrestling, and he seems to be (at least from what I know) someone who doesn't particularly cause problems or bitch about his spot, so he might be around for quite a while. However, a huge part of Mysterio's popularity comes with his mask as kids (and adults alike) love their superheroes and that costume gives him the appearance of one...and that's something Evan Bourne is severely lacking.

Sure, he's fun to watch, but he's got no persona, nothing that stands him out from the rest outside of the flips and such. If Bourne is ever going to become as popular as Mysterio, he's going to need to develop some sort of identity that fans that click with. Now, I'm not suggesting they randomly slap a mask on Bourne and just be done with it, but something needs to amp up his appeal. The same would go for all the other potential candidates, though most of them I feel have qualities that better suit them for NOT being an ersatz-Rey which will prevent it from happening in the first place. Take Kofi Kingston. In my opinion, he's always shared much more with Booker T than Mysterio. I think we're maybe a year away from seeing Kofi turn heel and become a bit rougher around the edges. Justin Gabriel, too short of a career to tell where he's going, but he's in a similar boat to Evan Bourne though a bit more grounded. We've got the likes of "Hunico" in FCW, so there's some potential for a revisit to the luchador concept, though again, much too early to really see where that goes.

All in all, I don't think we'll really see a definitive "this generation's Rey Mysterio". Everyone tends to put their own spin on things and if they get popular enough to be thought of as on-par with someone like that, they tend to have their own definition. Chris Jericho started off as potentially "the new HBK", but instead, has created the likes of people (including myself) saying "the Miz is the next Chris Jericho" instead.
There was talk a while ago of Low Ki/Senshi/Karval being put in a lucha gimmick to face Mysterio, he has a strong style, but could do well as a masked wrestler if given the chance. Others definitely include the before mentioned Evan Bourne, Kofi... hell I would love to see Amazing Red as a masked wrestler, he suffers from the same thin Rey did in WCW his baby face, I think he'd do well marketed as a lucha, or just starting to wear a mask as Amazing Red.

The I always thought would replace Mysterio was Mistico, not FCW's Hunico who also wrestled as Mistico, the CMLL and NJPW wrestler. I think you could market him easily, have Rey Mysterio bring him in, he was pushing for this at one point. The only problem is as far as I know he doesn't speak English (but why not do a ECW and let him cut promos in his own language). He would also boost the Latino audience for any company i believe he as the biggest box office draw in 2006 or something like that.
I created this thread when I first join Wrestlezone, I think that you really need to pay attention to other poster's post, But any ways I'll still tell you what I think.

The wrestler that I think might replace Rey in the near future is Alberto Banderas (Dos Caras Jr.). Alberto is under a WWE contract and he is wrestling for FCW right now. Alberto Banderas is not cruiserweight material he is more of a heavyweight, But he's fast and a really good high flyer just like Rey. His Lucha-Libre skills are awesome and his mic skills are decent. If This guy continues to put on good work in FCW is could easily see him as Rey Mysterios replacement in the future.
If your going on WWE guys currently with the company that could potentially replace Rey Mysterio as the high flying fan favorite, I would have to say that John Morrison is the obvious choice. He is every bit as talented and high flying as Rey, and he is big enough to fight heavyweights which helps with that "suspended disbelief" issue. The thing about JoMo also, is that he still hasn't begun to show what he can do.

I like Evan Bourne a lot but I couldn't see him taking Mysterio's place. He is spectacular, don't get me wrong. But, he is just lacking. He has his game in the ring down, he is lacks a lot of other stuff though. I also don't know that I'd find very convincing against real heavyweights, I never found Rey very convincing either.
Rey is truly one of a kind I don't think a guy of his size will ever win a world title like he did. There's guys like Bourne who can fly around the ring like Rey, but they wont be as successful as he was. Morrison can do the high flying and could possible be a future world champion, but I wouldn't put him in the same category as Rey.

I also don't see want a PG rating has to do with high flying. Rey is about as PG as you get. He caters to children and gives the smaller kids a role model. If I can be a star at my size so can you type of thing.
I think once Rey has gone, you'll never see a cruiserweight rise above the mid-card in the WWE again.

Vince has never cared about cruiserweights, just like he doesn't care for tag team wrestling. The only difference is that he decided to keep the tag titles as a part of his wrestling organisation. The cruiserweight title was scrapped not long after a piss poor joke of a title reign nearly 3 years ago.

If Rey didn't draw as much as he did with youngsters and sell as many masks as he does, he'd never have been featured anywhere near the level he is. His World title reign was a gimme due to Eddie dying, and it's very difficult to take half of his matches seriously, because he beats superheavyweights who in reality would swat him aside like a mosquito, in a fight.

So i think once Rey has gone, Vince won't even attempt to replace him, and cruiserweights will become an endangered species in the 'E' after that, although you could arguably say that now.

You can argue that Rey's matches are excellent, but that's usually only against guys his own weight category like Punk and Kofi and JoMo, but i wouldn't call those guys cruiserweights, would you? And those same matches are only good due to Rey's aerial manouvres, which no other cruiserweights are ever allowed to even attempt because the booking team are too concerned about the well being of whoever's on the receiving end.

Thanks to idiots like Billy Kidman who try to do springboard SSP's when there's no where near enough room, resulting in nearly severly injuring 3 guys in the middle of a WM match, we don't get high fyling cruiserweights apart from the one's with 20 yrs experience prior to joining the WWE, just like Rey Mysterio.
i don't think that will happen, remember guys it was always eddie and then rey, til this date there has not been a replacement for eddie, just like there will not be a replacement for rey, he is just like everyone has been saying a one of a kind, unique talent
me personaly, i dont think rey mysterio is as good as what he use to be, i think the WWE have tried to redo what he did in WCW before he was unmasked, i do not find him entertaining as a competitor...i also think he was only given the title due to eddie's death..as far as a replacement i dont see any of the stars on today's roster being a replacement, its a well known fact vince likes the bigger guys, mysterio is what like 175 pounds the average weight for a guy, evan bourne is around 183 pounds, they are the only people in wwe besides the diva's who are under 200 pounds. once mysterio finally hangs up his boots they wont be a replacement

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