Who Comes Back After HOF 2017?


Once & Future Wrestlezone Columnist
This year was actually a very strong HOF show all told... and it brought back some faces we'd not seen in some time...all of whom could probably do something in the WWE now.

It's pushing it perhaps for The Rock N Roll Express to come back to the ring, but a role in NXT/working with tag teams to help them backstage seemed like it could work.

Of the others, though - there were at least 4 people, possibly 5 who could realistically be back on TV relatively soon and make it work.

Eric Bischoff - Eric looked good, spoke well and seemed like he could be a dark horse for the new RAW GM... The fans responded well to him and it could be an interesting wrinkle on the previous stint... compared to Steph, Eric could almost be a face GM. I'd give this a 70% chance of happening, arguably his return could also pave the way for Hogan in a while too.

Beth Phoenix - Her role as a mom may prevent much more than a one off... but I can really see Beth being in next years Rumble - perhaps having a moment with Nia Jax and I could certainly see her inducting Nattie whenever she retires. It stuck me during her speech though that almost ANY of the former Diva's in attendance could return. Eve seems likely... and Molly Holly could be an interesting person to bring in for a short stint with Bayley. Perhaps the main person she mentioned who it seemed they could be paving a way back for is Santino... maybe not in the ring... but he could do some good on camera...maybe as a GM, or manager for some new talent.

Jim Cornette - Cornette was "toned down" to what people hoped for, but je was arguably the star of the night... People were captivated when he spoke and he showed he could hold a WWE 2017 crowd just by talking. Of course there's always the chance he'd blow any chance WWE gave him...or would flat out reject it... but with news of JR returning, is it THAT crazy to think that Cornette could return to commentary or perhaps to manage a young tag team? If nothing else, he could certainly help coach talents on the mic much as Dusty did with his promo class. A HOF nod next year for him also seems quite likely.

Teddy Long - You got the sense Teddy felt like this was a try out...and it might be... He could easily replace Foley and it work. I feel Teddy would be good to use on the pre-shows/Talking Smack every now and then - but not so much as a GM.


Both of these guys could and probably will go the "one more match" route... I could see DDP having a great feud with Bray Wyatt and it not be a "step down" for Bray. Both guys have somewhat of a messianic world changer about them and Bray is the sort of worker who would mesh well with the older Dallas. Add in a tag partner each and you have something really viable and interesting. If not Bray then DDP working with the Broken Hardyz in some capacity WHEN (not if) they come in could also be interesting TV.

Kurt seems a lock to return, again though, his speech seemed a little "try hard" and I mean that in a nice way. We got the same as we did in the video from him...perhaps it protected him from talking about the darker things in his past, but it felt a wasted chance. Perhaps they're waiting to mine that during an angle. Again, perhaps Bray could make it work, or more likely Kevin Owens....there's potential for Kurt's dark side to be the Punk/Hardy or Jericho/Punk for next year. Youl could imagine Owens being "disgusted" by Kurt's return, that his son has "this guy" as a role model etc...

On a final note, just wanted to say how the hell is Rude's son NOT a wrestler. The guy looks and talked better than 90% of the guys on the roster (although I had no idea Rude's daughter was Lindsay Lohan lol) and I wouldn't be shocked if someone backstage was tapping him up for NXT last night...

Who would you most like to see back?
Kurt Angle wrestling in the WWE again is something we would all love to see, and whoever it is with, it will be fantastic I am sure. There are so many guys with so many opportunities there. I doubt Kurt will have that many, but he has all but confirmed discussions are under way about SOMETHING. I will be shocked if he isn't the new general manager, for the better or worse.

You make an interesting suggestion with Diamond Dallas Page and Bray Wyatt too. I think I would be invested. In all honesty though, I don't think I crave that much for all of these guys to have "one more match". Sure, I'd love to see Angle in the ring again, etc. Even guys like Austin. But I will be definitely satisfied so long as some of these guys stick around in some sort of capacity. The Rock 'n' Roll Express could teach a whole lot about tag team wrestling AND something about charisma too, those guys have still got it.

On a side note, I absolutely loved the Hall of Fame class last night. They were all absolutely fantastic. Probably my favourite ceremony yet to be honest.
Kurt Angle is probably the only one that I see having some sort of role in WWE. I think there's a chance he could wrestle once or twice, but don't expect anything approaching even a part time deal as he'll be a major attraction.

I doubt Beth Phoenix will be back in WWE. Her oldest daughter is only around 4.5 and her youngest is just about 10 months old. Besides, if I'm not mistaken, she's also either trying to get or is in the process of getting her college degree so it looks like she has a pretty full life.

Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson are 60 and 58 years old respectively, so I could see them being used as producers or talent scouts for NXT.

Diamond Dallas Page seems to be more than content with his place in wrestling and where his life is. You could really tell being inducted into the HOF meant a lot to him and while I was never a HUGE fan of him as a wrestler, he's someone that I've come to like and respect as a human being. I doubt he'll ever wrestle again and while being 60 years old might be the deciding factor in that, Page is probably healthier and in better shape than 75% of the roster due to his yoga regimen.
DDP might come back for a special legends thing, or maybe a similar angle to the one they did with Heath Slater in 2012.

I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Teddy Long and he'll continue to make an appearance here and there like he's done the past few years. I've seen a small push for him to be a GM again but that seems doubtful.

Kurt is the only one who's gonna have a significant role and I'm almost certain of that. Whether that be as a general manager or in a match or two, or both which I honestly think is the most likely option.

I don't think Beth will ever return unless it's a situation similar to the DDP one.

The Rock n Roll Express, as others have mentioned I could see being hired as trainers, producers or scouts but nothing more than that.

I'm not joking when I say I'm sure there's discussion right now to try and sign Rude's son but I really don't see anything ever coming out of that.

Bischoff and Cornette are interesting. Cornette is already confirmed to have shot some stuff for the network and it wouldn't surprise me at all if Bischoff did the same. However I think either of them ever returning to TV, let alone in significant roles is very unlikely.

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