Who botched: Paige or AJ?


Mid-Card Championship Winner

When I watched the show, I was as excited as everybody else to see Paige win the Diva's title, but a friend of mine immediately told me that the finisher was botched. I noticed too, but didn't really see how ugly the botch was until the replay. Paige hits AJ, and AJ takes almost a second to realize the finisher was hit and fall down.

Now, my immediate thought was that it was Paige's fault. Paige usually wraps her arm around the other person's leg, grabbing onto it, as seen here:

But apparently popular consensus is that it was AJ's fault. Lots of people on the net have told me that they think AJ should have fell down immediately when sensing the fist hit her calf. I don't know about that. The move is supposed to be Paige rotating the girl's leg and flipping her along with her. Of course, the girl must fall down to sell the move, but she won't do that until Paige pulls her down to maintain legitimacy. So obviously, AJ must be waiting for the signal, with her calf being swept forward so she can fall back. This didn't happen, as Paige mistimed her move.



And of course, the most important issue is that Paige usually does a "prep stage" right before going for the rotation part of the move. She grabs the leg, positions herself, and then flips it. But because she used the Paige Turner as a reversal in this "match", she had to void the prep stage and go directly for the rotation, which set the flow of the move off. Watching it again, it hardly even looks like a Paige Turner.

So what do you guys think? Who botched?
It can go either way. Initially, I thought if AJ had fallen a split second faster, it would have looked perfect. But then Paige usually winds up with her opponent's leg. Either way, the botch wasn't all that bad, especially with the shifting camera angle. I don't think either wrestler even knew this was happening until right before the show, so I'm sure there was alot of excitement/anxiety, especially on Paige's part. Regardless, it wasn't perfect, but it wasn't like Jericho not falling on Orton's RKO, or JBL falling without Jericho bulldogging him
I don't know what the proper way to do it is or was.

But I'll share my insight as a fan who isn't familiar with the finishing move.

When I was watching on Raw, I was shocked because the camera angle and everything just made it look like she did a simple "chop block" to the back of AJ's leg and then she pinned her for the title. That's what I saw happen at first...
to be quite honest I don't follow NXT as much as i'm told I should. With that said, I didn't even know that this was her finisher and thought it was just a leg sweep and thought, "Are you F'n kidding me, she loses to a rookie to a leg sweep?!?!" But then when I found out that it's her finisher I thought it was the stupidest finisher I've ever seen, but then I saw this post and realized the move was botched...:shrug: oops


I feel like Paige botched the move because she was very excited and hyped and maybe even nervous, it was her MAIN roster debut, on the MAIN show, against the MAIN diva, the Raw after MANIA and think she might have rushed it. Because if you look at her delivering the move to AJ, AJ does stop when she lands on her feet and looks prepared to take the move but then Paige just sweeps so quickly AJ had to just fall and sell it.

I could be bias because I think AJ should have remained champion lol
aj probably botched it on purpose cuz she was doing the job lol

i dont think it was botched looking at the gif, just seems like an alternate version
I believe it was the first time Paige tried to hit her finisher that quickly and the first time AJ took it so of course there were going to be some difficulties. For somebody who has never seen the move, it probably didn't look too bad... they were probably wondering wth just happened.
I don't like this in the spam section and I don't think this is worth a thread. It was a minor botch. It accomplished what they needed to do and probably neither of them actually knows whose fault it is and don't give a damn. It was a sweet moment. Leave it as it is. Talk about better stuff. No need to create a thread for botches.
Having seen the gif but never seeing the move (nor the match) it's doesn't like like it matters in the least and I'd hardly call it a botch.
To be honest the biggest botch of that match i felt was Paige waving her hand and slapping AJ several times in what appeared to be a tapout and literally no one acknowledging it. It just ruined the rest of the match for me since I thought perhaps it was another "diva submission botch".
I don't like you acting like the topic police. you do not decide what is worthy and what is not worthy to talk about.

as for the topic at hand...which I find quite relevant...I agree with the other posters that said it was just a case of unfamiliarity of the two performers.
I don't like this in the spam section and I don't think this is worth a thread. It was a minor botch. It accomplished what they needed to do and probably neither of them actually knows whose fault it is and don't give a damn. It was a sweet moment. Leave it as it is. Talk about better stuff. No need to create a thread for botches.

I put it in the spam section because of people like you who might have thought it wasn't worth talking about. And yet, you still decided to make a post in the SPAM section criticizing my choice of SPAM. Lovely. :shrug:
I put it in the spam section because of people like you who might have thought it wasn't worth talking about. And yet, you still decided to make a post in the SPAM section criticizing my choice of SPAM. Lovely. :shrug:

Sorry man. This is as any good place as it is for this subject, but I think that the subject in matter didn't need a thread. Somehow it looks like AJ failed her timming or that Paige failed to lock it, ence AJ failling her timming but it's not worth discussing unless you are a professional wrestler that wants to break down this small little things. I would rather talk about the future of both woman in the WWE roster. But whatever makes you happy. I'm sorry Feedback, not trying to knock you or anything. It's a wrestling forum and unless you are breaking the rules, you can do whatever the f you like!
I love coming on this site and watching smarks talk about wrestling as if they know what's going on when they've never stepped foot in a ring. Newsflash...the person taking the move is the one who is supposed to bump. You don't bump your opponent, they bump for you. AJ missed her queue and took the move a little awkward. She botched it, not Paige.
I don't like this in the spam section and I don't think this is worth a thread. It was a minor botch. It accomplished what they needed to do and probably neither of them actually knows whose fault it is and don't give a damn. It was a sweet moment. Leave it as it is. Talk about better stuff. No need to create a thread for botches.

I wouldn't say it was minor. It was the finish and it ruined the whole segment for me.
I think it was pretty minor. I mean the move itself doesnt look to do that much when she does it normally and although it looked pretty awful, it still did the job. Not to mention, it was Paige with an international crowd, nobody gave a fuck what happened. She's only 21 with no real experience in front of a hot big crowd like that so she prolly was very very emotional that night. It was probably both their faults I dunno. Who cares really?

Would it been better if the move was done in more middle-ish position in the ring with a very good execution so that it looked snappier and more well done? Sure, but it is what it is who cares. I can recall a few minor botches and some even on RAW from the men that looked pretty silly if u really think about them.

Plus we all know Paige is better than that, and obv so is AJ. If Aksana would've taken the finisher, she would prolly end up hitting Paige with her knee in the eye somehow.
You're saying, seriously, that being off by a half second "ruined" the entire segment?

The hell...?

It was the fucking finish. She won with a light punch to the back of the leg.

All of the Diva's bullshit is awful, but the segment actually had me intrigued until they Diva'd it up.
Nate has a point. Regardless of who botched, this was a chance for the division to take a step in the right direction and they still managed to fuck it up.
That was no minor botch. It was so bad that I actually noticed it. She had one move to perform, it is her first night out, and it was for the title. It made AJ look pathetic. I'm surprised no one is accusing HHH of sending Paige out to squash AJ in a pathetic way in order to bury her for agreeing to marry Punk. Hopefully they have a proper feud that will redeem both as performers but that whole segment was terrible.
Paige attempted to hit a snap/impact version of her current finisher as to quickly take down a very, very fresh AJ before she had any believable chance to counter. In theory, Paige's finisher in full length would've been too long to hit but AJ didn't know she changed it up and reacted late, thus the botch.

Simply miscommunication between the two during the heat of things. Shame it had to happen between the Diva's but considering the crowd reaction this got, who cares if they botched a move? This thing's already got steam!

It was the fucking finish. She won with a light punch to the back of the leg.

All of the Diva's bullshit is awful, but the segment actually had me intrigued until they Diva'd it up.

You'll forget about the botch in a couple of weeks as when they start feuding, they'll most likely crop out the finisher in favour of the pin only for their video packages. That's all that matters here, really.

I don't think these two will "Diva" the rest of the program as they are pretty skilled.
Despite my huge Paige fandom my problem was how lame the Paige character came off by almost crying after being slapped and insulted by AJ. Anybody who watches NXT can tell you she's built like a thick skinned monster at times and then AJ of all people gets to her.

Regardless I'd still hit it.
You'll forget about the botch in a couple of weeks as when they start feuding, they'll most likely crop out the finisher in favour of the pin only for their video packages. That's all that matters here, really.

I don't think these two will "Diva" the rest of the program as they are pretty skilled.

It's far more likely that I won't pay attention to any of it.
They got caught in the heat of the moment with a white hot crowd with a very fast paced match. Plus it was Paige's first time in front of such a large crowd. That or she spotted KB in the crowd and was afraid of a bad grade.

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt this time.

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