Who Are Your Favorite Promo Cutters of All Time?

I concur...
Easily The Rock and Randy Savage were the tops in their era's....
My choice for today's promo's would be The Miz, he is absolutely magic on the mic, however some his material gets lost on the younger fans...
I expect The Miz to just get better and better.
Kurt Angle during the build up to his match with HBK at WM.
Sexy Kurt, need I say more?
then the 10 minute promo he cut on top of a ladder in the middle of the ring

Austin during the WCW/ECW Invasion with Spike Duddley and Molly Holly in the ring.
"Look at me, Now LOOK at HIM"

Ultimate Warrior with Jake the Snake building up to Ultimate Warrior vs Undertaker

IMO Jericho, Edge, and Orton are the best in the WWE currently, but lets not count out Santino, Carlito, The Miz, and John Morrison as rising stars when it comes to cutting great promos
Where to begin!?...

Obviously, as others have stated, The Rock, from late 1997 - Mid 2001 was hands down, the best Promo man in the business. His ability to not only be hilarious, but also serious when he needed to be made him gold on the stick.

Chris Jericho during his late 1997 - 1998 temper tantrum days in Dubya-C-Dubya was excellent! His "Gene Mean", "Man of 1004 holds", "Quasi Juice" and "Greenberg" promos were awesome! Which led him to being the best home-grown heel WCW had at the time. His work in the WWF from 1999 - 2001 was excellent too!

Kurt Angle from 2000 onwards was dynamite on the stick too! I fondly remember his mic work during his 2002 feud with Rey Mysterio in the build up to Summerslam. Some of his best work was during that time.

Scott Hall was pretty good too, throughout his career, as Razor Ramon he played up that character well during promos and obviously, was a major reason why the nWo reached the heights in popularity that they did in WCW from '96 - '98.

Paul "Giant/Big Show" Wight has always been able to cut believable promos. It's a shame that he doesn't have the same aptitude for in-ring ability that he does for being able to talk. Go back and watch some Big Show/DX/Rock goings on from 2000 and tell me the man cannot talk! It's a shame that he quit working out at some point in 1997 and let himself go. He had the potential to be something really special in Wrestling.
The Rock of course. In 1999, the over the top guy really. Some unforgetable promos. 2003, almost all his heel promos were gold.

Stone Cold-Heel Promos in 2001. Peaked during the invasion. The ones with Angle were priceless.

Jericho -Heel or Face, this guy knows how to cut a promo.

Kurt Angle -Can be hilarious and intense. There is none like Kurt.

Edge- He is great, specially during the rated R era with Lita.

Vince: Not now but some years back sure. Brilliant heel to have...brought some great promos.

Paul Heyman: Love this guy`s work. Have some great promos in WWE.

Mick Foley His promos bashing the fans in ECW are historic. Has some amazing one in WWE too, no matter in what character.

There are others like JBL, whole of NWO, DX, Chritstian etc...
Well, Roddy Piper will go down as the greatest mic worker ever, in my humble opinion. I think that his best work was between Royal Rumble '92 and WM 8. And his time in WcW wasn't bad either. Good stuff. Savage was insane, which was good. The best promos were the pre-"king" days. Jericho is amazing. I think when it comes to being able to do BOTH face and heel promos, he's got it down to a science. Rock and Austin delivered in that respect too, but Jericho is WAY over on either side of the fence. Flair's good mic days are well behind him, but he's still got that reliable "woo". But for me, the best mic worker in the industry today is Santino. I will defend it to the end that he's the most underrated commidity Vince has, and he's damn sure the most entertaining (I'm not however going to defend the BS known as "Santina", or at least the ill-fated fued with Vickie...ugh.) So yeah, there's my 2 cents!
I enjoy Warriors old promos he was just fun to watch. He was very intense and was always pacing and making wierd faces. He wasnt always logical but he didnt have to be.
i can't believe noone hardly has mentioned edge? yeah people hate him now but back when he was a face some of his promos were absolutely priceless! he rivaled anything rock or jericho or anyone else at that time did.

Are you kidding me? Edge back then wasn't even rivaling the new age outlaws, and you mean to tell me he was rivaling jericho and the rock?! GTFO
Oh man, I have a shit load of guys who I love to hear gab on the mic. There have been so many good promo guys over the past 30 years. Guys like Chris Jericho, Mick Foley and Dusty Rhodes are so awesome on the mic. And watch and Ultimate Warrior promo always proved to be a good time. Here's a short list of my absolutely favorites:

Shane Douglas - The Franchise was just glorious to listen to. This guy just said what was on his mind. Thank God ECW was a place where you didn't have to read from a script or have guys write promos for you. Shane Douglas delivered his promos with conviction and passion. Obviously the night he threw down the NWA belt was his promo masterpiece. I don't think I have ever seen anything like it in wrestling to this day.

Raven - Raven cut some of the most creative promos ever. Hell, sometimes you didn't even know what he was talking about, but it sounded good. He used promos to develop the Raven character and really was able to get across the angst that the character was driven by. Just a fantastic talker. And I will forever be amazed at how good Raven was in the ECW, especially considering he was doped up on drugs for a large majority of it.

The Rock - Is there anyone that wasn't entertained by this man? Seriously. He was the gold standard on the mic. He had random people who weren't even wrestling fans using his tag lines in everyday speech. It was amazing how much power he had crossing over into the mainstream media. He delivered his lines with an animation that no one has been able to duplicate and he said some of the funniest shit I've ever heard.

Christian - Ever since he struck his first 5 minuter pose, I was a Peep. You know, it was even before that when I became a fan- but it was around that time when we all found out just how great of a performer this guy really is on the mic. Christian can tear down his opponents with words just as well as the Rock did. He has a natural charisma and a great sense of humor, both which come through when he cuts a promo.
In no particular order:

The Rock and pre suit Jericho because they could make you love and hate them for the same things.

Austin could you could feel his piss offness.

Foley because he could pull you in with him.

Bill Alfonso because he was so damn annoying until it was funny and you thought that he believed what he was talking about.

Loose Cannon Brian Pillman because you believed he was crazy

Ultimate Warrior (see Brian Pillman)

Ric Flair nothin needs to be said.
Sid was one of the "Big Men" who was able to work the mic. He played his role very well looked like he was on the break of insanity. He would be whispering, laughing and then yelling and you couldnt help but listen.
Edge And Christan Along With The Dudleys These Guys Could Really Tear Into Each Other In Their Tag Team Days. They Would Go Back And Fourth Great Promos By Both Teams Really Made Tag Wrestling Fun As A Storyline. God I Miss Those Days.
een miy openyun i thenk rick fleiar is teh grateizt prumo cuttar of ull tiem. i luv hez kerizma. hee ulwaiz gutz teh liev n teluhvizon udienses untuh hez prfrmuns. hee puz so mucch emushun utno hez prmoez; u cuntseem nutto be muvd biiy heez prfrmnse

had the best promos ever.. I think his best one was the one 4 westlemania 6... it was very impressive... I also enjoyed one of his promos from wrestlemania 4 where he does the backstroke off of camera... His promos made me smile all the time.. also when he flexes at the end always impressive... U cannot say that he had no mic skills as he could read what the fans wanted and who 2 respond and judge his opponent.... truly the best

Then I would have to go with stone cold and savage for second.... very imprssive on the mic.. again austin truly knew how to react to the fans....

same for savage.. his interviews were always very fun to watch....
The Rock for me. His promos are so entertaining that I routinely watch a couple a week on youtube. He could be absolutely hilarious or serious, but either way you were hanging on his every word.

Jericho, as discussed, is brilliant as either a face or a heel on the mic. Flair is obviously an all-time great.

Disappointed by the lack of love for Triple H though. His heel promos 99-01 were up there as the best of all-time. The "you never saw it coming, Austin" promo before Survivor Series 2000 was AMAZING.
The top of the list has to be The Rock. The guy was amazing on the mic. He could build a match up like no other as a face, look at the match with Hogan. The he could draw some of the biggest heat from the fans as a heel. His promos in 03 were nothing short of golden. People really hated him, because he had turned his back on the fans. That and he could make fun of anyone. Him and Jericho had some of the best promos of all time. Then on top of all of that he had some of the greatest lines ever. My favorite is Undertaker and his Mickey Mouse tattoos. Amazing!

After that there are a few guys that were great, second to Rocky has to be Jericho, he is one of the best talkers to ever be in the ring. After that I have to go with Savage, the guy was awesome.
multiple groups for this answer......and you have to remember, a lot of mid card guys
used to get a lot more mic time in the 70's and 80's. Old NWA had promos from almost
everybody on the show, and old WWF (not WWE) would have promos from the mid
level guys also.

Old School (70's and early 80's) best talkers were
Dusty Rhodes
Superstar Billy Graham
Ric Flair
Precious Paul Ellering for the Road Warriors
Jimmy Valient was excellent on the mic
Abdullah the Butcher for the wide eyed stare into space

Mid 80's to early 90's
Jake Roberts
Randy Savage
Ultimate Warrior for the grunts and snorts
Terry Funk...cause you thought he was unstable
Freebird Michael Hayes was great on mic

90's to early 2000
Old HBK is awesome on mic
HHH. his stuff now too predictable
Stone Cold great on mic...his ECW stuff was maybe the best because of pure emotion
Rock was funny
Foley (Mankind promos were creepy...his ECW stuff was great)
Outsiders promos were awesome..just when it was Hall and Nash before Hogan
Paul Heyman is gold on the mic
Pillman was the best Crazy heel ever

Foley still has some value
and if being good on mic will make you a big star, the Miz is gonna be huge

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