Who are you gonna be sad to see go?

Kitten Cutter

Pre-Show Stalwart
I am a HUGE Undertaker fan. My first match ever watching wrestling was The Undertaker facing a jobber in 1993, and have followed his career ever since. I was sad when he got buried in the casket by Yokozuna and Co., sad when he got buried alive by Paul Bearer and Co., and can't even watch when he gets pinned.

I realize that Taker might be done this year, or maybe the next, but his presence is especially gone from WWE TV. He hasn't been full time since he helped Kane along with his World Title reign, and I feel like I'm gonna be really devastated when he hangs up the boots for good.

Taker leaving is emotional for me, but what about the posters here? In the past five years we've said goodbye to Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Edge, thought we were saying goodbye to Mark Henry, and pretty much put dirt on Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and Hulk Hogan coming back to any kind of ring action. Now with CM Punk on hiatus, guys like Alberto Del Rio and Christian probably being done this year, is there anyone now you'll be sad to see go eventually, or was emotional for you to see go after following their career?
I'm with you as regards Taker. I've been watching him ( and WWE) for around twenty years. I imagine, when he goes, that I'll feel much the same as I did when HBK retired. Or Flair, to be sure. But for me now, though he is now an occasional, limited run guy, I'll be sad as all hell when Y2J calls it a complete career. I've been a huge fan of his since a little before his entry into WWE. He does it the right way- in ring, character, on the mic-one of the best all around performers in the game, to my mind.
Edge will always be the big one for me...I got to see HBK ' S career start to 1 well deserved finish how he wanted to go out. Edge didn't get go out his way, it just stopped. Yeah too many ladders and hard ore matches that end was predictable, but still hard to accept.
It's sad for me to see any great superstar go. This will most likely be Takers last match, since it's the "biggest" WM in history. He doesn't really have any reason to return after WM 30. On the emotional state, I think Flairs retirement hit me the hardest. I grew up in North Carolina, I grew up watching him (my whole family loved the Nature Boy). It's just sad to see how old he has gotten, I can barely even watch his guest appearances. And I know this is cliche, but when Stone Cold left, I didn't watch WWE for almost a year. Any guys from the Attitude Era that are still left (New Age Outlaws, Goldust, Christian) will be hard on me when they go aswell.
I'll admit, I teared up when Edge announced his retirement. I was always a big fan, far from the biggest, I'm sure, but I think it was a mixture of him retiring and why he had to retire as to why it hit me hard. To see him healthy though is great, I was concerned over that. When Shawn Michaels lost the match to the Undertaker at WrestleMania XXVI, I cried like a bitch. I don't know why, because during his last couple of years, I got quite bored of him, but his overall career was amazing, and I missed him on my screen for sure. And yes, I got upset at Mark Henry's emotional retirement speech turned awesome crowd pleasing moment. Damn him.

As to who I'll miss, my fave Chris Jericho for sure. I know he's forever coming and going now, but it'll be a dark day when he leaves for good. Then again, I won't let him retire, so all is good. It'll be weird never to see The Undertaker compete again. While we should have already become accustom to it, a WrestleMania without Taker will be strange. Hmm. My last would be Kane. I love Kane, I always have. I've sorta preferred him to Taker at some points in time. Yeah, great performer, consistent, and not once has been selfish for any reason. Cry.
I'm still mourning over the lost of CM Punk. lol.
I was really sad to see HBK leave. Don't think Taker leaving will hit me as much. He only wrestles once a year and last year he had a bout 3 matches. Him coming back once a year makes it much easier to see him go rather than him being a full timer. I think Cena leaving will hit hard. Sure, I hate him, but I love to hate on him. It went from seriously hating him to just hating him for fun. But to be honest, Cena's the guy who will make the save and when he's gone, I'm gonna miss that. Just like Michaels. When the Nexus were destroying Raw and the roster I said to myself, "this would be Shawn's role, he'd run down to make the save and sweet chin music most of the nexus and throw them over the rope and stand tall." So yeah, Cena's one will hit me. Had Taker leave in 2011 (after his last full time run) it would hit really hard.
The Undertaker of course. I don't even know how a retirement of somebody of his character would even be handled, obviously he's so different that a Shawn Michaels or a Ric Flair.
My second choice is Big Show. I always loved him since he was The Giant in WCW back in the day and he's had his ups and downs in WWF/E since arriving in 1999. Whether he's a dominant unstoppable force or just losing to make other people look good... Through the countless heel/face turns that he's had all these years, I just like him no matter what. I don't know why but I just do. It will be an emotional time for me when he leaves.
I agree with an above poster who stated that the retirement of any superstar gets them. Ric Flair's hit me harder than I thought it would but I did tear up back to back nights watching Mania & Raw. Edge never hit me too much except just feeling bad for the guy on a human level and while Im sure HBK's would have hit me hard I actually didnt watch wrestling for a couple years and missed that one and ive honestly never brought myself to watch the Raw following that Mania yet.

For me though when he completely goes hands down Sting will hit me the hardest. I am 35 years old, I was 9 and watched him go to the time limit with Flair at the first Clash. I remember going on vacation at 11 or 12 to see my grandparents and the only thing I could think of was I was going to be down there for the Great American Bash and wasnt sure my dad would get the PPV. He did and I remember sitting in my grandfathers living room watching it with him and my dad as Sting beat Flair for his first title. I remember being in college and watching his battles with the nWo with my buddies. And even as an adult watching TNA for nostalgia with friends to see him wrestle.

Taker will hit me hard, he's really the 1 wrestler that both myself and my dad enjoyed, typically we like different ones but watching a Taker match is always the common bond. But for me again, hands down i'll shed more than 1 or 2 tears when Sting is completely gone.
Edge was one of my top 3 all-time favorites, I'm man enough to say I teared up when he announced his retirement. I'll be equally sad when Undertaker retires. But pretty much any of the guys I grew up watching will elicit some type of emotional response from me when they retire, just not to the extent of those two. I was also extremely sad when Eddie Guerrero died, both as Eddie Guerrero the man and Eddie Guerrero the wrestler. Eddie Guerrero the man died, and his children lost their father and his wife lost her husband. Eddie Guerrero the wrestler died, and the wrestling world lost an incredible athlete who was well on his way to becoming possibly the best wrestler who ever lived.

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