Which WWF/WWE storyline would make the best hollywood movie?


Cena fan since Word-Life
I was just watching Punks famous promo and it got me thinking, that most people refer to summer 2011 as 'Summer Of Punk' and I thought to myself, 'that would make a great title for a movie'.

Then I thought back to some others that have been given names that are ready made movie titles

Survivor Series 2001 - Winner Takes All
Rock v Hogan - Icon v Icon
Brock Lesnar's rise to fame - Here Comes The Pain
Rock v Cena - Once In A Lifetime

So which storyline do you think would make the best film?
None of them would be half the good as movies as arguably the greatest fued of all time would be.Stone Cold vs Vince Mcmahon-it was a storyline that pretty much changed the prowrestling for good.Stone Cold did everything and anything to humiliate vince.My movie would be:STUNNING the corporate ladder-a Stone Cold story.
I know that A&E did a "documentary" on this, but I think the Montreal Screwjob would be a good movie. It had promise, betrayal, hope, and failure all in one.
Kane and Undertaker's back story.

These are two larger than life characters that have ties with the supernatural. There's a classic undertone to the story (Cain and Able) of warring brothers. There's an important character stuck in the cross-fire between them who would be the fulcrum in the emotional see-saw having sided with and betrayed each brother at least once.

Brothers of Destruction would not be my suggestion for the title however.
For the sake of comedy and action, the story of DX. The start (97), the rivalry (02-04), the re-union (06-10), the retirement (10-).

Other shouts:

WWF vs The Alliance
Montreal Screwjob
McMahon/Helmsley - the start and end at WM 18
I'll go with the story of HBK's and Triple H's lives.
The beginning of D-Generation X, the Montreal Screwjob, HBK having to retire and watch his best buddy to dominate the bussiness onto HBK's return after 4 years, only to find himself betrayed by Triple H. Also being back together in 2006 and actually both ending their full time in-ring carreer in 2010.

This actually gives us a nice trilogy:
1) The D-Generation X (from the formation til 1998 when they split)
2) The Evolution of a Friendship (from 1999 till Wrestlemania 21)
3) Freinds Forever (from 2006 till 2010)

It has drama, action, comedy everything that is required to make a good trilogy.
Any storyline featuring the Undertaker. You have your Hulk Hogans, your Bret Harts, your Steve Austins, and so on. While the aforementioned characters are compelling and told great in ring stories during their heydays, there is something about the Undertaker as far as a character with a mythology goes that is just so much more translatable in my view in regards to wanting to create a story in another media, i.e. the hypothetical that the OP just posed about what would make the best movie.

Well because of how The Undertaker is this ominous force that even when facing certain defeat and destruction just manages to continue to resurrect itself like a phoenix, well that's pretty damn compelling and awesome. I remember reading the late 90s Chaos Comics (now a defunct publisher) create Undertaker stories and while I won't laud them as being masterpieces that were on par with what DC, Marvel or any of the well established independent comic publishers have made over the years, I will say that some of those Undertaker stories were great just the same.

Anyway, The Undertaker's success as a character is something I say has to be greatly attributed to the guy that's performed as him all these years. I am sure many (and even including myself at a certain time) never thought that the character would endure like this. But with two decades and counting in the WWF/E, The Undertaker has proven to be a unique character amongst the rest that the world of wrestling has seen.

His childhood with Kane, the Ministry of Darkness and hell even the American Badass persona can be tied in there (along with his subsequent return to the dark side), I personally feel there are a plethora of possibilities to make a movie from such a character. However though I'd focus it on an origin story that has as little to do with the wrestling world as possible. I don't mean to say that to offend other wrestling fans here but there's an intrigue and mystique with the Undertaker that I think if we took the WWE films approach with and tried to make it too wrestling heavy would suffer greatly.

But as I said at the top of this post, just my two cents.
This actually gives us a nice trilogy:
1) The D-Generation X (from the formation til 1998 when they split)
2) The Evolution of a Friendship (from 1999 till Wrestlemania 21)
3) Freinds Forever (from 2006 till 2010)

This one only works if Zack Attack sings the title song in the finale of the trilogy...

It has been said before, but it can't be said enough. The best Hollywood story to come of any story line is the Montreal Screw Job. The story from beginning to end had everything. A father figure in VKM screwing a son, Bret Hart. A usurping of the throne by HBK and Triple H. Karma with HBK's back injury two months later... and at the heart of it all, a war against a rival company. It's a Greek tragedy. Throw in the aftermath - Owen's death, Bret's career-ending concussion and subsequent stroke, and you've got a true story that's more depressing than The Wrestler.

I've got an off-hand "story line" that would fit into a pretty good movie. Tony Schiavone announcing that Foley was going to win the WWE Title before it happened. You have the perfect set-up, a wrestler with a far-fetched dream. The wrestler constantly being told that he wasn't a "draw." And then - if the story is true - millions of people clicking to watch Raw after Schiavone's announcement just to see him finally win it.
Ministry of Darkness Undertaker vs anyone. It would definetly be a horror movie of the cult either trying to snatch a girl, or trying to indoctrinate you into becoming a member. Would probably be a much more interesting movie than 99% of the shit forked into our faces at the minute.
Edge vs Matt Hardy back when Edge stole Lita away from Matt. Could work as a romantic comedy. Or an action?
Kane and Cena's Embrace the Hate storyline.

Just think about it. A superhero makes friends with the local favorite, and a dark presence makes himself known. Said dark presence spends most of the movie trying to get the superhero to betray his values, going as far as to attack his new friend. He gets the people who supported the hero to hate him, and get his friends to abandon him. But in the end, the hero refuses to abandon his values.

I think we could call it the Dark Knight.
The whole Undertaker & Kane saga would be an epic movie. Or the who ran down Stone Cold storyline would be an interesting movie.
Katie Vick...JUST KIDDING!

No, the story of Bryan Danielson is pretty intriguing beginning with his training at TWA with Shawn Michaels, wrestling in WWE against John Cena in 2003, his journey through the independents, and finally to his time in WWE. It has drama, suspense, even romance with Gail Kim and A.J. They would have to include his shocking firing, Money in the Bank, World Heavyweight Title run, and the whole 18 seconds fiasco. Oh, and you cannot leave out the whole "Yes!" phenomenon.

Possible titles include:

18 Seconds
Snap or Tap
An American Dragon
I Have Till Five
You are not Better than Me!
The Final Countdown
Best in the World
A Vegan's Tale
You're Gonna Get Your F****** Head Kicked In
Daniel Bryan
For me the whole Triple H running over Stone Cold and taking over the company would make a good movie.

You get the bad guy who took out the top dog and then while he was gone not only rose to the highest level of the company he married into the family and took over it. Then the guy he took out comes back with a vengence and they had one hell of a war with all their matches. I think that, excluding the whole "Austin joins Triple H" garbage would make a pretty good movie.
I know that A&E did a "documentary" on this, but I think the Montreal Screwjob would be a good movie. It had promise, betrayal, hope, and failure all in one.

Back in 1999 there was a made for TV movie called "The Jesse Ventura Story." It's easily one of the worst movies ever made, and even though it's supposed to be a biography, most of it is made up.

Anyway, the movie features a fake version of the Montreal Screwjob. One of Jesse's friends is having his retirement match, and is booked to win, but once he's in the sharpshooter the promoter screams to ring the bell. In the movie, this is why Jesse left wrestling.
I have to agree with previous posts stating that the Montreal Screwjob, the past between the Undertaker and Kane, or really any Undertaker type of story would make for the best films.

I also agree with the Kane/Cena "Embrace the Hate" storyline making for a good film. To this day I can't understand why so much of the IWC crapped on the storyline, as up until Eve got involved, that was one of the best and most interesting storylines WWE had come up with in awhile. It was very much like the Dark Knight, and it deserved far more praise then it got.

I'm gonna throw one in there that hasn't been mentioned and that's the saga between Macho Man Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. It's the best "love story" ever portrayed in the WWE that lasted for almost a decade. Randy Savage comes in as this hot-shot, gifted wrestler who takes his woman for granted and treats her like crap. He sees the error of his ways and treats her better and reaches the pinnacle of the business becoming champion and becoming allies and friends with the most powerful wrestler in the world (Hulk Hogan). Only for his paranoia, insecurity, and jealousy to ultimately rip his friendship with Hulk Hogan apart, and more importantly rip his relationship with Elizabeth apart. Then Savage finds a new woman (Sensational Sherri) and becomes a mean, vengeful, dangerous wrestler, who just isn't as happy and successful as he once was (which was true as he was mostly in mid-card feuds for the remainder of his heel run). His downfall concludes with him losing his career and livlihood to the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania VII. Then his new woman betrays him and shuns him for losing and kicking him while he's down in the ultimate humiliation. Then the love of his life who's there live, can't stand to watch, comes in and saves him by beating up the new woman. Savage awakens and realizes that Elizabeth has saved him and realizes that she's always loved him, and in the process he never stopped loving her. They embrace in an emotional, heartfelt moment before 20,000 screaming fans, and then are married months later in a fairtytale happy ending (Summerslam 91). It's the perfect movie. :)

Of course you could add more to it with deranged, psychotic heel trying to hurt both of them (the feud with Jake Roberts and Undertaker), and then of course the playboy, ladies man trying to tear the two apart (the feud with Ric Flair), but I think the wedding is a good end as it would make a happy ending, which is what you need for a Hollywood film.

Another good one would be the story of Shawn Michaels and Undertaker. Two iconic wrestlers of a generation whose paths rarely crossed, until the end of their careers in which the Undertaker has to send Shawn Michaels to his retirement. That would be a good movie as well.
And I'd also add the "Summer of Punk" as well.

Only in the film I would go much deeper in the relationship between John Cena and CM Punk and what their roles mean to the WWE and the wrestilng industry. They touched on the dynamic in quite a few of their promos with Punk telling Cena he was now like the Yankees and wasn't the underdog anymore. He had become the establishment.

Another dynamic I'd add to the film is show the original Montreal Screwjob in how Vince McMahon was able to screw Bret Hart, and of course want to do the same thing to CM Punk to "save his company." But of course karma comes back to bite Vince in the ass, and Punk overcomes Vince's attempts to screw him and runs off with the title. While leaving John Cena disillousioned with himself and his role in the company in the wrestling industry and contemplate on whether Punk was really right.

That would make for a great film as well.
Definitely something with the Undertaker. I think his character could be made into a super hero type and then someone like Kane could be the super villan.

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