Which WWE talent do you actually "care" about and why do you care?

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
This has been a common criticism against the WWE today, in that people such as myself, charge the WWE with not doing enough to get their fans to actually care about their overall talent in the company. And this is evidenced from the crowds across the arenas that sit in absolute silence. And no, smarks, it isn't the crowd's fault, either. It's because they aren't being given enough reasons to care.

But anyway, let's not focus on the negative. Let's make this a positive thread.

Are there any superstars on the entire roster you actually can say that you "care" about?

Secondly, can you please elaborate on "how" or "what" exactly the WWE did right to get you to care about that performer or those performers (if you have more than one)?
Chris Jericho: He is one of the biggest heels in WWE today, and I've been a fan of him since the Attitude era. WWE's booking on him has been amazing since his return and the past decade. And IMO he is "THE WRESTLER OF THE DECADE". He can steal the show, play his role amazingly, and has is probably the best mic worker of all time. Yeah IMO Jericho is even better on the mic than The Rock. But thats just my opinion, so please dont bash me.

Shawn Michaels: He's a legend. I will admit when I was a kid in the '90s I hated his guts, but since his return I feel that he has changed as a person. He constantly steals the show. Puts people over. And is ABOVE all the titles in WWE. And a hands down future Hall of Famer.

Christian: Let's see. His booking since returning to WWE has been AWESOME! He's established a lot of new fans. Won the ECW title twice and is the longest reigning ECW champion, well in WWE ECW anyways. He's a future main eventer and possibly a future all time great. You never know. Plus I am a Christian mark soooo... :p
This is a great question.

First wrestler that comes to mind is Chris Jericho. The guy can generate heat and puts on a great match. He reminds me of a cowardly dominate Ric Flair from the eighties if that makes sense. His matches with the Undertaker on Smackdown have been some of the best Ive seen in recent memory. Someone said it before but I totally agree he can lose a match one week but be world champ the next. That's talent.
Chris Jericho: Simply because on his debut, i was one of the fans that screamed their heads off when his name appeared on the tron. You just dont get wrestlers with theat talent, ring work, charisma and dignity. The guy always entertains me, awesome as a heel, awesome as face, awesome as a legend. This man right here defines wrestling.

Randy Orton: Since Last year's rumble, iv been marking out for Orton. I beleive wwe pushed him to the moon and to be honest, i never bothered with orton before. But his theme music, his moves, legacy, the rko and the crowd cheering for him, all fitted in together so well. Him winning the rumble was fantastic and 2009 was orton's year in my opinion.

The Undertaker: The phenom, The legend, has been in mainly every era of the wwe. 20 Years of dominance and destruction, my favourite wrestler, will always be, always has been. Always entertains you, defies the odds like no other superstar, the real superman and you never get tired of him. He is awesome.

Jack swagger: I really want him to get a push because he is main event caliber right now!!! The wwe title would look great on him and he would be an awesome champion, he could bring some wrestlin' to the title. He took cena to the limit and i hate to see this guy get ruined/squashed. Cmon wwe, you guys rule, make swagger a champion! I care about this talent you have.

The Miz: Just Awesome! Its refreshing and entertaining to see a promo being cut by this man. So quickly he has made a name for himself and he isnt just the cocky heel, but the vengeful victim, repackaged and ready to make a bigger name for himself. He is, like he says, one reason i watch monday night raw. I see great success for this guy.

Shawn Michaels/ Triple H: I thought id do these two together, they r both top athletes and two of my favourites. I always have time to see them, and i have a lot of respect for their accomplishments. The show stoppa and the game make the stable dx, a stable i CARE about.

I would name more, but in closure, id say i care about a lot of other talent in the wwe. They have awesome talent and they just need to use a few more properly.
I have been caring about Randy Orton because he just is so indifferent to other superstars and does what he needs to do instead of over exagerrating in the ring and on the mic. An example was last year when he started to dismantle the family of McMahon. Sure he was on a roll after beating Batista and not acknowledging the importance of the friendship from Evolution at the time. He just went to show that he was in it for him and could care less about how business was doing in a kayfabe sense. Does anybody remember when he faked a mental illness to explain why he attacked people? It was wrong but genius. After being threatened of being fired he said he would sue the company for what it was worth and maybe there would be no Wrestlemania for the year. The other wrestlers came out to protest and even Chris Jericho who was claiming to be the best and acting extremely selfish was forced to stand there and listen.

Randy just kept going on and later looked at them as an afterthought and I paraphrased to show that he said something along the lines of: "What are you all looking at? Do you think that I care about the welfare of other wrestlers? I'll take this organization down with me and then none of you will be standing here and won't have jobs." It took guts to say but was a good touch to the character and I don't know how people still thought he was too scripted and monotone. Just recently he told the mother of a disabled kid in real life to sue him because she reported him to have abused the child and it made me realize he brings his own personality to the character which is why I care so much because it is a part of him.
I'm going to start by defining what me "caring" means to me. If I "care" about a wrestler, it means that i would feel the show is incomplete if that person isn't on. I look forward to seeing that person and wonder what they might do next. I will admit that as a public speaker myself, I am drawn to those who possess skills on the mic. Specifically, it was the Rock that brought me back to wrestling as a young teenager as I was captivated by his promos. I would literally tune in each week to hear what he might say next. Yes, I cared about other storylines, but he's one guy I legitimately tuned in to see. As for today, there's a couple of performers on my list:

1) Christian - I started watching ECW this year on a much more consistent basis because of him. A great in ring performer and an even better mic man, I'd feel like I missed out if I didn't hear him call Byron Saxton "Bryant Gumbel". Those little quips and jokes are what make Christian unique and funny. He's one performer I certainly don't want to miss a minute of.

2) The Miz - This guy is getting to the point where I'm feeling similar feelings about him that I felt about the Rock years earlier. The kid has really turned himself into a phenomenal mic worker, and I tune in each week to RAW hoping they give him more promo time. He has such ability to tell a story with his words and his smooth delivery and creativity keep me wondering "what will he say next?" He has truly become a star and someone you have to hear from every week.

3) Mickie James - I know there won't be too many women on these lists, but Mickie has to be on mine. I used to love watching her on Raw and now I try to catch at least her segment on Smackdown before I go out friday nights. It's not her promos or her matches so much that keep me captivated, it's her positive energy and beaming smile. She is a true beauty unlike so many others and just seems like the type of woman you'd want to be around. She is a pretty good performer in terms of women's matches so if I HAD to watch a woman's match, I'd pick her over anyone else to be in it. This is the hardest one to describe, but there's just somethign about her that makes you want to watch.

There's not too many others I truly care about as individuals. If they are in quality storylines, I care about the story, but not so much them without it. So, as I defined, no matter what, these are the superstars that I have to make sure I see, and I'd say that means I care about them as performers. Keep in mind, I have high standards so throughout my 20 years as a wrestling fan on and off, I've probably never truly "cared" about more than a couple of wrestlers at any given time.
For me it's The Undertaker. I've seen the better part of his whole career on live television, and the way the book him just gets you so interested into his character. I mean sure, his promos over the years are all the same and he constantly talks about Resting In Peace, but the man is a living legend in the business.

And when he came in as the American Badass and had the biker gimmick, that was just insane. For the first time, The Undertaker seemed human, like he actually had a soul. For them to bring in his real life wife too, that whole gimmick was just booked greatly.

And who can forget his return to The Deadman gimmick. It was a great change for him, and it's good to seem him back to his roots. The Undertaker always puts on great matches and I will always care about his character and take time out to see The Undertaker's involvement in wrestling.
Funnily enough, i was thinking about this myself. And ur right, its not because the fans dont care its because the characters dont get enough development for fans to care about. I have a few actually so bare with me.

What can be said. Definatley one of my faveourite superstars.Current ECW champion which he shouldnt be even on the show. I really really hope he loses his championship, and moves during the draft. Possibly interfering into a match at WM to start a feud, anyway. I like him because hes funny, amazing mic skills and great wrestling skills.

John morrison
Clearly, the furture of the WWE. Been in the company since 2004? I think. Famous for being in MNM who were a successful tag team. Known for tagging with the Miz for over a year and being in the first ever undisputed tag team match (which wasnt even televised -.-) former ECW champion, former intercontinental champion. I like him because he has unlimited potential, the look, the in ring talent, young and a company man. With the right use of he could be the face of the company. If he leaves or gets released, i will be very unhappy.

Odd pick really, but i love his unique in-ring skill, Hes great with the mic but just isnt given the time. I didnt see him in TNA but wish i did. He gets the crowd going, get a good reaction but still doesnt get utilized. I know hes 37, not exactly the youngest but would still like to see him hold some kind on title.

Kofi Kingston
I watched his debut, back in 2008 which was the same time i started to watch wrestling again since 2003. I liked him alot and still do know. So glad they dropped his jamican gimmick because it was holding him down. Former intercontinental champion, US champion and former tag team champion. Similar postion to john morrison really, except hes been here for less time. I like him because he adds more variety to the WWE and everyone loves a fresh thing. His recent feud with Orton definatley lifted him and still has more potential to come.

Randy Orton
I consider Orton, the Triple h of the future. Not licking arse, but a multi time champion with years to come. He is only 29 years old as most of you probably know. It feels like he should be 35+ which is not a bad thing because that way, he can help lift guys yet still carry on winning titles. I care about Orton, because without him the WWE would struggle.

Im gonna make a list with a breif description because when I think about it, there is too much talent I like in the WWE:

Sheamus- The guy has deserved his break in proffesional wrestling, hes older than you people think (31) and been in the industry for some time.

Swagger- Named by a few "the new kurt angle" which I see in him too. Huge potential and should be utilized better.

Taker- Vet and should never loose his streak. all that can be said.

Gregory helms- Jobbing to the likes of Zack Ryder. This is the man who has a win against The rock to his name. It annoys me that WWE does that too him and that he isnt winning championship since return. Great charisma, good in-ring talent, good on the mic.
For me its Cm Punk.
This guy is so anti WWE as far as what Vince likes in wrestlers. He is not a muscle bound ape, he is not clean cut, he is straight edge, and he was not created by the WWE and Vince. He got to the top by pure talent, and skill. Weather he is chasing the worlds tittle, or leading a group of straight edge misfits, the guy is entraining. No matter what creative gives him to do, he turns it into gold. Hs is epic on the mic, awesome in the ring and becoming one of the best heels in the game today. As I said in another thread, 2010 is going to be Punks year.
CM Punk- I think WWE has done a great job with this guy since he started with ECW. The story line with the new breed and trying to get him to commit to their stable, carried the show while the originals and the new breed were dying. It was sad that the feud he had with Morrison over the ECW championship wasn't on Raw or Smackdown like it needed to be.

His move to Raw and cashing in the brief case over Edge, was a great raw moment that have been few and far between. Now with his feud with Hardy and turn to heel forming the straight edge society has made his character even more enjoyable to watch. He has a bright future and can make a crowd love him or hate him. I wish he didn't job to cena recently.

I would really like to see a feud with him and Edge. Find a way to bring CM current G.F and Edge Ex lita into the mix. Real life always makes for fake story lines better.

Those are the reason's I care about CM Punk. He makes this fake sport feel entertaining and real to me. He has done a great job since debuting with the WWE.
My first post and I'm happy to make it on this thread. Excellent thread, Sid.

First and foremost, I'd have to say I "care" about R-Truth. Let's face it, the guy is insanely over with the crowd. With the promo videos WWE aired prior to his debut (or return?) with the company, I figured that he'd be the next big thing. It's a shame how badly WWE dropped the ball with this guy shortly after he came in but it seems that they're finally utilizing him. Truth is actually quite decent in the ring, has excellent charisma, and can cut a decent promo (see his promo with CM Punk). It was mentioned earlier, he's not one of the rosters young guys but I think that he can still go for another good number of years and if booked correctly, I foresee him having a dominant reign as Intercontinental Champion or even as a potential contender for a World Title shot.

Also, I've become a big fan of Christian ever since his return to WWE. I hadn't seen much of his first WWE run but I've seen his work in TNA in his later years and I was very impressed. Needless to say, I was very excited when I heard he was making a return to WWE. I've thoroughly enjoyed watching his matches with the younger talent on ECW and his current ECW Championship reign has been nothing short of impressive to me.
John morrison- he got me back into wrestling. I stopped watching wrestling for a few years and one day I was flipping threw channels and saw jomo and decided to watch. I was a fan immediately. I love his look his kinda cocky attitude and everytime I see starship pain Im amazed. I really hope he gets a main event push sometime soon
The miz- everytime hes on tv I pay attention. hes got a great look a great attitude and hes an underdog. hes one of only a few people in the wwe whose promos I never get bored with. I also would love to see him get a main event push sometime in the future
Cm punk- hes imo the best all around wrsetler along with jericho in the wwe. His promos are always entertaining and his in-ring work is always exciting especially because of his diverse moveset. Im really hoping that him and gallows get ahold of the tag titles because punk is always great but hes at his best when he has a title to brag about each week.
Chris jericho- everything about him is interesting and exciting. His hair, his promos, his matches. I live by the motto wwjd what would jericho do. hes one of the rare guys who just seems to kno how to put guys over. When hes involved in a match or a feud you pay attention.
Randy orton- just like jericho hes so good at getting guys over and he always puts so much into his character. Honestly I could spend hours jus watching him react while others talk. When I watch him I get the feeling sometimes that hes actually insane. hes so refreshing with all the cookie cutter characters in wrestling today its nice to see someone who puts time into his character and understanding that the deeper the character the more interesting the character
I don't know if we can consider him a superstar because he's not necessarily a long term talent on the roster, but I would have to say out of anyone in the WWE right now, the one I care about most is Bret Hart. I say this, obviously, because of the history. The way he left the WWE twelve years ago will go down as one of the most controversial wrestling moments in history. So for him coming back twelve years later is not only great for the fans, but for Bret as well.

I care that his feud with McMahon works out. Earlier this week there was a thread about how the Bret storyline has played out thus far. Some say it's been a disappointment so far, while others say the best is to come. But whatever the case may be we, as wrestling fans, should hope that this return brings closure to one of the most storied superstars in WWE history. For he is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.
NOT in order
Edge lets face it just like punk edge can play a tremendous heel i remember a blog of paul heyman giving him props and as a face 2002 was edges break out year even capturing a tag title with hogan

Christian nuff said

CM Punk a good face or heel punk's potential hasnt been met in wwe

John Morrison this guy is a couple of steps away from stardom he has the talent charisma looks and great gimmick the guy is in the opening and has a dvd already how many people you know who has been wrestling almost 7 yrs he only has to watch out for the push killers hhh and cena and work on the mic

Matt Sydal I liked the evan air bourne but I'm calling him by his indy name because of the red headed step child treatment he is recieving
and deserves a better treatment if wwe was smart they could use him to bring back the crusierweight division and he is watered down

Jack Swagger IMO this kid could be the next Kurt Angle wrestling wise and the size of brock the only thing is wrong with him besides the lisp is his ring entrance with his wrestling ability you can't take him serious give him a moderate entrance or give him a general entrance

and i agree with the opinions of Orton and Jericho

Most importantly im scared of Bryan Danielson in wwe even if shawn and regal trained him wwe will restrict him just like they do everyone else

and kofi too
Let's see here:

Chris Jericho: Always been an admirer of him, ever since his debut in 1999 when I first saw him. A fantastic wrestler, one of the best ever on the mic, and I don't think Smackdown/RAW is quite the same without a bit of Y2J...I was on my feet cheering when he came back on RAW in 2007.

Kofi Kingston: Okay, so we know he's not really Jamaican anymore, but he represented my country, so that always made me naturally happy and wished him all the best as a Wrestler. About time he was getting a boost. :)

Christian: He's just grown on me ever since he became ECW Champion. A naturally good guy on the mic, and one of the most underrated wrestlers in the world. Just a shame the WWE aren't using him in the right way.

John Cena: Again, I've always had a random liking for him, he made me laugh as a rapper, and I can relate to him an awful lot, he reminds me a little of me. (Minus the Wrestling Ability and the fact I'm not American)

I have a level of care for everyone in the business, because they perform for us at the end of the day, and I greatly appreciate that, but the above is those I have a lot more respect and care for above anyone else.
I would have to say Edge, favourite Wrestler of all time, future hall of famer and still has many years ahead of him and possibly another team up with Christian which would be awesome! I have cared about thia guy since he pretty much started, he is so charasmatic, and in my opinion he was able to carry any show, he pretty much carried Smackdown for 3 years, he is just so entertaining to watch and put's on amazing matches, especially all of the high risk matches he has done over the years, not only that, but his entrance and any of the theme songs that he has used just always seems to get my hyped up for anything. Once I hear "you think you know me" I'm always excited. This would have had to be one of my favourite moments:

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Eddie Guerrero.

Even though it's been some years since he passed, I still mark out when I hear a mention of his name, or watch clips of his segments and matches.

This guy was MAD over, it didn't matter if he was heel or face, you'd have people laughing at his segments, anyone remember the Big Show bathroom segment? What about Eddie stealing Ric Flair's number and his wallet? Eddie was without a doubt, one of the funniest men to ever grace a wrestling ring, hopefully someone else with his talent will grace the ring one day.
My first one is the Undertaker, I've been watching him since he won the chance for a buried alive match on smackdown and that made me a fan of him, it was the first match I ever saw, then I found out more about him and now I guess you could say I'm a mark.

My second is CM Punk, I became a fan of him since I saw one of his promos on smackdown about drugs and the other stuff he talks about. Also he does not bore me in the ring.

My third and last is the Miz, I used to see him as a joke a year ago then I started watching his segments again and I like his mic work and he has one of the coolest if not the coolest phrases on raw right now.....I'm the Miz and I'm AWESOME!!!
Undertaker- He's my favorite wrestler of all time and he always has been. He is so respected by his fellow superstars and by his fans because he's had such an illustrious career. He's accomplished so much, from winning multiple titles to his undefeated WrestleMania streak. I always get goosebumps when he comes out to the ring.

Drew McIntyre- He is my favorite newcomer. I always look forward to seeing him on Smackdown each and every week, and I get really excited whenever he comes out to the ring. I think he has such tremendous talent and is the future of the WWE. He has tons of charisma and is one of the best talkers I've ever heard. I adore his accent, and I think he's really gorgeous. He's one of the best heels in the whole WWE. I've really enjoyed his recent feuds with Truth, Haas, Finlay, and most recently, John Morrison. He impresses me so much in the ring with his awesome athletic talent. I'm really proud of him for winning the IC title and for being such a dominant champion. He really reminds me of a young Triple H, and I can see him having a bright future.

Chris Jericho- Another one of my personal favorites. I go absolutely nuts whenever he's on. He's accomplished so much and is so charismatic and funny. Plus, I met him and I have my picture taken with him:)

Finlay- I've always liked him from day one. There's just something special in him that I really like. I really enjoy his fighting style and he's really enjoyable to watch.

DX- I absolutely love Shawn and Triple H. Both as DX and as individuals, whether heels or faces, I don't give a crap. I love those two. HBK and The Game are two of the greatest superstars of all time. (I don't care how much people bash them on here because of their positions backstage.) They're still awesome superstars. They know how to entertain a crowd and they've won multiple titles. Plus they're frickin' hilarious. If you're not down with that... I got two words for ya....SUCK IT!:D

Edge- I've loved him since the Attitude Era when he won all those tag titles with Christian. He absolutely amazed me. He's still one of my favorites to this day.

Big Show- He's so dominant in the ring and crushes anyone who gets in his way. Plus he has charisma, is a pretty decent talker, and can put on an awesome match! I always get excited when Show comes out!

Kane- I really enjoy watching Kane. Especially when he unites with 'Taker. I really like it when Kane chokeslams the living crap out of people just because he feels like it or because he's pissed off.

*All these guys I care about I will cheer for whether they are a heel or a face. These guys are my favorites, and I enjoy watching them wrestle:)
My favorite is The Undertaker.

He put over many guys in the past. He made orton, lesnar, and kennedy as a main eventer. His undefeated streak should never be broken.

My second favourite is M.V.P,

third favourite is christian,

4th favourite is jericho

and 5th is edge.
I'm not really sure I understand what you mean about care. I don't relly care about any of them, but if you mean who do I want to see, it changes. Rey Mysterio's consistently entertaining performances throughout 2009 mean that he has grown into somebody who's appearance I look out for on PPV. On television, Christian's mic work is probably the most consistently appealing to me, so I look out for him too. For the same reasons in various degrees, I also look out for Cena, HHH, Jericho, Edge, The Miz, there's more, but basically I'll get back to it.

I like to give new guys a chance, and at the moment I'm enjoying to see Drew McIntyre.

If care means who do I want to do well, then its basically just the same list of who I enjoy watching, because it'll put them on TV more. I'm not really bothered though about any of it if other people get on the card, as long as they do something interesting when they're there.

I suppose the wrestlers that I do care about are the ones that I don't "don't care" about, if you see what I mean. I start out being interested in people, and what they do next determines whether or not I continue to. If wrestlers put on entertaining matches/good promos, then I continue to care, if they don't, I don't.
If I had to choose one, it has to be Mickie James... my favourite wrestler in the WWE ever since Kurt Angle asked for his release. Big surprise with my avatar and username, right?

When she debuted with the company, I was a big fan of Trish Stratus at the time and noticed the storyline they were playing out. As time went on, Mickie James started to grow on me and found out she had actual wrestling skills. It really clicked when I watched Wrestlemania 22, where although I was rooting for Trish to win, she got me to "care" about her. Something about the way she was able to portray her character and give a psychological influence to how she worked was the thing that did it. Sure, the psychotic lesbian character was cool and all, but what she did with it amazed me. I have been impressed with her through all this time and she got me hooked on her character, and later on, the fact that she is very versatile as a worker to be dependable in executing any role. If I wasn't watching WWE out of habit and loyalty, Mickie James would be the main reason I tune into their programming.

I have other favourites, characters I love and stars I see a bright future in... but none of them have made me care about them the way that Mickie James has, other than being a kayfabe fan (cheering the faces/booing the heels) or admiring everything from an analytical stance of course.
well personally those people i would be caring about in the wwe would be:

chris jericho: simply one of the best wrestlers this business has to offer when it comes being an all-round star if you ask me, and i can't help but being a little bit excited everytime jericho comes on the mic, or wrestles a match, he's a huge part in me enjoying smackdown, and i also enjoyed raw so much more when jericho was around, quite honestly i miss jericho on raw already.

shawn michaels: just everything he does.. with d-generation x he always puts a smile on my face, even considering how redicilously dumb some of their segments can be, i just can't help it, and when he wrestles matches i know i gotta pay attention cause he gives so much of himself you just can't miss it.
Who do I care about in the WWE... well, that requires two kinds of answers, I guess.

The people whose matches and talent I appreciate are the following:

Randy Orton - since going Viper he's been entertaining albeit slow and he has the potential to explode popularity-wise if he goes tweener.

Santino Marella - gifted on the stick, solid in the ring and working with what he's given. Despite having had the same gimmick for years now, he's still managed to keep his act fresh; that says something of his talent.

John Morrison - athletically gifted and extremely well-versed, though his mic skills could use some work. He's one of the reasons I enjoy SmackDown over RAW.

The Miz - when he dialed up the intensity and arrogance a notch during his Cena "feud" he caught me on. He is gold on the stick and his in-ring game as improved a LOT lately.

Dolph Ziggler - underrated as hell imo. A very talented worker with good mic skills. I have no idea why McIntyre is pushed over this guy.

Chris Jericho - even though I find him stale as fucking hell in his current gimmick. There's only so much verbal diarrhea I can stand and he's been doing the same speech for the past year or so now. It's getting old.

Christian - this guy bloomed in TNA and is now ready to take the step up to SmackDown main event level. I don't want him on RAW, because I think he will be buried, lost in the shuffle and released within a year if he goes there.

Now, for the second answer - which of the characters in the WWE am I emotionally invested in? Who do I care if they win or lose, their stories and such? THAT answer is a very simple one:

if taking care means pushing a talented guy then i would go with shelton benjamin!!!

my reasons are that this guy is simply awesome in the ring, his ring work has stil not been appreciated by wwe, this guy can be a potential break-through in the main event scene.

my personal favorites in wwe tv right now are

2.Randy Orton
3.The Undertaker
4.the miz
5.Zack Ryder

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