Which wrestlers would you relate with these match types?


is a happier and wiser man
Last week, there was a thread in the forums on Pay-Per-Views and the wrestlers that tend to perform exceptionally well on those nights, like The Undertaker on Wrestlemania or HBK on Royal Rumble...
Based on that idea, I'm making this thread on certain Match Types, and the wrestlers that have a great track record and probability of performing better in them.
Below is a list of match types, followed by my picks and reason:

1. Royal Rumble match: Shawn Michaels- Entered the Rumble match 12 times and eliminated 41 wrestlers, the most by any superstar. There is no denying that on this night, Shawn has the biggest edge, and the swiftest kick to send one flying over the top rope.
2. Extreme Rules/TLC match: Edge- Extreme icons have come and gone, but nobody managed to impress as much as the Rated-R superstar in this field. From Flair to Taker to Hardys to Dudleys, he has beaten them all!
3. Money in the Bank Ladder Match: CM Punk- He is Mr. Money in the Bank. When it comes to climbing the ladder and unhooking the briefcase, this man is above anyone else.
4. "I Quit" match: John Cena- This man just doesn't give up! His record in this match is so impressive, it has almost become his signature match, as Casket match is for Taker.
5. Last Man Standing: Randy Orton- By hook or by crook, The Viper always emerges victorious in this format of the game, standing tall while his opponent is down for the count.
6. Iron Man match: Kurt Angle- The master of wrestling slams and holds, just cannot be outmatched in a match where the aim is to get the most number of falls within a time limit.
7. Lethal Lockdown:Sting- Faced many that are bigger, stronger and faster than him, but it is the heart of a champion that gives The Icon a definite advantage in one of the most brutal matches in wrestling today.
8. Monsters' Ball: Abyss- He has won some, He has lost some. But as soon as you hear the words "Monsters' Ball", another set of words rushes through your mind- "The Monster Abyss"
9. Ultimate-X match: Motor City Machine Guns- Their speed, Their style, Their gravity defying abilities are only a few of the qualities that make Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley the kings of the Ultimate-X.
10. Hell in a Cell: Degenaration-X- "The Game" Triple-H, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, these two gentlemen have made a solid mark in the most popular gimmick match in the business. Be it individually, or be it Tag-Team style, if DX is on the opposite corner, you better have your a**es insured!

Please contribute your picks with reason, so as to avoid making this a spam-filled thread. Have fun, and feel free to add your own match types!
I'll post the few I find worthy:

Royal Rumble - Stone Cold Steve Austin

HBK is right there, maybe a pip or two below but Austin for me is the man for Rumble matches. His appearances have always brought more chaos and ruckus than any other and he is what a 3 time winner yes?

Ladder Match - Shawn Micheals

How do you not go with Shawn! I mean I have seen his two ladder matches with Ramon and that match with Bret and it's just brilliant. Couple with that his recent escapades in the 3 stages of hell (not so recent now that I think of it). But for me, he is the one who defines Ladder Matches.

Hell in a Cell Match - Undertaker

The whole demonic and blood-thirsty ambience that this structure is propogated as scream's The Devil's Playground. Undertaker has been involved in the best Cell matches bar none. I think Hunter's matches are way behind the quality of matches Taker has had in there. From Foley to Orton to Brock to Edge, they've all been good. Some more than others.

Tables Match - The Dudley Boyz

Ye when a furniture is part of your finish, you know you will always be synonymous whenever any of the two are spoken. I would encourage them to start their own table line called 'Extreme Tables: 3D Proof', but they'd probably send me the way of Mae Young.

TLC - Edge/Jeff Hardy

Definitely Edge, but I do think Hardy has done enough (read as taken enough insane bumps) to warrant his name here. I think the clip of Edge spearing hardy of the hook from Mania X7 is the epitome of TLC.

Ironman Match - Shawn Micheals

Maybe biased because I watched the Anaheim match yesterday and found it enthralling. And to boot that he had a stellar match with Cena and Angle to his credit, so no questions, HBK.
Royal Rumble
It has to be Kane, even though he has never won a Royal Rumble. He has eliminated more people than anyone else, consistantly looked dominant over the years due to his size and strength, and holds the record for the most eliminations in one Rumble match

Hardy Boyz/ Dudley Boyz/ Edge and Christian
When I think of TLC matches, I think of the epic matches between 3 of the greatest teams of all time. You cannot pick just one team, as all 3 made those TLC matches what they were. Spectacular bumps from all involved led to some of my favourites matches. If I had to pick just one wrestler from the 6 however, it would be Edge as he went on to have TLC matches as a singles competitor.

Hell In A Cell
The Undertaker
I know Triple H has been in a hell of a lot of Cell matches, but this is Undertaker's match. From the first HIAC against Shawn Michaels where HBK was bloodied, to the famous match against Mankind when Mick Foley was thrown from the Cell, to the brutal match against Brock Lesnar and the upcoming battle with Triple H at this year's Wrestlemania, the Deadman is synonomous with the Devil's Playground.

Tables Match
Dudley Boyz
Was it ever going to be anyone else? Bubba Ray and D'Von made their names with tables back in the original ECW, and brought that gimmick with them to the WWE. Their association with the wood led to the "T" in the TLC gimmick match, and the shout "D'Von...Get the tables!" will go down in history. The put women through the tables and must have shattered hundreds over the years.

Inferno Match
Kane's gimmick was that he was burned badly and had to wear a full body suit and the Inferno match between him and Undertaker was based around that. It was terrifying to watch, as 2 men were so close to being set on fire. Kane also had the most recent inferno match against MVP, so he is the one I think of when I think of that match type.

Money In The Bank
CM Punk
There is nobody who defines this match type, as almost every competitor has had some memorable moves in these matches, but as the man who has won 2, the only man to do so, CM Punk is probably the guy I would pick, followed by Rob Van Dam as he changed his "Mr Monday Night" nickname to "Mr Money In The Bank" and made a big deal of cashing in his briefcase at the One Night Stand PPV against John Cena infront of a rabid ECW crowd.

I Quit match

Simply because of the brutal I Quit match against The Rock at Royal Rumble 1999, where Mankind was handcuffed and took an unbelievable number of unprotected chairshots from The Rock, was left with a huge gash in his head and had it all documented on the "Beyond The Mat" movie, where we saw Mick Foley's family in tears after watching him get his ass kicked in the match. Hard to watch.

Casket Match and Buried Alive match
The Undertaker
The match types were created to fit with The Deadman's gimmick, they are and will always be his and his alone.
Royal Rumble match - Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, Kane
I have three that I think of when I hear Royal Rumble. Shawn Michaels has had many memorable showings in the match such as when he entered first and won. Kane has eliminated so many guys in Rumble matches, you always know he will be out on a rampage each year he competes. Stone Cold has won it more than anyone else.

TLC - Edge, Jeff Hardy
I cannot hear about TLC matches without instantly thinking about some of the insane spots that Edge, Christian, and the Hardys did in the first TLC match. Moreso Edge and Jeff than their respective partners. The spear spots and swanton spots were so crazy, it's a wonder these guys are even alive today. The memories!

Money in the Bank Ladder Match - Edge
This match type was a perfect fit for someone like Edge. He was already great at Ladder matches, but now his ultimate opportunist persona was ready to take it to the next level and both of his cash-in's set the standard for every cash-in that followed. An argument could be made for CM Punk too, but Edge always comes to mind first with MITB matches.

"I Quit" match - John Cena
Easily Cena here. His entire persona is based around how he refuses to quit, thus making this match type his specialty. It's a perfect fit and it would take a mega heel doing something truly evil (kayfabe) to ever get Cena to say the words "I quit".

Last Man Standing - Randy Orton
I always think of Orton with Last Man Standing matches. He has been through many of these matches where he brutally took his opponents to the limit. The No Mercy 2007 match where he won the WWE Championship after Cena's injury comes to mind usually.

Iron Man match - Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels
Do I even need an explanation here? They put on one of the best matches of all time and kept fans entertained for an entire hour, something some people thought they would never be able to pull off. This set the pace for every other Iron Man match since then.

Monsters' Ball - Abyss
This match was created just for him. His character is a monster and the use of weapons only makes it more interesting. You can't have a Monster's Ball without Abyss.

Hell in a Cell - Undertaker, Triple H
There is a reason this match type was picked for them at Wrestlemania this year. They are the two best at it and are the first names that come to mind when this match type is brought up. This year's match between them at Wrestlemania will only further how much their names are associated with the match as it added many moments that can be used for highlight reels of this match type that already feature both Taker and Trips in classic Hell In a Cell matches.

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