Which wrestler would you push?


Dark Match Winner
We all have a few personal favourites, who we think should be getting farther in the business then they actually are. Wrestlers who day in and day out turn up for work, but get limited mic time, demeaning story lines and simply, get squashed. If you had the power to push just ONE wrestler, who would you push to the top? How would you set up their rise? What would it involve.

Personally, they should be doing more with Ted Dibiase. February of last year, Dibiase hits Orton with the lead pipe, and the crowd goes nuts. Then all of a sudden, Dibiase en route to Wrestlemania becomes a heel, mainly because of the way the WWE booked him. Now, he has ALMOST faded away into obscurity. If given the right push and not getting squashed by a different NXT rookie every week, this guy could be gold. Anyway, that's just my opinion.
My pick would be Michael Tarver. The guy has a badass look and everytime he cut a promo when he was in Nexus he was a heat magnet even getting more heat than Barrett half the time. He has great mannerisms and an intimidating look and presence.

I would build him up just knocking people out cold and make him seem unbeatable.
This is a tough call for me.

I would have to agree with gj2000 that Ted Dibiase should get a push. He's got the look and lineage and he's not terrible on the mic. I'm just not sure how his work ethic is. After the Legacy thing, I thought he'd be moved into the main event picture or at least work his way there but that was not the case.

The other one is Mason Ryan. I don't know too much about him from his days in the in FCW or OVW or where-ever he was but to me, he's a carbon copy of Batista. Now, to some that may not be a great thing but Batista made it big in the WWE and I think Mason Ryan could too if they push him.
I know you all are going to shun me for this, but I would truly push R-Truth. I wouldn't push him as a face rather as a heel. Now hear me out. I know everyone is tired of the rapper gimmick employed by black wrestlers, but this wouldn't be a rap gimmick; it'll be more like a street thug gimmick. I know that the street thug gimmick is probably just as tired as the rapper gimmick. However, my representation would be a lot more convincing than that written by geek creative writers, who probably never left the suburbs.

As a heel I'd make Truth so ruthless, greedy, cocky, and grimmy. Of course, I'd give him a posse. Truth's story would be that he complains that he scratched and clawed his way out of the gutter, yet can't get a decent push in the WWE because "the man" is keeping him down. His first feud would be with Mr. McMahon, who treatens to fire Truth. However, Truth has lawyered up--and his lawyers tell Vince that to fire Truth would be a violation of Civil Rights laws. Therefore, Vince and Truth would have a match with the stipulation that if Truth loses, Truth has to leave the WWE, but if Truth wins, he gets a title shot. Utimately, Truth gets a dirty victory, and he and his goons destroy Vince after the Match.

To NOT glorify a thuggish life style, and to ease racial tension, I'd have David Otanga as Truth's second man. But David would be a voice of reason, always opposing Truth's views, thus Otanga transitions to a face, who would utimately contest Truth. Still, along the way, Truth would push the bounderies of the PG rating, have a successful title run, and utimately realize the error of his ways.
Wade Barrett.

Okay, admittedly the dude has been pushed fairly well so far, but I would take it to the next level. He is gold on the mic, good in the ring, and is an impressive physical specimen. He really doesn't need to be in a stable to get over.

I'd have him be a more dominant heel. Implement a lot more of that bare knuckle boxer background. Make it so that the face has to work around that to get the win. It should be thought of as suicidal to stand there and trade punches with this guy.

Get rid of Wasteland, it just doesn't fit Barrett (not to mention it is visually unimpressive). If anything, this guy should have a knockout punch finisher which could be easily established bu having him use it to pin the Big Show.

Make him a legitimate threat, which is something they haven't really done yet. All of his big wins have been screwjobs usually based on group beat downs. Give the guy some clean victories over some top WWE faces, and even some heels (names like Mysterio, Big Show and Kane come to mind) and make him look good in the process. I'm not talking "monster heel", so much as a more dominant style of heel. Something akin to the push Del Rio has had, but using a dominant brawler style.
i know this guy might already have one but mine is daniel bryan. he does win alot but get the us title off him after wm27. he needs to start wrestling at ppv. he needs to have a match at wm27. he is one of the best WRESTLERS today. don't give a title push that fast. do what they did to jeff hardy in '08 have him earn his title shot but make it much longer. they should of had him in the chamber match
I know you all are going to shun me for this, but I would truly push R-Truth. I wouldn't push him as a face rather as a heel. Now hear me out. I know everyone is tired of the rapper gimmick employed by black wrestlers, but this wouldn't be a rap gimmick; it'll be more like a street thug gimmick. I know that the street thug gimmick is probably just as tired as the rapper gimmick. However, my representation would be a lot more convincing than that written by geek creative writers, who probably never left the suburbs.

As a heel I'd make Truth so ruthless, greedy, cocky, and grimmy. Of course, I'd give him a posse. Truth's story would be that he complains that he scratched and clawed his way out of the gutter, yet can't get a decent push in the WWE because "the man" is keeping him down. His first feud would be with Mr. McMahon, who treatens to fire Truth. However, Truth has lawyered up--and his lawyers tell Vince that to fire Truth would be a violation of Civil Rights laws. Therefore, Vince and Truth would have a match with the stipulation that if Truth loses, Truth has to leave the WWE, but if Truth wins, he gets a title shot. Utimately, Truth gets a dirty victory, and he and his goons destroy Vince after the Match.

To NOT glorify a thuggish life style, and to ease racial tension, I'd have David Otanga as Truth's second man. But David would be a voice of reason, always opposing Truth's views, thus Otanga transitions to a face, who would utimately contest Truth. Still, along the way, Truth would push the bounderies of the PG rating, have a successful title run, and utimately realize the error of his ways.

Now I actually like this idea. I have always liked Truth, especially back in TNA when he was involved in the world title scene. I was happy to see him return to the WWE, but since he has been back I have just got reallllly bored with him. He is so stale right now, and his moveset isnt what it was. In TNA he was really exciting but nothing about him right now interests me.

I think a heel R-Truth, reverting to his "Ron Killings" ring name would be so much better. I think his persona would be much better suited to a heel character, he can talk on the mic and sound aggressive and would be perfect as the "street thug" character described in the original post. JTG could join as one of his goons too, and perhaps Michael Tarver. Plus it would help to give those 2 guys a push too.
Zack Ryder is the most underrated wrestler in WWE. He's fucking great! I'd build him up on Superstars with real feuds, where he cuts promos against Superstars wrestlers like Regal, Goldust, Yoshi and who else is there and then slowly move him up in Smackdown and RAW.
A redundant thread but a thread where I can shout out of my fav. wrestlers today...

Zack Ryder.

Great gimmick, draws good heat and gets attention, he can work as a comedic heel/face like Santino, and he's good in the ring and has the "look". Now, he's no main eventer, but I want him to be pushed to mid card status, someone you see every week.

Also, for the love of god, I'd let him have his attire back, the half length legging for his pants, and the other side full length. IT was great, and different, and he has a nice moveset.

WOO WOO WOO my friends.
I know I'm gonna get groans from this forum, but I'd really like to see Goldust elevated before his eventual retirement. Probably not getting a world title, but at least seriously competing for one at a major PPV. I think you can use his book and his amazing turn around from drugs/alcohol and how he has repaired relationships with his father as part of the storyline. While I would probably have him compete as Goldust I would also let the commentators break down the wall and actively discuss him as Dustin Rhodes as well. Kind of like "the many faces of Foley"

I also think this would be a great opportunity to have a Cody vs. Dustin feud. I think Cody as a heel saying how he was always the better son and he had to grow up with the shame of Dustin in his abusive prime. "I had to live with dad during those five years when you wouldn't speak to him, Dad may have forgiven you but I never will."

I think those matches could draw a lot of Drama and really be the best brother v brother feud since Bret vs. Owen. Both guys are solid workers who could put together a really great overall program.
#1 I think Zack Ryder could be great. The guy has an actual gimmick, charisma, and is a good worker. He was getting good TV time on ECW before that was replaced by NXT. The Guy needs to move to Smackdown, be allowed to cut promos jersey style (which everyone hates right now anyways) and start winning matches against credible opponents. Shoot....I've been saying how WWE should put the Tag Team Title back on Big Show since he had 2 great runs with Jericho & Miz. Big Show and Ryder could be a Tag Team where Ryder is the cocky mouth peice (ala Jericho/Miz) and Big Show is his enforcer. Of course they break up and Ryder should be doing Vinettes like Cody Rhodes does with his Grooming tips. Ryder could even host his own Show like the Highlight reel.

#2 Christian should have already been pushed. He has a huge fan base and works as both a face and Heel. He could very easily win MITB and CASH IN on his BEST Friend Edge. A Edge vs Christian feud would be huge right now and it doesn't matter who plays the face or heel. WWE wants new Superstars, yet they already have one in Christian

#3 Trent Baretta. Unfortunitally this guy only shows up on Superstars. If ECW was still around he could have been doing big things there. If you've seen any of his matches, you know he's got talent. I've seen him several times at FCW Shows and he's fantastic. Draws the most heat, and is entertaining as heel. Ricky Steamboat and Jerry Lawler both wrestled FCW events within the last year. Guess who they both worked with? YEP Trent Barreta. Same as you get anybody over, you stick a mic in their hand and let them cut promos in the ring, backstage, and thru vingettes.
Make him a legitimate threat, which is something they haven't really done yet.

Somewhere along the way WWE has lost the formula for making superstars a legitimate threat. Has anyone watched a season of Dragon Ball Z, specifically the season with Frieza? DBZ does an excellent job building up the villian as this unbeatable foe. WWE, on the other hand, has heels/villians always winning dirty, or outright running from a fight, or putting someone useless over.

The WWE needs to build up a heel character the same way they built up Cena as this superhereo that can overcome seemingly impossible odds. When ever the WWE feels that they have that next "big star", they need to make him heel, give him not a stable but just a fine chick, have him run through the ranks undefeated until Wrestlemania, and let it culminate with a match againt someone like John Cena at Wrestlemania. That's epic.

BTW, I know you creative writers at WWE are required to read post in these and other forums to research fans' views. Listen to us; this is what we want.
I agree with a couple of the choices, R-Truth, and Daniel Bryan.

R-Truth, I think could make a really good heel, if he was pushed with a Nation of Domination type gimmick, possibly with JTG, and either Mark Henry and/or Michael Tarver, and make R-Truth the leader with a gimmick like, the WWE is against the blacks type of thing. This could definately work, and it would be a way to get him over as a heel.

Daniel Bryan, anyone who followed his career on the independents (ROH, Japan), knows why he should be pushed. I definately agree that he should have been in the Elimination Chamber match, and I definately agree that, they should take the US title off of him(my choice is to give it to DiBiase). I think a good idea is(if they have one), put him in the MITB match at Wrestlemania, or even at the next MITB PPV, have him win it.

If you remember, both of these guys have pinned/submitted the current WWE champion, and both won the US title from him.
I will go with someone I haven't seen mentioned yet, Curt Hawkins.

This man has a great look and is fantastic in the ring. I haven't herd any mic work from him, but I'm sure he'd be ok.

I would build him up as a top face (because WWE needs one). I would have an Edge start feuding with a heel team such as Corre, Nexus, of even a new team, either way Edge would always put up a good fight, but the numbers game would get him in the end.

After 2 weeks or so Edge would start teasing the return of a former partner, the crowd assumes Christian, but when the team starts beating down Edge again Hawkins makes the save to a huge pop. Eventually the feud wraps up and Hawkins keeps hanging around Edge and even wins the IC title.

Soon Edge and Hawkins go for the tag titles, but Christian comes out and attacks Hawkins saying that he is Edge's true partner setting up for Christian vs Hawkins with Edge as the ref. Edge turns on Hawkins and gives Christian the win.

This sets up Hawkins vs Edge at a ppv, which Edge wins, but now Hawkins is majorly over.
Christian is so obvious it's unbelievable so I guess I wont bother with that one. I have a few people that should be pushed and I'll do ones that aren't mentioned.

Chris Masters... He has the look, the in ring ability AND good mic skills and I think he could be a future main eventer. They need to build him up like his Master lock is an unbreakable finisher once again, get him to go over guys like Mark Henry, Sheamus etc and by go over I mean make them pass out to the Master lock.

Tyler Reks... He is a potential future beast, maybe not in the main event scene but atleast high-mid card. The guy has a unique look and his in ring ability isn't something to be ashamed of. I haven't heard much of his mic skills but if they are bad how about giving him a manager, it could work because of his unique look. (Dunno who I'd put as a manager... maybe "The Bizzare One" himself Goldust!?)
Zack Ryder.

-His character is just awesome, WWE needs to put him on tv more. You even see random signs from the crowd saying "Push Zack Ryder". His Jersey Guido attitude would give him easy heat from the crowd. I mean he's not that bad in the ring..WOO WOO YOU KNOW IT
Jack Swagger- I wanna see him just go through people making them tap out going around "injuring" opponents I can really see him doing that and the WWE should do that.
Another ones Dibiase come on why's he on a losing streak? dont say they have nothing for him or Swagger b/c even if they didn't dont have them loose all the time to jobbers at least have them win matches it's just crazy and when you watch them in a match you don't even have to guess who will win
No one's mentioned TNA yet, so I'm going with two wrestlers under contract with that company. I'm talking about Robert Roode, and James Storm. Maybe the timing isn't right yet to split them up, with Beer Money INC. being so over, the tag champs, and with them being involved with Fortune (Fourtune?)...not to mention their role in the biggest angle going in TNA right now...

Once the timing IS right, I think both of these guys could be HUGE (if TNA creative developed their characters/feud correctly). Granted, TNA needs to get out of the Impact Zone and travel, etc...but that's a matter for another discussion.

Did you see the promo that Roode delivered to Jarret on Impact last night? Wow, his promo skills are fantastic. I think that Storm and Roode both could play a fantastic heel or face, the initial feud between the two of them would be so much fun to watch. No belt needed in that feud, but a great story line would definitely help (a reason for them to split).

I don't think there will be a Jannety-factor for BMI, I think both of these guys will be great singles competitors in the future. A way better choice than the Hardyz at this point, I can't wait for the inevitable split between these two.

Story line-wise, I'd wait until at least this Summer to split them up, however. I think this whole "they" vs. "they" thing needs a little more time before I would make this a top-priority on Impact. If I was in charge of TNA creative, Storm and Roode would be near (or at) the top of the card by this time next year.

Get his ass away from Santino. Put him back as an anti-american heel. Take on other villans as well. I think he's a better wrestler than Shamus and if he got a push, Then Kozlov should definitely get one.

He is a very underrated wrestler. And has the gimmick to be a believable threat against the WWE faces.
No one's mentioned TNA yet, so I'm going with two wrestlers under contract with that company. I'm talking about Robert Roode, and James Storm. Maybe the timing isn't right yet to split them up, with Beer Money INC. being so over, the tag champs, and with them being involved with Fortune (Fourtune?)...not to mention their role in the biggest angle going in TNA right now...

Once the timing IS right, I think both of these guys could be HUGE (if TNA creative developed their characters/feud correctly). Granted, TNA needs to get out of the Impact Zone and travel, etc...but that's a matter for another discussion.

Did you see the promo that Roode delivered to Jarret on Impact last night? Wow, his promo skills are fantastic. I think that Storm and Roode both could play a fantastic heel or face, the initial feud between the two of them would be so much fun to watch. No belt needed in that feud, but a great story line would definitely help (a reason for them to split).

I don't think there will be a Jannety-factor for BMI, I think both of these guys will be great singles competitors in the future. A way better choice than the Hardyz at this point, I can't wait for the inevitable split between these two.

Story line-wise, I'd wait until at least this Summer to split them up, however. I think this whole "they" vs. "they" thing needs a little more time before I would make this a top-priority on Impact. If I was in charge of TNA creative, Storm and Roode would be near (or at) the top of the card by this time next year.

You see, this thread is in the World Wrestling Entertainment section. Therefore, this is only limited to wrestlers in the WWE.

I would push McIntyre. I've always thought he would make a better face and he's decent in the ring and he has been more vocal in and out of the ring. The possibility of Kelly Kelly turning heel leaves some interesting options on how to use Drew. I would like to see him feud with Edge or Mysterio after WM and by the end of the year, he could be where Ziggler is now.
First off Christian is awful in the ring he`s only got mic skills. R-Truth is one dimensional side show. i would say Wade Barrett but now with the corrrrrrrreee he`s lost his leadership status making him step down a notch. Morrison would be good but not now he still needs to develop a bit more I would say in a year or so. Kozlov is boring and his cheap head butt finisher is god awful. Ziggler is due for the belt soon he`s getting his push now a bit. And someone please put chavo guerrero out to pasture. He`s so terrible to watch always has been and to add insult he`s trying to gain browning points using uncle eddie`s moves no talent!!! Who the f is tyler reks lmao. He`s got gay written all over him.
Christian is awful in the ring? Which Christian are you watching?

Anyway, who would I push?

Kofi Kingston

This guy should have been in the main event by now. What is it? Orton's politicking? Because he got up too soon? Because he didn't get out at the exact moment when Orton was about to punt Piper? That's the production team's fault for messing up the cue. Who the hell is Orton to say somebody isn't ready for the main event when he admitted in 2004 that he wasn't ready himself?

Not only is he outstanding in the ring (I enjoy him, at least), his mic skills aren't the greatest but they aren't cringeworthy. I mean, this guy is probably the most decorated mid carder in the WWE today. I really, really hate how Orton eliminated he and Sheamus in the Rumble. I mean, this guy is a three time I.C. champ, a former tag champ and U.S. Champ. The only thing I can think of, is just like JoMo, they are going the HBK route with Kingston. What I mean is that HBK held the IC title 3 times before and after challenging several times for the WWF Championship until they pulled the trigger.

This guy is super over with the crowd. The crowd goes nuts with this guy. Not to mention he is MARKETABLE. He IS a guy who could go on PPV posters if you ask me and promote as a top star. Dare I say it, if you don't go the Orton or Mysterio route, I think Kofi, yes Kofi, could be the Rock to Cena's Austin.

I don't like playing the race card; but is it because he's black? WWE hasn't had a black champion in five years. I know you have to be over, draw, all that jazz. WWE has said they want a black champion? Kofi Kingston is the best hope you have and I think he is a good one too. If he was white and had everything else going for him, what would be the argument against him then? It's harder to get over as a face than as a heel; but Kofi has done just that.
john morrison all he needs is one killer promo ala shawn michaels 'i will give you the best match you will ever see...', and then one big match

if not i fear he will become a jeff hardy type spot monkey
john morrison all he needs is one killer promo ala shawn michaels 'i will give you the best match you will ever see...', and then one big match

if not i fear he will become a jeff hardy type spot monkey

Hardy still made in the WWE didn't he? Go ahead and say that all of his reigns were crap; but it's remarkable how over he was. He had an epic feud with C.M. Punk and after all of those years, he finally made it. They finally gave it to him.

Obviously, Morrison isn't gonna go THAT long without the strap; but if it means he'll become like Jeff, then he'll still go down as a champion. I can see it happening.
There are numerous wrestlers I think DESERVE a run at the top. But this feels more like a "younger guy" question. Maybe not, but that is how I am looking at it.

A guy I would take, right from the "bottom" and push through the roof would be, Alex Riley. He is getting a great rub right now, being around The Miz. He has every tool needed to be a big star, and uses them well.

He has the ability to elevate a feud with his verbal skills and I think he is more than serviceable in the ring. He has the size AND the "look" of a pro wrestler, as well as the physique.

I can see him as a Heel and a Face. He would be believable either way and I think that gives "creative" a lot to work with. He seems like a guy on his way up. I think the sky is the limit for A-Ry.

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