Which TNA Superstars could have succeeded in WWE?


Getting Noticed By Management
The question is only about wrestlers who made their mainstream wrestling debut in TNA - that means no former WWE \ WCW \ ECW legends like Flair Hogan Dudley Boyz and so on on the list.
But guys like AJ Styles who barely got exposure can be on the list.

So my 5 superstars are:
1.Austin Aries - Charismatic young man who in my opinion would have played Rollins's character in the Authority and in the Shield better then him and needed to be the one to get this push instead of him.
2.Bobby Roode - Could have been a solid upper mid carder who faces guys like Jericho \ Ziggler \ Sheamus and so on.
3.Bram - Great hardcore character who would have made a great long term transitional mid card champion.
4.Jay Lethal - Needed to be in WWE so badly. In my opinion if anyone in this era deserves to be the first black man to win a world title it is him.
5.Petey Williams - Great wrestler. Could have easily been a mid card wrestler and get futher up the card if placed in the right storylines.

Who are your picks?
1. Bobby Roode - Easily could have made it in WWE. Has everything Vince loves in a wrestler and could have rivaled the likes of HHH, Edge and Randy Orton over the last decade as the top Heel in the company.

2. Chris Daniels - Never given the push he deserved in TNA, But if given the chance could have been a solid mid career in WWE and helped elevate the ic and us title divisions.

3. Aj Styles - proved for years in TNA how good he really is and if WWE had given him a chance I'm sure he would be a multiple time WWW Champion by now

4. The Wolves - why WWE never signed them is beyond me, have torn it up in TNA and could have done the same in WWE. Maybe if TNA go under they might reconsider.

5. Another solid alrounder who could have made a mark in WWE and could have possible stepped up to be a main eventer at some point.
A.J. Styles – A.J. Styles is the obvious choice. He can do it all and in fact, he has done it all. From the opening match, to the main event, to everything in-between, A.J. Styles can play a supporting role, and he can put a company on his back.

Abyss – He is Mankind with height. He is old school Kane with a voice. He can do it all, as long as he’s put in the right direction. He could have been Corporate Abyss for TNA, with the Joseph Park character.

Eric Young – TNA’s Daniel Bryan?? No, Daniel Bryan is WWE’s Eric Young. Versatility is one of his strong points and he seems to connect with the crowd no matter if he’s a face or a heel. He went from a lacky in Team Canada to the leader of World Elite.

Austin Aries – The complete package, Austin Aries is the Greatest Man To Ever Live. He has the face of a heel and the heel of a face. Meaning, he looks like a villain, but moves like a hero. A Double is Double A+ in my book.

Chris Sabin – If Chris Sabin jumped ship to the WWE and brought Velvet Sky with him, he would have made it to the big time…then the WWE would have done a Marc Mero. Well, maybe he could have been successful like Billy Kidman, but we will never know.

Honorable mention

Samoa Joe – He’s there already and is just bidding his time. I have a feeling he’ll do great on the main roster…one day.
Beer Money , Motor City Machine Guns. Two awesome tag teams that would've put the WWE tag division on notice by themselves. Abyss, as the masked crazy monster. There are direct parallels to the Mankind gimmick but Abyss is a better all around performer IMO. He'd fit in well in a largely non speaking role in The Wyatt Family. Or they could use him as this silent Sting-like assassin who attacks Face/heel wrestlers at random.

Eric Young, he has seemingly been kicking around TNA forever...he could play any role / gimmick given to him. I'd use him as an unstable/comedy act in WWE but with success instead of the usual comedy act jobber role. Or put him right along side King Barrett and form a widely entertaining Heel/face tag team combo.
The Wolves - why WWE never signed them is beyond me

Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards had a really good showing at a WWE tryout sometime before they ended up signing with TNA, which believe it or not, they had a deal with TNA in place 20 minutes after WWE decided not to sign them. Triple H was really high on them too. WWE ended up not signing them because they (most likely Vince and Dunn) felt that they had enough "Daveys and Eddies" And what else turned WWE off on them is their unwillingness to go through NXT to get used to the WWE style, instead they wanted to get shot straight up to the main roster.
I think most of the TNA wrestlers could have made it in WWE with the right push if its top 5 I'll go with
1, Eric Young as my top pick as I think this guy is so entertaining no matter what he's doing.
2, Beer Money I think this team would have given WWE's tag team division a huge boost and both guys are so talented to role into sucsessful singles careers in WWE afterwards.
3, AJ Styles Theres so many dream matches he could have against Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins or Brock Lesnar for example.
4, Magnus Think he would also be a great addition to any roster even as a tag team with Wade Barrett or a singles wrestler.
5, The Beautiful People I could have seen the trio come in as a heel group and dominate the divas division.
James Storm will succeed in WWE and if he is smart he will sign a WWE contract because unlike TNA Vince will pay him on time.
TNA has had some fantastic talents over the years, and alot of them could have been big stars in WWE, given the opportunity.

The main one who jumps out for me is "The It Factor of Professional Wrestling" Bobby Roode.It really does baffle me why WWE never brought Roode in, he really is the total package and it's criminal he has never been on the WWE roster. He's fantastic on the mic, has a great look and extremely good in the ring too. In my opinion he's very similar to Triple H, and has all the tools needed to have been a top star in WWE.

Plus, as well as being a top level singles guy, Roode could have come in along with James Storm as Beer Money, who have been one of the best tag teams of the last decade and could have really added to the weak WWE Tag Team division.
Bobby Roode

It's already been said, but Roode reminds me so much of Triple H. He has a great look, is solid as all hell in the ring, can give a great promo and can work VERY well as part of a team. And he's been criminally underutilized in TNA; how he is only a 1 time World Champion is beyond me, and is borderline disgraceful when you have such a talented guy on the roster. He should have held that strap so many more times than he has and were he ever to have ended up in WWE, he could make it as the foil to a man event babyface. At 38 could he possibly still accomplish that? It would have to happen very soon but yeah, I think he's still mor than good enough.


James Storm

If Roode should be TNA's Triple H, Storm should have been TNA's HBK/Austin. He has that swagger and intensity, is charismatic as all hell and is good in the ring to boot. The same as Roode though; how is he only a one time World Champion? Now, yes, he is there in NXT every so often, but at 38 sadly I think it's a little late in the game for him to quite hit the level of World Champion unless he were to get over VERY fast. Back when he was white hot and feuding with Roode over the title would have been PERFECT timing, but even though he's cooled down somewhat I could easily see him being on the main roster now fighting for the US title.

WWE POTENTIAL PROSPECT: US/IC TITLE HUNT (slim main event potential though)

AJ Styles

You may have guessed by now that I'm not TNA's biggest fan, but I really would like to be. But stuff like what happened with Styles, and the fact that they let him go, baffles me to this day. Best wrestler outside of WWE right now in my (and many others) opinions, and has every tool (yeah, promos are a little weak but he can more than hold his own) to be one of the best in WWE. Same age as Roode and Storm, but in a different league in terms of just how good he is. That lacking on the mic might be a shortcoming, but you'd see him as a main eventer at some point for sure


Magnus/Nick Aldis

Magnus took a while to get going in TNA but eventually began to look like a star. Well rounded with a good presence and a very good talker, he deserved to be a TNA World Champion (and GFW Global Champion). Nick Aldis could easily be a Jericho/Angle-type in WWE if given the time to develop, where he could flip from midcard to main event almost on command. And at 29, time is way on his side.


Amazing Red

A bit of a different one here, I know, but someone there's definitely a place for, either as part of a team or on his own. A high flyer will always have a place in WWE, and Red has been regarded as one of the best on the indy scene. He copuld easily fill the role of someone to go out there and get the crowd off their feet.


Samoa Joe

Gosh, dang it. Another person I say 'what were they thinking?' about in regards to him only having ONE TNA World Title reign, Joe is killing it in NXT. While he doesn't quite have the 'superstar look', he bring a uniqueness both in his appearance and his style, making him stand out from the prototypical main eventer. Does that work to his advantage or detriment though? A little of both in my opinion. He will have a great career when he makes the main roster. As anything other than an upper mid carder though? Unlikely, yet not impossible.


Austin Aries

...yet again, only a 1-time TNA Champion??? Aries is great, and can do most things very well indeed. A little undersized? If there was ever an era where that didn't matter, we are in it. He can fly, be technical and talks like a boss. another Jericho-type upper mid carder here who could easily entertain anyone watching his matches.


Motor City Machine Guns

There is ALWAYS room for high flyers. And there is ALWAYS room for high flying tag teams. These guys are slick, they work great together AND individually. Both are still fairly young, and are talented enough across the board that they could really accomplish a hell of a lot there. Could either of them main event? Both could if given enough time to show what they can do, in my opinion. But would they? Time would tell.

WWE POTENTIAL PROSPECT: Tag team Champions (team) mid card (slim chance of upper mid card (both as singles) )

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