Which superstars do you feel WWE shouldn't have released?

Hassan was a good wrestler and a good talker. He was getting massive heat even before the terrorist angle.

Here's what pisses me off. The WWE writes a stupid, offensive storyline that a wrestler has to follow, and then when there's an outcry about the storyline, they fire the wrestler! WTF? What kind of shit is that?

Also, let's take Viscera. Okay, he was out of shape and big, but so is the useless, sweating Mark Henry. But, I liked Viscera when he had the ladies man gimmick. It was funny watching him hump guys and come out in his bathrobe with a hot dog or something. He was actually a little over.

Then, they bury him with a stupid angle that he probably didn't want, and then fire him because of it.

A lot, and I do mean a lot of good guys have been released for no other reason than that WWE's pile of dog shit writing painted them into a corner. Not fair at all. Your boss orders you to do something and then fires you when you do it right but it just doesn't make money.

Some young fellas use this abbreviation. I avoid it but, FTW! Not fair at ALL.
Right now I would have to say Matt Morgan. From what I understand he has come a long way in TNA. I think he was the big man that could take the place of the older big men wrestlers like Kane, Show etc...
Nathan Jones? Remember him? Yessir. The big Austrailian psycho had a hell of a lot of potential. He looked absolutely scary as hell. His theme was amazing too. He could definitely have been a top dude if given the chance, Matt Morgan too..
wow no one mentioned kenny dykstra. I honeslty thought of him as an eventual sure fire main eventer. His fued with HHH was awesome and so was the rest of his spirt squad days. He wrestled better then 90 pecent of the current raw roster and has mic skills that are only beat by miz and cena on raw and posibbly equal with ortons. He could of suceeded in raw giving another much needed heel or face
Elijah Burke- really was this guy was let go is beyond me. He's pretty much a more charismatic shelton. He had a great style and could draw a lot of heat on the mic.

He was released after he bashed The Diva Search Contest during The Ghost Hunters Live Show. He called it a waste of time (no pun intended), Vince didn't like that and made him sit on the shelf and do blogs on ECW until he was released.

Burke had World Championship material but again, WWE drops the ball on a great talent and person.

Hade Vensen - is another guy who got screwed over, he cuts an amazing promo and gets released before debuting.

The reason for his release was due to his cruiserweight size which wasn't enough to convince, Vince to have him feud with Taker.

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